Stormy Daniels took a lie detector test

Yeah that. That pussy.

So you two consider women to be inanimate objects then?

Not entirely "inanimate". Sometimes they animate themselves and get out of bed to make me a sammich. Or to bring me another beer.

Hell a robot can do that.

Probably could. But have you checked the price on those Japanese-made sex robots? They're pretty 'spensive.

No I mean the sammich and beer part.
You know, the only parts where you attribute any humanity to a woman. That stuff.
Yeah that. That pussy.

So you two consider women to be inanimate objects then?

Not entirely "inanimate". Sometimes they animate themselves and get out of bed to make me a sammich. Or to bring me another beer.

Hell a robot can do that.

Probably could. But have you checked the price on those Japanese-made sex robots? They're pretty 'spensive.

No I mean the sammich and beer part.
You know, the only parts where you attribute any humanity to a woman. That stuff.

Making me a sammich and bringing me another beer are two of the most humane things a woman can do.
But would you pay $130,000 to keep her from telling anyone?

If I had the kind of money Trump does? Sure, why not? $130,000 to him is like $20 "Shut up and go away" money to me.

Whores will be whores and even after you pay them, they always expect a little something extra. Topless dancers are the same way. Their whole purpose in life is to separate you from ever dime you have in your pocket.


Who brought up "whores"?

Dang, that was an awful thing to call her, she's just a nice girl out to sell her body and make a buck....wait, isn't that what a whore does or is it a prostitute?

Not entirely the same. There are trollops, harlots, strumpets, tarts, hussies, sluts, floozies, hookers, streetwalkers, tramps, jades, slatterns, fancy women, hustlers, cocottes, scarlet women, ladies of the evening, women of the streets, loose women, chase women, daughters of joy, wenches, cyprian, ladies of easy virtue, wanton women, kept women, easy women, lost sheep, gold diggers, bawds, queans, fallen women, trulls, harridan, minx, courtesan, ladies of the night, bimbos, hoes, sporting ladies, slags, scrubbers, demireps, and sex workers, but they all have their individual idiosyncrasies.

This Stormy gal is just a whore.

JGeils got hisself a thesaurus. Yet still doesn't know what "whore" means.

Of course I do, silly. We should take a drive sometime and I'll point 'em out to you. I can even tell their drug of choice just by looking at them. :biggrin:
So what a polygraph does not actually determine if a person is lying or telling the truth it detects records changes in physiological characteristics, such as a person's pulse and breathing rates. There is a reason why they are not admissable as evidence in criminal cases.

Let’s see

A pawn star who has taken a lie detector test
President of the United States who has never told the truth

Who should we believe?

I believe Trump as much as I believe Bill...

Trump is a male whore and slept with more women than any of us will ever, well unless we are allow to count our dreams.

Now what he did ten, twenty, thirty years ago is as important as Bill Clinton affairs which mean it matter not except to tabloid hounds.

This story will not change a damn thing from the past and let be truly honest if someone did not know that Trump was a man whore, well they most likely believed twenty million Amish were going to vote for Trump, which mean they are clueless...

Finally, Trump taking a lie detector is pointless because everyone knows he tapped that and if someone scream fake news, tabloid can be fake but this is real but just tabloid nonsense...
Will Trump do the same when he calls her a liar?
Did the lie detector test ask her if she took money or a round about payoff for her publicity stunt?
Was the lie detector service and operator asked if they too have Progressive Chicago mob ties like her lawyer does?

What in the fuck is (was) a "Progressive Chicago mob"?
Sad that you don't know.
Read about Saul Alinsky & the Chicago mob's influence on the progressive movement.
Research this porn star's lawyer.
The California lawyer Avenatti, worked at a political opposition research and media firm run by Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel where he worked on over 150 campaigns in 42 states, including multiple gubernatorial and congressional campaigns. The lawyer is part of the Obama/Emanuel political progressive Chicago corruption circles.
Will Trump do the same when he calls her a liar?
Did the lie detector test ask her if she took money or a round about payoff for her publicity stunt?
Was the lie detector service and operator asked if they too have Progressive Chicago mob ties like her lawyer does?

What in the fuck is (was) a "Progressive Chicago mob"?
Sad that you don't know.
Read about Saul Alinsky & the Chicago mob's influence on the progressive movement.
Research this porn star's lawyer.
The California lawyer Avenatti, worked at a political opposition research and media firm run by Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel where he worked on over 150 campaigns in 42 states, including multiple gubernatorial and congressional campaigns. The lawyer is part of the Obama/Emanuel political progressive Chicago corruption circles.

I asked you about "mobs" and you give me "lawyers".

Also the Progressives were around between roughly 1890 and 1920 so that's out.
I just wanted to see how you'd try to spin "Progressive mob".


She can say anything...she needs to prove what she says and a lie detector test ain't it
Burden of proof is on Trump

Believe me

The real fun of course comes (no pun intended) not on Sixty Minutes but several hours from now when the whiny tweets go forth. I for one am curious to see how he's gonna work "blood" into it as he did with other women.

Amazing, incredible whiny tweets. More whiny tweets than anybody since Reagan.

She can say anything...she needs to prove what she says and a lie detector test ain't it
Burden of proof is on Trump

Believe me

The real fun of course comes (no pun intended) not on Sixty Minutes but several hours from now when the whiny tweets go forth. I for one am curious to see how he's gonna work "blood" into it as he did with other women.

Amazing, incredible whiny tweets. More whiny tweets than anybody since Reagan.

Check this one though. My eyebrows are now as one with my hairline.

I verified that it was an actual post by AC.


She can say anything...she needs to prove what she says and a lie detector test ain't it
Burden of proof is on Trump

Believe me

The real fun of course comes (no pun intended) not on Sixty Minutes but several hours from now when the whiny tweets go forth. I for one am curious to see how he's gonna work "blood" into it as he did with other women.

Amazing, incredible whiny tweets. More whiny tweets than anybody since Reagan.
Can’t wait for Fat Donnie to explain to Melania why he had sex with a porn star and did not wear a condom

Porn stars do not have diseases....believe me

She can say anything...she needs to prove what she says and a lie detector test ain't it
Burden of proof is on Trump

Believe me

The real fun of course comes (no pun intended) not on Sixty Minutes but several hours from now when the whiny tweets go forth. I for one am curious to see how he's gonna work "blood" into it as he did with other women.

Amazing, incredible whiny tweets. More whiny tweets than anybody since Reagan.
Can’t wait for Fat Donnie to explain to Melania why he had sex with a porn star and did not wear a condom

Porn stars do not have diseases....believe me

It's not so much Melania that needs to be concerned -- she's after all self-sequestered in New York at our expense. Rather, it's Emile Macron and Shinzo Abe and Justin Trudeau.... bet those guys have been washing their hands nonstop....

Will Trump do the same when he calls her a liar?
You have a beautiful baby.
It would be a shame if something happened to her mother.

After being told that, she was willing to sign Coen's "agreement".
Trump has both Mafia and Russian connections. Think she was scared?
Two two best parts of the interview was when she said Trump pulled his pants down and she spanked him.

And then he said she reminded him of his daughter.

OMG! Do you think he gets "spanked" by his daughter? Sick!
The playboy bunny, what's her name? McDougle or something?

She said Trump told her SHE reminds him of his daughter. He used the same line on Stormy.
Maybe he thinks that makes women hot?
Will Trump do the same when he calls her a liar?
Did the lie detector test ask her if she took money or a round about payoff for her publicity stunt?
Was the lie detector service and operator asked if they too have Progressive Chicago mob ties like her lawyer does?

What in the fuck is (was) a "Progressive Chicago mob"?
Sad that you don't know.
Read about Saul Alinsky & the Chicago mob's influence on the progressive movement.
Research this porn star's lawyer.
The California lawyer Avenatti, worked at a political opposition research and media firm run by Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel where he worked on over 150 campaigns in 42 states, including multiple gubernatorial and congressional campaigns. The lawyer is part of the Obama/Emanuel political progressive Chicago corruption circles.

I asked you about "mobs" and you give me "lawyers".

Also the Progressives were around between roughly 1890 and 1920 so that's out.
I just wanted to see how you'd try to spin "Progressive mob".

I can't help you if you don't notice mobster tactics in all of these "hitjobs", and that includes not noticing Comey has been compromised by threats to his wife's political career and perhaps more....Mueller is "said" to have been in the past compromised by the mob. Every whistleblower mysteriously dies and coverups persue regarding reporting of the causes=mobster style.
Taking out of their job and position everyone who's a threat or making Trump look good=mob tactic. Etc etc... if you are saying it's not mob influence then why is the DNC using the mob handbook? Are you saying the Dems inspire to be mobsters? The new Dem slogan should therefore be, " the New Democratic Party, vote for us or your grandparents might have an accident."
"New Democratic Party, Vote for Pedro and your kid gets to see the next grade"
"Vinny says, don't be a ******, vote for the Dem party that lets the mob run it's drug network."
"New Democratic Party, Vote for us or you are a deplorable misogynist or a confused subservient wife of a misogynist."
"The New Democratic Party, Vote for us because we feed off your hate of the other party, we created in our tactical demonizing propaganda."
Will Trump do the same when he calls her a liar?
Did the lie detector test ask her if she took money or a round about payoff for her publicity stunt?
Was the lie detector service and operator asked if they too have Progressive Chicago mob ties like her lawyer does?

What in the fuck is (was) a "Progressive Chicago mob"?
Sad that you don't know.
Read about Saul Alinsky & the Chicago mob's influence on the progressive movement.
Research this porn star's lawyer.
The California lawyer Avenatti, worked at a political opposition research and media firm run by Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel where he worked on over 150 campaigns in 42 states, including multiple gubernatorial and congressional campaigns. The lawyer is part of the Obama/Emanuel political progressive Chicago corruption circles.

I asked you about "mobs" and you give me "lawyers".

Also the Progressives were around between roughly 1890 and 1920 so that's out.
I just wanted to see how you'd try to spin "Progressive mob".

I can't help you if you don't notice mobster tactics in all of these "hitjobs", and that includes not noticing Comey has been compromised by threats to his wife's political career and perhaps more....Mueller is "said" to have been in the past compromised by the mob. Every whistleblower mysteriously dies and coverups persue regarding reporting of the causes=mobster style.
Taking out of their job and position everyone who's a threat or making Trump look good=mob tactic. Etc etc... if you are saying it's not mob influence then why is the DNC using the mob handbook? Are you saying the Dems inspire to be mobsters? The new Dem slogan should therefore be, " the New Democratic Party, vote for us or your grandparents might have an accident."
"New Democratic Party, Vote for Pedro and your kid gets to see the next grade"
"Vinny says, don't be a ******, vote for the Dem party that lets the mob run it's drug network."
"New Democratic Party, Vote for us or you are a deplorable misogynist or a confused subservient wife of a misogynist."
"The New Democratic Party, Vote for us because we feed off your hate of the other party, we created in our tactical demonizing propaganda."

Ah I see, so you're playing loosely with word definitions just for fun. I kinda knew that.

Kind of like Jon Anderson used to write lyrics for Yes songs not because they meant anything but just because they sounded good.
Did the lie detector test ask her if she took money or a round about payoff for her publicity stunt?
Was the lie detector service and operator asked if they too have Progressive Chicago mob ties like her lawyer does?

What in the fuck is (was) a "Progressive Chicago mob"?
Sad that you don't know.
Read about Saul Alinsky & the Chicago mob's influence on the progressive movement.
Research this porn star's lawyer.
The California lawyer Avenatti, worked at a political opposition research and media firm run by Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel where he worked on over 150 campaigns in 42 states, including multiple gubernatorial and congressional campaigns. The lawyer is part of the Obama/Emanuel political progressive Chicago corruption circles.

I asked you about "mobs" and you give me "lawyers".

Also the Progressives were around between roughly 1890 and 1920 so that's out.
I just wanted to see how you'd try to spin "Progressive mob".

I can't help you if you don't notice mobster tactics in all of these "hitjobs", and that includes not noticing Comey has been compromised by threats to his wife's political career and perhaps more....Mueller is "said" to have been in the past compromised by the mob. Every whistleblower mysteriously dies and coverups persue regarding reporting of the causes=mobster style.
Taking out of their job and position everyone who's a threat or making Trump look good=mob tactic. Etc etc... if you are saying it's not mob influence then why is the DNC using the mob handbook? Are you saying the Dems inspire to be mobsters? The new Dem slogan should therefore be, " the New Democratic Party, vote for us or your grandparents might have an accident."
"New Democratic Party, Vote for Pedro and your kid gets to see the next grade"
"Vinny says, don't be a ******, vote for the Dem party that lets the mob run it's drug network."
"New Democratic Party, Vote for us or you are a deplorable misogynist or a confused subservient wife of a misogynist."
"The New Democratic Party, Vote for us because we feed off your hate of the other party, we created in our tactical demonizing propaganda."

Ah I see, so you're playing loosely with word definitions just for fun. I kinda knew that.

Kind of like Jon Anderson used to write lyrics for Yes songs not because they meant anything but just because they sounded good.
You mean like the word AFFAIR?
Hillary went to an affair with Putin at the affair=
so according to tabloid TV media word play/propaganda and this mob connected lawyer, Hillary had an Affair with Putin.
"Can I just say, once again, that if that Stormy Daniels interview had been about Obama it would have been OVER, and EVERY black man would have been deemed so DEPRAVED that no other would ever be president again!" - Race Baiting Charles Blow

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