Stop My Benefits!

Your payments into Social Security and medicare are less than you paid into the system. Thus, they are entitlements . Tea Party protesters should be asking for a delay in benefits to help the country they claim to love so much

I haven't received any payments yet.

I'd be happy to get my combined taxes back and opt out.
You hit the nail on the head boedicca. Too many people on the left (and or on the teat) think that the govt just prints money. They forget where it comes from. Maybe if I paid no federal taxes, I'd be clueless too. Just like turning on the spigot and never considering how the water got there. Some things people just take for granted. That's why I generally give a pass to the young libs on here. Once they see half their earnings disappear and meet some scmbags they used to pity, they'll wake up. Just can't understand the older ones. Envy? Selfishness? Arrested development? Befuddling to me.
The larger question for the tea party protesters is "What government benefits do you receive and are you willing to give them up to balance the budget?"

How many receive Social Security, Medicare, Veterans Benefits??? They are ready to scream about others receiving benefits that they themselves don't need. They already have health insurance. Are they ready to give up some of their own benefits?

Ok, I've read enough. Social Security is not welfare, you earn it and pay into it. Medicare is not welfare, you pay into it or you don't get it. Veterans Benefits are earned, they are not welfare. I will gladly give up every government benefit that I didn't earn or pay for. And that would total none.

Everything I get I earned and or paid into. And that my dear leftist fools is not socialism.

Yes...that is SOCIALISM

You are paying into a pool and draw more in benefits than you put in. You are a drain on the society. Veterans benefits are still an entitlement which is paid by the taxpayer and adds to the total deficit. If your concern is the size of the deficit, you should be willing to accept a cut in your own benefits
They are screaming in the streets about taxes, deficits, socialism,entitlements..........

But only the ones for OTHER people. LEAVE MY ENTITLEMENTS ALONE

If Tea Party members benefit from a "socialist" program there is nothing wrong with it

Here's the problem with your thinking: Most adults alive today entered the workforce after these mandatory programs were put in place. We have been forced to pay taxes for "retirement" and "health care" insurance.

I would prefer to opt out, if given a choice, and have my payments go into my own defined contribution accounts.

Your sneering that we are clinging to entitlements when WE HAVE ALREADY PAID FOR THEM shows the corruption of your philosophy in which nothing is earned, it is only the gift of the state.

Just trying to be a little honest here. The people protesting are complaining about benefits that will be available to others. They all have healthcare....yet scream that others may get healthcare. They protest Goernment provided healthcare...but love their Medicare and Veterans benefits

You apparently don't understand the word "honest".
No one is willing to give up what they have contributed to for years whether they agree with the system or not. Are you?

They are screaming in the streets about taxes, deficits, socialism,entitlements..........

But only the ones for OTHER people. LEAVE MY ENTITLEMENTS ALONE

If Tea Party members benefit from a "socialist" program there is nothing wrong with it

Do you even know what the difference is between what you call "socialist" programs and this health care bill? I'm guessing you don't, since you seem to think that any and all taxes are considered "socialism" to the right, which isn't the case.

Do we agree with them all? Hell no!!!! I don't think it's the government's job to make sure that I save for retirement. That is my job. But, since we have idiots in this country that can't look past today and what they can buy immediately with their paycheck, Social Security became a necessity. I'd love to be able to opt out of it, but I can't.

Just trying to be a little honest here. The people protesting are complaining about benefits that will be available to others. They all have healthcare....yet scream that others may get healthcare. They protest Goernment provided healthcare...but love their Medicare and Veterans benefits

No, you pinhead. They are protesting Government spending enormous amount of money we don't have. The deficit this year will be nearly $2T. Optimistic forecasts show total Federal Debt at 90% of GDP in 10 years.

The Government is not Santa Claus - handing out goodies paid for with debt leads to insolvency.

Don't believe me? Increase your lifestyle to 25% above your income financed with credit cards. When those are maxed out, get more. See where you end up.
The larger question for the tea party protesters is "What government benefits do you receive and are you willing to give them up to balance the budget?"

How many receive Social Security, Medicare, Veterans Benefits??? They are ready to scream about others receiving benefits that they themselves don't need. They already have health insurance. Are they ready to give up some of their own benefits?

Ok, I've read enough. Social Security is not welfare, you earn it and pay into it. Medicare is not welfare, you pay into it or you don't get it. Veterans Benefits are earned, they are not welfare. I will gladly give up every government benefit that I didn't earn or pay for. And that would total none.

Everything I get I earned and or paid into. And that my dear leftist fools is not socialism.

Yes...that is SOCIALISM

You are paying into a pool and draw more in benefits than you put in. You are a drain on the society. Veterans benefits are still an entitlement which is paid by the taxpayer and adds to the total deficit. If your concern is the size of the deficit, you should be willing to accept a cut in your own benefits

You don't think that veteran's benefits were earned by the lack of wage that they got paid by volunteering to be in service to this country? I feel sorry for you. You really are a warped person.

You hit the nail on the head boedicca. Too many people on the left (and or on the teat) think that the govt just prints money. They forget where it comes from. Maybe if I paid no federal taxes, I'd be clueless too. Just like turning on the spigot and never considering how the water got there. Some things people just take for granted. That's why I generally give a pass to the young libs on here. Once they see half their earnings disappear and meet some scmbags they used to pity, they'll wake up. Just can't understand the older ones. Envy? Selfishness? Arrested development? Befuddling to me.

Probably a bit of all three.

You're correct. The ones that do achieve a modicum of financial success will most likely have epiphanies and become born again financial conservatives.
The larger question for the tea party protesters is "What government benefits do you receive and are you willing to give them up to balance the budget?"

How many receive Social Security, Medicare, Veterans Benefits??? They are ready to scream about others receiving benefits that they themselves don't need. They already have health insurance. Are they ready to give up some of their own benefits?

Ok, I've read enough. Social Security is not welfare, you earn it and pay into it. Medicare is not welfare, you pay into it or you don't get it. Veterans Benefits are earned, they are not welfare. I will gladly give up every government benefit that I didn't earn or pay for. And that would total none.

Everything I get I earned and or paid into. And that my dear leftist fools is not socialism.

Yes...that is SOCIALISM

You are paying into a pool and draw more in benefits than you put in. You are a drain on the society. Veterans benefits are still an entitlement which is paid by the taxpayer and adds to the total deficit. If your concern is the size of the deficit, you should be willing to accept a cut in your own benefits

Main Entry: so·cial·ism
Pronunciation: \ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm\
Function: noun
Date: 1837

1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2 a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
3 : a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done
You hit the nail on the head boedicca. Too many people on the left (and or on the teat) think that the govt just prints money. They forget where it comes from. Maybe if I paid no federal taxes, I'd be clueless too. Just like turning on the spigot and never considering how the water got there. Some things people just take for granted. That's why I generally give a pass to the young libs on here. Once they see half their earnings disappear and meet some scmbags they used to pity, they'll wake up. Just can't understand the older ones. Envy? Selfishness? Arrested development? Befuddling to me.

Probably a bit of all three.

You're correct. The ones that do achieve a modicum of financial success will most likely have epiphanies and become born again financial conservatives.

The ones who are born into privilege never do, though.
Probably a bit of all three.

You're correct. The ones that do achieve a modicum of financial success will most likely have epiphanies and become born again financial conservatives.

The ones who are born into privilege never do, though.

Sadly, that is true much of the time.

The saddest cases are the ones with successful parents. The kids have it easy, but often feel they aren't measuring up. That does explain why so many of them seek solace in leftwing causes - a form of self-therapy to ease their guilt.
Ok, I've read enough. Social Security is not welfare, you earn it and pay into it. Medicare is not welfare, you pay into it or you don't get it. Veterans Benefits are earned, they are not welfare. I will gladly give up every government benefit that I didn't earn or pay for. And that would total none.

Everything I get I earned and or paid into. And that my dear leftist fools is not socialism.

Yes...that is SOCIALISM

You are paying into a pool and draw more in benefits than you put in. You are a drain on the society. Veterans benefits are still an entitlement which is paid by the taxpayer and adds to the total deficit. If your concern is the size of the deficit, you should be willing to accept a cut in your own benefits

You don't think that veteran's benefits were earned by the lack of wage that they got paid by volunteering to be in service to this country? I feel sorry for you. You really are a warped person.


I'm not questioning whether they were earned. Only that Vet Benefits as well as Social Security and Medicare add to our nations debt.

People out protesting our nations debt and the amount of taxes they pay should be willing to suffer cuts to solve the problem. People complaining about Government Healthcare shouldn't use Medicare .
These people are so stupid, what is a "Niggar" is that something you get at a smoke shop?


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Ok, I've read enough. Social Security is not welfare, you earn it and pay into it. Medicare is not welfare, you pay into it or you don't get it. Veterans Benefits are earned, they are not welfare. I will gladly give up every government benefit that I didn't earn or pay for. And that would total none.

Everything I get I earned and or paid into. And that my dear leftist fools is not socialism.

Yes...that is SOCIALISM

You are paying into a pool and draw more in benefits than you put in. You are a drain on the society. Veterans benefits are still an entitlement which is paid by the taxpayer and adds to the total deficit. If your concern is the size of the deficit, you should be willing to accept a cut in your own benefits

Main Entry: so·cial·ism
Pronunciation: \ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm\
Function: noun
Date: 1837

1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2 a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
3 : a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

God Damn....You mean Obama is not a Socialist?

Thanks for pointing that out
I'm not questioning whether they were earned. Only that Vet Benefits as well as Social Security and Medicare add to our nations debt.

People out protesting our nations debt and the amount of taxes they pay should be willing to suffer cuts to solve the problem. People complaining about Government Healthcare shouldn't use Medicare .

We're already paying the taxes.

There are plenty of opportunities to cut government spending before asking people who have already paid for something to give it up.

Here are a few ideas:

- Cut all earmarks
- Zero base budgeting for all discretionary programs
(that should flesh out a lot of things that should have been sunset decades ago)
- Get rid of Public Employee Unions
- Cut pay for federal employees so that it does not exceed the averages for the private sector
- Get rid of federal pensions; move to defined contribution (401Ks)
Yes...that is SOCIALISM

You are paying into a pool and draw more in benefits than you put in. You are a drain on the society. Veterans benefits are still an entitlement which is paid by the taxpayer and adds to the total deficit. If your concern is the size of the deficit, you should be willing to accept a cut in your own benefits

You don't think that veteran's benefits were earned by the lack of wage that they got paid by volunteering to be in service to this country? I feel sorry for you. You really are a warped person.


I'm not questioning whether they were earned. Only that Vet Benefits as well as Social Security and Medicare add to our nations debt.

People out protesting our nations debt and the amount of taxes they pay should be willing to suffer cuts to solve the problem. People complaining about Government Healthcare shouldn't use Medicare .

Yes you are questioning whether they were earned. They VOLUNTEERED to be in SERVICE to this country. They don't get the pay they DESERVE, what they sacrifice in pay they get in their benefits.

You're suggesting that someone who signs a contract with an employer to make $50,000 a year should just give it back. You're an idiot.

I've paid into Social Security since I've been in the workforce. I could tell you in about 10 minutes how much I've paid in to the "system." You get me that money back from the government, and I'll even take it without interest, and tell me I can stop paying in to Social Security? I'd do sign up in under 3 seconds.

Yes...that is SOCIALISM

You are paying into a pool and draw more in benefits than you put in. You are a drain on the society. Veterans benefits are still an entitlement which is paid by the taxpayer and adds to the total deficit. If your concern is the size of the deficit, you should be willing to accept a cut in your own benefits

You don't think that veteran's benefits were earned by the lack of wage that they got paid by volunteering to be in service to this country? I feel sorry for you. You really are a warped person.


I'm not questioning whether they were earned. Only that Vet Benefits as well as Social Security and Medicare add to our nations debt.

People out protesting our nations debt and the amount of taxes they pay should be willing to suffer cuts to solve the problem. People complaining about Government Healthcare shouldn't use Medicare .

You are right in a strange sort of way. The USA promised me free health and dental care for life. The reneged on that promise which was part of my pay and allowances. And have forced me onto medicare. Now living on a fixed income, I'm now supposed to refuse what is now offered me in place of what I was promised?

But don't worry we will all pay for this deficit in one way or another. Either lose of benefits or higher taxes, or both. Remember that unless you live in Florida you have already lost Medicare Advantage. We'll see over time what else seniors have to lose to make this Health Care Reform work.
Yes...that is SOCIALISM

You are paying into a pool and draw more in benefits than you put in. You are a drain on the society. Veterans benefits are still an entitlement which is paid by the taxpayer and adds to the total deficit. If your concern is the size of the deficit, you should be willing to accept a cut in your own benefits

Main Entry: so·cial·ism
Pronunciation: \ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm\
Function: noun
Date: 1837

1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2 a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
3 : a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

God Damn....You mean Obama is not a Socialist?

Thanks for pointing that out

He's working on it.
Two questions for the young lefty and the rightwinger:
1. If this HC solution to all of our problems was supposed to solve all the debt problems and put the nation to rights again, with cash left over, as we were led to believe, what is this

I'm not questioning whether they were earned. Only that Vet Benefits as well as Social Security and Medicare add to our nations debt.

People out protesting our nations debt and the amount of taxes they pay should be willing to suffer cuts to solve the problem. People complaining about Government Healthcare shouldn't use Medicare .
Is this some sort of admission that indeed, the HC (final) solution is not really a solution after all, but a big frakkin boondoggle that takes over several chunks of the economy?

2. Would someone explain to me the burning need for government employees to belong to a union? Is there some FEAR that the govt will not compensate them in a fair manner?
With reports out that govt employees make a good bit over what private sector employees make, I should think the fear of plentiful pay and perks would be assuaged? Perhaps the collective workforce of and by government would be willing to contribute to retiring America's debt by taking a pay cut equal to their union dues, tossing the union, then they wouldnt have to miss out on one fat grubby taxpayer funded dime.:eusa_whistle:
We all pay for roads via taxes or have you forgotten that? We all pay for schools via taxes. We all pay for Cops, fireman, railroads bridges, libraries etc etc etc via taxes.

The point that obviously went over your head is that we are very close to a point where more people depend on the government than don't

Everyone depends on government THATS the point

Dependency is better kept to a minimum.

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