Stop Saying "The American People Did Not Vote On This. There Was No Debate On This"

There is no much difference between Nazisms and Communism. The only difference were the scapegoats the first choose to impose totalitarian regime vs the others. The regime itself was almost identical

The nazis didn't nationalize industry so much, so long as industry did as it was told. And stop calling President Obama all these mean names. He's a nice guy from Kenya who supports socialism, and he may not be a true muslim; the jury's still out.

the nazis were ruling the industry as they felt like it. The nominal owners were cherry picked - the ones who weren't liked - were nationalized.
The system - government above all - is the same.

I won't stop calling obama names. He is not a guy form Kenya he is a bastard of the Communist.

And you have the humor of a Newt. And you need a class on facism.
Exactly how is "one man one vote" mob rule? How is democracy mob rule?

The tyranny being practiced in the whitehouse today is mob rule, or, more accurately, dictatorship.

Read Mein Kampf, Obama is following the pattern of Hitler quite closely, right up to the cult of personalty and demonization of anyone who dares question him.
Hitler????? Mein Kampf???? Tomorrow you will be calling President Obama a Communist. The day after that he will be a member of the Muslim Brotherhood or al Qaida. The bottom line is you are getting delusional.

I think you need to check on the number of members of the muslim brotherhood on obama's staff. google it, you might be surprised..

obama is not a communist------he is a marxist collectivist.

BTW, have you read Mein Kampf? Hitler's rise to power had many parallels with obama's

I am not saying that obama is a hitler, but there are parallels in how they came to power.

Uh-huh. Here's your source, honey: And following this bit of crap is your sign. Please fasten it firmly onto your shirt with one of the pins borrowed from your diapers:

"""""Following the same line of reasoning, an Egyptian magazine claimed that six American Islamist activists who work with the Obama administration are Muslim Brotherhood operatives who enjoy strong influence over US policy.

The story published in Egypt's Rose El-Youssef magazine at the beginning of this year suggested the six Muslim Brotherhood operatives turned the White House "from a position hostile to Islamic groups and organizations in the world to the largest and most important supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood."

The story is largely unsourced
, but its publication is considered significant in raising the issue to Egyptian readers.

The six named people include: Arif Alikhan, assistant secretary of Homeland Security for policy development; Mohammed Elibiary, a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council; Rashad Hussain, the US special envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference; Salam al-Marayati, co-founder of the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC); Imam Mohamed Magid, president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA); and Eboo Patel, a member of President Obama's Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships.

Alikhan is a founder of the World Islamic Organization, which the magazine identified as a Brotherhood "subsidiary." It suggested that Alikhan was responsible for the "file of Islamic states" in the White House and that he provides the direct link between the Obama administration and the Arab Spring revolutions of 2011.

Elibiary, who has endorsed the ideas of radical Muslim Brotherhood luminary Sayyid Qutb, may have leaked secret materials contained in Department of Homeland Security databases, according to the magazine. He, however, denies having any connection with the Brotherhood.

Rashad Hussain maintained close ties with people and groups that it says comprise the Muslim Brotherhood network in America. This includes his participation in the June 2002 annual conference of the American Muslim Council, formerly headed by convicted terrorist financier Abdurahman Alamoudi.

Regarding al-Marayati, who has been among the most influential Muslim American leaders in recent years, the magazine drew connections between MPAC in the international Muslim Brotherhood infrastructure.

Magid heads ISNA, which was founded by Brotherhood members, was appointed by Obama in 2011 as an adviser to the Department of Homeland Security. The magazine said that has also given speeches and conferences on American Middle East policy at the State Department and offered advice to the FBI.

Rose El-Youssef says Patel maintains a close relationship with Hani Ramadan, the grandson of Brotherhood founder Hasan al-Banna, and is a member of the Muslim Students Association, which it identifies as "a large Brotherhood organization."

Read more: Muslim Brotherhood operatives infiltrate Obama Administration - News - Politics - The Voice of Russia: News, Breaking news, Politics, Economics, Business, Russia, International current events, Expert opinion, podcasts, Video

Your sign. Wear it proudly:

The nazis didn't nationalize industry so much, so long as industry did as it was told. And stop calling President Obama all these mean names. He's a nice guy from Kenya who supports socialism, and he may not be a true muslim; the jury's still out.

the nazis were ruling the industry as they felt like it. The nominal owners were cherry picked - the ones who weren't liked - were nationalized.
The system - government above all - is the same.

I won't stop calling obama names. He is not a guy form Kenya he is a bastard of the Communist.

And you have the humor of a Newt. And you need a class on facism.

it is you who needs a class on the basic economic and ideological distinctions between major totalitarian regimes of the XX century.
It's called education, which you obviously lack.
The OP is wrong.

There has been discussion on the subject of healthcare for years, that is true.

The ACA bill, that is now law, was written in a sealed room by dem staffers, there was no floor debate in either house, no amendments were allowed in either house, it was passed by dems only before anyone had a chance to read it. It was passed in the senate by a trick called reconciliation, that was never intended to be used for something this important.

It is a terrible law, it was passed in a corrupt fashion by democrats only, Obama has already violated the law he signed by issuing delays and waivers, congress voted itself a 72% subsidy on their premiums (paid by us).

Everything about it stinks.

You are a liar. The AHCA was crafted by the big players in health care providers and the Pharms. There was a concerted attempt to keep a single payer option on the table by many groups including doctors and nurses and it was killed by the HMOs.

Did I mention that you are a stinking sniveling POS liar?

Can I add a FUCK YOU?


PS the Pharms and HMOs have had the republicans in thier back pocket thruout this debate. Just ask yourselves why we pay over twice as much for pharmaceuticals in the USA than they do in Canada.

Thanks REPUGLETTS!!! You pieces of shit don't give a damn about America..never did...never will.
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The Congress is voting on the basis of their election promises whether you libs like it or not.

They rule the House. Deal with it. Sheesh, you progressives are acting like the whining Maggot in Chief here.

Your way or the highway. Screw off. These good men and women are listening and voting for their constituents.

You don't like it, go ahead try to win back the House.
The Congress is voting on the basis of their election promises whether you libs like it or not.

They rule the House. Deal with it. Sheesh, you progressives are acting like the whining Maggot in Chief here.

Your way or the highway. Screw off. These good men and women are listening and voting for their constituents.

You don't like it, go ahead try to win back the House.

The AHCA was voted on and passed by the House and the Senate and signed into law by the President. You assholes had your opportunity to change the law or get enough votes to defeat it.

NOW you think it is smart to screw up the government and many millions of paychecks because you were too stupid to do your jobs when it would have been in realm of good government acting in good faith?

Fuck you. I hope all you asswipes get cancer of your stinking assholes and die horrible deaths. Oh fucking fascists managed to get pain killers almost entirely removed from existance so have fun dying of one of the most painfull deaths with no pain relief.
Because you would be a lying sack of shit for saying this.

There "Was No Vote On The Affordable Health Care Act".

Presidential Election in 2008 - Winner Barack H. Obama.

Presidential Election in 2012 - Winner Barack H. Obama.

Yes there was an Election, there were in fact TWO (02) Elections and President Obama won.

Yes, there was an Election, TWO (02) lections in fact and the RePugs lost both of them.

There "Was Not Debate On The Affordable Health Care Act".

There were in fact hundreds of Town Hall Meetings about the A.C.H.A.

The A.C.H.A. was debated on the Floor of The House of Representatives.

The A.C.H.A. was debated on the Floor of The Senate.

Yes, there was debate. Hundreds of Debates. At Town Halls, In Congress, at House Parties, on Television and on Radio.

The A.C.H.A. was signed into Law. The A.C.H.A. is the Law of The Land.

There was debate.

There was a vote.

There were and are ongoing discussions.

You do not get to partially fund the Government.

You do not get to pick and choose what parts of the Government you want funded and do not want funded.

Right now, over 75% of Americans know that the ConJobs/NeoNuts/RePugs/Teahadists are at fault for the Government Shut down.

Oh, just so you know, because of the Shut Down, no gun sales guys.

Thanks for gun control.

It's a deal if lefties stop whining about the unfairness of the checks and balances inherent in the Constitution and the unfairness of only controlling 2/3 of the government.
The OP is wrong.

There has been discussion on the subject of healthcare for years, that is true.

The ACA bill, that is now law, was written in a sealed room by dem staffers, there was no floor debate in either house, no amendments were allowed in either house, it was passed by dems only before anyone had a chance to read it. It was passed in the senate by a trick called reconciliation, that was never intended to be used for something this important.

It is a terrible law, it was passed in a corrupt fashion by democrats only, Obama has already violated the law he signed by issuing delays and waivers, congress voted itself a 72% subsidy on their premiums (paid by us).

Everything about it stinks.

There was a one sided discussion about the ACA and it kind of went like this Pelosi: "America, turn around, bend over and drop your shorts because we're going to screw you in the rectum... and you are going to like it".

"planned parenthood ... gonna end that."

it was debated, and the gop lost.

Planned parenthood = abortion on demand as birth control.

said another way, legalized murder of unborn children. infanticide.
Cutting of food stamps leads to a slow death by starvation. Failure to provide medical care leads to untreated illness and early death. It is wonderful that you care about life when it is in the womb. Once the child is born you could give a shit whether it lives or dies. This is the way the gop commits legalized murder.
The OP is wrong.

There has been discussion on the subject of healthcare for years, that is true.

The ACA bill, that is now law, was written in a sealed room by dem staffers, there was no floor debate in either house, no amendments were allowed in either house, it was passed by dems only before anyone had a chance to read it. It was passed in the senate by a trick called reconciliation, that was never intended to be used for something this important.

It is a terrible law, it was passed in a corrupt fashion by democrats only, Obama has already violated the law he signed by issuing delays and waivers, congress voted itself a 72% subsidy on their premiums (paid by us).

Everything about it stinks.

There was a one sided discussion about the ACA and it kind of went like this Pelosi: "America, turn around, bend over and drop your shorts because we're going to screw you in the rectum... and you are going to like it".

Apparently you missed this when I posted it earlier. Here is a bit of information about your "one sided discussion...."

"That said, some context: Of the 788 amendments filed, 67 came from Democrats and 721 from Republicans. (That disparity drew jeers that Republicans were trying to slow things down. Another explanation may be that they offered so many so they could later claim—as they are now, in fact, claiming—that most of their suggestions went unheeded.) Only 197 amendments were passed in the end—36 from Democrats and 161 from Republicans. And of those 161 GOP amendments, Senate Republicans classify 29 as substantive and 132 as technical."
So much for your lie that the republicans were shut out of the ACA.
What is truly amazing here is that the republicans submitted 721 amendments. 161 of those 721 were accepted into the final bill. Four times more republican amendments than Democratic amendments were accepted in the final bill. Then, when it came time to vote, the republicans voted enmasse NOT to pass the bill that they helped write.

Slate examines the GOP amendments to a Senate health care bill.
There is nothing to debate, except the debate between the tea party and the moderate republicans about which one of them is right. It is going to be up to the republicans to convince the public that they did not cause this. They will fail to do so, unless they disavow the tea party.

It really is as simple as that.
The OP is wrong.

There has been discussion on the subject of healthcare for years, that is true.

The ACA bill, that is now law, was written in a sealed room by dem staffers, there was no floor debate in either house, no amendments were allowed in either house, it was passed by dems only before anyone had a chance to read it. It was passed in the senate by a trick called reconciliation, that was never intended to be used for something this important.

It is a terrible law, it was passed in a corrupt fashion by democrats only, Obama has already violated the law he signed by issuing delays and waivers, congress voted itself a 72% subsidy on their premiums (paid by us).

Everything about it stinks.

There was a one sided discussion about the ACA and it kind of went like this Pelosi: "America, turn around, bend over and drop your shorts because we're going to screw you in the rectum... and you are going to like it".

Apparently you missed this when I posted it earlier. Here is a bit of information about your "one sided discussion...."

"That said, some context: Of the 788 amendments filed, 67 came from Democrats and 721 from Republicans. (That disparity drew jeers that Republicans were trying to slow things down. Another explanation may be that they offered so many so they could later claim—as they are now, in fact, claiming—that most of their suggestions went unheeded.) Only 197 amendments were passed in the end—36 from Democrats and 161 from Republicans. And of those 161 GOP amendments, Senate Republicans classify 29 as substantive and 132 as technical."
So much for your lie that the republicans were shut out of the ACA.
What is truly amazing here is that the republicans submitted 721 amendments. 161 of those 721 were accepted into the final bill. Four times more republican amendments than Democratic amendments were accepted in the final bill. Then, when it came time to vote, the republicans voted enmasse NOT to pass the bill that they helped write.

Slate examines the GOP amendments to a Senate health care bill.

Apparently, you can't read or you are a liar, or maybe both. I never said anything at all about the Republicans being shut out of the discussion.

I said the discussion went like this: "Pelosi: "America, turn around, bend over and drop your shorts because we're going to screw you in the rectum... and you are going to like it"." That is really the only "discussion" that went on. Everything else was decided long before hand. We have been screwed by Queen Nancy and her cohorts.

Queen Nancy and her cohorts in Congress basically told the American people to drop their drawers and bend over. What part of that is too difficult for you to understand?

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The O.P. (Me) is RIGHT.

There was a VOTE - Presidential Election 2008- Winner Barack Obama. Loser John McCain.

There was a VOTE - Presidential Election 2012 - Winner Barack Obama. Loser Mitt Romney.

There has been a debate.

Hundreds of Town Halls.

Debates in The House of Representatives.

Debates in The Senate.

The Legal Standing and the Constitutionality of the Affordable Health Care Act has been handed down by the Supreme Court of The United States of America. In a Majority Decision (Including Chief Justice John Roberts) ruled the Affordable Health Care Act is CONSTITUTIONAL.

You can deny these facts.

You cannot change these facts.

There were VOTES.

There are Debates.

The Constitutionality of the Affordable Health Care Act has been decided.

Get over it.

"planned parenthood ... gonna end that."

it was debated, and the gop lost.

Planned parenthood = abortion on demand as birth control.

said another way, legalized murder of unborn children. infanticide.

Actually Romney promised to end CANCER SCREENING AT TAXPAYER EXPENSE at planned parenthood. Debated and the gop lost. The public want public health.
The OP is wrong.

There has been discussion on the subject of healthcare for years, that is true.

The ACA bill, that is now law, was written in a sealed room by dem staffers, there was no floor debate in either house, no amendments were allowed in either house, it was passed by dems only before anyone had a chance to read it. It was passed in the senate by a trick called reconciliation, that was never intended to be used for something this important.

It is a terrible law, it was passed in a corrupt fashion by democrats only, Obama has already violated the law he signed by issuing delays and waivers, congress voted itself a 72% subsidy on their premiums (paid by us).

Everything about it stinks.

The PPACA/Obamacre is the law of the land. It was legally, and politically, and democratically passed and signed into law.

There was nothing in the process that is unprecedented. Look it up, then...


name one other piece of major legislation that was passed by one party using reconciliation in the senate to avoid the 60 vote requirement.

you claim it was unprecedented, give us the precedents
"planned parenthood ... gonna end that."

it was debated, and the gop lost.

Planned parenthood = abortion on demand as birth control.

said another way, legalized murder of unborn children. infanticide.

Actually Romney promised to end CANCER SCREENING AT TAXPAYER EXPENSE at planned parenthood. Debated and the gop lost. The public want public health.

No he did not. public health does not mean free abortion.
"planned parenthood ... gonna end that."

it was debated, and the gop lost.

Planned parenthood = abortion on demand as birth control.

said another way, legalized murder of unborn children. infanticide.
Cutting of food stamps leads to a slow death by starvation. Failure to provide medical care leads to untreated illness and early death. It is wonderful that you care about life when it is in the womb. Once the child is born you could give a shit whether it lives or dies. This is the way the gop commits legalized murder.

how did the poor survive before food stamps? They found jobs and earned money to buy food.

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