Stories white conservatves never seem to see


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Mar 11, 2015
Strangers surprise man who walks 3 miles to work with new car


When Andy Mitchell spotted a young man in a fast food uniform walking along the side of a road on a 95-degree summer day in Rockwall, Texas, he felt compelled to pull over.

He rolled down his window and offered the man, a 20-year-old named Justin Korva, a ride -- not knowing how much that small gesture would impact the man's life.

Millions of young black men like this exist. And white racism does stand in their way.
That was well worth the read.. Thank You..

I'm not sure why you picked on conservatives though..
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I don't understand the caption. I am an old white conservative. I have seen many, many similar examples of "people of color" going to extraordinary measures in order to work. In my case, I see them waiting for buses in the middle of the night, coming home from jobs in a local mall (or fast food outlets), knowing that they will need to take a minimum of two buses to get home.

Bully for them. I wish them all the best.

But it is no more virtuous than things I did when I was young to get and keep jobs - some of them shitty jobs that most people would never even consider.

that's life. A white kid in a single parent household is almost four times more likely to be living in poverty than a black kid in a 2-parent family. White privilege is bullshit. Choices and behavior matter much more than the color of one's skin.
I love the story. A whole community got together to not only get the young black man a car but oil changes and a gas card. Too cool! And the young man deserved it.

BUT I can top it :) I love love this story! For all the really nasty news out there I love stories like the OP's and this one.

Detroit Man Who Walked 21 Miles to Work Each Day for 10 Years Surprised with Donated Car


The world’s most famous commuter thought he was meeting friends for lunch Friday to close out a wild week in the spotlight.

But James Robertson, whose 21-mile round-trip work commute garnered worldwide attention and more than $300,000 in donations, got more than just lunch.

The 56-year-old is now the owner of a brand new 2015 Ford Taurus.

Blake Pollack, who befriended Robertson 1½ years ago and has helped drive him to media interviews all week, helped pull off the surprise, suggesting they stop by a car dealership after lunch to pick up some brochures and start researching cars.

Robertson and Pollack were joined by Evan Leedy, the college student who set up a GoFundMe page on Robertson’s behalf. They walked into Suburban Ford in Sterling Heights, Michigan, and instead of brochures, saw a shiny red car topped with a big bow.

“There must’ve been 200 people there to welcome him,” Pollack said. “I though he was going to fall over.”

When asked if he liked his new car, which has already been insured, Pollack said Robertson was quite clear.

“I don’t like it,” he said. “I love it.”

‘I never thought anything I did would garner this much attention’

Before receiving his new wheels, Robertson had trudged the better part of a marathon each workday, taking buses part of the way — rain, snow or shine. But he never thought it was any big deal.

“I never thought anything I did would garner this much attention,” Robertson said

More at link:

Detroit Man Who Walked 21 Miles to Work Each Day for 10 Years Surprised with Donated Car
I don't understand the caption. I am an old white conservative. I have seen many, many similar examples of "people of color" going to extraordinary measures in order to work. In my case, I see them waiting for buses in the middle of the night, coming home from jobs in a local mall (or fast food outlets), knowing that they will need to take a minimum of two buses to get home.

Bully for them. I wish them all the best.

But it is no more virtuous than things I did when I was young to get and keep jobs - some of them shitty jobs that most people would never even consider.

that's life. A white kid in a single parent household is almost four times more likely to be living in poverty than a black kid in a 2-parent family. White privilege is bullshit. Choices and behavior matter much more than the color of one's skin.

You go tell the white person that created the term white privilege how it's bullshit.

Last, its easy for an old white man to make the claims above you've never faced white racism. I am black and I will say color maters right now. So when you turn black and live let me know what color does.
Strangers surprise man who walks 3 miles to work with new car


When Andy Mitchell spotted a young man in a fast food uniform walking along the side of a road on a 95-degree summer day in Rockwall, Texas, he felt compelled to pull over.

He rolled down his window and offered the man, a 20-year-old named Justin Korva, a ride -- not knowing how much that small gesture would impact the man's life.

Millions of young black men like this exist. And white racism does stand in their way.

Make sure you check out my post about the 56 year old man who did a 21 mile round trip bus and walking commute. By the way many of us are very aware of fabulous young black men who work hard and live clean family lives but boy oh boy they just don't get the recognition they should in the media.
I say what do about conservatives because they spend a whole lot of time telling us blacks how we don't want to work
OP check out this one. And I just love the fact he credited his mother for bringing him up to care for others.

'He looked very afraid and I thought maybe I could help': Young man's random act of kindness is praised by thousands online after he helped an 83-year-old man down a shopping mall escalator
  • Alonzo Johnson, 23, stopped to help an elderly man Massachusetts last week
  • He noticed the 83-year-old hesitating to get on an escalator at the Holyoke Mall at Ingleside
  • Johnson offered his arm to the man after learning the senior citizen had anxiety
  • A woman took a photo of the pair linking arms as they went down the escalator
  • It quickly went viral with more than 420,000 likes and 25,000 comments

Read more: Touching moment man helps an 83-year-old down a escalator | Daily Mail Online
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I don't understand the caption. I am an old white conservative. I have seen many, many similar examples of "people of color" going to extraordinary measures in order to work. In my case, I see them waiting for buses in the middle of the night, coming home from jobs in a local mall (or fast food outlets), knowing that they will need to take a minimum of two buses to get home.

Bully for them. I wish them all the best.

But it is no more virtuous than things I did when I was young to get and keep jobs - some of them shitty jobs that most people would never even consider.

that's life. A white kid in a single parent household is almost four times more likely to be living in poverty than a black kid in a 2-parent family. White privilege is bullshit. Choices and behavior matter much more than the color of one's skin.

You go tell the white person that created the term white privilege how it's bullshit.

Last, its easy for an old white man to make the claims above you've never faced white racism. I am black and I will say color maters right now. So when you turn black and live let me know what color does.

Color matters primarily because of your hypersensitivity and false assumptions.
I say what do about conservatives because they spend a whole lot of time telling us blacks how we don't want to work

The black community has to step up pressure on the media to up the ante on the good stories that are out there. Maybe submit stories yourselves. We know the good stories are out there but the media just doesn't pick them up.
Strangers surprise man who walks 3 miles to work with new car


When Andy Mitchell spotted a young man in a fast food uniform walking along the side of a road on a 95-degree summer day in Rockwall, Texas, he felt compelled to pull over.

He rolled down his window and offered the man, a 20-year-old named Justin Korva, a ride -- not knowing how much that small gesture would impact the man's life.

Millions of young black men like this exist. And white racism does stand in their way.

Make sure you check out my post about the 56 year old man who did a 21 mile round trip bus and walking commute. By the way many of us are very aware of fabulous young black men who work hard and live clean family lives but boy oh boy they just don't get the recognition they should in the media.

No don't blame the media. It's more than just the media. I heard about this guy a long time ago.

I'm black folks. I've seen this my entire life. My father worked 2 jobs for most of his life.

I am tired of the crap I read here from most of these whites It's time that shit got destroyed.
I don't understand the caption. I am an old white conservative. I have seen many, many similar examples of "people of color" going to extraordinary measures in order to work. In my case, I see them waiting for buses in the middle of the night, coming home from jobs in a local mall (or fast food outlets), knowing that they will need to take a minimum of two buses to get home.

Bully for them. I wish them all the best.

But it is no more virtuous than things I did when I was young to get and keep jobs - some of them shitty jobs that most people would never even consider.

that's life. A white kid in a single parent household is almost four times more likely to be living in poverty than a black kid in a 2-parent family. White privilege is bullshit. Choices and behavior matter much more than the color of one's skin.

You go tell the white person that created the term white privilege how it's bullshit.

Last, its easy for an old white man to make the claims above you've never faced white racism. I am black and I will say color maters right now. So when you turn black and live let me know what color does.

Color matters primarily because of your hypersensitivity and false assumptions.

No it matters because whites continue to be fucking racists.
You go tell the white person that created the term white privilege how it's bullshit.
Last, its easy for an old white man to make the claims above you've never faced white racism. I am black and I will say color maters right now. So when you turn black and live let me know what color does.
Seriously, what is your major malfunction? .... :dunno:

You should try taking off your race pimp glasses sometime and get acquainted with the real world. .... :cool:
You go tell the white person that created the term white privilege how it's bullshit.
Last, its easy for an old white man to make the claims above you've never faced white racism. I am black and I will say color maters right now. So when you turn black and live let me know what color does.
Seriously, what is your major malfunction? .... :dunno:

You should try taking off your race pimp glasses sometime and get acquainted with the real world. .... :cool:

Shut the hell up. firmly acquainted with the real world. You might want to join it.
That was well worth the read.. Thank You..

I'm not sure why you picked on conservatives though..

Oh you don't know why? Really? There is a forum called race relations. Just go see what is the common thread between the people who talk shit about minorities.
The absent black father myth—debunked by CDC

We've been told, quite frequently and repeatedly that the problems in the black community that we've seen in Ferguson and Baltimore recently are not the fault of biased, paramilitary, paranoid and violent policing (even if the Bureau of Justice Statistics indicates that black people are three times more likely to be subject to law enforcement uses of force). They are not the fault of racist red-lining that created these impoverished neighborhoods in the first place. They are not the fault of bigoted lending and hiring practices that create roadblocks for those attempting to escape those neighborhoods. And the fact that black students are disciplined, suspended and expelled far more easily and quickly for the same or lesser offenses, isn't the problem. None of that is the problem. Nope. All of that is just too bad. Life is tough all over. Lots of people have got lots of problems. No, instead we've heard that the welfare benefits in Baltimore are "too lucrative," because when you give people nothing they somehow get more, somewhere. That businesses won't invest in these neighborhoods until something is done about those darn teachers unions. That it's because of "too many gay marriages." That ISIS is using Baltimore to recruit blacks. And, of course, when all else fails, blame Obama.

But what we've heard the most, is that the real problem is the Breakdown in the Black Family™. That too many black fathers have abandoned their children, allowing them to be raised by the streets like feral cats. They don't learn morals, and they don't learn values—so naturally police have to shoot them down like rabid, foaming dogs. Even when they're unarmed. Even when they have their backs turned and are simply running away. It's all just their own fault really. If only black fathers would spend as much time and energy on their kids as white fathers do. If only... Well, someone—the Centers for Disease Control—actually went to trouble of checking just how involved in their lives all fathers are, whether or not they are married to the mother of their children or live with them. What they found was that, in reality, black fathers are actually more attentive to their children than other fathers generally are.

The absent black father myth—debunked by CDC

Although black fathers are more likely to live separately from their children—the statistic that’s usually trotted out to prove the parenting “crisis”—many of them remain just as involved in their kids’ lives. Pew estimates that 67 percent of black dads who don’t live with their kids see them at least once a month, compared to 59 percent of white dads and just 32 percent of Hispanic dads. And there’s compelling evidence that number of black dads living apart from their kids stems from structural systems of inequality and poverty, not the unfounded assumption that African-American men somehow place less value on parenting.

It's just time some of this garbage got shut up.
Although black fathers are more likely to live separately from their children—the statistic that’s usually trotted out to prove the parenting “crisis”—many of them remain just as involved in their kids’ lives. Pew estimates that 67 percent of black dads who don’t live with their kids see them at least once a month, compared to 59 percent of white dads and just 32 percent of Hispanic dads. And there’s compelling evidence that number of black dads living apart from their kids stems from structural systems of inequality and poverty, not the unfounded assumption that African-American men somehow place less value on parenting.

It's just time some of this garbage got shut up.
You're the one running your yap, maybe you should follow your own advice? Plenty of blacks folks don't buy your racist garbage, those that do have problems.

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