Still not clear on the rules

Well, self righteous hypocrites need to have their smugness slapped down (metaphorically, of course).
So when can I expect my slap down

I noticed you ignored the fact that your own self-righteous as a liberal make honest conversation with you impossible since you stated the right has no:
Moral compass

The left only projects their own shortcomings
For theists, ‘cleaning up’ the religion section means to prohibit those free from religion from posting there altogether.

For theists, ‘feeling safe’ means not having their beliefs challenged, not having their fallacies pointed out, and not having their lies confronted.
Atheists and theists are both welcome to participate in the Religion forum. Problems occur when people only participate to try and troll members who are trying to have a real discussion, eventually it ends up turning into a trainwreck.

What I don’t get is...why not just start a thread in Badlands if that is where you want to take it :dunno: Badlands is great!
I'm trying to protect discussion there by putting an end to the thread hijackings wherein a poster enters into a thread on a topic in order to derail it. Perhaps, one day, it will be a place where quality discussion will be the norm.

Good luck.

My late Papa told me once to never duscuss politics with anyone opposite of my views or religion with an atheist or non believer. There is no end game.

I ignore his politic advice but he's right on religion. Just too many unanswered questions, variables and if you don't understand faith it's pointless
I'm simply enforcing the rules as I was asked to do. Furthermore, I didn't ask for the job and declined it several times over the years. I finally accepted because volunteers are needed to keep this community from disintegrating. You're welcome.
And, just what would a disintegration look like?

Constant harassment by the same posters
Flame threads designed to blindly attack?
Trolls never adding to the convo, just instigating?
Moving valid threads to conspiracy theory?
People reveling in the death of others?
Inability to be allowed to find common ground because of these posters?
Personal attacks?

That would be my list but we got all that already.

So what would it look like to you?
Seems 2 mods have disagreements about what "trolling" even means. One mod says its ok as long as you are trying to have a decent convo. The other says if your not jerking off the OP, its trolling. So I am confused. I guess the "trolling" definition is subjective? News to me.
I am not questioning mods actions. I am clarifying the rules. We ALL need to know them, right?
To me trolling comes down to intent. Trolls are here for negative attention. Just to fuck with people. They have few sincere convictions and offer arguments merely to be "argumentative", if they offer anything like an argument at all. Often they simply post vague provocative statements and refuse to defend them.
I can't depend on women to try to addict me to their crack and try to get me to love them even if it drives me crazy (for the emotional drama).
I would be happy to introduce to you a nice lady who could assist you in getting addicted to serotonin re-uptake inhibitors if that would help.
I can certainly understand your difficulty in finding your true equal, being limited to a search of the residents of select types of facilities as that would necessitate.
not even debate boards? besides, like i have already stated in the public domain; I don't mind giving women an even chance whenever they may be "brave enough". We know many women are adept at Talking, gossip, hearsay, and soothsay, and even making appointments. Only cowardice would prevent them from being more equal, not low numbers and lack of practice.
Good luck.

My late Papa told me once to never duscuss politics with anyone opposite of my views or religion with an atheist or non believer. There is no end game.

I ignore his politic advice but he's right on religion. Just too many unanswered questions, variables and if you don't understand faith it's pointless
I think it depends on how you approach a conversation and what you want to get out of it. If your aim is to change another's mind and you go in disrespectfully challenging their belief or putting them down it is usually not going to end well. If you go in with a sincere desire to learn, then you just might learn something and in the process impart something. Hard to do here though.
I think it depends on how you approach a conversation and what you want to get out of it. If your aim is to change another's mind and you go in disrespectfully challenging their belief or putting them down it is usually not going to end well. If you go in with a sincere desire to learn, then you just might learn something and in the process impart something. Hard to do here though.
Most of that is right-wing modus operandi.

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