Stop trying to politicize the hurricane

There's pork and there's repub BS
Stewart returned Monday with the same sense of righteous indignation, directing his ire at congressional Republicans. First, he took them to task for not putting the $60 billion aid package to a vote before they adjourned last week. “House Republicans probably wanted to get home,” he reasoned. “ You know who else wanted to get home? The people whose homes got swept away by Hurricane Sandy.”

The move was so “redonkulous,” according to Stewart, that even Republican Rep. Peter King of New York – not a man known for his moderation – blasted it as a “disgrace.”

Eventually, the House got around to approving $9 billion in flood funding – delaying a vote on an additional $51 million in relief until next week because, as Stewart joked, “What’s another week when you’ve been [in trouble] for months?”

Given that voting for hurricane recovery is something that “Jesus, or any other human being that isn’t” a jerk would do, Stewart wondered why 67 Republicans voted against the $9 billion package. Among them was former vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan, who dismissed the bill as pork-barrel spending. Stewart wasn’t buying it. “It’s two paragraphs that add 9.7 billion to the national flood insurance program and nothing else,” he said. “There’s as much pork in here as in the mini fridge in the PETA break room. there’s no pork in this thing.”

He also argued that Republicans who claimed they objected to Sandy relief for principled ideological reasons were nothing short of hypocrites. “Exhibit A” was Mississippi Rep. Steve Palazzo, who as recently as last year was asking for money for constituents hit by Hurricane Katrina in 2005.

“Look, Republicans, I get that you’re the party of limited government. But we’re not talking about Obamacare here, this was two paragraphs giving aid to people in need and you guys still couldn’t bring yourselves to vote for it because of some stupid principle that you yourselves only occasionally live by,” he said. “And here’s the thing: If you guys can’t vote for this then we’re [in trouble] for the next two years. And I’m not saying you’re responsible for all the problems facing our country, but you sure are making them a lot harder to fix.”
That last sentence is amazingly ironic considering 8 year of Obama
You're not happy with the obama carryover to this moron in our WH?? Perhaps you'd feel better if the carryover was more like what gwb left for Obama??
Please give me 8 years of shit stagnation....

Stagnation You have alzheimers ?? You don't remember 75 straight months of triple digit job gains OR unemployed down under 5% from over 9% by the last ah republican?? And our markets soared under obama or weren't you in them? Get a gd clue
I was in business for all three presidents. One of them provided 8 years of shit growth.

Can you guess which one?
Yeah I can guess what you'll say But coming out of our greatest recession ever with so much of our economy damaged you expected a miracle???
One ran by a mayor that was elected because he was black rather than because he is a true leader.
So, blacks get elected because they are black? Is that what you are claiming Mr Racist Fuck?

I really don't care about twats calling me racist; my statement stands.
Most inbred racists are proud of themselves & don't are about being called out for it.

The man had more experience in government than his opponent. He was better educated.

You're the poster equivalent of an antifa protester; honestly, your insults don't mean a thing.

So, this guy was so "experienced"? Experienced like Obama in 08 or Hillary in 16?

I have a suggestion. Instead of being the typical ignorant racist, why don't you compare the expertience level of the mayor with his opponent. Become informed. Get educated.

So, this guy was so "experienced"? Experienced like Obama in 08 or Hillary in 16?
It is an unpredictable natural disaster. Mistakes will be made & acts a heroism will occur. Politics has nothing to do with it so put your partisan bs away for awhile.

And ultimately unless you are disabled and didn't leave you have no one to blame but yourself.
Name the pork ALL of the spending was directly related to Sandy and other disasters that kill, maim and brutalize US citizens.

But Retarded Right Wingers only care when it relates to them and then they beg like dogs to get handouts.
It is an unpredictable natural disaster. Mistakes will be made & acts a heroism will occur. Politics has nothing to do with it so put your partisan bs away for awhile.

And ultimately unless you are disabled and didn't leave you have no one to blame but yourself.
Name the pork ALL of the spending was directly related to Sandy and other disasters that kill, maim and brutalize US citizens.

But Retarded Right Wingers only care when it relates to them and then they beg like dogs to get handouts.
This thread isn't about Sandy. Go fuck yourself.
It is an unpredictable natural disaster. Mistakes will be made & acts a heroism will occur. Politics has nothing to do with it so put your partisan bs away for awhile.

And ultimately unless you are disabled and didn't leave you have no one to blame but yourself.
Name the pork ALL of the spending was directly related to Sandy and other disasters that kill, maim and brutalize US citizens.

But Retarded Right Wingers only care when it relates to them and then they beg like dogs to get handouts.
This thread isn't about Sandy. Go fuck yourself.
Wrong place wrong time ,,,,,And you are an ah with a filthy redneck mouth
Sorry, seems every one is doing the best job possible, unless you can show me different am with gramps, focus on help & heal.
It is an unpredictable natural disaster. Mistakes will be made & acts a heroism will occur. Politics has nothing to do with it so put your partisan bs away for awhile.

And ultimately unless you are disabled and didn't leave you have no one to blame but yourself.
Name the pork ALL of the spending was directly related to Sandy and other disasters that kill, maim and brutalize US citizens.

But Retarded Right Wingers only care when it relates to them and then they beg like dogs to get handouts.
This thread isn't about Sandy. Go fuck yourself.
Wrong place wrong time ,,,,,And you are an ah with a filthy redneck mouth
I'm a filthy redneck because I spell out the words you use initials for?

God damn wimpy liberals
Sorry, seems every one is doing the best job possible, unless you can show me different am with gramps, focus on help & heal.
Gramps is a trump republican leaning AH Sorry but I call em like I see em
I am an asshole. At least I'm not so much of a damn sissie that I'm afraid to spell it out like you.
And the really funny part is you think there's a difference lol

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