Stop whining about "unconstitutional" DUI checkpoints


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Every holiday the internet is full of these crybabies even though the DUI searches make more legal sense than the airport searches everyone accepts. The fourth amendment protects you from UNREASONABLE searches and DUI checkpoints seen reasonable to me. Most of these complainers are shills hired by the auto industry. The car makers love drunk drivers, Car crashes mean car sales
Every holiday the internet is full of these crybabies even though the DUI searches make more legal sense than the airport searches everyone accepts. The fourth amendment protects you from UNREASONABLE searches and DUI checkpoints seen reasonable to me. Most of these complainers are shills hired by the auto industry. The car makers love drunk drivers, Car crashes mean car sales

The Fourth Amendment then goes on to outline what a reasonable search would entail, your own opinion notwithstanding.

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

In other words, a warrant is required, and these checkpoints are, in fact, unconstitutional.
Every holiday the internet is full of these crybabies even though the DUI searches make more legal sense than the airport searches everyone accepts. The fourth amendment protects you from UNREASONABLE searches and DUI checkpoints seen reasonable to me. Most of these complainers are shills hired by the auto industry. The car makers love drunk drivers, Car crashes mean car sales

Dont think you're going to find to many supporters.
I loved road blocks to catch drunks.
I see it this way; I never touched booze when I drove and the seaches took the idiots off the road so I had more chance of a safe journey.

Anyone who complains is very foolish.
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The Fourth Amendment then goes on to outline what a reasonable search would entail, your own opinion notwithstanding.

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

In other words, a warrant is required, and these checkpoints are, in fact, unconstitutional.

HAHAHA. You are saying a cop ALWAYS needs a warrant to search someone? That is nonsense.

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They dont allow them in Texas. Thank God. If it was about public safety they should arrest them as they come out of the bars. But public intoxication doesnt pay as much as a DUI.

If it was about public safety, we'd make DUI an automatic felony. That's what i'd love to see.
The Fourth Amendment then goes on to outline what a reasonable search would entail, your own opinion notwithstanding.

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

In other words, a warrant is required, and these checkpoints are, in fact, unconstitutional.

HAHAHA. You are saying a cop ALWAYS needs a warrant to search someone? That is nonsense.


he needs probable cause...
The Fourth Amendment then goes on to outline what a reasonable search would entail, your own opinion notwithstanding.

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

In other words, a warrant is required, and these checkpoints are, in fact, unconstitutional.

HAHAHA. You are saying a cop ALWAYS needs a warrant to search someone? That is nonsense.


Maybe you should try thinking. Probable cause is also grounds for a search, but DUI checkpoints do not meet even that relatively flimsy criteria.
Years ago I called my brother to see if he wanted to slam down some beers. I was already loaded.
So I got in my car to drive across town. I was heading west through campus town and the cops were checking everyone going east.

On the way home (yet more drunk) there were the same cops, stopping all the west bound traffic.

Disclaimer: Don't drink and drive...
They dont allow them in Texas. Thank God. If it was about public safety they should arrest them as they come out of the bars. But public intoxication doesnt pay as much as a DUI.

If it was about public safety, we'd make DUI an automatic felony. That's what i'd love to see.

I think thats a little harsh,and it's hard for the prosecution to convict on something that might have happened.
You get in a wreck and hurt someone,thats a different story.

And you would really screw up a lot of peoples lives who for the most part are normal citizens.
If the new law passes where .05 gets you a DUI restaurants are toast. Come on man,thats ONE beer.
So if you really want to keep everyone safe,restaurants should only be allowed to serve you one drink.
Every holiday the internet is full of these crybabies even though the DUI searches make more legal sense than the airport searches everyone accepts. The fourth amendment protects you from UNREASONABLE searches and DUI checkpoints seen reasonable to me. Most of these complainers are shills hired by the auto industry. The car makers love drunk drivers, Car crashes mean car sales

They are unreasonable as the cops are stopping you because you might be doing something illegal not because they have any probable cause.
Years ago I called my brother to see if he wanted to slam down some beers. I was already loaded.
So I got in my car to drive across town. I was heading west through campus town and the cops were checking everyone going east.

On the way home (yet more drunk) there were the same cops, stopping all the west bound traffic.

Disclaimer: Don't drink and drive...

Use of BAC also ignores the fact that some drivers are awesome up to 0.15 or so, or even higher, and yet someone else who just rinsed thier mouth with mouthwash and is at 0.0001 is terrible and will crash into a tree without the help of alcohol.

I know a standard is needed, but I will put my driving skill at 0.08 up against a terrible driver who is stone cold sober any day of the week.
This is a new one for me now that we've moved to The South. Around here, the cops get together and stop traffic on a major highway between two towns. I travel that road frequently and have, more than once, been stuck in the checkpoint several times in the same day (there is no good way around unless I go far out of my way.) I wouldn't call these "DUI checkpoints". I don't know what they call them. I do know that according to the Supreme Court, if a police officer stops you and asks for ID you DO have to show it. Most of us have our license out and ready to show by the time we get to the officer. Only once did a cop tell me to update my inspection sticker ($5) and I did. I've seen people pulled over at the side of the road but I have no idea why.

Yes, I think DUI checkpoints, inspection stick checkpoints, game warden checkpoints (just driving a pick-up truck is the excuse for making you stop) and seat belt stops should all be declared unconstitutional. These stops are akin to police officers walking down the street and knocking on every door to ask for your ID and "just chat" with you for a little while.
The Fourth Amendment then goes on to outline what a reasonable search would entail, your own opinion notwithstanding.

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

In other words, a warrant is required, and these checkpoints are, in fact, unconstitutional.

HAHAHA. You are saying a cop ALWAYS needs a warrant to search someone? That is nonsense.


Maybe you should try thinking. Probable cause is also grounds for a search, but DUI checkpoints do not meet even that relatively flimsy criteria.

As the above quote shows, "probable cause" applies to issuing a warrant but no warrant is needed for a DUI search just like none is needed for an airport search or a search before you enter most govt buildings. THINK
If it was about public safety, we'd make DUI an automatic felony. That's what i'd love to see.

I think thats a little harsh,and it's hard for the prosecution to convict on something that might have happened.

What do you mean "might have happened".? If you're saying drunk driving by itself, without an accompanying crash, does not harm anyone, then so too for mere cocaine possession. But people caught with coke on their person are convicted of felonies every day. THINK
If it was about public safety, we'd make DUI an automatic felony. That's what i'd love to see.

I think thats a little harsh,and it's hard for the prosecution to convict on something that might have happened.

What do you mean "might have happened".? If you're saying drunk driving by itself, without an accompanying crash, does not harm anyone, then so too for mere cocaine possession. But people caught with coke on their person are convicted of felonies every day. THINK

Uuuh...coke is illegal.
Think..You go to dinner and have two beers,and it's a felony?
Kinda harsh? Yeah....
Do you realize a good portion of society would be committing felonies on a regular basis?

They are unreasonable as the cops are stopping you because you might be doing something illegal not because they have any probable cause.

Same can be said about the searches you undergo when you enter a federal bldg. THINK
Yes, I think DUI checkpoints, inspection stick checkpoints, game warden checkpoints (just driving a pick-up truck is the excuse for making you stop) and seat belt stops should all be declared unconstitutional. These stops are akin to police officers walking down the street and knocking on every door to ask for your ID and "just chat" with you for a little while.

Why should all those things be unconstitutional but not airport searches?

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