Stolen Elections

While I do agree it happened? If they have managed to gaslight folks about the truth about how the Vietnam war really started, the reality about the Liberty, the truth about the JFK, RFK, MLK, & Malcom X assassinations, the reality about Watergate and Iran-Contra, the truth about OKC and Waco, the reality about 911, and every assassination, election & coup that this nation has subverted and participated in globally?

And if they can convince over half the global population to take an unnecessary "vaccine," or that a "pandemic," is more deadly than it actually is, this mass formation psychosis can achieve nearly limitless psychological objectives.

The folks that helped do this, are pros. They knew what they were doing, and of course, it was planned in such a way, that the truth would never come to light. Folks would be bought, bribed, extorted, threatened or silenced, so that the necessary powerful people who would be needed to do something about this crime? Never would.

I listened to an epic gas-lighting article on NPR this weekend, essentially slandering the grass roots movement of folks in this nation that want legitimate elections again, like we use to have, using loaded and defamatory language, but not once, giving a detailed reason why this movements claims were wrong.

I remember when these Deep State spooks had been exposed, and there was fraud in the Broward County primaries. Yet, Trump's DoJ never prosecuted, and Brenda Snipes was still allowed to retire and keep her pension by Ron Densantis.

There is no way in hell I will ever vote for either Trump or Desantis.

It's possible there is no evidence of fraud in the national election, but, I did a complete study on how Debbie Wasserman-Shultz stole that nomination from Tim Canova. I find it very interesting, that this seems to be, an identical template, to how that movie 2000 mules said it was done.

Given the shit that went down in Broward county? And the fact that establishment Republicans even appointed that DNC woman. . . and she never even got sanctioned for her corruption, it was chalked up to. . . "incompetence?"

Yeah, IOM, I believe we can expect more populists, both on the left, and on the right, to mobilize to fight the Deep State on the local level, in the future. It WOULD get nasty at that point, if the FEDS tried to seize control of the local elections.

It seems to me, the Deep State bureaucrats have already war gamed how this shit works out, they did it with the last election, and now want to keep on doing it.

Brenda Snipes says Gov. DeSantis let her resign with ‘my name and my dignity’ intact​


Concerned citizen sees ballots being transported in private vehicles & transferred to rented truck outside the Plantation, Florida voting site this past Election night. This violates all chain of custody requirements for paper ballots. Were the ballots destroyed & replaced by set of fake ballots? Investigate now!

ON top of this, if you follow the work of Greg Palast, and that documentary, "Uncounted: The New Math of American Elections," there was whistle blower, who blew the lid off of the corruption in the Die-bold source code, there was even a bit of Satire in the Mainstream public about how the oligarchs were rigging our elections.

If you have a chance, I recommend that documentary.

This caused Die-bold to go out of business, and to be sold off by the Obama administration to Dominion. . .

Shocking History of Dominion Voting​

". . . At the beginning of 2009, there were four major US EVS suppliers: ES&S, Premier (a unit of Nixdorf-Diebold), Sequoia (linked to Smartmatic), and Hart Intercivic. The market size was a few hundred million dollars a year and growing. EVS vendors competed among themselves and against traditional pen and paper voting. There were no barriers to entry for other competitors, other than government’s regulations.. . . "


How Dominion went from nothing to everything in two weeks

". . In September 2009, ES&S acquired Premier [8], without any objections from the DOJ. But in March 2010, the Obama’s DOJ (Eric Holder – Robert Mueller) forced ES&S to “sell” Premier’s assets to Dominion, but to keep its liabilities. In addition, ES&S was forced to license to Dominion some of its software, in perpetuity and free of charge. The pretext for the DOJ action was antitrust. . .. "

So? What you are saying, is, seems like someone would have, "exposed it by now?"

But the source code is proprietary, and you really need to know something about how voter harvesting on a grand scale works. They have already found that Zuckerburg had funded a massive voter harvesting operation, illegally in some cases, but they are essentially refusing to prosecute him, or do anything about it. They have admitted as much.

In short, absence of evidence, and absence of the use of prosecutorial discretion, does not mean, there was not any fraud.

If the establishment, and the DNC, and those who care about the nation, really wanted to prove that they care, all they would need to do, is force the release the source code, and times ballots were received and/or recorded. I think that would go a lot to reassure folks.

The legitimacy of the government, is not as critical to the oligarchs, as the transition into the "New Normal," and the "Great Reset." They no longer care about the old values of the republic and their never ending quest for a global technocratic police state. Complete and total control.

They only want to have the toadies and the useful idiots convince us that a square is now a circle.


"Deep State" isn't even a very accurate descriptive term anymore....They're all operating right up in all of our faces, and daring us to refuse to submit to their struggle sessions.
Stopped there.

Embarrassing, childish lie.

You embarrass our country and threaten our democracy.
Your denial of reality doesn’t change it in the slightest Farty. Your lies are indeed embarrassing, though. Embarrassing for you.

But fear not. You don’t embarrass the country. We laugh at you instead.

By the way, try to remember that we aren’t a democracy. Thank God and the Framers.
Your denial of reality doesn’t change it in the slightest Farty. Your lies are indeed embarrassing, though. Embarrassing for you.

But fear not. You don’t embarrass the country. We laugh at you instead.

By the way, try to remember that we aren’t a democracy. Thank God and the Framers.
Calling it reality doesn't help you. You are still sitting in the corner with the alien abductees and the spoonbenders.

Only evidence will help you., And you have none.

So, you stay in the corner with the people who claim their horses can count. where you belong.
Whatever, fuckchop....Go away.

Nope, I will not go away. I will remain here to laugh and discredit traitors to democracy like you whenever I see schmucks crying Trump lost due to election fraud.
Calling it reality doesn't help you. You are still sitting in the corner with the alien abductees and the spoonbenders.

Only evidence will help you., And you have none.

So, you stay in the corner with the people who claim their horses can count. where you belong.
Denying reality doesn’t make it go away, you jackass. There have been numerous threads dedicated here (time and again) to all of the evidence. What you seem to seek is merely an endless looping of it for whatever petty ass reason you mindless trolls may have.

Still, I’ll say one thing yet again. It is perfectly possible to have two thoughts held and credited in your mind — at the same time. First, there was evidence of massive election fraud. Second, there may be insufficient evidence that any of it succeeded in altering the outcome of the electoral vote in any state.

A couple of more things before you skulk away again, Farty:

Denying reality doesn’t make it go away yiu jackass. There have been numerous threads dedicated here time and again to all of the evidence. What you seem to seek is merely an endless looping of it for whatever petty ass reason you mindless trolls may have.

Still, I’ll say one thing yet again. It is perfectly possible to have two thoughts held and created in your mind at the same time. First, there was evidence of massive election fraud. Second, there is insufficient evidence that any of it succeeded in altering the outcome of the electoral vote in any state.

A couple of more things before you skulk away again, Farty:

Oh look, an article you never read.

Sorry, blog headlines you just Googled for don't explain your 2 year delusion. They are also no substitute for evidence.

Take your evidence to the courts and to the proper law enforcement agencies.

Or stfu and go sit in the corner with the alien abductees and the Bigfoot hunters.

That's how it works. I didn't make the rules.
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You don't discredit anyone but your own self.....You're a fucking party man hack among party man hacks.


Slobbers the idiot who claims there's fraud but can't prove it after 20 months and counting.

Yeah, you keep telling yourself you haven't been discredited.

You mean states like Arizona, Nevada, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wyoming; where Trump either lost or won by a few percentage points or less in 2016, it's inconceivable to you that he could lose those state by a few percentage points or less in 2020?

Why do you think those states are referred to as "swing states?"


"Deep State" isn't even a very accurate descriptive term anymore....They're all operating right up in all of our faces, and daring us to refuse to submit to their struggle sessions.
I'm just taking it from the Berkley Professor that defined it. Admittedly, he was a socialist, but after Soros' recent BLM bullshit, he has declared recently to be a moderate. :auiqs.jpg:

This was his last book. And most recent interview.

Denying reality doesn’t make it go away, you jackass. There have been numerous threads dedicated here (time and again) to all of the evidence. What you seem to seek is merely an endless looping of it for whatever petty ass reason you mindless trolls may have.

Still, I’ll say one thing yet again. It is perfectly possible to have two thoughts held and credited in your mind — at the same time. First, there was evidence of massive election fraud. Second, there may be insufficient evidence that any of it succeeded in altering the outcome of the electoral vote in any state.

A couple of more things before you skulk away again, Farty:

I got only as far as your first one to learn that claim of fraud in Wisconsin is according to a spokeswoman of Trump's.

Oh look, an article you never read.

Sorry, blog headlines you just Googled for don't explain your 2 year delusion. They are also no substitute for evidence.

Take your evidence to the courts and to the proper law enforcement agencies.

Or stfu and go sit in the corner with the alien abductees and the Bigfoot hunters.

That's how it works. I didn't make the rules.
Oh look. I know for a fact that YOU haven’t read anything on that long litany of articles offering various proofs. Nor did you read the realclearpolirics piece. And yet, dishonest as you always are, you falsely claim that my views are the delusional ones.

Face it, Farty. With every post of yours, you’ve undercut further any hope you ever had of being credible. You’re entirely a hack.

And being truthful I must burn you. “Ahhh. It burns! It burns!” This might explain why you won’t even give honesty a chance.
Oh look. I know for a fact that YOU haven’t read anything on that long litany of articles offering various proofs. Nor did you read the realclearpolirics piece. And yet, dishonest as you always are, you falsely claim that my views are the delusional ones.

Face it, Farty. With every post of yours, you’ve undercut further any hope you ever had of being credible. You’re entirely a hack.

And being truthful I must burn you. “Ahhh. It burns! It burns!” This might explain why you won’t even give honesty a chance.
You don't read so good.

Take your evidence to the courts and the proper law enforcement agencies.

Or shut your ballsucker and go sit in the corner with all the other delusional freaks.

That's how it works.

And that is why you are masturbating on a message board, instead of making progress in any legal venue.

It should all become quite clear to you, in this light.
You don't read so good.

Take your evidence to the courts and the proper law enforcement agencies.

Or shut your ballsucker and go sit in the corner with all the other delusional freaks.

That's how it works.

And that is why you are masturbating on a message board, instead of making progress in any legal venue.

It should all become quite clear to you, in this light.
Wrong, retard. I’ll tell you how it works. I say whatever the fuck I wish and you don’t get to say shit about it except to respond. Your permission isn’t required for my posting, you absolutely pathetic fuckchop. 😂

Plus, in the unlikely event that you gain an IQ point or two, maybe you will figure out that I was correct in my assertions. Not only don’t I require you permission to say my peace, but I’m also not required to take anything to court in order to do so. Did it never dawn on your microscopic brain that this is a “message” board? :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:

You have unduly grandiose views of yourself which is particularly amusing considering how obviously retarded you are. Gfy.

Now; Hurry up and get back down on Brandon. He misses your salad-tossing.

Brandon —-> :suck:<—Farty

Meanwhile: God bless President Trump.
I’ll tell you how it works. I say whatever the fuck I wish
... and you will do so on anonymous message boards meant in part to hold squealing dummies like you who have no evidence.

I covered that.

But what you will not do is open your dumbass mouth about any of this in a courtroom or in the office of any law enforcement agency. Not ever.

We both know why. And your realization of this is why you are at toddler hissy fit Defcon 6.

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