Stormy Daniels took a lie detector test

"So much for the porn performer on “60 Minutes” who’s story doesn’t stack. She says she didn’t want money to attack Donald Trump but accepted money. She doesn’t want money now either. So why are you on national television with all this garbage? Does that help your daughter?" - Wacky Bill O'Reilly

I like the "threat" story. I think I first saw it on the tv show Mannix in the 60's.
how would she like it if someone said something disgusting about her kid??
this is the most outrageous part--talking about Ivanka
she needs to be sued/hanged big time for that only
how would she like it if someone said something disgusting about her kid??
this is the most outrageous part--talking about Ivanka
she needs to be sued/hanged big time for that only
Not the first woman who said Trump brought up Ivanka
..Stormy would be a PERFECT member on USMB--she says crap and has nothing to back it up with like a lot of members on USMB
..someone threatened her--she doesn't know who
..she didn't go to the police !!! ??!!
..I can say all kind of crap also:
''someone from Hillary's campaign threatened me if I didn't vote for her''
''BLM threatened me to say the N word''
''someone threatened me''
She has huge tits

Just like most of the female posters on USMB

And they are hers because she bought them
money well spent ......
how would she like it if someone said something disgusting about her kid??
this is the most outrageous part--talking about Ivanka
she needs to be sued/hanged big time for that only

Why do you want to 'hang' Ivanka? She's a victim here.
how would she like it if someone said something disgusting about her kid??
this is the most outrageous part--talking about Ivanka
she needs to be sued/hanged big time for that only

Why do you want to 'hang' Ivanka? She's a victim here.
no wonder your posts are idiotic/etc --you can't even understand basic English
try reading it more sssssllllloooowwwllllyyyy
The progressive's fascination with who's fucking who is hilarious.
You know what's really hilarious?

While Trump was self-righteously posing with Clinton's accusers, he was silencing his own.

Will Trump do the same when he calls her a liar?

Can't imagine Trump hooked up to a lie-detector. It would probably explode.
And then he would tweet he passed the test like a champion.

The technician would immediately issue a statement claiming the lie detector test results to be "astonishingly excellent" and would add, "I can state unequivocally he's the truthinessiest individual ever elected to the presidency, ever. Now if you'll excuse me I have to get to the waiting limo bringing me a check for $130,000 for no particular reason, definitely not for this lie detector report I just gave you, definitely not that --- what's that infernal BEEPING?"
"So Stormy says she and Trump had sex only once. I guess if you want the guy to screw you repeatedly, you have to be one of his voters." - Wacky Ann Coulter
NEW White House on Stormy Daniels: "The president strongly clearly and definitively has denied these claims, and the only person who has been inconsistent is the one making the claims.”
NEW White House on Stormy Daniels: "The president strongly clearly and definitively has denied these claims, and the only person who has been inconsistent is the one making the claims.”

David Dennison (or "John Barron" or "John Miller" or whatever the fuck he's calling himself this week, speaking of "inconsistent") has himself painted nicely into a corner. If he denies the claims --- then why the fuck pay $130,000 to a random person for no reason? And if that $130,000 does in fact have a reason --- then how can Dennison/Miller/Barron "deny" the claim?

Either you paid hush money to keep something under cover, OR there's nothing to cover and you don't need hush money. BOTH CANNOT EXIST SIMULTANEOUSLY.. :banghead:

Having it both ways: Priceless. The inescapable dilemma of bald-faced Hypocrisy.
Jessica Tarlov inadvertantly admited this is payback for the President parading Bill Clinton accusers at his speaches....*oops*
Trump tweets constantly about Mueller: 'See, he must be guilty!'
Trump never tweets about Stormy: 'See, he must be guilty!'

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