Stop Anti-Semitism on Campus - Get Educated Now!

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
The testimonies you are about to hear are true. The subject is anti-semitism against Jewish Students. We've got US Senators running campaigns based on promoting anti-semitism. See the video - we've got Metropolitan Museum of Arts promoting anti-semitism with a play glorifying the murder of a handicapped Jew by a terrorist! Calling the terrorist a "nice man"! The people of NYC came out and protested on opening night but still the show went on! I believe God that the people responsible for deciding to permit such a wicked thing are under a curse now. I also believe that those of us who will speak up now for the Jews and demand this anti-semitism against the Jewish students end - will be noticed by God for having done so. The time to stop anti-semitism is when it begins. We are way past that point now. This looks like Germany in the 1930's! God forbid! It is time to speak up and tell others - this must stop! Immediately! Watch this video and make sure to copy it and send it out far and wide by email. We need to act today!

If this does not sicken you? Something is wrong! Something is seriously wrong with you.
Listen this woman's story. She'll tell you what is coming to America - it looks like it is here already! Listen closely, people!

(1) Being opposed to Israel's policies and actions is not being "anti-Semitic."

(2) As with every other "victim" group in the U.S., there is a large cadre of professional umbrage takers within the American jewish community who make their business to find anti-Semitism wherever they can. It is often nothing more than casual slights endured by everyone from time to time, but only "victims" can get exercised about them. To even type the words comparing the U.S. today with Germany in the 1930's is delusional beyond belief.

(3) The American jewish community is more educated and more prosperous than just about any ethnic (not really "religious") group in our society. If everyone hates them, they are doing a damn poor job of oppression.

(4) The jewish influence in the entertainment industry is pretty disgraceful - but that's too much of a topic for a forum like this.

(5) The jewish political influence in this country is astounding and disgusting. Our politicians are literally AFRAID to express any thought that is not fully supportive of Israel. Watching films of Bibi addressing Congress just made me wonder how long it would take for one of our Representatives to go ahead and literally give him a BJ.

(6) Most of the American jewish community is totally blind to the equities of the situation in Israel, and unable to hold a rational discussion of the human rights violations that are the formal policies of the Zionist regime.
The testimonies you are about to hear are true. The subject is anti-semitism against Jewish Students. We've got US Senators running campaigns based on promoting anti-semitism. See the video - we've got Metropolitan Museum of Arts promoting anti-semitism with a play glorifying the murder of a handicapped Jew by a terrorist! Calling the terrorist a "nice man"! The people of NYC came out and protested on opening night but still the show went on! I believe God that the people responsible for deciding to permit such a wicked thing are under a curse now. I also believe that those of us who will speak up now for the Jews and demand this anti-semitism against the Jewish students end - will be noticed by God for having done so. The time to stop anti-semitism is when it begins. We are way past that point now. This looks like Germany in the 1930's! God forbid! It is time to speak up and tell others - this must stop! Immediately! Watch this video and make sure to copy it and send it out far and wide by email. We need to act today!

Anti-Semitism is now PC; even Jews are getting in on it.
Some people can't see that a Israeli Party in government called for the extermination of all palestinians is a war crime.

The IDF has enabled the ethnic cleansing of areas of arab people, also a war crime.

But hey lets ignore that...
(1) Being opposed to Israel's policies and actions is not being "anti-Semitic."

(2) As with every other "victim" group in the U.S., there is a large cadre of professional umbrage takers within the American jewish community who make their business to find anti-Semitism wherever they can. It is often nothing more than casual slights endured by everyone from time to time, but only "victims" can get exercised about them. To even type the words comparing the U.S. today with Germany in the 1930's is delusional beyond belief.

(3) The American jewish community is more educated and more prosperous than just about any ethnic (not really "religious") group in our society. If everyone hates them, they are doing a damn poor job of oppression.

(4) The jewish influence in the entertainment industry is pretty disgraceful - but that's too much of a topic for a forum like this.

(5) The jewish political influence in this country is astounding and disgusting. Our politicians are literally AFRAID to express any thought that is not fully supportive of Israel. Watching films of Bibi addressing Congress just made me wonder how long it would take for one of our Representatives to go ahead and literally give him a BJ.

(6) Most of the American jewish community is totally blind to the equities of the situation in Israel, and unable to hold a rational discussion of the human rights violations that are the formal policies of the Zionist regime.

re 5, that's right, and don't you forget it. ;)
I am alarmed by the fact that anti Semitism can be found on the internet. As our economy becomes increasingly competitive there is more resentment against those who compete well. This includes most Jews.

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