Steward Rhodes charged with seditious conspiracy

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Actually the law mentions nothing of guns. You'd know that if you read the actual law.

But an insurrection requires violence in abundance, jake. The kind where people die in large numbers.

That requires guns. The only people who had guns were the government, jake.

Now piss up a rope, jake.
But an insurrection requires violence in abundance, jake. The kind where people die in large numbers.

That requires guns. The only people who had guns were the government, jake.

Now piss up a rope, jake.
Wait a second. Did you just admit guns are the only weapons that can cause mass death?
Biden's DOJ has declared war against American patriots.

---The Oath Keepers is a non-partisan association of current and formerly serving military, police, and first responders, who pledge to fulfill the oath all military and police take to “defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”---

---Stewart Rhodes explained the role of the Oath Keepers in providing security at the Ellipse and at associated rallies on January 5th in the nation’s capital. Since last year several Oathkeepers have been arrested following the January 6 attacks.---

You supporting those traitors makes you a traitor.
Obama's friend and confident, Bill Ayers, spent about a decade terrorizing America with bombs. Sedition was the least of his problems when he was guilty of several hundred felonies including felony murder of fellow gang members who blew themselves up with a bomb intended for Ft. Dix Soldiers. He walks among us today a free man and a college professor with little or no stigma because a friendly judge blamed the FBI for "illegal surveillance". Meanwhile the DOJ rounds up political dissidents for the crime of criminal trespass. Who would have thought?
You bring up an interesting point....."essentially saying the same thing the far righties do here".....and we've have far righties here commit acts of terrorism in the past too.

Just one that we are aware of.

Moreover, you defend any acts of wonton domestic terrorism by any leftist sacking a major city.
So that's a yes, you are defending the Oathkeepers.

Just so we're clear.

Of course I am. I'm not afraid of your scrutiny or anyone else's.

Now, bring me an Antifa member facing the same circumstances as Mr. Rhodes and I will defend his rights too.

Do you really think I am as blatantly one-sided as any of you?

Because I don't see fetid messageboards like this one as a place to stake honor. So, you'll have to forgive me if I don't care what you think.
But we care that you support and believe in a seditious conspirator. Are you a member of the lol "Oath Keepers" gang?
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I learned that you support traitors. That must mean you're also a traitor. And before you start in with your but but but "Antifa terrorists" bullshit, I dont support left wing terrorism.

You can't call anyone "traitors" unless the accusations in the indictment are proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

But you don't care about due process, you operate purely based on emotions alone.

My argument is focused purely on Stewart Rhodes.
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