Stop the deep hierarchy quotes and quit alerting other than the top level

I tried to read through that one thread a minute ago about the jogger and the only way you can really see dialogue for it to make any kind of sense is to click on the expand link.

But then you have to scroll for five minutes to see. They're multiquoting so much that you can't even follow a given conversaton unless you click on the expand link.

When it gets to where you have to go through all of that goofy nonsense just to end up reading some meaningless flyby post by one of stormfront's rejects, it's time to find a new forum. I'm not screwin around with that dumb shit all the time.
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If bitchin was worth money y'all would be zillionaires!

"If bitchin was worth money y'all would be zillionaires," bitched deannalw.
I miss the old format.

I still don’t see anything in the new version that is an improvement
Oh, I do. Now I don't have to screen grab a tweet, then upload the screen grab onto the USMB server (taking up space, I'm sure). Now I just post the link and it resolves to the tweet. Much improvement.

But the OP is correct re: top level.

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