Steward Rhodes charged with seditious conspiracy

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When are we going to see the thousands of Negroes and ANTIFA shitheads that spent six months of rioting, murdering, looting and destroying in over 200 American cities going to jail?

Never because the Joe Potatohead administration and the Democrat assholes were in solidarity with the insurrection.
---11 Oath Keepers Charged With Seditious Conspiracy to Prevent Transfer of Power on Jan. 6---

---Defense attorney calls the indictment a rehash of false charges and 'malicious prosecution'---

Y'all are certifiably nuts!!! Heaven help us!!! :eek:

Thats what his wife says

You are a weenie of your side. You do nothing but post on a semi-Trump minion site. WEAK
Well Fox allows readers of any political bend to post comments on their articles. I would enjoy talking to CNN or MSNBC readers but those outlets do not allow comments. Doesn't that give you a hint? It means their positions on nearly every single issue are indefensible. IOW, Elmer, you are fooling yourself. Not a great way to live one's life.

Lock their sorry asses up in Guantanamo and throw away the keys!
I found this paragraph in the article interesting:

"All I see Trump doing is complaining. I see no intent by him to do anything," Rhodes allegedly wrote. "So the patriots are taking it into their own hands. They've had enough," he allegedly said on Signal at 1:38 p.m. that day, shortly after the siege had begun.

And yet the left continue arguing that the rioters were marching to Trump's orders and that Trump could have stopped them.
The lawyers will have a lot of fun with this one.
AG Garland is a partisan far left extremist who is using the DOJ as a political weapon.
The Democrat Cult is practicing banana republic level of politics.
Yeah, that argument about Garland is not gonna fly. He's taken his time gathering the evidence for these charges up. If Garland (a judge by trade) has signed off on these indictments, then they are going to have teeth.
This is gonna turn out like all the other false FIB flags since President Trump's time in office. They're freakin liars and nothing but the enforcement arm of the Dem party. They've ruined themselves and hopefully they're disbanded. There's a blackout on the Whitmer kIdnap hoax case cause the fib is being shown to be behind it and incompetent as well as corrupt. Same for the J6 rally people and Manafort, STone, Flynt and now this. They can't let any of it go because they'll all go down together if they give it up now. Not that they'll actually go's just that they'll be exposed to the American Citizen and to the World for the rats they are.
Did they shoot at the Congressmen like the Bernie Sanders supporter did? You are quick to call me a Traitor; kind of like Che, anyone who does not agree with you. How rich. Also, you are full of shit to present yourself as one who respects America and stands on the side of “Defund the Police”, “F-the Police”. As for respect for America and the Law, where the fuck were your tears when American cities burned and innocents were beaten and assaulted while your side just cheered for BLM and denied ANTIFA existed?
What happened to that shooter? Why are you con-tinuing to dig up his body and drag it out........? That desperate? Have you seen anyone here defend him like YOU defend the Jan 6th thugs?
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