Stop calling Hobby Lobby a Christian business

Dear [MENTION=31057]JoeB131[/MENTION]
This is the problem "in general" with looking at "other people's money" and trying to tell "other people" what they should and should not pay for. Good luck.

This is why conservatives say don't give your money to govt in the first place, because you can't control where it goes after it leaves your hands. You can petition all you want, and aren't guaranteed results. l.

Not going to plow through all your word diarrhea here to get to whatever point you think you were making.

First, COnservatives are bigger spendthrifts than the Democrats. Jesus Fucking Christ, you jokers committed us to a two trillion dollar war against a country that wasn't our enemy to find weapons that didn't exist.

Second- we aren't talking about government money, or any real money at all here. Hobby Lobby committed to paying for the health care of their employees. Yes, including birth control.

What they want to do is restrict how that money is being spent based on their superstition and ignorance of science. It's not about "saving money".
Just goes to show that we should have a single payer system because you can't count on insurance companies to provide good care.
good post
what a sad and disgusting bunch losers

half of them don't even know what they're whining over

they just follow some left wing site called, THE WEAK

No doubt you know what they're all whining about, you speak their language. You never stop whining.

and another good post.
I predict this will, in practice, be a non-issue.

Despite whether Hobby Lobby thinks they won, they will receive a bill from insurance companies that are not itemized, just like everyone else.

Insurance companies will continue to provide coverage for these employers, since it's been determined by their own analysts that it's cheaper than maternity, or complications from pregnancies.
Stop calling Hobby Lobby a Christian business

The craft store is exalted by the conservative faithful. But it conducts business in a way that flouts Christian values.

"We're Christians," Hobby Lobby's president Steve Green proclaims, "and we run our business on Christian principles."

That is music to the ears of many conservative Christians, who rallied around Hobby Lobby when the retail chain argued at the Supreme Court that ObamaCare's contraception mandate unlawfully burdened their religious beliefs. But a closer look at Hobby Lobby's actual business practices reveals this claim to be as hollow as a flute. Turn over just about any trinket in a Hobby Lobby store and you'll find a gold oval stamped with "Made in China," a country that is one of the worst offenders of human dignity, unborn infant life, and economic justice anywhere in the world.


The Bible is replete with calls for economic justice. Can you call yourself a "Christian business" when you leverage your profits to support an economic system that blatantly perpetuates injustice?


China is also the 20th worst in the world for child labor. Can you call yourself a "Christian business" when you support underage labor? Jesus, after all, taught that taking one's own life is preferable to harming a child.

And what of China's one-child policy, which disincentivizes having daughters to the point that it fuels an underground abortion industry? Data shows that 13 million abortions are performed in the country each year. About 35,000 infant lives are terminated in China every day, and 336 million abortions have taken place there over the last four decades. According to Steven Mosher of Population Research Institute, "most of those abortions have the character of a rape. That is, they were performed on women who were ordered, or even physically forced, to submit to the knife."

Perhaps we shouldn't be surprised, then, that China accounts for 19 percent of the global population, but 56 percent of the world's female suicides. Approximately 500 women take their own lives in China every day.

Though China somewhat relaxed its controversial 35-year-old policy recently, Max Fisher of The Washington Post has noted that the policy still leads to forced abortions — in addition to sterilizations and infanticide — and always will.


You don't understand.

Christians aren't actually willing to take economic loss for their value system! At least not the kind that the Hobby Lobby folks are.

If they don't buy the cheap shit from China - where Christians are routinely persecuted (Persecution in China Is Very Real | Christianity Today) - they'll go out of business. And $$$$ > God.

Do you understand now? They'll eat their own fucking young if need be.
Ever hear the term "choice"?

Why are you defending China's abortion policies?

Murder is okay if it's called a choice? Got it. I don't support abortion anywhere. You do, so you have blood on your hands.

You are the one still shopping at Hobby Lobby

Do they still have that can at the checkout counter to pay for Chinese Abortions?

Would you please post a picture of that can. I don't believe you.
Morning after pill does come in handy. But the larger question is ....Why is your employer making birth control decisions for you? Shouldn't such a personal decision be made by the woman?
It still is. A woman can get access to any birth control and any abortifacients they wish. Even now, after the SCOTUS ruling.

Shallow argument

The woman is already paying for health insurance. The insurer is already willing to pay for those forms of birth control. Why should a low paid employee have to pay out of pocket for coverage everyone else gets for free?

Not really. That aside, if a woman wanted the morning after pill she need only to to her local planned parenthood. The scale slides to fit the income, and many services are free. They really helped out when my daughter needs to be educated about her woman parts. The service was free. Had I gone to the Dr. It would have been $125.00. This is a straw argument to get all the bases gimme up for 2016. It cost that much because insurance would not pay.
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