Straight Talk About Medicaid


VIP Member
Feb 28, 2017
As our legislators strive to end the filthy Marxist abomination known as Obamacare, we urge them to bring a full and final end to the filthy Marxist abomination known as Medicaid.

Under Medicaid, America's decent, clean, moral, hard-working, patriotic citizens have been involuntarily paying for 100% of the medical expenses of the squalid underclass parasites. Nothing could be more unAmerican and loathsome.

Nobody has a "right" to have somebody else coerced into paying their health care expenses. NOBODY! Not even the hordes of screeching, violent, shiftless ghetto boogers that always have their nasty hands out. Got that?

The vile maggots stealing from the honest taxpayers through Medicaid are subhuman vermin with no pride and no shame. Let the scuzzy freeloading rabble start pulling their own weight, or let them ROT! We owe them and their kind NOTHING! NOTHING!

America for REAL Americans.

Know what we mean?
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You have to be a mole.
We're serious about pulling your own weight. A friendly bit of advice: Do it NOW!

Know what we mean?

Well in Wi min wage is 7.15 and I'm sure they work 2 part time jobs as employers do not want to pay benefits, so if they work full time its 14,872 a year, too much for states that have not expanded Medicaid , and too little for the ACA, so my advice to that person is cut out one part time job, while they apply for a pell grant and work and go to school , on the government, thank you. You want to keep people down, that is what happens.
As our legislators strive to end the filthy Marxist abomination known as Obamacare, we urge them to bring a full and final end to the filthy Marxist abomination known as Medicaid.

Under Medicaid, America's decent, clean, moral, hard-working, patriotic citizens have been involuntarily paying for 100% of the medical expenses of the squalid underclass parasites. Nothing could be more unAmerican and loathsome.

Nobody has a "right" to have somebody else coerced into paying their health care expenses. NOBODY! Not even the hordes of screeching, violent, shiftless ghetto boogers that always have their nasty hands out. Got that?

The vile maggots stealing from the honest taxpayers through Medicaid are subhuman vermin with no pride and no shame. Let the scuzzy freeloading rabble start pulling their own weight, or let them ROT! We owe them and their kind NOTHING! NOTHING!

America for REAL Americans.

Know what we mean?

You are a freakin idiot. The "typical" Medicaid beneficiary is WHITE and either under 18 or over 65. Three fourths of them are WOMEN. The vast majority of Medicaid spending is for long term custodial care, like in a nursing home. We are not talking about some foreign immigrant having an anchor baby, we are talking about hard working Americans who worked for forty, fifty years. Raised children, paid taxes, probably never collected a penny in welfare their entire working lives. Then they got old, then they got sick, then they couldn't take care of themselves. They spend their entire life savings, hell there is a name for it, it is called "Medicaid spenddown", paying relatives or private nursing facilities and caregivers until they have nothing left except the home they spent a lifetime paying for. Medicaid steps in and pays for their care, but only after they sign away their right to that home and turn over every dime of income they have outside maybe thirty bucks a month. Yep, there is a parasite at work here. But I can promise you, it is not the Medicaid beneficiary.
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Thank you. Please allow us to elaborate.

We are not proposing to eradicate the despicable Maoist atrocity called Medicaid in isolation. Quite the contrary.

Rather, Medicaid is to be terminated as one element of our overall crackdown on the worthless, dirty parasites of the pukeleft welfare state. Also terminated will be food stamps (euphemistically referred to as "SNAP"), Section 8 housing handouts, Aid to Babymommas of Bastard Chillrens, Social Security "Disability" handouts, quotas and set-asides for congenitally inferior maggots, and free Obuma Sail Fawns, among other rapes of the decent, clean, moral taxpayers by the nasty underclass leeches.

Making America Great Again means restoring this nation's once proud tradition of self-sufficiency and periodic beatdowns for malingerers. After these odious vermin get their teeth stomped in a couple of times, they may be expected to start pulling their weight or GET OUT.

We hope this information is helpful.

Know what we mean?
As our legislators strive to end the filthy Marxist abomination known as Obamacare, we urge them to bring a full and final end to the filthy Marxist abomination known as Medicaid.
Assuming that is is a serious post, I wonder if you realize that you WILL be paying for others - whether it's via higher premiums, higher prices, higher taxes, longer wait times at your neighborhood ER, or most likely, a combination therein - whether you like it or not.

So you can contribute by looking for ways to make those costs as efficient as possible, or not.
Mirabile dictu! Some slow learners among us still fail to grasp the essence of Making America Great Again.

We decent, clean, moral, patriotic Americans will no longer be "paying for others" (e.g., the squalid, shiftless, scuzzy, parasitic underclass rabble with their nasty hands always out for Other People's Money).

Our insurance and taxes will not be "higher." They will be much lower, because we will no longer be funding the existence of the vile, bloodsucking, "disadvantaged" leeches. If one of those feral beasts slithers into an ER shrieking for medical care, the stinking Third World cucaracha will pay in advance, top dollar, in cash. If it grubs for a free ride on Other People's Money or mouths off, it will be struck harshly in the teeth with a police issue 22-inch hard rubber baton: BAM! WHACK! POW!

America for REAL Americans.

Know what we mean?
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Thank you. Please allow us to elaborate.

We are not proposing to eradicate the despicable Maoist atrocity called Medicaid in isolation. Quite the contrary.

Rather, Medicaid is to be terminated as one element of our overall crackdown on the worthless, dirty parasites of the pukeleft welfare state. Also terminated will be food stamps (euphemistically referred to as "SNAP"), Section 8 housing handouts, Aid to Babymommas of Bastard Chillrens, Social Security "Disability" handouts, quotas and set-asides for congenitally inferior maggots, and free Obuma Sail Fawns, among other rapes of the decent, clean, moral taxpayers by the nasty underclass leeches.

Making America Great Again means restoring this nation's once proud tradition of self-sufficiency and periodic beatdowns for malingerers. After these odious vermin get their teeth stomped in a couple of times, they may be expected to start pulling their weight or GET OUT.

We hope this information is helpful.

Know what we mean?
what about people who actually need help? you know what WE mean?....
Thank you. Please allow us to elaborate.

We are not proposing to eradicate the despicable Maoist atrocity called Medicaid in isolation. Quite the contrary.

Rather, Medicaid is to be terminated as one element of our overall crackdown on the worthless, dirty parasites of the pukeleft welfare state. Also terminated will be food stamps (euphemistically referred to as "SNAP"), Section 8 housing handouts, Aid to Babymommas of Bastard Chillrens, Social Security "Disability" handouts, quotas and set-asides for congenitally inferior maggots, and free Obuma Sail Fawns, among other rapes of the decent, clean, moral taxpayers by the nasty underclass leeches.

Making America Great Again means restoring this nation's once proud tradition of self-sufficiency and periodic beatdowns for malingerers. After these odious vermin get their teeth stomped in a couple of times, they may be expected to start pulling their weight or GET OUT.

We hope this information is helpful.

Know what we mean?
what about people who actually need help? you know what WE mean?....
Losers, you mean? Let them comply with this great nation's proud tradition of self-reliance, or let them ROT!

And we don't care which. Know what we mean?
You have to be a mole.
What's he hiding and where?

He's a sock. Even your most ardent right wingers recognize there are people at the bottom that cannot function in society.
Know what's "at the bottom?" Buzzard feces. Any scabrous loser "at the bottom" purporting to be an American is a loathsome disgrace to the nation, and to all humankind.

Know what we mean?
You have to be a mole.
What's he hiding and where?

He's a sock. Even your most ardent right wingers recognize there are people at the bottom that cannot function in society.
Know what's "at the bottom?" Buzzard feces. Any scabrous loser "at the bottom" purporting to be an American is a loathsome disgrace to the nation, and to all humankind.

Know what we mean?

You try too hard and you suck at this.
Thank you. Please allow us to elaborate.

We are not proposing to eradicate the despicable Maoist atrocity called Medicaid in isolation. Quite the contrary.

Rather, Medicaid is to be terminated as one element of our overall crackdown on the worthless, dirty parasites of the pukeleft welfare state. Also terminated will be food stamps (euphemistically referred to as "SNAP"), Section 8 housing handouts, Aid to Babymommas of Bastard Chillrens, Social Security "Disability" handouts, quotas and set-asides for congenitally inferior maggots, and free Obuma Sail Fawns, among other rapes of the decent, clean, moral taxpayers by the nasty underclass leeches.

Making America Great Again means restoring this nation's once proud tradition of self-sufficiency and periodic beatdowns for malingerers. After these odious vermin get their teeth stomped in a couple of times, they may be expected to start pulling their weight or GET OUT.

We hope this information is helpful.

Know what we mean?
what about people who actually need help? you know what WE mean?....
Losers, you mean? Let them comply with this great nation's proud tradition of self-reliance, or let them ROT!

And we don't care which. Know what we mean?
some person who has to use his tongue to move his wheel chair can do things on his own?...we say you are an asshole who should show us how you and your buddies would do it...know what we mean?.....
We have never had any respect for that wheelchair pilot element. They, just like other types of losers and leeches, are always whining for special treatment.

Their problems are not our problems.

As Carl always says, "Get your nasty hand out of my pocket, Roller Boy."

America for REAL Americans.

Know what we mean?
You have to be a mole.
What's he hiding and where?

He's a sock. Even your most ardent right wingers recognize there are people at the bottom that cannot function in society.
Know what's "at the bottom?" Buzzard feces. Any scabrous loser "at the bottom" purporting to be an American is a loathsome disgrace to the nation, and to all humankind.

Know what we mean?

You try too hard and you suck at this.
Looks like we struck a nerve.

Know what we mean?

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