Stop trying to politicize the hurricane

That area has had flooding before. It has had hurricanes before. But it has never had this magnitude of disaster before. And how the hell could you have prepared for this?

Hurricane Harvey went from a dangerous tropical storm to a cat 4 hurricane in less than 48 hours. It was reached cat 1 strength at 1 pm Thursday, and struck the coast at cat 4 at 10 pm on Friday. Now how the hell are you going to evacuate millions of people from the coast to past Houston in that length of time? Assuming that you started evacuating at the time that Harvey reached hurricane status? And where would you put the people? Had you even issued such an order, the people there would have laughed at you. After all, they have ridden out many hurricanes up to cat 3 without any real problems. Had the order to evacuate the whole of that area been given, millions of people would have been on the roads that are now under water, and the catastrophe would have had a far higher death toll than it does now.

And there is a second matter to consider. For the people giving the early warning concerning Harvey being a precipitation event were scientists. You know, those people that all the "Conservatives" on this board will tell you, at length, that don't know their ass from a hole in the ground. Warmer waters and a warmer atmosphere means there will be more evaporation, and more precipitation.

You were doing pretty good until the third paragraph. Hurricanes don't usually stall for 5-6 days in one geographical area. 30 inches of water over thousands of square miles is, as you said, is unprecedented. Some areas here will see more than 50 inches. I live 40 miles NW of Houston and have had 28 inches and it will rain for the next two days according to the forecast. Things aren't engineered to handle an 800 year flood.

It isnt unprecedented. People tend to blow events like thisway out of proportion. Dont get me wrong... Its bad. Its really bad. However it is not unprecedented.

Rare film shows great flood of 1935

People seem to get myopic towards events like these. They tend to transpose "the worst in my lifetime"; into "the worst ever". And seldom are the two in agreement. A lot has changed in Houston since the 1930s. There is a lot more asphalt and concrete laid down than there was back then; and that certainly isnt helping matters. But for the media, and local governance to just throw up their hands, and claim "this is unprecedented"! Is not only historically inaccurate; its also quite dangerous. For in fact a precedent had been set in the 30's. And then, just as now; the leadership took the stance that it was "unprecedented". And it wasnt true then either. These leaders should put more effort into knowing the history of the geography over which they govern. Such knowledge would aid these locales when it comes to designing future growth of large cities such as Houston. Had the leadership taken to heart the example set in the 30's; the devastation we see unfolding in 2017 might have been far less.
Hopefully the leaders of today, will do what the leaders of the 30's, and 40's did not... Learn from the past.

The flood of 35 wouldnt have happened if the Barker and Addicks reservoir been there at the time.
And the 35 storm didnt drop nearly as much rain.

You get all these people who say they aren't doing enough to prepare or fight the effects of hurricanes,yet Houston and Galveston have been working on just that for almost one hundred years in the form of seawalls and reservoirs and now mandatory water retention ponds with new construction.

Some events just can't be contained via infrastructure due to their size above what is expected. As people have stated before most hurricanes come and go, this one is bascially parked over an area for almost a week.
It is an unpredictable natural disaster. Mistakes will be made & acts a heroism will occur. Politics has nothing to do with it so put your partisan bs away for awhile. And ultimately unless you are disabled and didn't leave you have no one to blame but yourself.
It was predictable that this thing was going to be politicized the moment it became a hurricane.

Ideology over country, political advantage over country, it's infected pretty much everything at this point.
If you're not interested in the political implications of a natural disaster, don't post in 'politics'.
The OP is a conservative. He was not bothered by this thread : President Trump: The Hero Of Hurricane Harvey
I have not seen that thread. I made my opinion known of a Trump visit in the thread I did see.
Try to be less of an uninformed dick why dontcha
You see all the threads I start, but somehow you didn't see that other one. Interesting.
If you're not interested in the political implications of a natural disaster, don't post in 'politics'.
The OP is a conservative. He was not bothered by this thread : President Trump: The Hero Of Hurricane Harvey
I have not seen that thread. I made my opinion known of a Trump visit in the thread I did see.
Try to be less of an uninformed dick why dontcha
You see all the threads I start, but somehow you didn't see that other one. Interesting.
You're beyond help. And just to clue you in, this thread isn't about Trump. There are politicians from BOTH parties involved in the decisions for Houston.
That area has had flooding before. It has had hurricanes before. But it has never had this magnitude of disaster before. And how the hell could you have prepared for this?

Hurricane Harvey went from a dangerous tropical storm to a cat 4 hurricane in less than 48 hours. It was reached cat 1 strength at 1 pm Thursday, and struck the coast at cat 4 at 10 pm on Friday. Now how the hell are you going to evacuate millions of people from the coast to past Houston in that length of time? Assuming that you started evacuating at the time that Harvey reached hurricane status? And where would you put the people? Had you even issued such an order, the people there would have laughed at you. After all, they have ridden out many hurricanes up to cat 3 without any real problems. Had the order to evacuate the whole of that area been given, millions of people would have been on the roads that are now under water, and the catastrophe would have had a far higher death toll than it does now.

And there is a second matter to consider. For the people giving the early warning concerning Harvey being a precipitation event were scientists. You know, those people that all the "Conservatives" on this board will tell you, at length, that don't know their ass from a hole in the ground. Warmer waters and a warmer atmosphere means there will be more evaporation, and more precipitation.

You were doing pretty good until the third paragraph. Hurricanes don't usually stall for 5-6 days in one geographical area. 30 inches of water over thousands of square miles is, as you said, is unprecedented. Some areas here will see more than 50 inches. I live 40 miles NW of Houston and have had 28 inches and it will rain for the next two days according to the forecast. Things aren't engineered to handle an 800 year flood.

It isnt unprecedented. People tend to blow events like thisway out of proportion. Dont get me wrong... Its bad. Its really bad. However it is not unprecedented.

Rare film shows great flood of 1935

People seem to get myopic towards events like these. They tend to transpose "the worst in my lifetime"; into "the worst ever". And seldom are the two in agreement. A lot has changed in Houston since the 1930s. There is a lot more asphalt and concrete laid down than there was back then; and that certainly isnt helping matters. But for the media, and local governance to just throw up their hands, and claim "this is unprecedented"! Is not only historically inaccurate; its also quite dangerous. For in fact a precedent had been set in the 30's. And then, just as now; the leadership took the stance that it was "unprecedented". And it wasnt true then either. These leaders should put more effort into knowing the history of the geography over which they govern. Such knowledge would aid these locales when it comes to designing future growth of large cities such as Houston. Had the leadership taken to heart the example set in the 30's; the devastation we see unfolding in 2017 might have been far less.
Hopefully the leaders of today, will do what the leaders of the 30's, and 40's did not... Learn from the past.

It's unprecedented because no other tropical system has dumped this much water over such a wide area. There's more people over a wider area today. Also there's a lot of infrastructure put in place since the 30s to deal with massive rains and this storm is overwhelming all of it.

It is an unpredictable natural disaster. Mistakes will be made & acts a heroism will occur. Politics has nothing to do with it so put your partisan bs away for awhile.

And ultimately unless you are disabled and didn't leave you have no one to blame but yourself.
If we had a president who was actually an American, this never would have happened. (-:
A friend told met con artist Joel Osteen padlocked his church and would not allow it to be used as a shelter. What a POS.
View attachment 146526

What kind of city doesn't have emergency plans for different disaster sceneries?

Especially one situated along a coast where hurricanes occur?



Thanks for the Tull song you should post it under music, there is a Anything Jethro Tull thread and it does not have this song on it....awesome!
Let's allow God into our hearts and lend our help in any we can. Let's not blame anyone. And don't allow the usual suspects in the Media and Government, to make it about Politics for you as an individual. Rise above that petty hate and just help the folks in Texas the best way you can. A whole lotta folks are suffering there. It's not about Politics. God bless.
View attachment 146526

What kind of city doesn't have emergency plans for different disaster sceneries?

Especially one situated along a coast where hurricanes occur?



One ran by a mayor that was elected because he was black rather than because he is a true leader.

So, blacks get elected because they are black? Is that what you are claiming Mr Racist Fuck?

I really don't care about twats calling me racist; my statement stands.
View attachment 146526

What kind of city doesn't have emergency plans for different disaster sceneries?

Especially one situated along a coast where hurricanes occur?



One ran by a mayor that was elected because he was black rather than because he is a true leader.

So, blacks get elected because they are black? Is that what you are claiming Mr Racist Fuck?

I really don't care about twats calling me racist; my statement stands.

Most inbred racists are proud of themselves & don't are about being called out for it.

The man had more experience in government than his opponent. He was better educated.
That area has had flooding before. It has had hurricanes before. But it has never had this magnitude of disaster before. And how the hell could you have prepared for this?

Hurricane Harvey went from a dangerous tropical storm to a cat 4 hurricane in less than 48 hours. It was reached cat 1 strength at 1 pm Thursday, and struck the coast at cat 4 at 10 pm on Friday. Now how the hell are you going to evacuate millions of people from the coast to past Houston in that length of time? Assuming that you started evacuating at the time that Harvey reached hurricane status? And where would you put the people? Had you even issued such an order, the people there would have laughed at you. After all, they have ridden out many hurricanes up to cat 3 without any real problems. Had the order to evacuate the whole of that area been given, millions of people would have been on the roads that are now under water, and the catastrophe would have had a far higher death toll than it does now.

And there is a second matter to consider. For the people giving the early warning concerning Harvey being a precipitation event were scientists. You know, those people that all the "Conservatives" on this board will tell you, at length, that don't know their ass from a hole in the ground. Warmer waters and a warmer atmosphere means there will be more evaporation, and more precipitation.

You were doing pretty good until the third paragraph. Hurricanes don't usually stall for 5-6 days in one geographical area. 30 inches of water over thousands of square miles is, as you said, is unprecedented. Some areas here will see more than 50 inches. I live 40 miles NW of Houston and have had 28 inches and it will rain for the next two days according to the forecast. Things aren't engineered to handle an 800 year flood.

It isnt unprecedented. People tend to blow events like thisway out of proportion. Dont get me wrong... Its bad. Its really bad. However it is not unprecedented.

Rare film shows great flood of 1935

People seem to get myopic towards events like these. They tend to transpose "the worst in my lifetime"; into "the worst ever". And seldom are the two in agreement. A lot has changed in Houston since the 1930s. There is a lot more asphalt and concrete laid down than there was back then; and that certainly isnt helping matters. But for the media, and local governance to just throw up their hands, and claim "this is unprecedented"! Is not only historically inaccurate; its also quite dangerous. For in fact a precedent had been set in the 30's. And then, just as now; the leadership took the stance that it was "unprecedented". And it wasnt true then either. These leaders should put more effort into knowing the history of the geography over which they govern. Such knowledge would aid these locales when it comes to designing future growth of large cities such as Houston. Had the leadership taken to heart the example set in the 30's; the devastation we see unfolding in 2017 might have been far less.
Hopefully the leaders of today, will do what the leaders of the 30's, and 40's did not... Learn from the past.

It's unprecedented because no other tropical system has dumped this much water over such a wide area. There's more people over a wider area today. Also there's a lot of infrastructure put in place since the 30s to deal with massive rains and this storm is overwhelming all of it.


I didn't read back, but I hope someone mentioned the "poetic justice" or Karma of Texas senators voting against aid to Sandy victims 5 years ago! I wonder will they appreciate Congress slow-walking bills to fund Houston restoration to it's previous glory like they did New Jersey? That Republican Congress was ready to shut the gov't down to screw over Obama! How will Trump and his cabinet deal with this catastrophe along with raising the "debt ceiling" and the Korean intrigued they've set themselves up to fail due to their own ineptitude in foreign affairs? :dunno: :frown: :talk2hand:
View attachment 146526

What kind of city doesn't have emergency plans for different disaster sceneries?

Especially one situated along a coast where hurricanes occur?



One ran by a mayor that was elected because he was black rather than because he is a true leader.

So, blacks get elected because they are black? Is that what you are claiming Mr Racist Fuck?

I really don't care about twats calling me racist; my statement stands.

Most inbred racists are proud of themselves & don't are about being called out for it.

The man had more experience in government than his opponent. He was better educated.

You're the poster equivalent of an antifa protester; honestly, your insults don't mean a thing.

So, this guy was so "experienced"? Experienced like Obama in 08 or Hillary in 16?

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