Stop Saying "The American People Did Not Vote On This. There Was No Debate On This"

the OP is dumb for various reasons, but two are:

the presidential election was not a one issue election

the house pubs creamed the dems in 2010, and gained seats in the senate shortly after obamacare

2008, 2010...okay...and the last election where Romney and Conservative America ran agaonst OBAMACARE, and where Obama himself embraced the term 'Obamacare'?

Get over it.


The people voted based on the lies that obama told about it. The vote would be quite different on obamacare today.
It's funny that the rightwing inmates here support the 'mob rule' version of democracy when it suits them.
The OP is wrong.

There has been discussion on the subject of healthcare for years, that is true.

The ACA bill, that is now law, was written in a sealed room by dem staffers, there was no floor debate in either house, no amendments were allowed in either house, it was passed by dems only before anyone had a chance to read it. It was passed in the senate by a trick called reconciliation, that was never intended to be used for something this important.

It is a terrible law, it was passed in a corrupt fashion by democrats only, Obama has already violated the law he signed by issuing delays and waivers, congress voted itself a 72% subsidy on their premiums (paid by us).

Everything about it stinks.

Yup. It stinks like day old fish and the Dems own it lock stock and barrel.

Apparantly all Barrys talk about his being the most transparant administration in history didn't apply to all the back room wheeling and dealing that went on to pass this POS bill.

Always nice to know that Congress took care of themselves and staffers at our expense.

To bad someone doesn't get a list of all those perks that Congress has voted in for themselves and put it on Facebook and Twitter. Wonder how the public will react when they see the lovely living these Clowns have crafted for themselves at our expense??

This what I do not get. If this law is sooo horrible and is going to cause people untold millions then you guys win. 2014 will be a cakewalk and you could repeal it with an obvious mandate. The midterms are a little over one year away. If the ACA is a giant shit sandwhich you should have huge gains in both houses.
The OP is wrong.

There has been discussion on the subject of healthcare for years, that is true.

The ACA bill, that is now law, was written in a sealed room by dem staffers, there was no floor debate in either house, no amendments were allowed in either house, it was passed by dems only before anyone had a chance to read it. It was passed in the senate by a trick called reconciliation, that was never intended to be used for something this important.

It is a terrible law, it was passed in a corrupt fashion by democrats only, Obama has already violated the law he signed by issuing delays and waivers, congress voted itself a 72% subsidy on their premiums (paid by us).

Everything about it stinks.

Yup. It stinks like day old fish and the Dems own it lock stock and barrel.

Apparantly all Barrys talk about his being the most transparant administration in history didn't apply to all the back room wheeling and dealing that went on to pass this POS bill.

Always nice to know that Congress took care of themselves and staffers at our expense.

To bad someone doesn't get a list of all those perks that Congress has voted in for themselves and put it on Facebook and Twitter. Wonder how the public will react when they see the lovely living these Clowns have crafted for themselves at our expense??

This what I do not get. If this law is sooo horrible and is going to cause people untold millions then you guys win. 2014 will be a cakewalk and you could repeal it with an obvious mandate. The midterms are a little over one year away. If the ACA is a giant shit sandwhich you should have huge gains in both houses.

all of those things are very likely, obamacare will be the demise of the DNC unless the dems do the right thing and open dialog to find a compromise very soon.
It's funny that the rightwing inmates here support the 'mob rule' version of democracy when it suits them.

Exactly how is "one man one vote" mob rule? How is democracy mob rule?

The tyranny being practiced in the whitehouse today is mob rule, or, more accurately, dictatorship.

Read Mein Kampf, Obama is following the pattern of Hitler quite closely, right up to the cult of personalty and demonization of anyone who dares question him.
The OP is wrong.

There has been discussion on the subject of healthcare for years, that is true.

The ACA bill, that is now law, was written in a sealed room by dem staffers, there was no floor debate in either house, no amendments were allowed in either house, it was passed by dems only before anyone had a chance to read it. It was passed in the senate by a trick called reconciliation, that was never intended to be used for something this important.
Your lack of knowledge and your willingness to believe every lie you are fed by the gop is scary. EDUCATE YOURSELF!
"That said, some context: Of the 788 amendments filed, 67 came from Democrats and 721 from Republicans. (That disparity drew jeers that Republicans were trying to slow things down. Another explanation may be that they offered so many so they could later claim—as they are now, in fact, claiming—that most of their suggestions went unheeded.) Only 197 amendments were passed in the end—36 from Democrats and 161 from Republicans. And of those 161 GOP amendments, Senate Republicans classify 29 as substantive and 132 as technical."
So much for your lie that the republicans were shut out of the ACA.
What is truly amazing here is that the republicans submitted 721 amendments. 161 of those 721 were accepted into the final bill. Four times more republican amendments than Democratic amendments were accepted in the final bill[/B]. Then, when it came time to vote, the republicans voted enmasse NOT to pass the bill that they helped write. Slate examines the GOP amendments to a Senate health care bill.
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the OP is dumb for various reasons, but two are:

the presidential election was not a one issue election

the house pubs creamed the dems in 2010, and gained seats in the senate shortly after obamacare

2008, 2010...okay...and the last election where Romney and Conservative America ran agaonst OBAMACARE, and where Obama himself embraced the term 'Obamacare'?

Get over it.


so in dante's world the entire presidential election was about one issue

what a fucking maroon

what is funny is you don't realize the dems got slammed, even obama admitted it, in 2010...right after obamacare....jokes on you moron
It's funny that the rightwing inmates here support the 'mob rule' version of democracy when it suits them.

Exactly how is "one man one vote" mob rule? How is democracy mob rule?

The tyranny being practiced in the whitehouse today is mob rule, or, more accurately, dictatorship.

Read Mein Kampf, Obama is following the pattern of Hitler quite closely, right up to the cult of personalty and demonization of anyone who dares question him.
Hitler????? Mein Kampf???? Tomorrow you will be calling President Obama a Communist. The day after that he will be a member of the Muslim Brotherhood or al Qaida. The bottom line is you are getting delusional.
There was no debate and no vote on this crap.

It was rammed through our throats and lied about ad nauseum.

Funny, I don't remember seeing "do you want obamacare" on my ballot. BTW, McCain is a RINO. He needs to retire to AZ and tend to his barbeque.'re saying the best the GOP could do was nominate a RINO in 2008 and after you lost you nominated another RINO in 2012? (You know, the guy who signed off on Romneycare in Mass?)

So do your candidates become RINOS before or after an election? Please set me straight.
It's funny that the rightwing inmates here support the 'mob rule' version of democracy when it suits them.

Exactly how is "one man one vote" mob rule? How is democracy mob rule?

The tyranny being practiced in the whitehouse today is mob rule, or, more accurately, dictatorship.

Read Mein Kampf, Obama is following the pattern of Hitler quite closely, right up to the cult of personalty and demonization of anyone who dares question him.
Hitler????? Mein Kampf???? Tomorrow you will be calling President Obama a Communist. The day after that he will be a member of the Muslim Brotherhood or al Qaida. The bottom line is you are getting delusional.

There is no much difference between Nazisms and Communism. The only difference were the scapegoats the first choose to impose totalitarian regime vs the others. The regime itself was almost identical

The House Republicans were elected to stop Obamacare.

There are three branches of government whether you King makers like it or not.

Oh and McCain should just get the hell on over to the Democrats where he belongs.

Yes, but the house republicans don't have the votes to repeal obamacare in the senate, so they shut down the govt. And america doesn't like it.
Exactly how is "one man one vote" mob rule? How is democracy mob rule?

The tyranny being practiced in the whitehouse today is mob rule, or, more accurately, dictatorship.

Read Mein Kampf, Obama is following the pattern of Hitler quite closely, right up to the cult of personalty and demonization of anyone who dares question him.
Hitler????? Mein Kampf???? Tomorrow you will be calling President Obama a Communist. The day after that he will be a member of the Muslim Brotherhood or al Qaida. The bottom line is you are getting delusional.

There is no much difference between Nazisms and Communism. The only difference were the scapegoats the first choose to impose totalitarian regime vs the others. The regime itself was almost identical

The nazis didn't nationalize industry so much, so long as industry did as it was told. And stop calling President Obama all these mean names. He's a nice guy from Kenya who supports socialism, and he may not be a true muslim; the jury's still out.
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Yes, but the house republicans don't have the votes to repeal obamacare in the senate, so they shut down the govt. And america doesn't like it.


America does not care.
It's funny that the rightwing inmates here support the 'mob rule' version of democracy when it suits them.

Exactly how is "one man one vote" mob rule? How is democracy mob rule?

The tyranny being practiced in the whitehouse today is mob rule, or, more accurately, dictatorship.

Read Mein Kampf, Obama is following the pattern of Hitler quite closely, right up to the cult of personalty and demonization of anyone who dares question him.
Hitler????? Mein Kampf???? Tomorrow you will be calling President Obama a Communist. The day after that he will be a member of the Muslim Brotherhood or al Qaida. The bottom line is you are getting delusional.

I think you need to check on the number of members of the muslim brotherhood on obama's staff. google it, you might be surprised..

obama is not a communist------he is a marxist collectivist.

BTW, have you read Mein Kampf? Hitler's rise to power had many parallels with obama's

I am not saying that obama is a hitler, but there are parallels in how they came to power.
It's funny that the rightwing inmates here support the 'mob rule' version of democracy when it suits them.
Actually NYcarbineer, the rightwing inmates are currently supporting the minority being able to control the majority. That has become their warped view of what a democracy is supposed to be.
Hitler????? Mein Kampf???? Tomorrow you will be calling President Obama a Communist. The day after that he will be a member of the Muslim Brotherhood or al Qaida. The bottom line is you are getting delusional.

There is no much difference between Nazisms and Communism. The only difference were the scapegoats the first choose to impose totalitarian regime vs the others. The regime itself was almost identical

The nazis didn't nationalize industry so much, so long as industry did as it was told. And stop calling President Obama all these mean names. He's a nice guy from Kenya who supports socialism, and he may not be a true muslim; the jury's still out.

the nazis were ruling the industry as they felt like it. The nominal owners were cherry picked - the ones who weren't liked - were nationalized.
The system - government above all - is the same.

I won't stop calling obama names. He is not a guy form Kenya he is a bastard of the Communist.

Funny, I don't remember seeing "do you want obamacare" on my ballot. BTW, McCain is a RINO. He needs to retire to AZ and tend to his barbeque.'re saying the best the GOP could do was nominate a RINO in 2008 and after you lost you nominated another RINO in 2012? (You know, the guy who signed off on Romneycare in Mass?)

So do your candidates become RINOS before or after an election? Please set me straight.

McCain has been a rino for years, he was a terrible candidate in 08.

Romney was a good candidate, but he lost because he decided not to criticize obama on his record or his left wing ideas. plus, a lot of the right wing stayed home and helped reelect obama.
It's funny that the rightwing inmates here support the 'mob rule' version of democracy when it suits them.
Actually NYcarbineer, the rightwing inmates are currently supporting the minority being able to control the majority. That has become their warped view of what a democracy is supposed to be.

we are a republic

education, get one

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