Stop calling Hobby Lobby a Christian business

I think by your assumption, buying American is worse, look how looney liberals are pissing on themselves, when no one is denied anything. Those shady women can still buy those abortion pills themselves. Maybe rightie can buy them for them, since he is so worried a baby could possibly be born.

America does not have mandatory abortions, China does

Hobby Lobby opposes birth control that prevents an embryo from implanting while they support a Chinese economy that forces abortion on women after one child, usually a male child
Answer me one question, are hobby lobbies employees denied basic birth control? There are 16 they can choose from.

Morning after pill does come in handy. But the larger question is ....Why is your employer making birth control decisions for you? Shouldn't such a personal decision be made by the woman?
Answer me one question, are hobby lobbies employees denied basic birth control? There are 16 they can choose from.

but here's the problem, it's not "basic" birth control. It's appropriate birth control.

The reason why there are 20 forms of birth control is that not all methods are appropriate for all people. And not all forms of birth control are limited to just preventing pregnancy.

For instance, an IUD (one of the forms that Hobby Lobby is allowed to deny payment for) can also be used to reduce uterine bleeding.

The two people who are best qualified to determine what is appropriate birth control are a doctor who went to school for 8 years to understand how the human body works and the woman who's body it actually is.

The person who it is not appropriate to make these decisions is an employer who decides he doesnt' like a certain type of birth control because a 2000 year old book of Bronze Age Fairy Tales said it was bad.
America does not have mandatory abortions, China does

Hobby Lobby opposes birth control that prevents an embryo from implanting while they support a Chinese economy that forces abortion on women after one child, usually a male child
Answer me one question, are hobby lobbies employees denied basic birth control? There are 16 they can choose from.

Morning after pill does come in handy. But the larger question is ....Why is your employer making birth control decisions for you? Shouldn't such a personal decision be made by the woman?

Hl isn't denying anybody anything, they just won't pay for it.
Answer me one question, are hobby lobbies employees denied basic birth control? There are 16 they can choose from.

Morning after pill does come in handy. But the larger question is ....Why is your employer making birth control decisions for you? Shouldn't such a personal decision be made by the woman?

Hl isn't denying anybody anything, they just won't pay for it.

That's a distinction without a difference.

Hobby Lobby pays it's cashiers a whopping $9.00 an hour. That works out to $18,000 a year before taxes. To say you won't fund a $1000.00 a year IUD after your doctor has determined that is the appropriate treatment for your situation is in effect denying the treatment.
Answer me one question, are hobby lobbies employees denied basic birth control? There are 16 they can choose from.

but here's the problem, it's not "basic" birth control. It's appropriate birth control.

The reason why there are 20 forms of birth control is that not all methods are appropriate for all people. And not all forms of birth control are limited to just preventing pregnancy.

For instance, an IUD (one of the forms that Hobby Lobby is allowed to deny payment for) can also be used to reduce uterine bleeding.

The two people who are best qualified to determine what is appropriate birth control are a doctor who went to school for 8 years to understand how the human body works and the woman who's body it actually is.

The person who it is not appropriate to make these decisions is an employer who decides he doesnt' like a certain type of birth control because a 2000 year old book of Bronze Age Fairy Tales said it was bad.

That book you speak of is truth and life. The problem is it will be to late when you figure it out. Also those employees aren't denied anything, they can buy it. Anyway it is a Clinton law that allowed this to happen, where is your outrage?
Answer me one question, are hobby lobbies employees denied basic birth control? There are 16 they can choose from.

but here's the problem, it's not "basic" birth control. It's appropriate birth control.

The reason why there are 20 forms of birth control is that not all methods are appropriate for all people. And not all forms of birth control are limited to just preventing pregnancy.

For instance, an IUD (one of the forms that Hobby Lobby is allowed to deny payment for) can also be used to reduce uterine bleeding.

The two people who are best qualified to determine what is appropriate birth control are a doctor who went to school for 8 years to understand how the human body works and the woman who's body it actually is.

The person who it is not appropriate to make these decisions is an employer who decides he doesnt' like a certain type of birth control because a 2000 year old book of Bronze Age Fairy Tales said it was bad.

That book you speak of is truth and life. The problem is it will be to late when you figure it out.

If that book was the truth, why aren't you out stoning your neighbor to death for working on Sunday? Or stoning your (hypothetical) daughter to death for not being a virgin on her wedding night? That book is full of a whole lot of barbaric, stupid shit that you "Christians" don't follow because the rest of us wouldn't put up with it.

And shit, here's the problem, the bible really doesn't say anything about abortion or birth control. Quite the contrary, it didn't consider babies to be people until they were at least a month old. It considered causing a miscarriage to be an offense only worth a fine. (As opposed to the aforementioned working on the sabbath, which was a killing offense.)

Also those employees aren't denied anything, they can buy it.

If htey can AFFORD it. this is the problem with treating medical care as a consumer commodity instead of a public service. I mean, what if my interpretation of the Bible is that I don't think Cancer Treatment is Kosher? should I be able to deny my employee payment for his chemotherapy and let him die?

Anyway it is a Clinton law that allowed this to happen, where is your outrage?

I thought the RFRA was a bad law when it was passed, because it led to a bunch of prisoners suing the prison system for religious rights. But that was a case of good intentions gone wrong.

This decision is just plain stupid.
Morning after pill does come in handy. But the larger question is ....Why is your employer making birth control decisions for you? Shouldn't such a personal decision be made by the woman?

Hl isn't denying anybody anything, they just won't pay for it.

That's a distinction without a difference.

Hobby Lobby pays it's cashiers a whopping $9.00 an hour. That works out to $18,000 a year before taxes. To say you won't fund a $1000.00 a year IUD after your doctor has determined that is the appropriate treatment for your situation is in effect denying the treatment.

Then maybe they should go to work for another company.
but here's the problem, it's not "basic" birth control. It's appropriate birth control.

The reason why there are 20 forms of birth control is that not all methods are appropriate for all people. And not all forms of birth control are limited to just preventing pregnancy.

For instance, an IUD (one of the forms that Hobby Lobby is allowed to deny payment for) can also be used to reduce uterine bleeding.

The two people who are best qualified to determine what is appropriate birth control are a doctor who went to school for 8 years to understand how the human body works and the woman who's body it actually is.

The person who it is not appropriate to make these decisions is an employer who decides he doesnt' like a certain type of birth control because a 2000 year old book of Bronze Age Fairy Tales said it was bad.

That book you speak of is truth and life. The problem is it will be to late when you figure it out.

If that book was the truth, why aren't you out stoning your neighbor to death for working on Sunday? Or stoning your (hypothetical) daughter to death for not being a virgin on her wedding night? That book is full of a whole lot of barbaric, stupid shit that you "Christians" don't follow because the rest of us wouldn't put up with it.

And shit, here's the problem, the bible really doesn't say anything about abortion or birth control. Quite the contrary, it didn't consider babies to be people until they were at least a month old. It considered causing a miscarriage to be an offense only worth a fine. (As opposed to the aforementioned working on the sabbath, which was a killing offense.)

Also those employees aren't denied anything, they can buy it.

If htey can AFFORD it. this is the problem with treating medical care as a consumer commodity instead of a public service. I mean, what if my interpretation of the Bible is that I don't think Cancer Treatment is Kosher? should I be able to deny my employee payment for his chemotherapy and let him die?

Anyway it is a Clinton law that allowed this to happen, where is your outrage?

I thought the RFRA was a bad law when it was passed, because it led to a bunch of prisoners suing the prison system for religious rights. But that was a case of good intentions gone wrong.

This decision is just plain stupid.

The new testament teaches compassion and forgiveness. Something liberals cannot comprehend. Also the bible warns of abusing God's children. Just think, if Obama didn't mandate insurance, there wouldn't be a problem.
You're wrong.

Christianity is all about misery and death.

Hobby Lobby is a VERY CHRISTIAN business.

The entire human condition and spiritual process in general
is about "misery and death". Even the BUDDHISTS have taught
that life doesn't come without suffering, of course this is recognized.
Christianity does not have a monopoly on that part of life.

Yes, the Bible teaches the whole history, including war
and genocide. This is going to happen until we reform
our relationships and society as a result. The difference taught
between the NT and OT IS the difference between life and death.

The point of Christianity is not just about charity and forgiveness towards all,
the Bible also contains instructions for REBUKE by the law. Matthew 18:15-20

Christians respond to REBUKE by their own scriptures and peers.
So if we have grievances with Hobby Lobby, we are to address them first,
the same way they took their grievances and redressed them.

This is both a Christian teaching and a Constitutional process.
So by DUE PROCESS we don't just stand around preaching what is wrong in PUBLIC.
We take the issues to the people we fault and PETITION them in PRIVATE.

So here, who is the first to cast the first stone?
Peach points out she TRIES to buy American whenever possible.
Who HASN'T bought or supported Chinese slave labor?

We would need to remove the BEAM from our own eyes
before helping our neighbor to do the same. Admitting we are not perfect
either, but have also contributed indirectly is the FIRST step toward
humbling ourselves as no better or worse than any other person on the planet!

Where we petition each other with equal respect for each other under the laws,
that is where we evoke the Authority of law. By standing on that as equals.

This is where Christianity and Constitutional laws intersect and agree.
How do we establish that spirit and understanding
so we can hear each other's grievances and redress them TOGETHER in UNITY?

Thank you, Sallow
May the First Amendment be with you
Hl isn't denying anybody anything, they just won't pay for it.

That's a distinction without a difference.

Hobby Lobby pays it's cashiers a whopping $9.00 an hour. That works out to $18,000 a year before taxes. To say you won't fund a $1000.00 a year IUD after your doctor has determined that is the appropriate treatment for your situation is in effect denying the treatment.

Then maybe they should go to work for another company.

Or maybe the company they do work for should treat them honestly.

It's what Jesus would do.

The new testament teaches compassion and forgiveness. Something liberals cannot comprehend.

Which party advocates the death penalty? Which party is always trying to cut food stamps to the poor so they can give tax cuts tot he rich? NOt that I use the bible as a guidepost, but frankly, liberals are closer to what Jesus was talking about than conservatives are.

Also the bible warns of abusing God's children.


Thus saith the LORD of hosts ... go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass. 1 Samuel 15:2-3

And we took all his cities at that time, and utterly destroyed the men, and the women, and the little ones, of every city, we left none to remain. Deuteronomy 2:34

And my personal favorite...

Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones. -- Psalm 137:9

Just think, if Obama didn't mandate insurance, there wouldn't be a problem.

Well, here's the thing. Hobby Lobby paid for these forms of contraception before ObamaCare, along with investing in companies that produce abortificiants and buying merchandise from China. So Hobby Lobby would still be violating some of God's Laws.

I guess by mandating birth control, Hobby Lobby actually started thinking about it.. so there's that.

Of course, the forms of birth control in question have nothing to do with abortion.
Evidence? How about having to go to the Supreme Court to force your values on your employees

How about stocking your shelves with products from China which forces women to have abortions?

how about you people stop forcing your support of abortions on the rest of us?
How about you gun control freaks stop forcing your views on us by wanting the government to step on us?
DEAL with it or stop with the nonsense

By buying Chinese products, Hobby Lobby is the one supporting abortion

When given a choice between profit and values.....they chose profit

Profit trumping American as apple pie. Welcome to the United Corporations of America!

Stop calling Hobby Lobby a Christian business

The craft store is exalted by the conservative faithful. But it conducts business in a way that flouts Christian values.

"We're Christians," Hobby Lobby's president Steve Green proclaims, "and we run our business on Christian principles."

That is music to the ears of many conservative Christians, who rallied around Hobby Lobby when the retail chain argued at the Supreme Court that ObamaCare's contraception mandate unlawfully burdened their religious beliefs. But a closer look at Hobby Lobby's actual business practices reveals this claim to be as hollow as a flute. Turn over just about any trinket in a Hobby Lobby store and you'll find a gold oval stamped with "Made in China," a country that is one of the worst offenders of human dignity, unborn infant life, and economic justice anywhere in the world.


The Bible is replete with calls for economic justice. Can you call yourself a "Christian business" when you leverage your profits to support an economic system that blatantly perpetuates injustice?


China is also the 20th worst in the world for child labor. Can you call yourself a "Christian business" when you support underage labor? Jesus, after all, taught that taking one's own life is preferable to harming a child.

And what of China's one-child policy, which disincentivizes having daughters to the point that it fuels an underground abortion industry? Data shows that 13 million abortions are performed in the country each year. About 35,000 infant lives are terminated in China every day, and 336 million abortions have taken place there over the last four decades. According to Steven Mosher of Population Research Institute, "most of those abortions have the character of a rape. That is, they were performed on women who were ordered, or even physically forced, to submit to the knife."

Perhaps we shouldn't be surprised, then, that China accounts for 19 percent of the global population, but 56 percent of the world's female suicides. Approximately 500 women take their own lives in China every day.

Though China somewhat relaxed its controversial 35-year-old policy recently, Max Fisher of The Washington Post has noted that the policy still leads to forced abortions — in addition to sterilizations and infanticide — and always will.


This baffled me as well. I agree no one should be in anyway required to pay for anyone's abortion pills, but it is ironic that these guys would be cool with 10 year olds cranking out doodads and and shit for .50 cents an hour if they are lucky, as well as do business with a country that has such a shitty human rights record as well as a country that has a record of banning Christianity and religion in general. Funny world we live in. Neet that you pointed this out. You are the first I have seen mention it.
Dear [MENTION=31057]JoeB131[/MENTION]
This is the problem "in general" with looking at "other people's money" and trying to tell "other people" what they should and should not pay for. Good luck.

This is why conservatives say don't give your money to govt in the first place, because you can't control where it goes after it leaves your hands. You can petition all you want, and aren't guaranteed results. That is why people form their own businesses, DBA, nonprofit corporations, even schools to control where the money goes so they can follow their values. Do you see why? You have more control over your own resources when YOU are in charge. We have no direct control over the Wal Marts the Hobby Lobbies, or the dollar store down the street owned by chains.

Buy local, build local, set up your own DBA and deduct your money from taxes for all YOUR business expenses. And you can put your money wherever YOU want!

That's a distinction without a difference.

Hobby Lobby pays it's cashiers a whopping $9.00 an hour. That works out to $18,000 a year before taxes. To say you won't fund a $1000.00 a year IUD after your doctor has determined that is the appropriate treatment for your situation is in effect denying the treatment.

NOTE: I have this same problem with the Democrat Party Candidates, City of Houston, and government in general: the City of Houston wasted 3.4 to 10 or 15 million of public taxes destroying national historic landmarks, but didn't have "any funds" to preserve the last set of historic rowhouses the nonprofits asked to buy for Vets. We are supposed to be REPRESENTED by our govt, and we could not even control where the money went!
(Two candidates from the SAME PARTY also spend an average of 1.5 Million EACH running against each other in a runoff for the same office of Mayor, and didn't have a dime to invest in saving that history next door to City Hall which is national history.)

So if we cannot even get our own parties, our own PUBLIC city and govt tax money
to go toward preserving communities and local interests, but THEY sell out to private profit, how do you expect to control where PRIVATE money goes that is in private hands?

Do you see how IMPOSSIBLE this situation is?
We can ask, petition, boycott etc. But until we buy up our own property and invest in our own businesses (and even cities and govt), we do NOT have equal power and control.
America does not have mandatory abortions, China does

Hobby Lobby opposes birth control that prevents an embryo from implanting while they support a Chinese economy that forces abortion on women after one child, usually a male child
Answer me one question, are hobby lobbies employees denied basic birth control? There are 16 they can choose from.

Morning after pill does come in handy. But the larger question is ....Why is your employer making birth control decisions for you? Shouldn't such a personal decision be made by the woman?
It still is. A woman can get access to any birth control and any abortifacients they wish. Even now, after the SCOTUS ruling.
how about you people stop forcing your support of abortions on the rest of us?
How about you gun control freaks stop forcing your views on us by wanting the government to step on us?
DEAL with it or stop with the nonsense

By buying Chinese products, Hobby Lobby is the one supporting abortion

When given a choice between profit and values.....they chose profit

Profit trumping American as apple pie. Welcome to the United Corporations of America!


And it all comes down to profit

Any company that is sincere in its opposition to abortion would be appalled at Chinas mandatory abortions and refuse to buy Chinese products

Hobby Lobby has other options to buy low priced merchandise....India, Mexico, VietNam...even the good ole USA

But to save a few pennies they send their manufacturing to China while gloating about being able to make birth control choices for their female employees
Answer me one question, are hobby lobbies employees denied basic birth control? There are 16 they can choose from.

Morning after pill does come in handy. But the larger question is ....Why is your employer making birth control decisions for you? Shouldn't such a personal decision be made by the woman?
It still is. A woman can get access to any birth control and any abortifacients they wish. Even now, after the SCOTUS ruling.

Shallow argument

The woman is already paying for health insurance. The insurer is already willing to pay for those forms of birth control. Why should a low paid employee have to pay out of pocket for coverage everyone else gets for free?

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