Stormy 60 Minutes interview March 25th...

Collusion failed, mental instability failed, so it's on to the old standby: sexual scandal. Will Gloria Allred make a cameo appearance with her latest crop of rent-a-hos?
Collusion failed, mental instability failed, so it's on to the old standby: sexual scandal. Will Gloria Allred make a cameo appearance with her latest crop of rent-a-hos?

trump will be watching....hoping there are no nude photos of we all will be.
Collusion failed, mental instability failed, so it's on to the old standby: sexual scandal. Will Gloria Allred make a cameo appearance with her latest crop of rent-a-hos?

trump will be watching....hoping there are no nude photos of we all will be.

If William Jefferson Blythe III can have an affair while being President, then what is the issue with Trump?

Look I have no issue with going after Trump over his remarks in life or as President but when you toss stones because of his affairs and still voted for Bill Clinton, well then you are a hypocrite.

Also Trump has been married three times, has had multiple of affairs and was accused of abuse by Ivana Trump his first wife, so those that voted for him knew what he has done in the past.

Also Gloria nonsense is pathetic because she would be the first one to bash the Clinton accusers just because Bill is a damn Democrat but attack Trump because he is a damn Republican and a real RINO at it!

So for this tabloid nonsense is getting old and it will not win voters to the Clinton camp nor will it change the minds that voted for Trump and all this is is nothing but tabloid journalism at it worst...
Collusion failed, mental instability failed, so it's on to the old standby: sexual scandal. Will Gloria Allred make a cameo appearance with her latest crop of rent-a-hos?

trump will be watching....hoping there are no nude photos of we all will be.

If William Jefferson Blythe III can have an affair while being President, then what is the issue with Trump?

Look I have no issue with going after Trump over his remarks in life or as President but when you toss stones because of his affairs and still voted for Bill Clinton, well then you are a hypocrite.

Also Trump has been married three times, has had multiple of affairs and was accused of abuse by Ivana Trump his first wife, so those that voted for him knew what he has done in the past.

Also Gloria nonsense is pathetic because she would be the first one to bash the Clinton accusers just because Bill is a damn Democrat but attack Trump because he is a damn Republican and a real RINO at it!

So for this tabloid nonsense is getting old and it will not win voters to the Clinton camp nor will it change the minds that voted for Trump and all this is is nothing but tabloid journalism at it worst...

When did I say I voted for Bill Clinton?
He was also an embarrassment....but not NEAR the liar as the Orange Clown.
The pounding Trump gave that slut stormy

Is nothing compared to the pounding Trump

Is about to give you liberals…

Bye Bye andy McCabe.

Bite that liberals:dance:


Gem333#NRA on Twitter
If you don't believe this is a political hit job by the leftist Chicago progressive mobsters, all you have to do is look at The California lawyer Avenatti, he worked at a political opposition research and media firm run by Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel where he worked on over 150 campaigns in 42 states, including multiple gubernatorial and congressional campaigns.

Stormy is being paid as is the lawyer, just look at the money trail of who's financing this circus which is timed towards elections trying to take back the house or senate. But as everything the Dems do boomerangs, they are gonna cause Stormy millions in damages, more then she's "giving back" and more then the cartel gave her and her lawyer to act. The media doesn't care, they are getting a lot for their investment out of this new ploy.
Collusion failed, mental instability failed, so it's on to the old standby: sexual scandal. Will Gloria Allred make a cameo appearance with her latest crop of rent-a-hos?

trump will be watching....hoping there are no nude photos of we all will be.

If William Jefferson Blythe III can have an affair while being President, then what is the issue with Trump?

Look I have no issue with going after Trump over his remarks in life or as President but when you toss stones because of his affairs and still voted for Bill Clinton, well then you are a hypocrite.

Also Trump has been married three times, has had multiple of affairs and was accused of abuse by Ivana Trump his first wife, so those that voted for him knew what he has done in the past.

Also Gloria nonsense is pathetic because she would be the first one to bash the Clinton accusers just because Bill is a damn Democrat but attack Trump because he is a damn Republican and a real RINO at it!

So for this tabloid nonsense is getting old and it will not win voters to the Clinton camp nor will it change the minds that voted for Trump and all this is is nothing but tabloid journalism at it worst...

No it's not. He's the president, he has skeletons that he is trying DESPERATELY to keep in his closet, and he is unable to do so. Further, his attorney is a lying sack of shit - always has been, always will be. HER attorney on the other hand has matters well in hand.

“I Have Never Threatened Her”: Michael Cohen Responds to Stormy Daniels

Meanwhile, Cohen, who was compelled to respond to the complaint, issued a statement describing his actions to The New York Times in mid-February—a move that Clifford’s manager subsequently claimed violated the terms of her non-disclosure agreement, thus allowing her to tell her version of the story. (Both Cohen and the White House have denied Clifford’s accusations.)

Orly? So - what was the NDA about? Why did he pay her $130k? To keep her mouth shut about - what?

Cohen filed papers to move Clifford’s lawsuit to federal court, and claimed that she could owe upwards of $20 million for violating the terms of the agreement. In another Trumpian twist, Charles Harder—the attorney best known for representing Hulk Hogan in his lawsuit against Gawker—is handling the case on behalf of Trump.

How did she violate? If there's nothing to tell, why did she have to sign an NDA to begin with?

Christ, he's a skank. Have we ever had a sluttier president? And don't tell me it's WJC. He's only ever had the one wife. And if you are going to shit talk WJC, then you most assuredly should be having a problem with Trump. That particular door swings in both directions. But what am I saying, this is a board full of people who think "no drama Obama" was a gay man married to a tranny who only graduated college thanks to affirmative action, because he was born in Kenya or some such shit. I'd really like to know what all y'all are smoking, and why you're not sharing.

It is impossible to know what Michael Cohen was thinking in October of 2016, when he made the payment—whether it was the muscle memory of a lifetime defending Trump, or something perhaps more calculated. What is clear now is that he is up against a worthy adversary. Avenatti has, in fact, pulled a remarkably Trumpian move, in raising the specter of a bombshell revelation to come in an interview then more than a week away, dropping little hints about what it could be, and urging audiences to tune in live and judge for themselves. As the guessing game builds about what Clifford actually said, what she actually knows, and what actually happened to her, the questions will keep coming, the speculation will keep building.

Oh yeah. I will most definitely be tuned in.
Collusion failed, mental instability failed, so it's on to the old standby: sexual scandal. Will Gloria Allred make a cameo appearance with her latest crop of rent-a-hos?
You can’t make this shit up. What a fucking joke this presidency has become
As a monetized pornhub user, I would need a good dose of Viagra to get my massive unit interested in her flat ass and plastic boobs!
I’m going to go out on a limb here. I’m pretty sure President Hillary Clinton wouldn’t be suing a stripper for $20 million.
Collusion failed, mental instability failed, so it's on to the old standby: sexual scandal. Will Gloria Allred make a cameo appearance with her latest crop of rent-a-hos?

trump will be watching....hoping there are no nude photos of we all will be.

If William Jefferson Blythe III can have an affair while being President, then what is the issue with Trump?

Look I have no issue with going after Trump over his remarks in life or as President but when you toss stones because of his affairs and still voted for Bill Clinton, well then you are a hypocrite.

Also Trump has been married three times, has had multiple of affairs and was accused of abuse by Ivana Trump his first wife, so those that voted for him knew what he has done in the past.

Also Gloria nonsense is pathetic because she would be the first one to bash the Clinton accusers just because Bill is a damn Democrat but attack Trump because he is a damn Republican and a real RINO at it!

So for this tabloid nonsense is getting old and it will not win voters to the Clinton camp nor will it change the minds that voted for Trump and all this is is nothing but tabloid journalism at it worst...

No it's not. He's the president, he has skeletons that he is trying DESPERATELY to keep in his closet, and he is unable to do so. Further, his attorney is a lying sack of shit - always has been, always will be. HER attorney on the other hand has matters well in hand.

“I Have Never Threatened Her”: Michael Cohen Responds to Stormy Daniels

Meanwhile, Cohen, who was compelled to respond to the complaint, issued a statement describing his actions to The New York Times in mid-February—a move that Clifford’s manager subsequently claimed violated the terms of her non-disclosure agreement, thus allowing her to tell her version of the story. (Both Cohen and the White House have denied Clifford’s accusations.)

Orly? So - what was the NDA about? Why did he pay her $130k? To keep her mouth shut about - what?

Cohen filed papers to move Clifford’s lawsuit to federal court, and claimed that she could owe upwards of $20 million for violating the terms of the agreement. In another Trumpian twist, Charles Harder—the attorney best known for representing Hulk Hogan in his lawsuit against Gawker—is handling the case on behalf of Trump.

How did she violate? If there's nothing to tell, why did she have to sign an NDA to begin with?

Christ, he's a skank. Have we ever had a sluttier president? And don't tell me it's WJC. He's only ever had the one wife. And if you are going to shit talk WJC, then you most assuredly should be having a problem with Trump. That particular door swings in both directions. But what am I saying, this is a board full of people who think "no drama Obama" was a gay man married to a tranny who only graduated college thanks to affirmative action, because he was born in Kenya or some such shit. I'd really like to know what all y'all are smoking, and why you're not sharing.

It is impossible to know what Michael Cohen was thinking in October of 2016, when he made the payment—whether it was the muscle memory of a lifetime defending Trump, or something perhaps more calculated. What is clear now is that he is up against a worthy adversary. Avenatti has, in fact, pulled a remarkably Trumpian move, in raising the specter of a bombshell revelation to come in an interview then more than a week away, dropping little hints about what it could be, and urging audiences to tune in live and judge for themselves. As the guessing game builds about what Clifford actually said, what she actually knows, and what actually happened to her, the questions will keep coming, the speculation will keep building.

Oh yeah. I will most definitely be tuned in.

And the word is there are at least 6 other women like Stormy out there. When did he have time to sleep with Melanie?

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