Stop-and-Frisk: A Necessary Evil?

Oh yes, this is the part where we start arguing over what is REASONABLE and UNREASONABLE search and seizure. I know this argument well.

And you believe that neither minorities nor the poor are protected by the Amendment.


What I believe is that you didn't read my post. Being poor and a minority in my neighborhood where I was singled out because of the color of my skin was why I was often stopped and frisked. However, I thought of it as a necessary evil. I'm aware of the constitutional arguments, pro and con. I happen to be for a stop and frisk agenda in the most crime ridden areas in town. The hell with political correctness and racial sensitivity. I'm more concerned about the victims than the perpetrators. Just like airport security can search your bags, high crime areas should allow stop and frisk. As well as allowing weapons to be carried by citizens eligible for gun permits. As well as tougher sentencing for violent crimes.
No excuse for taking the rights of many away in order to find the few who might break a law.

Just because most whose rights are being trashed are black/Hispanic does not mean that whites don't or wont lose their rights when its convenient for those in power.

Equal rights for all means ALL.

The supreme court has already ruled stop and frisk constitutional (if done correctly).
I understand that there is a racial component to this conversation because of a disproportionate amount of minorities committing crime but I feel that we should focus more on crime than the race. I'm certainly for equal rights and if any white neighborhood (trailer park) has an abundance of crime then stop and frisk should be implemented. Again, I would simply follow the crime as opposed to focusing on the skin color.
Of course, where stop and frisk is most important are in towns and cities that are burdened by strict gun laws that only help the criminal while leaving law abiding citizens unable to protect themselves.

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