Straight from Barbara Bush


Mar 3, 2013
Not jesusland


Ain't this the truth!:eusa_whistle:


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The whole fucking bunch of them should be tied to posts and horsewhipped to death by a volunteer from a combat unit.
She knows after Dumbya's reign of terror America will not elect another Bush, unfortunately they can still rule from behind the scenes. sure they have that much going for them....

Can you think of a more powerful family in America?

The Kennedy's although their power is dying. It is debatable as to which family is now more powerful, but I think if push came to shove, the Kennedy's would still win out.

She probably recognizes the level of derangement some hold for the Bush family and fears the old "three on a match" legend...

See post #7...
She knows after Dumbya's reign of terror America will not elect another Bush, unfortunately they can still rule from behind the scenes.
Bush was not the terror. Bush fought terror, for which the leftists called in the Marxist lock steppers to lie, cheat, and steal America's sovereignty and honor if they had to, to stop it. And President Bush is a rather bright man who earned his bachelor's degree Yale and his master's degree from Harvard. Additionally, he was the first Texas governor to be elected twice, and was re-elected to the presidency by an overwhelming majority of voters his second term. In spite of a poison-the-well press, Bush didn't do too bad because he cared about American citizens and left office with 5 million more Americans employed than when he set foot in the White House. That's because he worked hard with both small and large businesses to see that Americans had jobs.

It pissed off the Democrat Party so bad, the cotton market went through the roof, with them sending each other crying towels by the bale. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
She knows after Dumbya's reign of terror America will not elect another Bush, unfortunately they can still rule from behind the scenes.

Bush Sr. is in poor health and W just wants to paint ducks or something...
These are your power brokers....

Way too funny!
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The Bush family is a prominent American family. Along with many members who have been successful bankers and businessmen, across generations the family includes two U.S. Senators, one Supreme Court Justice, two Governors and two Presidents (one of the two presidents also served as Vice President). George Herbert Walker Bush and Barbara Pierce Bush have been married for 67 years, holding the record for the longest-married presidential couple. Peter Schweizer, author of a biography of the family, has described the Bushes as "the most successful political dynasty in American history".[1] According to some online sources,[2] the Bush family is of primarily English and German descent.
She knows after Dumbya's reign of terror America will not elect another Bush, unfortunately they can still rule from behind the scenes. sure they have that much going for them....

Can you think of a more powerful family in America?

Actually, yes. The Waltons, if you're talking about how many people on the planet are actually impacted on a daily basis.

From Forbes:
Walton 6 relatives. Combined net worth: $93 billion. Source: Wal-Mart, founded by Sam Walton in 1962, with revenues of $405 billion in 2010.

With the Waltons at least you get something back after they screw you. sure they have that much going for them....

Can you think of a more powerful family in America?

yea the billionaires who are the ones pulling all the strings....

Yup. I can recall years ago when I was living in Houston that the Bush family couldn't get membership into the River Oaks Country Club, which was predominantly old oil company execs. Maybe after they started kissing rings in Saudi Arabia they finally got in?

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