Stop persecuting doctors for legitimately prescribing opioids for chronic pain

We told you people, you don't want idiot morons in government making healthcare decisions your doctor should make. Christ figure it out.
Opioids are sounding like guns in this thread. Guns are destroying communities. Opioids are destroying communities. When there are proposals to reduce the number of guns in the community, some say they NEED their guns, love their guns, use their guns responsibly and have a right to any gun they want.

When there are proposals to reduce the amount of opioids in the community, the very same reactions happen. They want opioids, they NEED opioids, they use opioids responsibly and they have a right to obtain opioids whenever and for what ever need they personally have.

And so we will have more guns because those who shout about them shout loudest, regardless of their number. And we shall have more opioids in the community for he very same reasons.

Meanwhile, people are still being killed by guns and opioids.

With friends like these, eh?
Why can't people just suck it up?
You're another imbecile drug warrior, aren't you? When I had metal braces screwed into my writes, do you think I should have just "sucked it up?"

Numerous studies have found that non-opioid alternatives are just as, if not more effective in treating pain. There is no doubt that there are instances where it is warranted, but to use your hyper-emotional anecdotal example as why opioids should be prescribed in the numbers it is.

I believe the doctor and the patient need to discuss treatments and come to a conclusion, the government should not be in the business of prescribing treatments for pain.
Drug warriors are responsible for this new policy, and they view opioids as evil. They are goose steppers and utterly irrational.
No. It's the proponents of legalized drugs that have done this. If they can't have free heroin no one should have pain meds.

We've been paying for my wife's pain prescription for 12 years. She see's her doctor every three months for her condition. This isn't about street drugs or recreational drugs. They can't stop the illegal distribution effectively, so they target doctors, patients and the supply chain with burdensome over regulation. Perhaps they want to push more customers to the black market?
Opioids are sounding like guns in this thread. Guns are destroying communities. Opioids are destroying communities. When there are proposals to reduce the number of guns in the community, some say they NEED their guns, love their guns, use their guns responsibly and have a right to any gun they want.

When there are proposals to reduce the amount of opioids in the community, the very same reactions happen. They want opioids, they NEED opioids, they use opioids responsibly and they have a right to obtain opioids whenever and for what ever need they personally have.

And so we will have more guns because those who shout about them shout loudest, regardless of their number. And we shall have more opioids in the community for he very same reasons.

Meanwhile, people are still being killed by guns and opioids.

With friends like these, eh?

If only you could somehow control everyone else....
Opioids are sounding like guns in this thread. Guns are destroying communities. Opioids are destroying communities. When there are proposals to reduce the number of guns in the community, some say they NEED their guns, love their guns, use their guns responsibly and have a right to any gun they want.

When there are proposals to reduce the amount of opioids in the community, the very same reactions happen. They want opioids, they NEED opioids, they use opioids responsibly and they have a right to obtain opioids whenever and for what ever need they personally have.

And so we will have more guns because those who shout about them shout loudest, regardless of their number. And we shall have more opioids in the community for he very same reasons.

Meanwhile, people are still being killed by guns and opioids.

With friends like these, eh?
In both cases, the people proposing the ban are nazis who feel entitled to run other people's lives. If you don't like opioids, don't take them. it's as simple as that.
Opioids are sounding like guns in this thread. Guns are destroying communities. Opioids are destroying communities. When there are proposals to reduce the number of guns in the community, some say they NEED their guns, love their guns, use their guns responsibly and have a right to any gun they want.

When there are proposals to reduce the amount of opioids in the community, the very same reactions happen. They want opioids, they NEED opioids, they use opioids responsibly and they have a right to obtain opioids whenever and for what ever need they personally have.

And so we will have more guns because those who shout about them shout loudest, regardless of their number. And we shall have more opioids in the community for he very same reasons.

Meanwhile, people are still being killed by guns and opioids.

With friends like these, eh?

Well if you shoot yourself in the foot at least you can take some opioids for the pain. Remember, don't take the opioid first, you might shoot yourself.

Yeah I know what your gonna say......., but where's the fun in that?
A couple of months ago my surgeon prescribed Oxycotin for me after surgery. I doubt the Feds did anything about it.

Apparently when there's a good reason for prescribing after having surgery, the Feds do not have an issue.
I had surgery on the bones and nerves in my right foot. Actually three separate surgeries. I got zip. Nothing. I had more than one doctor and none would give me anything. The most I got was when the pain was the most excruciating the doc shot in some novocaine.

I white knuckled it for seven months until the pain lessened and it still hurts sometimes. If I can go without pain meds after nerve and bone surgery. Three of them. Anyone can do it.
You just posted a very good example of why no one should have to do that.
I agree 100%. This jihad against opioids is causing a lot of people to suffer. I had a very painful condition about a year ago and the doctor prescribed some foul tasting ointment to coat the back of my tongue with that didn't do a thing. He told me he couldn't prescribe anything that actually worked because he would have the feds down his back.

There's nobody I despise more than a drug warrior. They have done more damage to this country than an all out nuclear exchange.

Stop persecuting docs for legitimately prescribing opioids for chronic pain

Even as rates of opioid prescribing dropped by 25% between 2011 and 2017, opioid overdose deaths continued to rise.

It is time for Congress to direct the CDC to withdraw its guideline for a ground-up rewrite by an agency like the NIH or FDA that actually knows what it is doing. Likewise, the Veterans Health Administration must be directed to withdraw its closely related “Opioid Safety Initiative.” Veterans tell me that medical practice standards embedded in the initiative are driving vets to suicide by denying them treatment with opioid pain relievers. Finally, the DEA must be told to stand down and stop persecuting doctors who are legitimately prescribing opioids to their patients with chronic pain for “over-prescribing,” something for which no agency has yet created an accepted definition.

There ought to be a law … and I volunteer to help write it. AMA Resolution 235 (described earlier) must become mandatory policy for all federal health care and law enforcement agencies: the CDC, FDA, NIH, DEA, VA, the National institute on Drug Abuse, and the Department of Justice, to name just a few. Then state-level drug regulators and law enforcement need to be informed of the policy change — pointedly.

It is time to end the madness!​
Some of us tried to warn people............ This came out of nowhere and penetrated right down to all the local Newsies with nobody asking questions......well I've got one....who is profiting from it
That imbecile Tucker Carlson is one of the main people pushing for these policies. I recall him talking about it on the air every night for weeks.
Opioids are sounding like guns in this thread. Guns are destroying communities. Opioids are destroying communities. When there are proposals to reduce the number of guns in the community, some say they NEED their guns, love their guns, use their guns responsibly and have a right to any gun they want.

When there are proposals to reduce the amount of opioids in the community, the very same reactions happen. They want opioids, they NEED opioids, they use opioids responsibly and they have a right to obtain opioids whenever and for what ever need they personally have.

And so we will have more guns because those who shout about them shout loudest, regardless of their number. And we shall have more opioids in the community for he very same reasons.

Meanwhile, people are still being killed by guns and opioids.

With friends like these, eh?

I take opioids when needed, they help me when I am doubled over on the floor from a kidney stone, what is your bright idea to help someone who is in terrible pain to get some relief? What expertise do you have in pain management? What surgeries have you under went, what pain have you had that puts you as a pain expert?
Opioids are sounding like guns in this thread. Guns are destroying communities. Opioids are destroying communities. When there are proposals to reduce the number of guns in the community, some say they NEED their guns, love their guns, use their guns responsibly and have a right to any gun they want.

When there are proposals to reduce the amount of opioids in the community, the very same reactions happen. They want opioids, they NEED opioids, they use opioids responsibly and they have a right to obtain opioids whenever and for what ever need they personally have.

And so we will have more guns because those who shout about them shout loudest, regardless of their number. And we shall have more opioids in the community for he very same reasons.

Meanwhile, people are still being killed by guns and opioids.

With friends like these, eh?

If only you could somehow control everyone else....
There is no way everyone else, that guy over there, or any other human being can be thoroughly controlled. Speed limits are posted, but drivers aren't controlled by them. But the vast majority understand the common sense of speed limits and follow them because they are safer as a result.

So, no. It's not about controlling people. Thank you very much, Mr. Orwell.

That same common sense applies when people advocate one or both horns of the dilemma: guns and opioids. But in the case of opioids, there is direct, empirical scientific evidence on the cause, epidemiological, societal, legality and current state of the opioid crisis.

For purely political reasons, we cannot amass, condense and analyze such data concerning guns and gun violence.

But my point remains; having greater access to opioids destroys individual live, falmies, whole neighborhoods, communities, states and our American nation. Controlling boils down to market theory. If the supply is domtolled the effect of the produce will be reduced in society. Fewer open flame lighting sources reduced home fires. The purer the food supply, the fewer cases of food poisoning.
A couple of months ago my surgeon prescribed Oxycotin for me after surgery. I doubt the Feds did anything about it.

Apparently when there's a good reason for prescribing after having surgery, the Feds do not have an issue.

Did they give you any refills or does that require a new prescription from the doctor?

My wife has to have a new prescription every month and has to take it physically to the pharmacy every month. The Doctor can write three at one time however. But last month the State had changed the prescription pads for doctors and she was turned away. When we contacted the doctors office they said the state had not provided them with the new pads yet! Nice.

Opioids are sounding like guns in this thread. Guns are destroying communities. Opioids are destroying communities. When there are proposals to reduce the number of guns in the community, some say they NEED their guns, love their guns, use their guns responsibly and have a right to any gun they want.

When there are proposals to reduce the amount of opioids in the community, the very same reactions happen. They want opioids, they NEED opioids, they use opioids responsibly and they have a right to obtain opioids whenever and for what ever need they personally have.

And so we will have more guns because those who shout about them shout loudest, regardless of their number. And we shall have more opioids in the community for he very same reasons.

Meanwhile, people are still being killed by guns and opioids.

With friends like these, eh?

If only you could somehow control everyone else....
There is no way everyone else, that guy over there, or any other human being can be thoroughly controlled. Speed limits are posted, but drivers aren't controlled by them. But the vast majority understand the common sense of speed limits and follow them because they are safer as a result.

So, no. It's not about controlling people.

Of course it is. Just because you can't have the kind of control you'd like, doesn't stop you from trying. You don't want people using opioids, so you want to control them with government. Or maybe it's not about other people, maybe you want government controlling you because you don't trust your own willpower. Either way, you're advocating for laws that control people, that limit their ability to do things you don't want them doing.

Not sure how you can deny it.
Opioids are sounding like guns in this thread. Guns are destroying communities. Opioids are destroying communities. When there are proposals to reduce the number of guns in the community, some say they NEED their guns, love their guns, use their guns responsibly and have a right to any gun they want.

When there are proposals to reduce the amount of opioids in the community, the very same reactions happen. They want opioids, they NEED opioids, they use opioids responsibly and they have a right to obtain opioids whenever and for what ever need they personally have.

And so we will have more guns because those who shout about them shout loudest, regardless of their number. And we shall have more opioids in the community for he very same reasons.

Meanwhile, people are still being killed by guns and opioids.

With friends like these, eh?

I take opioids when needed, they help me when I am doubled over on the floor from a kidney stone, what is your bright idea to help someone who is in terrible pain to get some relief? What expertise do you have in pain management? What surgeries have you under went, what pain have you had that puts you as a pain expert?
I'm not a doctor. Don't pit words in my mouth. And neither are you.

But what is the problem with non opioid based pain medication? Why aren't there more alternative pain therapies? Are opioids over prescribed? Are opioids as prescribed being taken exclusively by the patient?
Opioids are sounding like guns in this thread. Guns are destroying communities. Opioids are destroying communities. When there are proposals to reduce the number of guns in the community, some say they NEED their guns, love their guns, use their guns responsibly and have a right to any gun they want.

When there are proposals to reduce the amount of opioids in the community, the very same reactions happen. They want opioids, they NEED opioids, they use opioids responsibly and they have a right to obtain opioids whenever and for what ever need they personally have.

And so we will have more guns because those who shout about them shout loudest, regardless of their number. And we shall have more opioids in the community for he very same reasons.

Meanwhile, people are still being killed by guns and opioids.

With friends like these, eh?

If only you could somehow control everyone else....
There is no way everyone else, that guy over there, or any other human being can be thoroughly controlled. Speed limits are posted, but drivers aren't controlled by them. But the vast majority understand the common sense of speed limits and follow them because they are safer as a result.

So, no. It's not about controlling people.

Of course it is. Just because you can't have the kind of control you'd like, doesn't stop you from trying. You don't want people using opioids, so you want to control them with government. Or maybe it's not about other people, maybe you want government controlling you because you don't trust your own willpower. Either way, you're advocating for laws that control people, that limit their ability to do things you don't want them doing.

Not sure how you can deny it.
I refer you to post #52.
Opioids are sounding like guns in this thread. Guns are destroying communities. Opioids are destroying communities. When there are proposals to reduce the number of guns in the community, some say they NEED their guns, love their guns, use their guns responsibly and have a right to any gun they want.

When there are proposals to reduce the amount of opioids in the community, the very same reactions happen. They want opioids, they NEED opioids, they use opioids responsibly and they have a right to obtain opioids whenever and for what ever need they personally have.

And so we will have more guns because those who shout about them shout loudest, regardless of their number. And we shall have more opioids in the community for he very same reasons.

Meanwhile, people are still being killed by guns and opioids.

With friends like these, eh?

I take opioids when needed, they help me when I am doubled over on the floor from a kidney stone, what is your bright idea to help someone who is in terrible pain to get some relief? What expertise do you have in pain management? What surgeries have you under went, what pain have you had that puts you as a pain expert?
I'm not a doctor. Don't pit words in my mouth. And neither are you.

But what is the problem with non opioid based pain medication? Why aren't there more alternative pain therapies? Are opioids over prescribed? Are opioids as prescribed being taken exclusively by the patient?

So you answer none of my questions and you want me to answer yours?

Not playing games today, try someone else to troll.
Opioids are sounding like guns in this thread. Guns are destroying communities. Opioids are destroying communities. When there are proposals to reduce the number of guns in the community, some say they NEED their guns, love their guns, use their guns responsibly and have a right to any gun they want.

When there are proposals to reduce the amount of opioids in the community, the very same reactions happen. They want opioids, they NEED opioids, they use opioids responsibly and they have a right to obtain opioids whenever and for what ever need they personally have.

And so we will have more guns because those who shout about them shout loudest, regardless of their number. And we shall have more opioids in the community for he very same reasons.

Meanwhile, people are still being killed by guns and opioids.

With friends like these, eh?

If only you could somehow control everyone else....
There is no way everyone else, that guy over there, or any other human being can be thoroughly controlled. Speed limits are posted, but drivers aren't controlled by them. But the vast majority understand the common sense of speed limits and follow them because they are safer as a result.

So, no. It's not about controlling people.

Of course it is. Just because you can't have the kind of control you'd like, doesn't stop you from trying. You don't want people using opioids, so you want to control them with government. Or maybe it's not about other people, maybe you want government controlling you because you don't trust your own willpower. Either way, you're advocating for laws that control people, that limit their ability to do things you don't want them doing.

Not sure how you can deny it.
I refer you to post #52.

In other words, nuthin.
What happened to right to privacy, or between a doctor and patient, therefore not the government's business?

If it was a 13 year old wanting an abortion without parental consent, it's sacrosanct. When it's my elderly mother with a crumbling spine clearly visible on X-rays, she needs to just suck it up! WTF? Makes me furious.

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