Stop big govt! Take back your personal liberty! Support prop 19 in CA this Nov!


Active Member
Apr 15, 2010
I made this bumper sticker myself! =)

Support Prop 19 Bumper Sticker ~ Yes on prop 19 from


California Proposition 19, the Marijuana Legalization Initiative (2010) - Ballotpedia
Sorry to burst your bubble but MJ is illegal by federal law, A state can not legalize it no matter what steps they take.
Sorry to burst your bubble but MJ is illegal by federal law, A state can not legalize it no matter what steps they take.

the Cops in Cal. do not give the feds a hell of a lot of support when it comes to stopping Pot Dispensaries from a matter of fact right now here in OC the board of supervisors are meeting to discuss how they are going to regulate them after Nov....they want them to operate along Liquor store lines as concerning Alcohol..... and where they are going to let them go up....but they did say they feel very strongly that after Nov......Pot will be legal if you have under an more ticketing.....fuck the feds....
Sorry to burst your bubble but MJ is illegal by federal law, A state can not legalize it no matter what steps they take.

Yeah because state right's don't exist.

Besides, California, Colorado have taken steps to make it decriminalized. Why do you think it's 10x harder to go to jail for possession? They can't arrest me here in NC if i have more than 3-4 grams.
The biggest expression of States' rights it to make weed legal? Then you think you'll really be free?


If you want freedom, help the other 20 states cut off the head of Obamacare.
The biggest expression of States' rights it to make weed legal? Then you think you'll really be free?


If you want freedom, help the other 20 states cut off the head of Obamacare.

Granted, but kicking the feds bullshit war on drugs in the face wouldn't be anything less than awesome imo
If other people are stupid enough to do drugs, have at it. I won't vote for ya, or against ya. And I won't pay for any damage you do to your health. The only problem I have with drugs is the impact they have on other people. Keep your shit to yourself. If you lose your job, no benefits. If you lose your home, sleep on the street. If you suffer any problems whatsoever as a result of drug taking, you get jack shit. Mmmmk? Cool.
Sorry to burst your bubble but MJ is illegal by federal law, A state can not legalize it no matter what steps they take.

And since the federal government has no authority to enact any such law California is well within their rights to ignore it.
Im totally against prop 19 b/c it does not go far enough.

One of the weepy reasons for it is THE WAR ON DRUGS COST TO MUCH!!! Get a clue, the most money is made off coke.

If you don't make it all leagal, the fighting and killing will continue.

Give me a Prop that makes it all leagal and I'm all in.
Im totally against prop 19 b/c it does not go far enough.

One of the weepy reasons for it is THE WAR ON DRUGS COST TO MUCH!!! Get a clue, the most money is made off coke.

If you don't make it all leagal, the fighting and killing will continue.

Give me a Prop that makes it all leagal and I'm all in.

Our society moves in baby steps.
Sorry to burst your bubble but MJ is illegal by federal law, A state can not legalize it no matter what steps they take.

The federal governement doesn't have the constitutional authority to restrict Hemp cultivation and its uses. They have overstepped their bounds and anyone who supports the current war on Americans who use non government approved recreational drugs, is a fu*king fascist, period.

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