Stop with the hyperbole

I wasn’t defending Trump I was saying the Left was over reacting and said that the ambassador wasn’t going anywhere, which now seems to be true. So this overreaction was for nothing and is chalked up to another cry of wolf. I suggest y’all pick your battles more carefully, this one was a waste and this outcome was easy to predict. Y’all that cried foul lost credibility.

you were defending Trump

the reaction was not to an act. It was to a proposal that was unpatriotic and many would say, treasonous

you can build as many straw men as you like. you may not even be aware of doing so. far too many people who have been brainwashed by talk radio and or cable news, or weirdo websites have learned toargue in that manner. seriously sad how friggin dumb most people are . and clueless

Trump creates a crisis, then turns around and dials it down and then claims "Look how great I am" ignoring he is the one who created the chaos

reacting to a proposal the president previously said he thought was good? that is what your straw man ignores
Face it man, you all over reacted to this one. Trump never said he was sending our ambassador to Russia. Putin offered to allow Mueller to interview the Russians he was accusing of breaking US law and Trump considered his deal. The coverage I saw on this was completely blown out of proportion. You all jumped the gun and now there is really nothing to be upset about. This morning it was the focus of many news shows and pundits were calling it treason and the biggest mistake of his presidency. But now it’s nothing. WOLF
Why would Mueller want to talk to the Russians he is indicting for meddling in our elections? Do I really need to answer that?

Why would Mueller want to talk to the Russians, with a quid pro quo from Putin/KGB guy? Mueller is not stupid - as Trump is. Everyone keeps trying to bait Mueller - Nunes, House GOP members , rightwing media, Trump/Giuliani, and now Putin

Mueller is a pro Opinion | I Led the F.B.I. Mueller Is Just Doing His Job.

quotes: I Led the F.B.I. Mueller Is Just Doing His Job.
Faith in the justice system and in our intelligence agencies cannot be collateral damage in a partisan grudge match, says the former director of the F.B.I. and C.I.A.

Why do people side with Putin over US intel and interests?
well then what was the point of the indictments if he doesn't give a shit to talk to them?
I wasn’t defending Trump I was saying the Left was over reacting and said that the ambassador wasn’t going anywhere, which now seems to be true. So this overreaction was for nothing and is chalked up to another cry of wolf. I suggest y’all pick your battles more carefully, this one was a waste and this outcome was easy to predict. Y’all that cried foul lost credibility.

you were defending Trump

the reaction was not to an act. It was to a proposal that was unpatriotic and many would say, treasonous

you can build as many straw men as you like. you may not even be aware of doing so. far too many people who have been brainwashed by talk radio and or cable news, or weirdo websites have learned toargue in that manner. seriously sad how friggin dumb most people are . and clueless

Trump creates a crisis, then turns around and dials it down and then claims "Look how great I am" ignoring he is the one who created the chaos

reacting to a proposal the president previously said he thought was good? that is what your straw man ignores
Face it man, you all over reacted to this one. Trump never said he was sending our ambassador to Russia. Putin offered to allow Mueller to interview the Russians he was accusing of breaking US law and Trump considered his deal. The coverage I saw on this was completely blown out of proportion. You all jumped the gun and now there is really nothing to be upset about. This morning it was the focus of many news shows and pundits were calling it treason and the biggest mistake of his presidency. But now it’s nothing. WOLF

Says the far left drone pushing the far left religious scriptures without hesitation or question!

You have any evidence that Russia hacked the elections?
Why would Mueller want to talk to the Russians he is indicting for meddling in our elections? Do I really need to answer that?

Why would Mueller want to talk to the Russians, with a quid pro quo from Putin/KGB guy? Mueller is not stupid - as Trump is. Everyone keeps trying to bait Mueller - Nunes, House GOP members , rightwing media, Trump/Giuliani, and now Putin

Mueller is a pro Opinion | I Led the F.B.I. Mueller Is Just Doing His Job.

quotes: I Led the F.B.I. Mueller Is Just Doing His Job.
Faith in the justice system and in our intelligence agencies cannot be collateral damage in a partisan grudge match, says the former director of the F.B.I. and C.I.A.

Why do people side with Putin over US intel and interests?
well then what was the point of the indictments if he doesn't give a shit to talk to them?

Kabuki Theater. Heil Mueller is just trying to keep the soft coup going until after the midterms.

Its part of the resistance and impeach 45 movement which began LMFAO before he was even sworn in.

Face it kids, Mueller is just as Butt Hurt and James Comey and Hillary Clinton.

He is part of The Resistance and is just carrying on the Soft Coup attempt.

You can't blame him for being a mindless partisan drone.

Lefty just doesn't know any better.

Just drool and mumble partisan shit, and take their medication.

I'm with her!
Who is they?
No Government agency has ever seen any evidence, nor have they looked at the server.
And this they you speak of, did such a poor job, they had to retract several statements they made, and of course after the fact that they came to a predrawn conclusion.
This they you speak of was paid by The DNC.
Nah, no conflict of interest at all there.

Who is this "They" you speak of?

Maybe Mueller would have appeared to be more fair minded if he gave Manafort Immunity, allowed him to destroy all of his emails, and then refused to record his interviews, and then gave immunity to Trump's entire staff?

Sounds like a plan.
The FBI received full forensics from that server. You are misinformed

Trump wrong on Podesta and DNC server
So you are saying this "They" interviewed Julian Assange, and who completely contradicted their findings?
I mean, that is what fair minded people do, instead of spit out predrawn conclusions. "They check out every lead"

Yet Mueller refuses to interview Assange, or Kim.Com, or Subpoena the DNC Server.

He wants to get to the bottom of this, doesn't he?

Why hasn't he interviewed Steele or Skirpal?

You do not do such things in a witch hunt designed to try and bring down a president!
Trumps own FBI Director just publicly said that the investigation is NOT a witch hunt. I guess he is in on it too, right? Y’all are a bunch of puppets

And you just proven my comments that you are far left partisan hack!
Why, because I am quoting Trumps chosen FBI Director? Is he a far left partisan hack too?
Why would Mueller want to talk to the Russians he is indicting for meddling in our elections? Do I really need to answer that?

Why would Mueller want to talk to the Russians, with a quid pro quo from Putin/KGB guy? Mueller is not stupid - as Trump is. Everyone keeps trying to bait Mueller - Nunes, House GOP members , rightwing media, Trump/Giuliani, and now Putin

Mueller is a pro Opinion | I Led the F.B.I. Mueller Is Just Doing His Job.

quotes: I Led the F.B.I. Mueller Is Just Doing His Job.
Faith in the justice system and in our intelligence agencies cannot be collateral damage in a partisan grudge match, says the former director of the F.B.I. and C.I.A.

Why do people side with Putin over US intel and interests?
well then what was the point of the indictments if he doesn't give a shit to talk to them?

Kabuki Theater. Heil Mueller is just trying to keep the soft coup going until after the midterms.

Do they think the far left will gain seats during the mid-term elections?

o have the far left running on repealing tax cuts, protecting illegals over US citizens, and saying you are not allowed to manage your money will win them these elections?
again, leftists believe that most americans don't have fking brains. Most don't who follow their sorry asses, that is for fking sure.
It's the fact that he's even considering sending an American citizen over to a foreign hostile government. Any normal administration would have not even considered the suggestion. But we have the Orange Nightmare.
LOL, you guys crack me up. Your hysteria is waaaay over the top.
It's the fact that he's even considering sending an American citizen over to a foreign hostile government. Any normal administration would have not even considered the suggestion. But we have the Orange Nightmare.
How do you know he is considering it? It is something that Putin wants so instead of immediately taking it off the table maybe he is trying to figure out how to use it to get something that he wants. My point is that it is way to early to be so hyperbolic about this, I’d bet anything that ambassador is not going to Russia
Because of this:
Trump called the idea an "incredible offer" during the news conference. And on Wednesday, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said that the president would “meet with his team” on Putin's proposal, setting off a Russia-related backlash against the Trump administration for the third
straight day.

By Thursday, as the Senate prepared to formally rebuke Trump, the White House reversed course.

“It is a proposal that was made in sincerity by President Putin, but President Trump disagrees with it," Sanders said in a statement. "

White House says Trump disagrees with Putin proposal to hand over Americans
I’m the first one to criticize Trump, especially after that performance in Helsinki. There is much to critique about that meeting but the over reaction I’m seeing from his opponents about the headline “Trump considers turning over Ambassador to Putin” well it is premature and just plain silly. A decision has not been made. If Trump does send the Ambassador to Russia then you all can be outraged. I don’t see that happening. What if he allows the Russians to talk to the Ambassador via Skype in exchange for us getting something from the Russians? Then you all look like fools.

Point is, this hyperbolic reaction to something that hasn’t been decided yet is unproductive and it simply discredits your arguments. Trump gives plenty of ammo to attack. Stick to the stuff that has actually happened and stop reacting to hypotheticals.

I agree, your side is really killing it self with the chiken little routine after everything Trump does. you guys must be exhausted with anxiety and fear. But so far blacks are not back in chains, gays aren't being tossed off rooftops, and the economy is going well along with our tax cut
Damn you are deep in the conspiracy stuff. What a joke. They got forensics on the DNC server. Move on
Who is they?
No Government agency has ever seen any evidence, nor have they looked at the server.
And this they you speak of, did such a poor job, they had to retract several statements they made, and of course after the fact that they came to a predrawn conclusion.
This they you speak of was paid by The DNC.
Nah, no conflict of interest at all there.

Who is this "They" you speak of?

Maybe Mueller would have appeared to be more fair minded if he gave Manafort Immunity, allowed him to destroy all of his emails, and then refused to record his interviews, and then gave immunity to Trump's entire staff?

Sounds like a plan.
The FBI received full forensics from that server. You are misinformed

Trump wrong on Podesta and DNC server
So you are saying this "They" interviewed Julian Assange, and who completely contradicted their findings?
I mean, that is what fair minded people do, instead of spit out predrawn conclusions. "They check out every lead"

Yet Mueller refuses to interview Assange, or Kim.Com, or Subpoena the DNC Server.

He wants to get to the bottom of this, doesn't he?

Why hasn't he interviewed Steele or Skirpal?

You do not do such things in a witch hunt designed to try and bring down a president!
We should stop referring to it as a witch hunt. Call it what it is, a Coup, or Treason, Subversion of Democracy.

That's exactly what it is.

It has been going on for years. Which is why the people who have been engaged in it...from the time of AYERS, you are right, are shitting their pants.

They are seeing their end. They will be purged. In their world, generally their side is the side that does the purging of the useful idiots...and in their world, they die. But when we are the ones who purge them, they don't die. They fade into the woodwork like the nazis did when their vision failed. They move to Argentina.

Russia is the new Argentina, btw. That's part of the left's obsession with it.
It's the fact that he's even considering sending an American citizen over to a foreign hostile government. Any normal administration would have not even considered the suggestion. But we have the Orange Nightmare.
How do you know he is considering it? It is something that Putin wants so instead of immediately taking it off the table maybe he is trying to figure out how to use it to get something that he wants. My point is that it is way to early to be so hyperbolic about this, I’d bet anything that ambassador is not going to Russia
Because of this:
Trump called the idea an "incredible offer" during the news conference. And on Wednesday, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said that the president would “meet with his team” on Putin's proposal, setting off a Russia-related backlash against the Trump administration for the third
straight day.

By Thursday, as the Senate prepared to formally rebuke Trump, the White House reversed course.

“It is a proposal that was made in sincerity by President Putin, but President Trump disagrees with it," Sanders said in a statement. "

White House says Trump disagrees with Putin proposal to hand over Americans
I’m not a Trump fan, but I just don’t see the outrage in this situation. He found something that Putin wanted and slow played his answer to see if he could get something that he wanted. If you really thought that he was going to ship a US ambassador off to Russia then I don’t think you’re thinking realistically. If he decided to ship off the ambassador then the outrage would be justified but as predicted it all turned out to be nothing and I don’t think the Left came out looking better after the tantrum in this case.
Face it man, you all over reacted to this one. Trump never said he was sending our ambassador to Russia. Putin offered to allow Mueller to interview the Russians he was accusing of breaking US law and Trump considered his deal. The coverage I saw on this was completely blown out of proportion. You all jumped the gun and now there is really nothing to be upset about. This morning it was the focus of many news shows and pundits were calling it treason and the biggest mistake of his presidency. But now it’s nothing. WOLF

Says the far left drone pushing the far left religious scriptures without hesitation or question!

You have any evidence that Russia hacked the elections?
Seriously man, go take your meds, you aren’t making any sense

So that would be a no that you do not have evidence that Russia Hacked the elections.

Just you will run the far left religious dogma, because the far left can not accept the fact that Hilary is worse than Trump!
Of course I don’t have evidence because I’m not running the investigation. An investigation that Trumps FBI Director claims is legit. You keep ignoring that because you are a hack who can’t deal with facts. Now stop spamming my thread
What is the actual investigation about?

Does anyone really know?

To be legit, you have to have actual evidence of a crime that has been committed.

Why have an investigation to manufacture or uncover a crime?

Usually Investigations are launched upon discovery of a crime. Such was the case with Watergate.

But no such crime occurred, and no crime that Mueller is investigating can be named and a legitimate factor for determining why he was appointed to investigate a crime he himself cannot even name.

Mueller is Too Illegitimate to Quit.
Why does Trumps FBI Director say that the investigation is legit? Simple question, what’s your answer?
I wasn’t defending Trump I was saying the Left was over reacting and said that the ambassador wasn’t going anywhere, which now seems to be true. So this overreaction was for nothing and is chalked up to another cry of wolf. I suggest y’all pick your battles more carefully, this one was a waste and this outcome was easy to predict. Y’all that cried foul lost credibility.

you were defending Trump

the reaction was not to an act. It was to a proposal that was unpatriotic and many would say, treasonous

you can build as many straw men as you like. you may not even be aware of doing so. far too many people who have been brainwashed by talk radio and or cable news, or weirdo websites have learned toargue in that manner. seriously sad how friggin dumb most people are . and clueless

Trump creates a crisis, then turns around and dials it down and then claims "Look how great I am" ignoring he is the one who created the chaos

reacting to a proposal the president previously said he thought was good? that is what your straw man ignores
Face it man, you all over reacted to this one. Trump never said he was sending our ambassador to Russia. Putin offered to allow Mueller to interview the Russians he was accusing of breaking US law and Trump considered his deal. The coverage I saw on this was completely blown out of proportion. You all jumped the gun and now there is really nothing to be upset about. This morning it was the focus of many news shows and pundits were calling it treason and the biggest mistake of his presidency. But now it’s nothing. WOLF

Says the far left drone pushing the far left religious scriptures without hesitation or question!

You have any evidence that Russia hacked the elections?
Seriously man, go take your meds, you aren’t making any sense

So that would be a no that you do not have evidence that Russia Hacked the elections.

Just you will run the far left religious dogma, because the far left can not accept the fact that Hilary is worse than Trump!
Of course I don’t, I’m not privy to that intel. But you know who is, Trumps appointed FBI Director, Chris Wray, who just said that the investigation is not a witch hunt and is legit. How do you explain that?
It's the fact that he's even considering sending an American citizen over to a foreign hostile government. Any normal administration would have not even considered the suggestion. But we have the Orange Nightmare.
How do you know he is considering it? It is something that Putin wants so instead of immediately taking it off the table maybe he is trying to figure out how to use it to get something that he wants. My point is that it is way to early to be so hyperbolic about this, I’d bet anything that ambassador is not going to Russia
Because of this:
Trump called the idea an "incredible offer" during the news conference. And on Wednesday, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said that the president would “meet with his team” on Putin's proposal, setting off a Russia-related backlash against the Trump administration for the third
straight day.

By Thursday, as the Senate prepared to formally rebuke Trump, the White House reversed course.

“It is a proposal that was made in sincerity by President Putin, but President Trump disagrees with it," Sanders said in a statement. "

White House says Trump disagrees with Putin proposal to hand over Americans
I’m not a Trump fan, but I just don’t see the outrage in this situation. He found something that Putin wanted and slow played his answer to see if he could get something that he wanted. If you really thought that he was going to ship a US ambassador off to Russia then I don’t think you’re thinking realistically. If he decided to ship off the ambassador then the outrage would be justified but as predicted it all turned out to be nothing and I don’t think the Left came out looking better after the tantrum in this case.
I don't think Trump thinks realistically in terms of Russia and nato, or perhaps its even more bad than that, and imo it's obvious he thought the idea had some merit.

To not say "no fucking way do you get to question Americans" is nuts. the Russians are indicted if federal court. There is no comparison here.
It's the fact that he's even considering sending an American citizen over to a foreign hostile government. Any normal administration would have not even considered the suggestion. But we have the Orange Nightmare.
How do you know he is considering it? It is something that Putin wants so instead of immediately taking it off the table maybe he is trying to figure out how to use it to get something that he wants. My point is that it is way to early to be so hyperbolic about this, I’d bet anything that ambassador is not going to Russia
Because of this:
Trump called the idea an "incredible offer" during the news conference. And on Wednesday, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said that the president would “meet with his team” on Putin's proposal, setting off a Russia-related backlash against the Trump administration for the third
straight day.

By Thursday, as the Senate prepared to formally rebuke Trump, the White House reversed course.

“It is a proposal that was made in sincerity by President Putin, but President Trump disagrees with it," Sanders said in a statement. "

White House says Trump disagrees with Putin proposal to hand over Americans
I’m not a Trump fan, but I just don’t see the outrage in this situation. He found something that Putin wanted and slow played his answer to see if he could get something that he wanted. If you really thought that he was going to ship a US ambassador off to Russia then I don’t think you’re thinking realistically. If he decided to ship off the ambassador then the outrage would be justified but as predicted it all turned out to be nothing and I don’t think the Left came out looking better after the tantrum in this case.
I don't think Trump thinks realistically in terms of Russia and nato, or perhaps its even more bad than that, and imo it's obvious he thought the idea had some merit.

To not say "no fucking way do you get to question Americans" is nuts. the Russians are indicted if federal court. There is no comparison here.
I just don’t agree. What is the ambassador accused of? What if he did commit a hanus crime? If a Russian ambassador rapes somebody or commits a crime in our country would you want our government to try and hold them accountable. There are a lot of unknowns here, don’t you think?
Says the far left drone pushing the far left religious scriptures without hesitation or question!

You have any evidence that Russia hacked the elections?
Seriously man, go take your meds, you aren’t making any sense

So that would be a no that you do not have evidence that Russia Hacked the elections.

Just you will run the far left religious dogma, because the far left can not accept the fact that Hilary is worse than Trump!
Of course I don’t have evidence because I’m not running the investigation. An investigation that Trumps FBI Director claims is legit. You keep ignoring that because you are a hack who can’t deal with facts. Now stop spamming my thread
What is the actual investigation about?

Does anyone really know?

To be legit, you have to have actual evidence of a crime that has been committed.

Why have an investigation to manufacture or uncover a crime?

Usually Investigations are launched upon discovery of a crime. Such was the case with Watergate.

But no such crime occurred, and no crime that Mueller is investigating can be named and a legitimate factor for determining why he was appointed to investigate a crime he himself cannot even name.

Mueller is Too Illegitimate to Quit.
Why does Trumps FBI Director say that the investigation is legit? Simple question, what’s your answer?
Look at you all hiding from a simple question. Pathetic
It's the fact that he's even considering sending an American citizen over to a foreign hostile government. Any normal administration would have not even considered the suggestion. But we have the Orange Nightmare.
How do you know he is considering it? It is something that Putin wants so instead of immediately taking it off the table maybe he is trying to figure out how to use it to get something that he wants. My point is that it is way to early to be so hyperbolic about this, I’d bet anything that ambassador is not going to Russia
Because of this:
Trump called the idea an "incredible offer" during the news conference. And on Wednesday, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said that the president would “meet with his team” on Putin's proposal, setting off a Russia-related backlash against the Trump administration for the third
straight day.

By Thursday, as the Senate prepared to formally rebuke Trump, the White House reversed course.

“It is a proposal that was made in sincerity by President Putin, but President Trump disagrees with it," Sanders said in a statement. "

White House says Trump disagrees with Putin proposal to hand over Americans
I’m not a Trump fan, but I just don’t see the outrage in this situation. He found something that Putin wanted and slow played his answer to see if he could get something that he wanted. If you really thought that he was going to ship a US ambassador off to Russia then I don’t think you’re thinking realistically. If he decided to ship off the ambassador then the outrage would be justified but as predicted it all turned out to be nothing and I don’t think the Left came out looking better after the tantrum in this case.
I don't think Trump thinks realistically in terms of Russia and nato, or perhaps its even more bad than that, and imo it's obvious he thought the idea had some merit.

To not say "no fucking way do you get to question Americans" is nuts. the Russians are indicted if federal court. There is no comparison here.
I just don’t agree. What is the ambassador accused of? What if he did commit a hanus crime? If a Russian ambassador rapes somebody or commits a crime in our country would you want our government to try and hold them accountable. There are a lot of unknowns here, don’t you think?
Putin dislikes McFaul's criticism of torturing and killing people. Trump apparently saw some merit in that dislike.
How do you know he is considering it? It is something that Putin wants so instead of immediately taking it off the table maybe he is trying to figure out how to use it to get something that he wants. My point is that it is way to early to be so hyperbolic about this, I’d bet anything that ambassador is not going to Russia
Because of this:
Trump called the idea an "incredible offer" during the news conference. And on Wednesday, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said that the president would “meet with his team” on Putin's proposal, setting off a Russia-related backlash against the Trump administration for the third
straight day.

By Thursday, as the Senate prepared to formally rebuke Trump, the White House reversed course.

“It is a proposal that was made in sincerity by President Putin, but President Trump disagrees with it," Sanders said in a statement. "

White House says Trump disagrees with Putin proposal to hand over Americans
I’m not a Trump fan, but I just don’t see the outrage in this situation. He found something that Putin wanted and slow played his answer to see if he could get something that he wanted. If you really thought that he was going to ship a US ambassador off to Russia then I don’t think you’re thinking realistically. If he decided to ship off the ambassador then the outrage would be justified but as predicted it all turned out to be nothing and I don’t think the Left came out looking better after the tantrum in this case.
I don't think Trump thinks realistically in terms of Russia and nato, or perhaps its even more bad than that, and imo it's obvious he thought the idea had some merit.

To not say "no fucking way do you get to question Americans" is nuts. the Russians are indicted if federal court. There is no comparison here.
I just don’t agree. What is the ambassador accused of? What if he did commit a hanus crime? If a Russian ambassador rapes somebody or commits a crime in our country would you want our government to try and hold them accountable. There are a lot of unknowns here, don’t you think?
Putin dislikes McFaul's criticism of torturing and killing people. Trump apparently saw some merit in that dislike.
Trump made a fool out of himself at that press conference. There were plenty of things to critique. The ambassador thing was blown way out of proportion and as expected it turned into nothing. If you can be objective then you should be able to see that and do better in the future
Point is, this hyperbolic reaction to something that hasn’t been decided yet is unproductive and it simply discredits your arguments.
I don't think people realize this. When we eschew reason and succumb to emotion, anything goes. Our communication skills really have deteriorated.

We're so addicted to hyperbole at this point, using it has become so impulsive. I think we need to come up with some new words.
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