Stop calling Hobby Lobby a Christian business

Morning after pill does come in handy. But the larger question is ....Why is your employer making birth control decisions for you? Shouldn't such a personal decision be made by the woman?
It still is. A woman can get access to any birth control and any abortifacients they wish. Even now, after the SCOTUS ruling.

Shallow argument

The woman is already paying for health insurance. The insurer is already willing to pay for those forms of birth control. Why should a low paid employee have to pay out of pocket for coverage everyone else gets for free?
No truthful argument is shallow. It may be a shallow audience, but that really doesn't concern Me.

Your argument isn't even valid, and is chock full of dishonest statements such as women can no longer make their own choice about birth control.

It is a flat out lie and you tell it knowingly.
Every time you shop at Hobby Lobby, a Chinese baby dies

Statistics | China | UNICEF


Abortion in China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Exact statistics on the number of abortions performed annually are hard to come by as not all abortions are registered and Family Planning statistics are usually considered state secrets.[4] However in 2008, there were an estimated 13 million abortions performed, and approximately 10 million abortion pills sold.[4] Induced abortions are more common in urban areas, where couples may only have one child.[5] In rural areas, it is permissible to have a second child if the first born is a girl and a "second-birth permit" is granted, costing approximately 4,000 yuan (US$600).[6] By the 70s, abortion was officially termed a "remedial measure" for realising China's goals of controlling the population.[7]
Every time you shop at Hobby Lobby, a Chinese baby dies

Statistics | China | UNICEF


Abortion in China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Exact statistics on the number of abortions performed annually are hard to come by as not all abortions are registered and Family Planning statistics are usually considered state secrets.[4] However in 2008, there were an estimated 13 million abortions performed, and approximately 10 million abortion pills sold.[4] Induced abortions are more common in urban areas, where couples may only have one child.[5] In rural areas, it is permissible to have a second child if the first born is a girl and a "second-birth permit" is granted, costing approximately 4,000 yuan (US$600).[6] By the 70s, abortion was officially termed a "remedial measure" for realising China's goals of controlling the population.[7]
I don't see hobby lobby mentioned in your link...Where is the statistics that every time a customer does business with hobby lobby, a baby dies. You made the direct link.

Now prove it. You link does not do so.


Abortion in China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Exact statistics on the number of abortions performed annually are hard to come by as not all abortions are registered and Family Planning statistics are usually considered state secrets.[4] However in 2008, there were an estimated 13 million abortions performed, and approximately 10 million abortion pills sold.[4] Induced abortions are more common in urban areas, where couples may only have one child.[5] In rural areas, it is permissible to have a second child if the first born is a girl and a "second-birth permit" is granted, costing approximately 4,000 yuan (US$600).[6] By the 70s, abortion was officially termed a "remedial measure" for realising China's goals of controlling the population.[7]
I don't see hobby lobby mentioned in your link...Where is the statistics that every time a customer does business with hobby lobby, a baby dies. You made the direct link.

Now prove it. You link does not do so.

23 million dead babies......thank Hobby Lobby

Abortion in China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Exact statistics on the number of abortions performed annually are hard to come by as not all abortions are registered and Family Planning statistics are usually considered state secrets.[4] However in 2008, there were an estimated 13 million abortions performed, and approximately 10 million abortion pills sold.[4] Induced abortions are more common in urban areas, where couples may only have one child.[5] In rural areas, it is permissible to have a second child if the first born is a girl and a "second-birth permit" is granted, costing approximately 4,000 yuan (US$600).[6] By the 70s, abortion was officially termed a "remedial measure" for realising China's goals of controlling the population.[7]
I don't see hobby lobby mentioned in your link...Where is the statistics that every time a customer does business with hobby lobby, a baby dies. You made the direct link.

Now prove it. You link does not do so.

23 million dead babies......thank Hobby Lobby
I have yet to see the direct attribution of their deaths to Hobby Lobby.

Can you show a link in which a customer enters a Hobby Lobby store and at the very moment of purchase, a baby is killed....I'll wait.
rightwingnut is sure looking like a liar......No surprise since everyone here knows he is...
I don't see hobby lobby mentioned in your link...Where is the statistics that every time a customer does business with hobby lobby, a baby dies. You made the direct link.

Now prove it. You link does not do so.

23 million dead babies......thank Hobby Lobby
I have yet to see the direct attribution of their deaths to Hobby Lobby.

Can you show a link in which a customer enters a Hobby Lobby store and at the very moment of purchase, a baby is killed....I'll wait.

With its 14,000 employees, Hobby Lobby tries to bully them on their use of birth control

Meanwhile, Hobby Lobby will send millions of dollars to China to fund 23 million Chinese abortions

Every dollar you spend at Hobby Lobby pays for a Chinese abortion

Abortion in China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Exact statistics on the number of abortions performed annually are hard to come by as not all abortions are registered and Family Planning statistics are usually considered state secrets.[4] However in 2008, there were an estimated 13 million abortions performed, and approximately 10 million abortion pills sold.[4] Induced abortions are more common in urban areas, where couples may only have one child.[5] In rural areas, it is permissible to have a second child if the first born is a girl and a "second-birth permit" is granted, costing approximately 4,000 yuan (US$600).[6] By the 70s, abortion was officially termed a "remedial measure" for realising China's goals of controlling the population.[7]
I don't see hobby lobby mentioned in your link...Where is the statistics that every time a customer does business with hobby lobby, a baby dies. You made the direct link.

Now prove it. You link does not do so.

23 million dead babies......thank Hobby Lobby

50 million babies aborted in the United states, thanks to people like you. You could really care less about murdered babies, but you will sure stick to silly talking points.
I don't see hobby lobby mentioned in your link...Where is the statistics that every time a customer does business with hobby lobby, a baby dies. You made the direct link.

Now prove it. You link does not do so.

23 million dead babies......thank Hobby Lobby

50 million babies aborted in the United states, thanks to people like you. You could really care less about murdered babies, but you will sure stick to silly talking points.

Ever hear the term "choice"?

Why are you defending China's abortion policies?
23 million dead babies......thank Hobby Lobby

50 million babies aborted in the United states, thanks to people like you. You could really care less about murdered babies, but you will sure stick to silly talking points.

Ever hear the term "choice"?

Why are you defending China's abortion policies?

Murder is okay if it's called a choice? Got it. I don't support abortion anywhere. You do, so you have blood on your hands.
50 million babies aborted in the United states, thanks to people like you. You could really care less about murdered babies, but you will sure stick to silly talking points.

Ever hear the term "choice"?

Why are you defending China's abortion policies?

Murder is okay if it's called a choice? Got it. I don't support abortion anywhere. You do, so you have blood on your hands.

You are the one still shopping at Hobby Lobby

Do they still have that can at the checkout counter to pay for Chinese Abortions?
what a sad and disgusting bunch losers

half of them don't even know what they're whining over

they just follow some left wing site called, THE WEAK
Or maybe the company they do work for should treat them honestly.

It's what Jesus would do.

Yes [MENTION=31057]JoeB131[/MENTION] CC: [MENTION=17668]Peach[/MENTION]
and the proper way to rebuke a fellow believer
is by invoking scripture and redressing grievances to restore justice:

When people had a grievance against the Govt over ACA as a federal law,
they invoked Constitutional laws and precedence to present their grievance
following "Due Process" . Opponents organized with lawyers and
the owners of Hobby Lobby to form a team of "witnesses" and
then used the GOVT's laws to address the GOVT.

If we have grievances by Christian laws, we present them
to fellow Christians using a team of witnesses to THOSE laws.

I am guessing the grievance expressed here is "greed":
thou shalt not COVET thy neighbor's wife or servant or anything that
belongs to thy neighbor.

So if you are saying the Christian owners are "coveting" the labor of
poor Chinese workers, then that is a violation of one of the 10 Commandments.
That IS a valid grievance and deserves correction.

Instead of preaching it to other people who are not the target trangressors,
the first step is to bring the grievance to the company you hold responsible.

If you want to form a team to go address them, that is what
Hobby Lobby and others did to address the Govt, and it worked!

As a Constitutionalist and Christian believer, I have no problem
supporting you and others in bringing such a grievance for resolution.

In the process, you also rebuke anyone else listening who is
also contributing to slave labor (and outsourcing production
that could be moved back to America and Mexico to develop more
stable economy along the border instead of crossing it illegally.)

I have no problem petitioning collectively for changing that, which solves multiple problems wrong with corporate politics.

Please let me know if you are SERIOUS about redressing this grievance
or just using it politically to score a few points online. That's fine too, but let me know which way!

Matthew 18 said:
15 Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother.

16 But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.

17 And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican.

18 Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

19 Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.

20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
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Or maybe the company they do work for should treat them honestly.

It's what Jesus would do.

Yes [MENTION=31057]JoeB131[/MENTION] and the proper way to rebuke a fellow believer
is by invoking scripture and redressing grievances to restore justice:

When people had a grievance against the Govt over federal laws,
they invoked Constitutional laws and precedence to present their grievance
following "due process" . Opponents organized with lawyers and
the owners of Hobby Lobby to form a team of "witnesses" and
then used the GOVT's laws to address the GOVT.

If we have grievances by Christian laws, we present them
to fellow Christians using a team of witnesses to those laws.

I am guessing the grievance expressed here is "greed":
thou shalt not COVET thy neighbor's wife or servant or anything that
belongs to thy neighbor.

So if you are saying the Christian owners are "coveting" the labor of
poor Chinese workers, then that is a violation of one of the 10 Commandments.

Instead of preaching it to other people who are not the target trangressors,
the first step is to bring the grievance to the company.

If you want to form a team to go address them, that is what
Hobby Lobby and others did to address the Govt.

As a Constitutionalist and Christian believer, I have no problem
supporting you and others in bringing a grievance for resolution.

In the process, you also rebuke anyone else listening who is
also contributing to slave labor (and outsourcing production
that could be moved back to America and Mexico to develop more
stable economy along the border instead of crossing it illegally.)

I have no problem petitioning collectively for that.
Please let me know if you are SERIOUS about redressing this grievance
or just using it politically to score a few points online. That's fine too, but let me know.

Matthew 18 said:
15 Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother.

16 But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.

17 And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican.

18 Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

19 Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.

20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

Jesus would not shop at Hobby Lobby
Jesus would be too busy teaching FREE spiritual healing,
to provide universal health care by Nature's way,
and waste no time lobbying Govt much less corporations
to pay for all the costs of crime and diseases if we don't heal ourselves naturally.

He would take care of the causes of sickness directly, instead of fighting politically
over who is to blame for the problems and why should we keep paying for those.
Jesus would not shop at Hobby Lobby

Nor would Jesus run for office if the only
choices are the two parties fighting over health care.

There are lots of things that Jesus would do differently.

Jesus would turn the tables on Political Parties and tell them
to fund their own platforms, render unto Democrats that which are
Democratic beliefs, and under Republicans that which are Republican beliefs,
render by the Constitution what is Federal Govt's, and leave to God and the
people what is between God and the people. Quit imposing on each other,
and then buying, selling and betting on the next "bigger bully" in the fight.

If some people believe God is the source of life and health first before Govt,
let them pay for their own beliefs by religious freedom. That is their right by law.
If you believe Govt is your Source of health care before God, then pay for that yourself.
You have equal religious freedom, but can't impose yours on others either!

Respect others as you want to be respected yourself.
If you don't want other people pushing their beliefs about God and Govt on you,
don't go around imposing your beliefs about Govt and health care on them!

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"
Then you can have "Equal Justice Under Law"
which is written on the Supreme Court building itself.

If you don't practice what you preach, why should anyone listen to a hypocrite?
Remove the beam from your own eye, before seeing how to help a neighbor with a splinter
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what a sad and disgusting bunch losers

half of them don't even know what they're whining over

they just follow some left wing site called, THE WEAK

No doubt you know what they're all whining about, you speak their language. You never stop whining.

They have their own language?:lol:

Yes, [MENTION=1668]Stephanie[/MENTION] it's called the Democrat Platform, it spells out their political religion
including "right to health care" which is a belief. it is publicly posted online, so anyone can see what is driving the herd.

The natural way to rebuke followers within a religious tribe is to identify
who are the decision makers, then form alliance with a team of members within
to go petition those leaders for change within the group.

I have found some leaders, but they are generally divided because that's part of the game.
The old school Democrats keep using their office and the "fear of losing to the opposition"
to cut out their contenders who want to change the game. They keep themselves down this way.
(Same with the division in the Republican party against the old school career politicians selling them out too!)

If we can form teams to petition heads of both parties, then maybe we can petition the President
who is the head of the Democrats at this point. Unless the focus can be shifted to Hillary or someone
else to be the next figurehead to blame everything on.

Somehow, it must be established that this belief in "right to health care through Govt"
is no more or less defensible than the belief in "natural rights by God not Govt".
Both can be defended, but neither can be imposed, since they are equally political beliefs.

Whatever it takes to get that point made, the right people will come together.

Instead of scowling and blaming each other's parties,
how can we USE this to petition the Democrats to set up their own Singlepayer
system through their own Party Govt for their members and followers,
and petition the Republicans to set up their free market networks
for their members to invest in their own medical systems of health care.

I posted a petition online but only 5 people have signed it including me.

Can we rewrite this petition so it is clear that BOTH PARTIES will get
their way faster if they separate and invest in their own systems
instead of fighting over these. We need BOTH systems because
the members of BOTH parties/beliefs represent half the nation.

It is clear we cannot represent the public pushing only ONE system.
So why not develop both and get working and quit fighting?
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and the proper way to rebuke a fellow believer
is by invoking scripture and redressing grievances to restore justice:

I will respect their religious liberty, without invoking scripture, the 1st Amendment suffices.

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