Stormy Daniels took a lie detector test

What were the results

She took a lie detector test and it indicated she was telling the truth and that can be used as evidence in a court of law...

Now, don't get me wrong, I've no doubt he was dipping his wick there, but lie detector tests mean nothing really. She fools millions on camera making them believe she's enjoying the sex, you don't think she can lie convincingly?

Apparently you haven't seen her movies....

Unless she was in Wanda Whips Wall Street, which is the only porno I've ever see (36 years ago when I was 18), you're right, I've never seen one of her movies...

Don't know, but I can tell what you look for in a porn flick ------- alliteration.
Woman has faked orgasms on film for years, a lie detector has no chance.

But if you put a lie detector on those faked orgasms....................

What don't y'all get about this? "Taking a lie detector test" has no bearing on the fact that one has "faked orgasms". They're not related.
Will Trump do the same when he calls her a liar?
Did the lie detector test ask her if she took money or a round about payoff for her publicity stunt?
Was the lie detector service and operator asked if they too have Progressive Chicago mob ties like her lawyer does?

That’s the best you got?
Trump probably hit that, but so what?

What the hell is wrong with all these gay libs? I'd hit that like a retard on a drum set.

But would you pay $130,000 to keep her from telling anyone?

If I had the kind of money Trump does? Sure, why not? $130,000 to him is like $20 "Shut up and go away" money to me.

Whores will be whores and even after you pay them, they always expect a little something extra. Topless dancers are the same way. Their whole purpose in life is to separate you from ever dime you have in your pocket.
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