Stop whining about "unconstitutional" DUI checkpoints

Well, it is not necessary that you be happy about it. On the whole, trying to keep people from getting killed is worth you being very occassionaly inconvenienced.

Those who sacrifice liberty for safety deserve neither.

Actually, the quote was sacrifice liberty for security - not safety. And Franklin would tell you to get over it. Your liberty is not being sacrificed or even slightly impinged. Your just being slightly inconvenienced and that only rarely.

So you can speak for Ben Franklin now?

do you channel him? Can you talk to Jim Morrison for me?

And any infringement of liberty is not a matter of degree.

And to stop everyone for a 1.6% chance of arresting a drunk is wasteful at worst and outright stupid at best.
My best friend was killed by a drunk driver so I have no tolerance for them. I have absolutely no problem with the police setting up check points to reduce drunk driving. If you haven't been drinking, being checked should be no problem for you. If you have been drinking, I hope they throw the book at you.
My best friend was killed by a drunk driver so I have no tolerance for them. I have absolutely no problem with the police setting up check points to reduce drunk driving. If you haven't been drinking, being checked should be no problem for you. If you have been drinking, I hope they throw the book at you.

So if you have no contraband in your home the cops should be able to walk in whenever they want? After all you have nothing to worry about and if you do they can throw the book at you right?

I gave stats that only 1.6% of people stopped at checkpoints are arrested. Can you tell me how many of those 1.6% would have killed or injured anyone?

Law enforcement is not allowed to go on fishing expeditions in this country.
Strange. I have been in a few of those stops and not once have I ever had my stomach pumped. They may well look at my eyes to see if the pupils are dilated or smell my breath, but they are not searching my stomach. What they are doing is seeing if you appear impaired and that is not a search. It is no more a search than stopping you because you appear to be driving erratically.

Commercial trucks have to stop at weigh stations. Is that also a search? Is that a violation of their rights as well? If not, what is the difference between the two stops?

In all of the times I have been stopped, either at a DUI stop or because I actually did something wrong, I have never once been hassled. I have no doubt this does happen, police are people and some people are bad at their job. But I expect most hassles arise from the fact that the person stopped had decided they can act like an asshole. If one acts like an asshole, they will be treated like an asshole.

Is stopping commercial truck at weigh stations a search?


Is it a violation of their rights?


What is the difference between the two stops?

Nothing, they are both unreasonable and should be illegal.

Any other questions?

Nope. You are at least utterly wrong consistantly. I can respect that.

Ever drove a truck? They can open the truck at the weigh station and go through all of the cargo. They can even force the driver to unload the truck and leave the cargo on the side of the road. If you don't think that is a search, or a violation of his rights, you are even dumber than I thought.
Is stopping commercial truck at weigh stations a search?


Is it a violation of their rights?


What is the difference between the two stops?

Nothing, they are both unreasonable and should be illegal.

Any other questions?

Nope. You are at least utterly wrong consistantly. I can respect that.

Ever drove a truck? They can open the truck at the weigh station and go through all of the cargo. They can even force the driver to unload the truck and leave the cargo on the side of the road. If you don't think that is a search, or a violation of his rights, you are even dumber than I thought.

That's right. They can. The FAA can go into an airport and look at anything they like, pull out a plane and go through it with a fine tooth comb. None of that is a violation of anyone's rights. If you think it is, you are even dumber than I thought.
Why do you think cops should be able to hassle innocent people?

Because, like all too many "modern conservatives," he (and all of the others who are defending DUI checkpoints on this thread) is an authoritarian. Authoritarians are, basically, bullies. If they can't do it themselves, they get off on authority figures (the police) doing it for them.
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Why do you think cops should be able to hassle innocent people?

Because, like all too many "modern conservatives," he, and all of the others who are defending DUI checkpoints on this thread, is an authoritarian. Authoritarians are, basically, bullies. If they can't do it themselves, they get off on authority figures (the police) doing it for them.

Bully by proxy, you might be on to something.
Nope. You are at least utterly wrong consistantly. I can respect that.

Ever drove a truck? They can open the truck at the weigh station and go through all of the cargo. They can even force the driver to unload the truck and leave the cargo on the side of the road. If you don't think that is a search, or a violation of his rights, you are even dumber than I thought.

That's right. They can. The FAA can go into an airport and look at anything they like, pull out a plane and go through it with a fine tooth comb. None of that is a violation of anyone's rights. If you think it is, you are even dumber than I thought.

Every bit of it is a violation of someone's rights.
The fourth amendment was added specifically to prevent this kind of arbitrary, blanket detention from government. You people supporting road block searches are sellouts and every bit as clueless as the nimrods signing the petition to abolish the Bill of Rights.

For the tenth time the board asks you why then is it ok for the govt to search us at airports or when we enter govt buildings.think

"I'm sorry. I wasn't counting. And honestly, I wasn't reading most of your posts. You seem like kind of an idiot so there didn't seem much point. Anyway, I never said it was ok to do those other things."

no he isn't. you're just mean..................
Ever drove a truck? They can open the truck at the weigh station and go through all of the cargo. They can even force the driver to unload the truck and leave the cargo on the side of the road. If you don't think that is a search, or a violation of his rights, you are even dumber than I thought.

That's right. They can. The FAA can go into an airport and look at anything they like, pull out a plane and go through it with a fine tooth comb. None of that is a violation of anyone's rights. If you think it is, you are even dumber than I thought.

Every bit of it is a violation of someone's rights.

Nope. But it is certainly your right to think whatever you like.
"You racist piece of shit."

Hey “Noh Mee” (Location: Australia)

You don’t mind ME setting the Australian flag on fire, do you ?

Is it funny to you?

Is it… to you ?

Would it make you mad ?

…or is it you couldn’t give two-shits about it……..

Yah, i wonder what your real feelings/reaction would be to the burning of YOUR COUNTRY's FLAG -- in front of your eyes, or not -- (if in fact your MOTHERLAND IS Australia, and not Guatamala………….)
My best friend was killed by a drunk driver so I have no tolerance for them. I have absolutely no problem with the police setting up check points to reduce drunk driving. If you haven't been drinking, being checked should be no problem for you. If you have been drinking, I hope they throw the book at you.

So if you have no contraband in your home the cops should be able to walk in whenever they want? .

Stop comparing your home to a public highway. THINK
My best friend was killed by a drunk driver so I have no tolerance for them. I have absolutely no problem with the police setting up check points to reduce drunk driving. If you haven't been drinking, being checked should be no problem for you. If you have been drinking, I hope they throw the book at you.

So if you have no contraband in your home the cops should be able to walk in whenever they want? .

Stop comparing your home to a public highway. THINK

Funny how you tell everyone to think yet you can't seem to do it yourself.

An unlawful search is just that no matter where it happens.

My car is the same as my home.

If a cop can't stick his nose in my home without my permission, probable cause or a warrant then the same goes for my car.

If no traffic laws were broken there is no cause to stop a driver.

And did you THINK about the efficacy of these stops?

1.6% of people stopped are actually arrested.

Seems to me that drunk driving isn't the problem you people think it is.
That's right. They can. The FAA can go into an airport and look at anything they like, pull out a plane and go through it with a fine tooth comb. None of that is a violation of anyone's rights. If you think it is, you are even dumber than I thought.

Every bit of it is a violation of someone's rights.

Nope. But it is certainly your right to think whatever you like.

That is really funny.

Just because something is legal does not mean it is not an infringement on people's rights.
My best friend was killed by a drunk driver so I have no tolerance for them. I have absolutely no problem with the police setting up check points to reduce drunk driving. If you haven't been drinking, being checked should be no problem for you. If you have been drinking, I hope they throw the book at you.

If I haven't been drinking, then I shouldn't be checked. Hell, pass a law that you have to check your keys at the door when you order your first drink at a bar and you have to pass a breathalizer to get them back when you leave. Then buy stock in the local taxi service.
My best friend was killed by a drunk driver so I have no tolerance for them. I have absolutely no problem with the police setting up check points to reduce drunk driving. If you haven't been drinking, being checked should be no problem for you. If you have been drinking, I hope they throw the book at you.

So if you have no contraband in your home the cops should be able to walk in whenever they want? .

Stop comparing your home to a public highway. THINK

Your personal home is on a public street.......just like your personal car. THINK
So if you have no contraband in your home the cops should be able to walk in whenever they want? .

Stop comparing your home to a public highway. THINK

Your personal home is on a public street.......just like your personal car. THINK

My home is not on a public street nor I am moving my home down a public street at speed. If and when that starts happening, the police have every right to stop me to check to make sure I am not driving my home under the influence.

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