Stewart bites the dust

Toobfreak plays with traitors.

How can I be, I'm not a democrat or a Leftist, I believe in honesty, integrity and a government that works for the people not the other way around.

There has been an announced, publicized and bragged about intention from the very beginning going all the way back to 2016 to vilify Trump just as there was intention to steal the 2020 election and try to make a simple movement for a better America into some kind of dark "threat" to rally you dupes on the Left around into becoming the jack-booted fascist thugs you now are and so long wanted to be just as you've shown in city after city after city after city, out to get Trump and break the spirit of his wholesome simple American movement into submitting to Biden's new Nazi Gestapo of weaponized agencies of blind loyal followers. Biden goes after leaders, he goes after innocent men, he goes after corporations, he operates a gulag in DC, he makes an excuse to throw up a fence around DC for WEEKS meantime, no one really knows what he was doing in there all that time, just as they always do in coups, he goes after anyone who doesn't play ball with him, anyone but his masters in China whom he cannot utter one word against no matter how they brutalize their own people because Biden wants the same for here.

Biden's puppet handlers are behind and financing the war against Russia, they were behind crushing the truckers in Canada who blocked that bridge simply wanting a better deal so they could operate their businesses safely and reasonably, they are behind the mass invasion war at the southern border, they are behind the continued mobilization of China against millions, and against Taiwan, and they wave this J6 nonsense in front of your dull, unseeing eyes like children to keep you distracted. One week Trump is a russian spy stealing secret papers and the next week it is to break up a dangerous subversive underground that really doesn't exist---- whatever it takes to keep you distracted like a kitten with a ball. Every bad thing going on in the world today now has Joe Biden connected to it and on you clap like fools.

I think I saw one or two of the proud/oath guys on TV a year or two ago and they didn't strike me as terrorists or madmen at all, the diametric opposite of every kook and crazy radical I've ever seen on the left from Occupy to Chaz/CHOP to BLM and Antifa--- including the unbalanced freak nancy fruitcake of Biden's who just now got busted lifting a $2,000 suitcase at an airport and trying to steal it after not even entering the place with a suitcase! Shades of the Pelosi attack/break-in with fifteen different stories! Or Covid/Fauci with 20--- In fact, I've seldom seen more down to earth, intelligent, clean cut, well-spoken and articulated, conscientious, patriotic young men! But you go right on thinking you've busted up some ring of misfits, meantime, ALL of the violence and hate and rhetoric continues to ooze from the Left and grow, as every problem in this country just gets worse every day not better, for the joke is on all of you, just wait until you see what happens to this country next year and where Biden takes it next! :21: I've never seen such dolts as the likes of you who are literally being taken for the biggest ride in history between the top-down fascism being inflicted upon our society in every sector and the 30% hyperinflation you are all paying out of your own pockets, and yet you've fallen so hard for the democrat's divisionization of America, loft-right, rich-poor, city-country, north-south---the list just goes on and on using hate-victim politics that you somehow think you are actually "winning" something here, while being played like a phonograph record! :laughing0301:

You're no better than a rat in a maze strung along given a scent of cheese like a pawn, and your own blindness condemns you to the fate that awaits you in the end. Now go ahead and show us all how wrong I am and how smart you are by giving me a Funny!
Gawd it feels good to take down these traitors.
But you've taken down no one but yourself. God how your puppeteers must LAUGH at you! You've gained absolutely NOTHING.

trumps time is coming.
Sure it is, Wimpy. You've only shot 50,000 rounds his way, spent untold BILLIONS of dollars and nearly EIGHT YEARS, missing every time. But now you're just about to get him! And you've already paid 10X over the cost in trying to "get him" than his defeat will ever really get you! So, you've already lost! You've paid a far higher price in what it has already cost you as a person and just one look at you proves it. Like a little Nazi, if the first ten times trying a man for the same crime doesn't work, try him FIFTEEN TIMES until you get the outcome you want!


You've "saved" Amerika!
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A jury of their peers disagrees.
Peers my ass. Another hangman's jury in DC? They were found guilty just like Trump was before the fraud J6 committee before the proceedings ever begun.

And that you and others on the right support acts of seditious conspiracy comes as no surprise.
Stealing an election and covering it up with fraud hearings is the only seditious conspiracy I know. Very Nazi of you. Will you also shoot them at sunrise so that the truth never comes out?
Isn't that real sedition?

This is another victory for democracy.

Now the only remaining question is how much higher did those plans go, and who else might be held criminally responsible,” Eliason said."

the last rush of a failed political ideology

No one cares

the 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy.

"Thank you for getting justice for not just me and my fellow officers, but the United States.”

one right between his horns for treason against his country

The CIA has used people not officially on their payroll for all kinds of work as informants, messengers, social catalysts, radicals, distractions, you name it.

Rhodes was lawfully and constitutionally convicted having been afforded comprehensive due process

How many Biden donors were on the jury?

Death to Traitors

You are now officially supporting a traitor.

Nazi democrats.

laws are to crush opponents of the Reich.

plotting an armed rebellion

They are treasonous in their thinking

Its fascist to call out convicted seditionists?

They are not the traitors. The people prosecuting them are the traitors

Words matter. You can have a criminal convictions based on words.

Seditionists by definition are not patriots, dope.

guilty of seditious conspiracy illustrates the right’s treasonous contempt for the law

Your patriots are traitors

I've never seen such dolts as the likes of you who are literally being taken for the biggest ride in history between the top-down fascism being inflicted upon our society
We exist in a very broken system called America when one man's 'terrorist' is another's freedom fighter that becomes a political prisoner at the whim of partisans

Overturned on appeal will be my guess.

A trial can only be overturned if it can be proven mistakes were made, or evidence was withheld. And Rhodes has to do the proving, and that only means a new trial takes place.

I’ve seen it with other cops. They become legends in their own minds, and start believing they are an island unto themselves.

Welcome to reality. It can be a bitch sometimes.
We exist in a very broken system called America when one man's 'terrorist' is another's freedom fighter that becomes a political prisoner at the whim of partisans

Sounds like the same shit to me. One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter is an old ass saying. We exist occasionally on opposing sides. What's new about that?
Peers my ass. Another hangman's jury in DC? They were found guilty just like Trump was before the fraud J6 committee before the proceedings ever begun.

Stealing an election and covering it up with fraud hearings is the only seditious conspiracy I know. Very Nazi of you. Will you also shoot them at sunrise so that the truth never comes out?
"The convictions for a rarely prosecuted offense delivered justice over a constitutional outrage, laid down a deterrent to future coup instigators and showed the legal system can enforce accountability for assaults on democracy.

And they reinforced the narrative that the US Capitol insurrection was not simply a too exuberant protest that spilled over but a pre-planned bid to overthrow the government, the Constitution and the will of voters."

Those on the right who support and defend the rightwing domestic terrorists who sought to overthrow the government are just as guilty, just as treasonous, and just as much enemies of democracy.
Those on the right who support and defend the rightwing domestic terrorists who sought to overthrow the government are just as guilty, just as treasonous, and just as much enemies of democracy.
Objectively, those folks were out to defend democracy Clay

A jury has convicted Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes of masterminding a plot to violently subvert the transfer of power from Donald Trump to Joe Biden, finding that he entered into a seditious conspiracy against the U.S. government.

The jury also convicted Rhodes ally Kelly Meggs, leader of the Florida Oath Keepers, of seditious conspiracy. But the jury acquitted three co-defendants — Jessica Watkins, Kenneth Harrelson and Thomas Caldwell — of joining Rhodes in that conspiracy. All five, however, were convicted on additional felony charges, including obstruction of Congress.

Rhodes’ conviction is the most significant to emerge from the Justice Department’s sprawling investigation of the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol, when dozens of Oath Keepers joined the mob that stormed the building and chased Congress, as well as then-Vice President Mike Pence, into hiding.

Execute this Traitorous Scum.
Parts of the United States will be vaporized as the division made by the elites cannot be mended. It is just a matter of time now.
the history of every failed 'democracy' on this rock is rearing it's ugly head in all the signs and symptoms applicable ......

What kind of signs? We talking locusts and pestilence? Children born under a blood moon? I wouldn't worry too much about democracy. The cosplayers make a lot of noise but it's all part of their fantasy role playing.
I wouldn't worry too much about democracy.
well, da devil be in da details Curried one>>>>>


What is an example of a failed democracy?

Examples: Colombia, Vietnam. Democratic collapse (leading to civil war or coup d'état). Examples: Nigeria, Nepal. Succession or reform crisis in authoritarian states.

What countries have experienced democratic backsliding?

Scholarly work in the 2010s detailed democratic backsliding, in various forms and to various extents, in Hungary and Poland, the Czech Republic, Turkey, Brazil, Venezuela, and India.

well, da devil be in da details Curried one>>>>>

View attachment 732695

What is an example of a failed democracy?

Examples: Colombia, Vietnam. Democratic collapse (leading to civil war or coup d'état). Examples: Nigeria, Nepal. Succession or reform crisis in authoritarian states.

What countries have experienced democratic backsliding?

Scholarly work in the 2010s detailed democratic backsliding, in various forms and to various extents, in Hungary and Poland, the Czech Republic, Turkey, Brazil, Venezuela, and India.

What does that have to do with this country? You hilarious cosplayers aren't comparable to people who grew up in the third world. You're soft ass Americans, not desperate and hungry people. You're weekend warriors. Don't fuck around and LARP so hard that you end up federally fucked like Rhodes just did. 😄

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