straight talk on race relations


Silver Member
Mar 6, 2012
by Roger Claig
DetailsPublished on Monday, 27 May 2013 08:05 Written by Roger Clegg

Here’s an excerpt from a recent column I wrote (you can read the whole thing here) and that I thought you might enjoy:
Race relations in the United States are good, have never been better, and in all likelihood their future is even brighter. And the key for continued progress is not complicated: don’t discriminate, and don’t screw up.
Martin Luther King, Jr., dreamed of the day that his children would “not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” The first part of that statement gets the most attention these days, but the last part is important, too: isn’t it stating an expectation, a hope even, that we will have standards and that we will judge people by them?
As W.E.B. DuBois wrote in The Souls of Black Folk: “Draw lines of crime, of incompetency, of vice, as tightly and uncompromisingly as you will, for these things must be proscribed.” Again: color line, definitely not — but character standards, definitely.
Or, to look at it another way, for black advancement there is a legal side (the color of your skin should not be an impediment), but also a cultural side (the content of your character mustn’t be an impediment either).
It is ironic — tragic, really — that just as opportunities began dramatically to open up for African Americans in the 1960s, the ability and willingness of too many African Americans to take advantage of those opportunities began to decline, and in particular with the implosion of the black family.
… [And not] to sound too Andy Rooney-ish, but why is it that so many young African Americans adopt hoodlum-style dress, demeanor, and music, and then complain that people “profile” them as possible hoodlums? Many go to a lot of trouble to pin a very specific label on themselves, and then are surprised and indignant — and demand our sympathy — when people read it.
This is not the first time this has happened, of course. Teenage boys have always wanted to look tough and menacing, and teenage girls have always wanted to look, um, available. But they want the labels read only by their own cohort, and not by their elders. Sorry, kids, but it doesn’t work that way. Never has, and never will, and it’s not “blaming the victim” to point out that fact.
Consider: in the late 1960s, adolescents would grow their hair long to show their rejection of authority and the war and all that, and then complain when the less enlightened looked askance at them. A popular song back then implored: “We shouldn’t care about the length of his hair.”
Its difficult to argue with any of that. If I see you dressed like a thug, I don't know if your a stealing, mob beating, or shooting kind of thug, but ill assume youre a thug of some sort.

Also, if your a natural born American and you don't speak proper English, my instinct is to assume youre dumb. I know that's not always true, but that's my first impression nonetheless.
I used to call BS (and still do to a point) when people judged me on the style of clothes i wore. It wasn't until I found out why it was so important to look the part that I changed the way I dressed when conducting business in a mixed environment. There are some amazingly talented and intelligent kids that look to uninitiated whites like they are searching for someone to mug. I teach kids now that the onus is on them to conform to society at large and not the other way around when walking in that world.
The civil rights legislation opened unprecedented opportunities for blacks. Most blacks realized that they did not have the intelligence to take advantage of those opportunities, so they indulged in self destructive behavior. They were saying, "I cannot be a failure, because I never tried."
The civil rights legislation opened unprecedented opportunities for blacks. Most blacks realized that they did not have the intelligence to take advantage of those opportunities, so they indulged in self destructive behavior. They were saying, "I cannot be a failure, because I never tried."

You obviously do not understand the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Basic rights of citizenship that should have been in place long before the legislation was passed did not even remotely represent "Unprecedented opportunities".

Also, if you are capable of doing so, you might want to read who was affected by the passage of it. It also outlawed discrimination based on religious beliefs as well as discrimination against women....not just black people.

Intelligence? You might want vacate your glass house before throwing those kind of stones.
The civil rights legislation opened unprecedented opportunities for blacks. Most blacks realized that they did not have the intelligence to take advantage of those opportunities, so they indulged in self destructive behavior. They were saying, "I cannot be a failure, because I never tried."

You obviously do not understand the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Basic rights of citizenship that should have been in place long before the legislation was passed did not even remotely represent "Unprecedented opportunities".

Also, if you are capable of doing so, you might want to read who was affected by the passage of it. It also outlawed discrimination based on religious beliefs as well as discrimination against women....not just black people.

Intelligence? You might want vacate your glass house before throwing those kind of stones.

Blacks tend to perform poorly on all of the mental aptitude tests however they are designed.

Fast Facts

SAT and ACT Scores by Race/Ethnicity

The fact that these tests accurately measure ability can be seen in the failure of No Child Left Behind to bridge the race gap in academic performance. It is just a wide as it ever was.

Even when blacks have affluent, well educated parents they still tend to perform poorly in school.

File:1995-SAT-Income.png - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

File:1995-SAT-Education.png - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"IQ Scores of Blacks and Whites Regress toward the Averages of Their Race. Parents pass on only some exceptional genes to offspring so parents with very high IQs tend to have more average children. Black and White children with parents of IQ 115 move to different averages--Blacks toward 85 and Whites to 100."
Race differences in average IQ are largely genetic

"IQ tests measure intelligence and predict real life success. The races differ in brain size and on IQ tests. On average Orientals have the largest brains and highest IQs. Blacks average the lowest, and Whites fall in between. The brain size differences explain the IQ differences both within groups and between groups."
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The civil rights legislation opened unprecedented opportunities for blacks. Most blacks realized that they did not have the intelligence to take advantage of those opportunities, so they indulged in self destructive behavior. They were saying, "I cannot be a failure, because I never tried."

You couldn't be farther from the truth if you tried to do it on purpose. Laws don't change opinions directly which is obvious in your case. While the laws gave the ability to seek redress if breaking the law is provable most of the racists have simply adjusted their methods.
The civil rights legislation opened unprecedented opportunities for blacks. Most blacks realized that they did not have the intelligence to take advantage of those opportunities, so they indulged in self destructive behavior. They were saying, "I cannot be a failure, because I never tried."

You couldn't be farther from the truth if you tried to do it on purpose. Laws don't change opinions directly which is obvious in your case. While the laws gave the ability to seek redress if breaking the law is provable most of the racists have simply adjusted their methods.

Civil rights advocates have adjusted their methods. During the civil rights movement they opposed discrimination on the basis of race alone.

When it became obvious that giving blacks equal opportunities based on merit would not achieve racial equality, civil rights advocatres began to oppose discrimination on the basis of what correlates with race, such as low test scores and felony convictions. Public schools are under pressure to reduce the expulsions of black students, although black students tend to be much more disruptive than white and Asian students. They also tend to be quite a bit less intelligent.
The civil rights legislation opened unprecedented opportunities for blacks. Most blacks realized that they did not have the intelligence to take advantage of those opportunities, so they indulged in self destructive behavior. They were saying, "I cannot be a failure, because I never tried."

You couldn't be farther from the truth if you tried to do it on purpose. Laws don't change opinions directly which is obvious in your case. While the laws gave the ability to seek redress if breaking the law is provable most of the racists have simply adjusted their methods.

Civil rights advocates have adjusted their methods. During the civil rights movement they opposed discrimination on the basis of race alone.

When it became obvious that giving blacks equal opportunities based on merit would not achieve racial equality, civil rights advocatres began to oppose discrimination on the basis of what correlates with race, such as low test scores and felony convictions. Public schools are under pressure to reduce the expulsions of black students, although black students tend to be much more disruptive than white and Asian students. They also tend to be quite a bit less intelligent.

Your theory has one slight problem. Its based on the same thing that caused the witch hunts. Ignorance kills. Theres this little problem that racist cant seem to provide an answer for. How is it that some Blacks are the highest achieving students of all? Its not an intelligence issue its a cultural issue. if you look at school curriculums they constantly harp on Eurocentric contributions and skip over Black African contributions. Whats really telling is that Nigerians born in Nigeria are the highest educated demographic of the US population. How did that happen if they are inferior or less intelligent? Sounds to me like Stormfront will need to rethink their hate literature.
The civil rights legislation opened unprecedented opportunities for blacks. Most blacks realized that they did not have the intelligence to take advantage of those opportunities, so they indulged in self destructive behavior. They were saying, "I cannot be a failure, because I never tried."

You obviously do not understand the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Basic rights of citizenship that should have been in place long before the legislation was passed did not even remotely represent "Unprecedented opportunities".

Also, if you are capable of doing so, you might want to read who was affected by the passage of it. It also outlawed discrimination based on religious beliefs as well as discrimination against women....not just black people.

Intelligence? You might want vacate your glass house before throwing those kind of stones.

Blacks tend to perform poorly on all of the mental aptitude tests however they are designed.

Fast Facts

SAT and ACT Scores by Race/Ethnicity

The fact that these tests accurately measure ability can be seen in the failure of No Child Left Behind to bridge the race gap in academic performance. It is just a wide as it ever was.

Even when blacks have affluent, well educated parents they still tend to perform poorly in school.

File:1995-SAT-Income.png - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

File:1995-SAT-Education.png - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"IQ Scores of Blacks and Whites Regress toward the Averages of Their Race. Parents pass on only some exceptional genes to offspring so parents with very high IQs tend to have more average children. Black and White children with parents of IQ 115 move to different averages--Blacks toward 85 and Whites to 100."
Race differences in average IQ are largely genetic

"IQ tests measure intelligence and predict real life success. The races differ in brain size and on IQ tests. On average Orientals have the largest brains and highest IQs. Blacks average the lowest, and Whites fall in between. The brain size differences explain the IQ differences both within groups and between groups."

Now it is clear what kind of nuts you get your "theories" from. Although this Aryan Supremacist "hero" in your links above passed away in 2008, he left behind a questionable legacy. See the article below on him from CNN in 2006. There is not much on the Internet at all that lends support to his credibility.

The fact remaine that none of these links you posted validates that YOU personally have read or are capable of comprehending the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Intelligence Report, Winter 2006, Issue Number:* 124
On CNN, Racist Theorist is an Expert on Intelligence
Academic Racism
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On Oct. 11, CNN medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta reported on a new study by J. Philippe Rushton, a psychology professor at the University of Western Ontario. Aside from his slightly bemused tone, Gupta introduced Rushton as he might any academic psychologist. The subject of the segment was a controversial piece of research conducted by Rushton purporting to show that males, on average, are smarter than women.

It was hardly the first time Rushton argued for the superiority of certain groups of people based on genes. Although you never would have known it from the treatment CNN afforded Rushton, the British expatriate is among the world's most notorious race scientists. He has been ridiculed and attacked as a racist by many leading scholars, including Stanford population biologist Mark Feldman, who described one of his main books as "laughable." University of Washington psychology professor David Barash wrote that "bad science and virulent racial prejudice drip like pus" from the same book.

Also unmentioned in Gupta's segment were Rushton's ties to the Pioneer Fund, which he has headed since 2002. Started in 1937 by textile magnate Wycliffe Draper, the Pioneeer Fund's original mandate was to pursue "race betterment" by promoting the genetic stock of those "deemed to be descended predominantly from white persons who settled in the original thirteen states prior to the adoption of the Constitution." Today, it funds extremely controversial studies of race and intelligence, as well as eugenics, the "science" of breeding superior human beings. Rushton himself has received over $1 million in Pioneer funds.

Rushton, who has been investigated for allegedly violating Canadian hate-speech laws, first courted infamy in 1989 when he published work focusing on the sexual characteristics of different races. His findings: Blacks have larger genitals, breasts and buttocks--characteristics that Rushton alleges have an inverse relationship to brain size and, thus, intelligence.

At the end of its piece, CNN did briefly quote a woman specializing in "gender studies" who complained that studies like Rushton's were "political," not scientific, in nature. But it was clear that neither she nor Gupta had any idea who Rushton was. None of the controversy surrounding Rushton -- his leadership of the Pioneer Fund, his claims of an inverse relationship between genital size and intelligence, or the many criticisms of real scientists -- got even a mention.
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You couldn't be farther from the truth if you tried to do it on purpose. Laws don't change opinions directly which is obvious in your case. While the laws gave the ability to seek redress if breaking the law is provable most of the racists have simply adjusted their methods.

Civil rights advocates have adjusted their methods. During the civil rights movement they opposed discrimination on the basis of race alone.

When it became obvious that giving blacks equal opportunities based on merit would not achieve racial equality, civil rights advocatres began to oppose discrimination on the basis of what correlates with race, such as low test scores and felony convictions. Public schools are under pressure to reduce the expulsions of black students, although black students tend to be much more disruptive than white and Asian students. They also tend to be quite a bit less intelligent.

Your theory has one slight problem. Its based on the same thing that caused the witch hunts. Ignorance kills. Theres this little problem that racist cant seem to provide an answer for. How is it that some Blacks are the highest achieving students of all? Its not an intelligence issue its a cultural issue. if you look at school curriculums they constantly harp on Eurocentric contributions and skip over Black African contributions. Whats really telling is that Nigerians born in Nigeria are the highest educated demographic of the US population. How did that happen if they are inferior or less intelligent? Sounds to me like Stormfront will need to rethink their hate literature.

On the SAT and the ACT blacks score lower than any other demographic.

Fast Facts

SAT and ACT Scores by Race/Ethnicity

The failure of No Child Left Behind provides fresh confirmation that the Negro race is intrinsically inferior.

In his book, Intelligence and the Wealth and Poverty of Nations Professor Richard Lynn estimates that the average IQ in Nigeria is 67.

Average IQ in US and 80 other nations
Civil rights advocates have adjusted their methods. During the civil rights movement they opposed discrimination on the basis of race alone.

When it became obvious that giving blacks equal opportunities based on merit would not achieve racial equality, civil rights advocatres began to oppose discrimination on the basis of what correlates with race, such as low test scores and felony convictions. Public schools are under pressure to reduce the expulsions of black students, although black students tend to be much more disruptive than white and Asian students. They also tend to be quite a bit less intelligent.

Your theory has one slight problem. Its based on the same thing that caused the witch hunts. Ignorance kills. Theres this little problem that racist cant seem to provide an answer for. How is it that some Blacks are the highest achieving students of all? Its not an intelligence issue its a cultural issue. if you look at school curriculums they constantly harp on Eurocentric contributions and skip over Black African contributions. Whats really telling is that Nigerians born in Nigeria are the highest educated demographic of the US population. How did that happen if they are inferior or less intelligent? Sounds to me like Stormfront will need to rethink their hate literature.

On the SAT and the ACT blacks score lower than any other demographic.

Fast Facts

SAT and ACT Scores by Race/Ethnicity

The failure of No Child Left Behind provides fresh confirmation that the Negro race is intrinsically inferior.

In his book, Intelligence and the Wealth and Poverty of Nations Professor Richard Lynn estimates that the average IQ in Nigeria is 67.

Average IQ in US and 80 other nations

I guess maybe you dont understand what that means. That means on average Black kids perform worse. Your theory that Blacks are inferior is null and void if even one Black child is performing in the top percentile. Does that make sense to you? If that is true then you have to look past your aborted theory and consider other more valid reasons. Again I refer to the fact that Nigerians born in Nigeria are the most educated demographic in the US. if this is true then could another theory be that because Blacks in the US are mixed that the other races have cause a decrease in intelligence? Thats only if I use your inane logic. Far more likely is that there is something inherent to US society that is causing the issue among its Black citizens. Can you prove otherwise? Also what does it say about whites if Nigerians are the most educated group in the US with an IQ of 67?

Data show Nigerians the most educated in the U.S. - Houston Chronicle
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Im, 52 have long hair and still get a hassle over it. I've had long hair since 1977, except during military service.
C'mon - the only important race relations going on in the country is the 5th at Santa Anita.
Your theory has one slight problem. Its based on the same thing that caused the witch hunts. Ignorance kills. Theres this little problem that racist cant seem to provide an answer for. How is it that some Blacks are the highest achieving students of all? Its not an intelligence issue its a cultural issue. if you look at school curriculums they constantly harp on Eurocentric contributions and skip over Black African contributions. Whats really telling is that Nigerians born in Nigeria are the highest educated demographic of the US population. How did that happen if they are inferior or less intelligent? Sounds to me like Stormfront will need to rethink their hate literature.

On the SAT and the ACT blacks score lower than any other demographic.

Fast Facts

SAT and ACT Scores by Race/Ethnicity

The failure of No Child Left Behind provides fresh confirmation that the Negro race is intrinsically inferior.

In his book, Intelligence and the Wealth and Poverty of Nations Professor Richard Lynn estimates that the average IQ in Nigeria is 67.

Average IQ in US and 80 other nations

I guess maybe you dont understand what that means. That means on average Black kids perform worse. Your theory that Blacks are inferior is null and void if even one Black child is performing in the top percentile. Does that make sense to you? If that is true then you have to look past your aborted theory and consider other more valid reasons. Again I refer to the fact that Nigerians born in Nigeria are the most educated demographic in the US. if this is true then could another theory be that because Blacks in the US are mixed that the other races have cause a decrease in intelligence? Thats only if I use your inane logic. Far more likely is that there is something inherent to US society that is causing the issue among its Black citizens. Can you prove otherwise? Also what does it say about whites if Nigerians are the most educated group in the US with an IQ of 67?

Data show Nigerians the most educated in the U.S. - Houston Chronicle

Reuters is a more credible authority than the Houston Chronicle.

(Reuters) - Asians are the most highly educated group of Americans, with more than half with a bachelor's degrees or higher, the Census Bureau reported on Thursday.

Among groups of Asian Americans 25 and older, 74 percent of Taiwanese and 71 percent of Indians had at least a bachelor's degree, the agency said as part of its release of American Community Survey data on hundreds of racial, tribal and Hispanic groups.

The comparable figure for the U.S. population overall is 28 percent.
Asians lead U.S. in college degrees: Census | Reuters
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On the SAT and the ACT blacks score lower than any other demographic.

Fast Facts

SAT and ACT Scores by Race/Ethnicity

The failure of No Child Left Behind provides fresh confirmation that the Negro race is intrinsically inferior.

In his book, Intelligence and the Wealth and Poverty of Nations Professor Richard Lynn estimates that the average IQ in Nigeria is 67.

Average IQ in US and 80 other nations

I guess maybe you dont understand what that means. That means on average Black kids perform worse. Your theory that Blacks are inferior is null and void if even one Black child is performing in the top percentile. Does that make sense to you? If that is true then you have to look past your aborted theory and consider other more valid reasons. Again I refer to the fact that Nigerians born in Nigeria are the most educated demographic in the US. if this is true then could another theory be that because Blacks in the US are mixed that the other races have cause a decrease in intelligence? Thats only if I use your inane logic. Far more likely is that there is something inherent to US society that is causing the issue among its Black citizens. Can you prove otherwise? Also what does it say about whites if Nigerians are the most educated group in the US with an IQ of 67?

Data show Nigerians the most educated in the U.S. - Houston Chronicle

Reuters is a more credible authority than the Houston Chronicle.

(Reuters) - Asians are the most highly educated group of Americans, with more than half with a bachelor's degrees or higher, the Census Bureau reported on Thursday.

Among groups of Asian Americans 25 and older, 74 percent of Taiwanese and 71 percent of Indians had at least a bachelor's degree, the agency said as part of its release of American Community Survey data on hundreds of racial, tribal and Hispanic groups.

The comparable figure for the U.S. population overall is 28 percent.
Asians lead U.S. in college degrees: Census | Reuters

Your link is for last year. It also lowers the bar to just a BA or BS. In 2008 Nigerians led the country in being the most highly educated demographic with more than a BA or BS. How could that be possible if Blacks are inferior? That means that at no time should any Black demographic lead the country in that category. Can you provide an intelligent answer for that?
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Civil rights advocates have adjusted their methods. During the civil rights movement they opposed discrimination on the basis of race alone.

When it became obvious that giving blacks equal opportunities based on merit would not achieve racial equality, civil rights advocatres began to oppose discrimination on the basis of what correlates with race, such as low test scores and felony convictions. Public schools are under pressure to reduce the expulsions of black students, although black students tend to be much more disruptive than white and Asian students. They also tend to be quite a bit less intelligent.

Your theory has one slight problem. Its based on the same thing that caused the witch hunts. Ignorance kills. Theres this little problem that racist cant seem to provide an answer for. How is it that some Blacks are the highest achieving students of all? Its not an intelligence issue its a cultural issue. if you look at school curriculums they constantly harp on Eurocentric contributions and skip over Black African contributions. Whats really telling is that Nigerians born in Nigeria are the highest educated demographic of the US population. How did that happen if they are inferior or less intelligent? Sounds to me like Stormfront will need to rethink their hate literature.

On the SAT and the ACT blacks score lower than any other demographic.

Fast Facts

SAT and ACT Scores by Race/Ethnicity

The failure of No Child Left Behind provides fresh confirmation that the Negro race is intrinsically inferior.

In his book, Intelligence and the Wealth and Poverty of Nations Professor Richard Lynn estimates that the average IQ in Nigeria is 67.

Average IQ in US and 80 other nations

Richard Lynn is not considered credible by a significant number of scientist in the same field.

Lynn's review work on global racial differences in cognitive ability has been cited for misrepresenting the research of other scientists, and has been criticized for unsystematic methodology and distortion.

Many of the data points in Lynn's book IQ and the Wealth of Nations were not based on residents of the named countries. The datum for Suriname was based on tests given to Surinamese who had emigrated to the Netherlands, and the datum for Ethiopia was based on the IQ scores of a highly selected group that had emigrated to Israel, and, for cultural and historical reasons, was hardly representative of the Ethiopian population. The datum for Mexico was based on a weighted averaging of the results of a study of "Native American and Mestizo children in Southern Mexico" with results of a study of residents of Argentina.[60]

The datum that Lynn and Vanhanen used for the lowest IQ estimate, Equatorial Guinea, was the mean IQ of a group of Spanish children in a home for the developmentally disabled in Spain.[61] Corrections were applied to adjust for differences in IQ cohorts (the "Flynn" effect) on the assumption that the same correction could be applied internationally, without regard to the cultural or economic development level of the country involved. While there appears to be rather little evidence on cohort effect upon IQ across the developing countries, one study in Kenya (Daley, Whaley, Sigman, Espinosa, & Neumann, 2003) shows a substantially larger cohort effect than is reported for developed countries (p.?)[60]

In a critical review of The Bell Curve, psychologist Leon Kamin faulted Lynn for disregarding scientific objectivity, misrepresenting data, and for racism.[62] Kamin argues that the studies of cognitive ability of Africans in Lynn's meta-analysis cited by Herrnstein and Murray show strong cultural bias. Kamin also reproached Lynn for concocting IQ values from test scores that have no correlation to IQ.[63] Kamin also notes that Lynn excluded a study that found no difference in White and Black performance, and ignored the results of a study which showed Black scores were higher than White scores.[64]
Journalist Charles Lane criticized Lynn's methodology in his New York Review of Books article "The Tainted Sources of 'The Bell Curve'" (1994),[65] to which then Pioneer Fund president Harry F. Weyher replied.[66]

In 2002 an academic dispute arose after Lynn claimed that some races are inherently more psychopathic than others, and other psychologists criticized his data and interpretations.[67][68]
Works[edit source]

Source:IQ and the Wealth of Nations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The civil rights legislation opened unprecedented opportunities for blacks. Most blacks realized that they did not have the intelligence to take advantage of those opportunities, so they indulged in self destructive behavior. They were saying, "I cannot be a failure, because I never tried."

You obviously do not understand the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Basic rights of citizenship that should have been in place long before the legislation was passed did not even remotely represent "Unprecedented opportunities".

Also, if you are capable of doing so, you might want to read who was affected by the passage of it. It also outlawed discrimination based on religious beliefs as well as discrimination against women....not just black people.

Intelligence? You might want vacate your glass house before throwing those kind of stones.

Blacks tend to perform poorly on all of the mental aptitude tests however they are designed.

Fast Facts

SAT and ACT Scores by Race/Ethnicity

The fact that these tests accurately measure ability can be seen in the failure of No Child Left Behind to bridge the race gap in academic performance. It is just a wide as it ever was.

Even when blacks have affluent, well educated parents they still tend to perform poorly in school.

File:1995-SAT-Income.png - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

File:1995-SAT-Education.png - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"IQ Scores of Blacks and Whites Regress toward the Averages of Their Race. Parents pass on only some exceptional genes to offspring so parents with very high IQs tend to have more average children. Black and White children with parents of IQ 115 move to different averages--Blacks toward 85 and Whites to 100."
Race differences in average IQ are largely genetic

"IQ tests measure intelligence and predict real life success. The races differ in brain size and on IQ tests. On average Orientals have the largest brains and highest IQs. Blacks average the lowest, and Whites fall in between. The brain size differences explain the IQ differences both within groups and between groups."

I don't give a shit about those "studies", how do YOU perform, how is your intelligence and intellect compared to mine, as INDIVIDUALS? How do YOU compare to "the Blacks" on this very forum? All one has to do, is compare your posts to the posts of mine, katsteve2012, and others. :)
Your link is for last year. It also lowers the bar to just a BA or BS. In 2008 Nigerians led the country in being the most highly educated demographic with more than a BA or BS. How could that be possible if Blacks are inferior? That means that at no time should any Black demographic lead the country in that category. Can you provide an intelligent answer for that?

It almost certainly is not possible. In Intelligence and the Wealth and Poverty of Nations Professor Richard Lynn estimates the average IQ of residents of Nigeria at 67.

Average IQ in US and 80 other nations

Extraordinary assertions require extraordinary proof. The assertion that Nigerian immigrants perform better academically than Orientals and Jews does not pass the laugh test.
You obviously do not understand the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Basic rights of citizenship that should have been in place long before the legislation was passed did not even remotely represent "Unprecedented opportunities".

Also, if you are capable of doing so, you might want to read who was affected by the passage of it. It also outlawed discrimination based on religious beliefs as well as discrimination against women....not just black people.

Intelligence? You might want vacate your glass house before throwing those kind of stones.

Blacks tend to perform poorly on all of the mental aptitude tests however they are designed.

Fast Facts

SAT and ACT Scores by Race/Ethnicity

The fact that these tests accurately measure ability can be seen in the failure of No Child Left Behind to bridge the race gap in academic performance. It is just a wide as it ever was.

Even when blacks have affluent, well educated parents they still tend to perform poorly in school.

File:1995-SAT-Income.png - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

File:1995-SAT-Education.png - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"IQ Scores of Blacks and Whites Regress toward the Averages of Their Race. Parents pass on only some exceptional genes to offspring so parents with very high IQs tend to have more average children. Black and White children with parents of IQ 115 move to different averages--Blacks toward 85 and Whites to 100."
Race differences in average IQ are largely genetic

"IQ tests measure intelligence and predict real life success. The races differ in brain size and on IQ tests. On average Orientals have the largest brains and highest IQs. Blacks average the lowest, and Whites fall in between. The brain size differences explain the IQ differences both within groups and between groups."

I don't give a shit about those "studies", how do YOU perform, how is your intelligence and intellect compared to mine, as INDIVIDUALS? How do YOU compare to "the Blacks" on this very forum? All one has to do, is compare your posts to the posts of mine, katsteve2012, and others. :)

I looked briefly at several of your posts. You used the s word in half of them. That is not very academic. You seem to be emotional, and poorly informed.
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