Stopping The Invasion: Trump's 30 Foot Wall To Begin Construction In San Diego


We told you before, stop reading the Gateway Pundit and seek professional help...
What a perfect place to begin the construction of our glorious leaders creation. Remember, the wall will be instrumental in making America great again. It will be instrumental in saving the lives of America's specific natural born Citizens the founders created this country for via the Naturalization Act of 1790.

I guess you didn't expect anyone to actually read the article--LOL Congress has yet to approve the green stuff (money for a wall)--and I seriously doubt that's going to happen.

"Congressional Republicans might deliver some more bad news for President Donald Trump, fresh off their embarrassing failure to scrap Obamacare: No new money is coming to build his wall."
Congress may stiff Trump on wall funding

We've already got lots of fences & walls in the San Diego region, along with 240 tunnels---that the border patrol has found and they know there's more that they haven't found--LOL


The ins and outs of U.S.-Mexico border tunnels

This one was in San Diego too.

With Trump pounding Desert Sand in Syria at a cost of 100 million, and going after Kim Jung UN--I doubt there will be any left in the budget for a WALL.
it's not a wall, it's a fence and the plans are to add 170 miles of fencing to the existing fence, NOT across the whole southern border is what i had heard on the news
it's not a wall, it's a fence and the plans are to add 170 miles of fencing to the existing fence, NOT across the whole southern border is what i had heard on the news

There's already fences & walls everywhere in San Diego. Not unless they're just trying to fix some existing holes in them? The ONLY way to really secure the border is with high tech motion detectors and more border patrol stations. Anything they can see, can and will always be compromised.

Polls show the American people overwhelmingly do not want the wall built. It is a huge waste of money.
Why don't we fix the problem? Arrest, trial, huge fines, and imprison employers that knowingly hiring illegals.

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