Still out of touch


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
Obama: Gun-control advocates have to listen more - Yahoo! News

Obama is either pointedly lying or still so far out of touch on this issue as to be stupid.

The 2nd Amendment is not about hunting, it is about a citizen army armed by themselves available to be called up by the respective States. The very weapons he seeks to outlaw are the ones protected by the 2nd Amendment as specified and codified by numerous Supreme Court rulings.

His own Department of Homeland Security stated that 30 round magazines are best for self defense with the further explanation that 10 rounds sometimes is just not enough for self protection.
HE KNOWS what he is doing..

and so do the majority of the people on this issue

He better think twice about pushing this
I know many Democrats that own the very guns people like Andrew Cuomo, and Moabama are trying to outlaw... Keep calling gun owners "gun nuts", and the gun owners are going to laugh Democrats right out of office.
I believe that the Constitution confers an individual right to bear arms. But just because you have an individual right does not mean that the state or local government can’t constrain the exercise of that right.”

[ame=]Barrack Obama on Gun Control - YouTube[/ame]
Obama: Gun-control advocates have to listen more - Yahoo! News

Obama is either pointedly lying or still so far out of touch on this issue as to be stupid.

The 2nd Amendment is not about hunting, it is about a citizen army armed by themselves available to be called up by the respective States. The very weapons he seeks to outlaw are the ones protected by the 2nd Amendment as specified and codified by numerous Supreme Court rulings.

His own Department of Homeland Security stated that 30 round magazines are best for self defense with the further explanation that 10 rounds sometimes is just not enough for self protection.
Do you acknowledge the changes over the last 200 years in regards to the killing efficacy of the US Military? How will your "assault rifles" match up against a single Apache?
HE KNOWS what he is doing..

and so do the majority of the people on this issue

He better think twice about pushing this

"The majority is never right. Never, I tell you! That's one of these lies in society that no free and intelligent man can help rebelling against. Who are the people that make up the biggest proportion of the population -- the intelligent ones or the fools? I think we can agree it's the fools, no matter where you go in this world, it's the fools that form the overwhelming majority." Ibsen, Henrik

My favorite new quote. I plan to use it a lot.
Obama: Gun-control advocates have to listen more - Yahoo! News

Obama is either pointedly lying or still so far out of touch on this issue as to be stupid.

The 2nd Amendment is not about hunting, it is about a citizen army armed by themselves available to be called up by the respective States. The very weapons he seeks to outlaw are the ones protected by the 2nd Amendment as specified and codified by numerous Supreme Court rulings.

His own Department of Homeland Security stated that 30 round magazines are best for self defense with the further explanation that 10 rounds sometimes is just not enough for self protection.
Do you acknowledge the changes over the last 200 years in regards to the killing efficacy of the US Military? How will your "assault rifles" match up against a single Apache?

Ya cause a rabble armed with light arms didn't hand us our ass in Afghanistan right? People like you are so stupid it is beyond comprehension.
Obama: Gun-control advocates have to listen more - Yahoo! News

Obama is either pointedly lying or still so far out of touch on this issue as to be stupid.

The 2nd Amendment is not about hunting, it is about a citizen army armed by themselves available to be called up by the respective States. The very weapons he seeks to outlaw are the ones protected by the 2nd Amendment as specified and codified by numerous Supreme Court rulings.

His own Department of Homeland Security stated that 30 round magazines are best for self defense with the further explanation that 10 rounds sometimes is just not enough for self protection.
Do you acknowledge the changes over the last 200 years in regards to the killing efficacy of the US Military? How will your "assault rifles" match up against a single Apache?

Ya cause a rabble armed with light arms didn't hand us our ass in Afghanistan right? People like you are so stupid it is beyond comprehension.
While people like you are smart enough to know the US Military would treat an armed insurrection in their homeland no differently from Afghanistan?
How can we fight against an Apache Helicopter with just small-arms?
Take a look at Syria. They have jet fighters, attack helicopters, tanks, artillery, rockets and missiles.
Their opponents who are slowly winning have: handguns, AK-47's, sniper rifles, RPG's and an collection of other armament that have been sucessfully won from various military units.
All we need to do is get together in units and begin to fight, once the confiscations start. Then we'll see how things play out over time.
The Syrian opposition seems to depend heavily on regular defections from their state's armed forces.
I'm guessing there would be massive defections from the US military if any part of the Bill of Rights was overturned for any reason. If it ever reaches the point of getting together in small units to kill other Americans, I hope that plays out on movie screens and not in US streets.
Do you acknowledge the changes over the last 200 years in regards to the killing efficacy of the US Military? How will your "assault rifles" match up against a single Apache?

Ya cause a rabble armed with light arms didn't hand us our ass in Afghanistan right? People like you are so stupid it is beyond comprehension.
While people like you are smart enough to know the US Military would treat an armed insurrection in their homeland no differently from Afghanistan?

If things get so bad enough people mount an armed rebellion, the military will fall apart. You see dumb ass at that point a good chunk of the military will side with the insurrection.
Ya cause a rabble armed with light arms didn't hand us our ass in Afghanistan right? People like you are so stupid it is beyond comprehension.
While people like you are smart enough to know the US Military would treat an armed insurrection in their homeland no differently from Afghanistan?

If things get so bad enough people mount an armed rebellion, the military will fall apart. You see dumb ass at that point a good chunk of the military will side with the insurrection.
I suspect your opinion on this subject is far more informed than mine.
I"m still not anxious for US Civil War 2.0.
Other rebellions throughout history didn't rely on the citizen's right to bear arms. There are many other ways to protest or get access to weapons if necessary. In the US, things certainly won't get bad enough to cause another civil war.
Other rebellions throughout history didn't rely on the citizen's right to bear arms. There are many other ways to protest or get access to weapons if necessary. In the US, things certainly won't get bad enough to cause another civil war.
What if 90% of all US citizens became convinced their government's propensity for violence included the murder of thousands of Americans?

"Although it received little media attention at the time, the third-worst structural building failure in modern history occurred on September 11, 2001. World Trade Center (WTC) Building 7 was a 47-story, steel-framed, fire-protected, high-rise office building located about a football field’s length from the WTC North Tower. Unlike its two taller cousins, WTC 7 was never hit by an aircraft, yet it fell to the ground suddenly, displaying the classic signatures of explosive controlled demolition."

Building 7 Implosion: The Smoking Gun of 9/11

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