Stone Jury Bias...Trump Should Pardon

Foreman of jury was a racist and rabid anti-Trump fanatic. Another jurors husband worked at same division of DOJ doing the prosecution...and liberal judge wouldn't remove them upon request. total bullshit, totally politicized. Like a Stalinist show trial.
Roger Stone jury foreperson's anti-Trump social media posts surface after she defends DOJ prosecutors
That's very strange to have so many BIASED jurors on a jury, so this case should be simply thrown out and a mistrial declared.
Are we claiming Stone should have only had Republicans as jurors?

Didn’t we just see what happens when we have a majority of Republican jurors ?
Sorry pole smoking commie, but what happened in The Senate wasn't a trial, otherwise 6 Democrat Candiates for President could not have been allowed to sit on the so called jury. Chuck Schummer also could not be allowed to sit on the jury. Now go back to letting your boyfriend sit on your face.
Foreman of jury was a racist and rabid anti-Trump fanatic. Another jurors husband worked at same division of DOJ doing the prosecution...and liberal judge wouldn't remove them upon request. total bullshit, totally politicized. Like a Stalinist show trial.
Roger Stone jury foreperson's anti-Trump social media posts surface after she defends DOJ prosecutors
Did you guys find out if any of the jurors were Mexican?
Did you find out the difference between the XX and XY chromosome yet?
Are we claiming Stone should have only had Republicans as jurors?

Didn’t we just see what happens when we have a majority of Republican jurors ?
Sorry pole smoking commie, but what happened in The Senate wasn't a trial, otherwise 6 Democrat Candiates for President could not have been allowed to sit on the so called jury. Chuck Schummer also could not be allowed to sit on the jury. Now go back to letting your boyfriend sit on your face.
What would happen if the Roger Sone jurors were Republican?

They would refuse to listen to testimony and evidence


So Trump Trolled you and you came here crying like a little girl who peed her panties when she sneezed. LMAO. Trump Owns you Turds, every single time.
Foreman of jury was a racist and rabid anti-Trump fanatic. Another jurors husband worked at same division of DOJ doing the prosecution...and liberal judge wouldn't remove them upon request. total bullshit, totally politicized. Like a Stalinist show trial.
Roger Stone jury foreperson's anti-Trump social media posts surface after she defends DOJ prosecutors

Kurt Schlichter, as usual, has a great take on this ......

Trump Charges the Liberal Hacks’ Latest Ambush

Okay, the sentencing memo gives the government’s perspective on the appropriate sentence based on such factors as the sentencing guidelines, the effect of the crime, the prior crimes of the convict, and other factors like age. For these non-violent offenses by a first-time offender of age 67, which caused zero harm, and were related to the “collusion” that even Mueller’s pack of scummy Democrats were forced to admit was a lie, you would expect somewhere from a few months to a couple of years in Club Fed. And apparently that’s what the persecutors briefed to their bosses, because in a high-vis case like this, flunky attorneys brief their bosses at the DOJ.

These hacks instead asked for 7 to 9 years.

Literally no one on earth could say in good faith that was remotely appropriate for this case. None, at least not without lying. It’s equal to a death sentence, but then it’s a Trump associate so there are apparently special rules. And you’ll notice few of the Dems whining about this say this is an appropriate sentence – at least not with a straight face.

They did it to make Trump react. They knew the establishment and its submissive media would freak out. They thought they could derail his most epic run ever.

Well, Trump reacted. He tweeted the manifest and undeniable truth – that the liberal persecutors were treating Lady Justice like Harvey Weinstein treated eager starlets, except without the sop of a minor supporting role in a Gwyneth Paltrow flick.

Trump charged right into the ambush.

The reaction was predictable, especially after the DOJ brass realized these punks had bait and switched their sentencing recommendation. The DOJ promised to revise the recommendation and the media and liberal pols went nuts. This is the same media and the same liberal pols who want actual criminals to go free, who think arresting illegal alien thugs is a crime against humanity, and who want to close our prisons and turn them into Billy Jack-esque Rainbow Schools to teach hugging and climate paranoia to children.

Then he questioned the judge’s impartiality, which you are not allowed to do because of reasons unless its Gorsuch or Kavanaugh. Then it’s totally principled, the principle being “the elite gets its way.”

Except Trump does not play that loser’s game. They still think that Trump can somehow be shamed into obedience to the elite by castigating him for violating its arbitrary and unequally enforced unwritten rules.

He can’t.

We hired Trump to break the establishment paradigm that pretends our so-called betters are about the rule of law when they really just use the law to rule. If there is a “norm” or “rule” that requires us to look away and ignore when liberals twist and pervert the power of their positions to pursue politically motivated vendettas, then such “norms” and “rules” should not just be broken.

They should be shattered.

Enter The Donald.

They thought they were cunning. They thought they were smart. They set up an ambush thinking, yet again, that This Time We Will Get Trump™.

Trump charged.

Here’s how this ends.

It ends with Roger Stone (and LTG Mike Flynn) pardoned, and the libs crying.
Not only do they get pardoned, but I think their charges get expunged because they were fake, and their investigation was illegal.
Are we claiming Stone should have only had Republicans as jurors?

Didn’t we just see what happens when we have a majority of Republican jurors ?
Sorry pole smoking commie, but what happened in The Senate wasn't a trial, otherwise 6 Democrat Candiates for President could not have been allowed to sit on the so called jury. Chuck Schummer also could not be allowed to sit on the jury. Now go back to letting your boyfriend sit on your face.
What would happen if the Roger Sone jurors were Republican?

They would refuse to listen to testimony and evidence

Shouldn't you be too occupied with your boyfriend sitting on your face to give another uninformed stupid reply?

You had 47 Commie Lib Assholes who should have been removed from The Senate Impeachment Vote. Suck it homo commie tard.

In The Shampeachment, No Due Process, and 24 Rabid DemNazis who all made statements that they wanted to Railroad President Trump in the Fake Inquiry. The Speaker of The House ORDERED ARTICLES of Impeachment be drawn up before The Inquiry was even started.

They should have been removed.

Stop Sucking Dick and Listen up for a change.

It was a desperate scam for a Broke Ass Party, who used $100 Million Dollars of our Tax Dollars for 4 years to try to diminish The Presidency and keep Negative News about The President in The News Cycle 24 7.

They should be hung for treason, but then again, if Obama and Clinton didn't hang nobody hangs.

Dem witnesses 21 to GOP's 1.

This is why it will be known in History as Shampeachment.

Now don't you have to run along to shave Putin's Chestnuts?
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Trump pardons war criminals, So why wouldn’t he pardon those that threaten witnesses with violence or pardon a lying Russian lackey?
You mean like Bill Clinton did?
I have no love for Bill Clinton. His pardons at the end of his term were friggin repugnant. Having said that, Trump considering pardoning his political bootlickers for crimes they were convicted of is a violation of his oath of office to faithfully execute the laws of the United States.
Trump pardons war criminals, So why wouldn’t he pardon those that threaten witnesses with violence or pardon a lying Russian lackey?
You mean like Bill Clinton did?
I have no love for Bill Clinton. His pardons at the end of his term were friggin repugnant. Having said that, Trump considering pardoning his political bootlickers for crimes they were convicted of is a violation of his oath of office to faithfully execute the laws of the United States.
You love him all right. You'd get on your knees for him. Those people were railroaded and Mueller and Weismann have both been charged with doing that before. They should have their law licenses pulled.

Now back to your Homo Erotic Dreams of Mayor Pete sitting on your face.

Could the guy actually win Dog Catcher if he ran for it? It's about all he is qualified for.

The only just thing to do for everyone The Dishonest and Disgraced Mueller witch hunt posse, manufactured process crimes on, is an outright pardon and expungement.
Trump pardons war criminals, So why wouldn’t he pardon those that threaten witnesses with violence or pardon a lying Russian lackey?
You mean like Bill Clinton did?
I have no love for Bill Clinton. His pardons at the end of his term were friggin repugnant. Having said that, Trump considering pardoning his political bootlickers for crimes they were convicted of is a violation of his oath of office to faithfully execute the laws of the United States.
You love him all right. You'd get on your knees for him. Those people were railroaded and Mueller and Weismann have both been charged with doing that before. They should have their law licenses pulled.

Now back to your Homo Erotic Dreams of Mayor Pete sitting on your face.

Could the guy actually win Dog Catcher if he ran for it? It's about all he is qualified for.
Where did that come from. Is your brain water-logged?
Trump pardons war criminals, So why wouldn’t he pardon those that threaten witnesses with violence or pardon a lying Russian lackey?
You mean like Bill Clinton did?
I have no love for Bill Clinton. His pardons at the end of his term were friggin repugnant. Having said that, Trump considering pardoning his political bootlickers for crimes they were convicted of is a violation of his oath of office to faithfully execute the laws of the United States.
You love him all right. You'd get on your knees for him. Those people were railroaded and Mueller and Weismann have both been charged with doing that before. They should have their law licenses pulled.

Now back to your Homo Erotic Dreams of Mayor Pete sitting on your face.

Could the guy actually win Dog Catcher if he ran for it? It's about all he is qualified for.
Where did that come from. Is your brain water-logged?
You are all homo commies, or closet homo commies. Never met a DemTard that wasn't. Most effeminate, low testosterone limp wristed men I have ever met.

Flynn and Stone should sue for Millions for what Weismann and Mueller did, which was Criminal Prosecutorial Misconduct, and Malfeasant Investigations.

When you act like a lying unjust bitch, and you smell like a lying unjust bitch, you are a lying unjust bitch.

Now go wash your soiled panties bitch.
Foreman of jury was a racist and rabid anti-Trump fanatic. Another jurors husband worked at same division of DOJ doing the prosecution...and liberal judge wouldn't remove them upon request. total bullshit, totally politicized. Like a Stalinist show trial.
Roger Stone jury foreperson's anti-Trump social media posts surface after she defends DOJ prosecutors

So only Trump supporters are allowed to sit on the jury?

So every jury trial in the history of the world that had a juror that didn’t like the defendent, should have the verdicts thrown out, and the defendants pardoned?

Is that you whiners new narrative now?
Trump should have PERHAPS kept his head down, let Stone get sentenced, and then pardon Stone and launch an investigation into the trial.

Let these corrupt left wing fucks commit their crimes and then nail them.

On what planet should that juror by on the Roger Stone Jury?
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The biases of the jurors is a NON-ISSUE; it takes a unanimous verdict to convict and Roger Stone was guilty as hell. NOBODY DISPUTES THAT!

Ironically, this is very analogous to the Impeachment Trial of a few weeks ago. Donald Trump was also GUILTY of technical violation of laws, inappropriate coersion of a foreign official (albeit unsuccessful), and generally acting like an ass-hole. The Senate's conclusion was NOT that "he didn't do anything wrong," which is how various D & R politicians want to portray it, but rather that his offenses did not warrant removal from office, ESPECIALLY with a Presidential election coming in a few months.

Roger Stone deserves some punishment. 9 months in a Federal prison alongside Bernie Madoff. That's it.

But the DoJ sentencing recommendation was a political DARE, directed at President Trump by Never-Trump government lawyers. In effect, "We are going to get the most outrageous sentence possible for this bastard, and DARE YOU TO PARDON HIM!"

Knowing how the Democrats and the Media will excoriate him if/when he does.

And depending on what the Judge does, this is still playing out. A pox on the Democrats who are whining about "interference with the justice process." AG Barr is going to shove that right up their asses when he testifies in March.
The biases of the jurors is a NON-ISSUE; it takes a unanimous verdict to convict and Roger Stone was guilty as hell. NOBODY DISPUTES THAT!

Ironically, this is very analogous to the Impeachment Trial of a few weeks ago. Donald Trump was also GUILTY of technical violation of laws, inappropriate coersion of a foreign official (albeit unsuccessful), and generally acting like an ass-hole. The Senate's conclusion was NOT that "he didn't do anything wrong," which is how various D & R politicians want to portray it, but rather that his offenses did not warrant removal from office, ESPECIALLY with a Presidential election coming in a few months.

Roger Stone deserves some punishment. 9 months in a Federal prison alongside Bernie Madoff. That's it.

But the DoJ sentencing recommendation was a political DARE, directed at President Trump by Never-Trump government lawyers. In effect, "We are going to get the most outrageous sentence possible for this bastard, and DARE YOU TO PARDON HIM!"

Knowing how the Democrats and the Media will excoriate him if/when he does.

And depending on what the Judge does, this is still playing out. A pox on the Democrats who are whining about "interference with the justice process." AG Barr is going to shove that right up their asses when he testifies in March.

I like this angle.

The ridiculous sentence was a political dare to get Trump to do some thing that the Dimms could impeach him on again....even if it is within his rights as POTUS.

Wow. I wasn’t even thinking that.

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