Stop the Steal’ Organizer Apologizes After Being Accused of Asking Teen Boys for D*ck Pics

If your child wants a sex change that means there is abuse going on.

.A pedophile that manipulates a child into cutting off its genitals is just as bad as a pedophile who manipulates a child into taking pictures of its genitals.
I don't even really understand much about the whole gender change controversy....even though I do know a few trans young people.
All at the middle school and high school age.
Mostly I have just considered it another weird fad. Yet another adolescent "identity crisis" thing.
I am 60 years old and I've seen a lot of fads come and go.
After listening to the hysterical, rabid right losing it's mind over this issue and likening it to child sex abuse I decided to do some I'd at least know a little about what's REALLY going on with this issue....who might be screaming over the actual facts and reality of what's really going on. Who might be making up their own "facts" for cheap, political arguments.
All I can say is I'd suggest everyone do the same.

Talk about grooming. No wonder these right-wingers are so obsessed with it. They have enough people in their ranks practicing it.

A key figure in the pro-Trump “Stop the Steal” campaign has apologized after being accused of asking teenage boys for sexual pictures.

Ali Alexander has become one of the most ubiquitous figures in the MAGA movement. Trump himself reportedly requested that Alexander speak at his rally before the riot, with his appearance only quashed by a last-minute intervention from Trump’s aides. But this week, Alexander stands at the center of a scandal that raises questions about how powerful men in the far-right treat their younger acolytes.

The budding online scandal has also roiled the pro-Trump and white supremacist “America First” movement, just months after it reached new levels of notoriety after its leader, Nick Fuentes, dined with Donald Trump and rapper Kanye West at Mar-a-Lago. Now Fuentes is facing backlash from his own supporters over whether he ignored warnings that Alexander, his friend and ally, was allegedly soliciting nude pictures from young men within Fuentes’s movement.

In 2017, Aidan Duncan—a 15-year-old boy in Colorado interested in right-wing politics—sent Alexander nude pictures after the MAGA activist asked him for them, according to an account Duncan gave in a March 2023 podcast appearance.

While Duncan was a high-school sophomore just starting out in politics, Alexander was a 32-year-old with a decade of political work for the Republican Party behind him. And now he was willing to share the connections he had gained through that work with Duncan, as long as the teenager met certain preconditions, including secrecy.

Alexander started messaging 17-year-old Lance Johnston in the summer of 2019, according to Johnston. The floppy-haired teen was a rising star on conservative TikTok communities, amassing more than 140,000 followers under the screenname “Lancevideos.”

Nope, he's a Democrat like they all are.
Talk about grooming. No wonder these right-wingers are so obsessed with it. They have enough people in their ranks practicing it.

A key figure in the pro-Trump “Stop the Steal” campaign has apologized after being accused of asking teenage boys for sexual pictures.

Ali Alexander has become one of the most ubiquitous figures in the MAGA movement. Trump himself reportedly requested that Alexander speak at his rally before the riot, with his appearance only quashed by a last-minute intervention from Trump’s aides. But this week, Alexander stands at the center of a scandal that raises questions about how powerful men in the far-right treat their younger acolytes.

The budding online scandal has also roiled the pro-Trump and white supremacist “America First” movement, just months after it reached new levels of notoriety after its leader, Nick Fuentes, dined with Donald Trump and rapper Kanye West at Mar-a-Lago. Now Fuentes is facing backlash from his own supporters over whether he ignored warnings that Alexander, his friend and ally, was allegedly soliciting nude pictures from young men within Fuentes’s movement.

In 2017, Aidan Duncan—a 15-year-old boy in Colorado interested in right-wing politics—sent Alexander nude pictures after the MAGA activist asked him for them, according to an account Duncan gave in a March 2023 podcast appearance.

While Duncan was a high-school sophomore just starting out in politics, Alexander was a 32-year-old with a decade of political work for the Republican Party behind him. And now he was willing to share the connections he had gained through that work with Duncan, as long as the teenager met certain preconditions, including secrecy.

Alexander started messaging 17-year-old Lance Johnston in the summer of 2019, according to Johnston. The floppy-haired teen was a rising star on conservative TikTok communities, amassing more than 140,000 followers under the screenname “Lancevideos.”

The party of projection strikes again.
I don't even really understand much about the whole gender change controversy....even though I do know a few trans young people.
All at the middle school and high school age.
Mostly I have just considered it another weird fad. Yet another adolescent "identity crisis" thing.
I am 60 years old and I've seen a lot of fads come and go.
After listening to the hysterical, rabid right losing it's mind over this issue and likening it to child sex abuse I decided to do some I'd at least know a little about what's REALLY going on with this issue....who might be screaming over the actual facts and reality of what's really going on. Who might be making up their own "facts" for cheap, political arguments.
All I can say is I'd suggest everyone do the same.

They are pushing it on kids, no matter what lies you tell.
Why do you RWingers always project?

And besides progressives, do you hunt down young wingers, also?
Talk about grooming. No wonder these right-wingers are so obsessed with it. They have enough people in their ranks practicing it.

A key figure in the pro-Trump “Stop the Steal” campaign has apologized after being accused of asking teenage boys for sexual pictures.

Ali Alexander has become one of the most ubiquitous figures in the MAGA movement. Trump himself reportedly requested that Alexander speak at his rally before the riot, with his appearance only quashed by a last-minute intervention from Trump’s aides. But this week, Alexander stands at the center of a scandal that raises questions about how powerful men in the far-right treat their younger acolytes.

The budding online scandal has also roiled the pro-Trump and white supremacist “America First” movement, just months after it reached new levels of notoriety after its leader, Nick Fuentes, dined with Donald Trump and rapper Kanye West at Mar-a-Lago. Now Fuentes is facing backlash from his own supporters over whether he ignored warnings that Alexander, his friend and ally, was allegedly soliciting nude pictures from young men within Fuentes’s movement.

In 2017, Aidan Duncan—a 15-year-old boy in Colorado interested in right-wing politics—sent Alexander nude pictures after the MAGA activist asked him for them, according to an account Duncan gave in a March 2023 podcast appearance.

While Duncan was a high-school sophomore just starting out in politics, Alexander was a 32-year-old with a decade of political work for the Republican Party behind him. And now he was willing to share the connections he had gained through that work with Duncan, as long as the teenager met certain preconditions, including secrecy.

Alexander started messaging 17-year-old Lance Johnston in the summer of 2019, according to Johnston. The floppy-haired teen was a rising star on conservative TikTok communities, amassing more than 140,000 followers under the screenname “Lancevideos.”

Never heard of him, but how about we put him in prison? Im not sure why you are expecting anyone on the right to be cool with pedos.
Talk about grooming. No wonder these right-wingers are so obsessed with it. They have enough people in their ranks practicing it.

A key figure in the pro-Trump “Stop the Steal” campaign has apologized after being accused of asking teenage boys for sexual pictures.

Ali Alexander has become one of the most ubiquitous figures in the MAGA movement. Trump himself reportedly requested that Alexander speak at his rally before the riot, with his appearance only quashed by a last-minute intervention from Trump’s aides. But this week, Alexander stands at the center of a scandal that raises questions about how powerful men in the far-right treat their younger acolytes.

The budding online scandal has also roiled the pro-Trump and white supremacist “America First” movement, just months after it reached new levels of notoriety after its leader, Nick Fuentes, dined with Donald Trump and rapper Kanye West at Mar-a-Lago. Now Fuentes is facing backlash from his own supporters over whether he ignored warnings that Alexander, his friend and ally, was allegedly soliciting nude pictures from young men within Fuentes’s movement.

In 2017, Aidan Duncan—a 15-year-old boy in Colorado interested in right-wing politics—sent Alexander nude pictures after the MAGA activist asked him for them, according to an account Duncan gave in a March 2023 podcast appearance.

While Duncan was a high-school sophomore just starting out in politics, Alexander was a 32-year-old with a decade of political work for the Republican Party behind him. And now he was willing to share the connections he had gained through that work with Duncan, as long as the teenager met certain preconditions, including secrecy.

Alexander started messaging 17-year-old Lance Johnston in the summer of 2019, according to Johnston. The floppy-haired teen was a rising star on conservative TikTok communities, amassing more than 140,000 followers under the screenname “Lancevideos.”

Anyone shocked? You shouldn't be.
its not OK for anyone to be pedos,,,

just pointing out the liberals idea that children are sex toys for adults,,,
What has the UN got to do with Libs? Do we control what the UN decides to do?

Man, you guys really must think we Libs are somehow omnipotent. Not true but gratifying. Thanks!
Yup. Democrats will never demand that though will they. MAGA wants the list. Democrats hide it.
I think people have forgotten that Democrats and Republicans are people. I would think most people of both parties wanna see the darn list and hold those people accountable. This place brings in radical people. Most people are not radical. The radical horse pucky is mainly what gets talked about here.The politicians love it that way. The news loves it that way. The news gets better ratings with radical dirty laundry. That leads to more commercial dollars. The politicians love it that way they can keep their jobs and accomplish nothing as well as make crazy side money with speaking engagements and purchasing stocks with insider info. Meanwhile we we are on here calling each other pedo, monster, racist, etc and the big money people pocket all the money and laugh while we work crazy hours and barely get by.

Ex-RNC staffer gets more than 12 years in prison in child porn case​

Probe that snared Ruben Verastigui allegedly involved at least 18 others, including a former Commerce Department aide.

Verastigui was a digital strategist for the RNC in 2017 and 2018, working on social media advertising for political committees backing former President Donald Trump, according to Verastigui’s LinkedIn page. The digital strategist also worked for the Senate Republican Conference and for a nonprofit group called Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions. An anti-abortion activist originally from San Antonio, Verastigui spoke at the March for Life in Washington in 2013, according to a video clip posted online.

At the time of Verastigui’s guilty plea, he admitted to possession of 152 videos and 50 images of child pornography and to receiving and distributing sexual depictions of children. He has been in custody since his arrest last February and is currently jailed at the U.S. Penitentiary in Lewisburg, Pa., according to the federal Bureau of Prisons.

In November 2020, a Trump appointee at the Commerce Department, Adam Hageman, was arrested on charges he shared a child pornography video and commented on sexually abusing children. Hageman appears to have been set to enter a guilty plea last April, but it is unclear from public court records whether that hearing was ever held.


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