Strange recurring dreams...


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
Most people have at least one..
I was reminded of one of mine in the "Photos of abandon places thread"... I have this dream where I live in a big old house that we bought (funny because I actually live in a big old house) and the whole upstairs has been left untouched since the 1960's. Literally like one day everyone went downstairs and no one ever went back up.
There is a coat rack with a Fedora on it, the bathroom has those old metal twist-open razors, a shelf with ladies hats on them...all very 60's looking.
I have had this dream dozens of times.
I haven't had recurring dreams since I was a kid. The worst one had me standing at the bottom of our home's stairs (19 steps), looking up at the doorway to a bedroom. And I had the most intense feeling of fear in me. This went on for at least a decade. Years later, I recalled a drawing that I had made in Kindergarten (I've got a very keen memory) of a ghost standing at the top of a run of stairs. Who knows, maybe I had a traumatic experience as a kid and just blocked it out. :dunno:

My recurring dreams always involve both body soaring, with no way to do it, and falling off of cliffs in fear with a surprise soft landing.

I am sure the armchair psycho-analysts can explain this stuff.

No recurring dreams here. I rarely remember my dreams, but I had a very vivid one once when I was in Bosnia that still stays with me.
Most people have at least one..
I was reminded of one of mine in the "Photos of abandon places thread"... I have this dream where I live in a big old house that we bought (funny because I actually live in a big old house) and the whole upstairs has been left untouched since the 1960's. Literally like one day everyone went downstairs and no one ever went back up.
There is a coat rack with a Fedora on it, the bathroom has those old metal twist-open razors, a shelf with ladies hats on them...all very 60's looking.
I have had this dream dozens of times.
I have a recurring nightmare for almost 40 years.

Then, we got Fantasia video for my youngest son, and I realized that is what it had been based on all those years.

Never had it again.

Been divorced 20 years, and still have a recurring nightmare that the bitch didn't ever leave.

I am holding the papers, and there she is, 17, and in the background:

I have a recurring dream for decades that when I finished college there was one advanced Calculus course I didn't finish and I have to return to college decades later to finish it. Once I get to college I realize I can no longer do Calculus
Most people have at least one..
I was reminded of one of mine in the "Photos of abandon places thread"... I have this dream where I live in a big old house that we bought (funny because I actually live in a big old house) and the whole upstairs has been left untouched since the 1960's. Literally like one day everyone went downstairs and no one ever went back up.
There is a coat rack with a Fedora on it, the bathroom has those old metal twist-open razors, a shelf with ladies hats on them...all very 60's looking.
I have had this dream dozens of times.

What does it mean to you?
I have a recurring dream for decades that when I finished college there was one advanced Calculus course I didn't finish and I have to return to college decades later to finish it. Once I get to college I realize I can no longer do Calculus
I came up one hour short as finals were going out.

I had a class I had never been to, and never dropped, and was arguing with the registrar that I had dropped it, so as to not get an F.

They then informed me of the hour shortage, over some German courses.

I ran to the prof as he was handing out a take home final.

He said he would just give me an A, but, I couldn't take that in front of others who were working.

I got the assignments, read the stuff and took the midterm over a long weekend, turned in the final on a Tuesday, and went to the registrar to tell them I had it worked out.

Turned out he gave me the A the day we talked, and never even looked at the work I turned in.
Most people have at least one..
I was reminded of one of mine in the "Photos of abandon places thread"... I have this dream where I live in a big old house that we bought (funny because I actually live in a big old house) and the whole upstairs has been left untouched since the 1960's. Literally like one day everyone went downstairs and no one ever went back up.
There is a coat rack with a Fedora on it, the bathroom has those old metal twist-open razors, a shelf with ladies hats on them...all very 60's looking.
I have had this dream dozens of times.

What does it mean to you?

I don't know, I have certainly thought about it.
When I dream this, it is always a lucent dream. I am aware I am dreaming.
Honestly the thing that freaks me out about it...the accuracy of the detail.
Apparently, because I was alive in the 1960's, albeit an infant/toddler, my brain remembers actual items from the time and places them in the dream. Only thing that makes sense as to the items there.
The other thing is, in the dream I know who the people are that left everything. But when I am awake, I don't know who they are. If that makes sense.
There are letters, checking account registers, photos...everything. If you think about your bedroom..there is a lot of stuff in them.
I happen to remember a lot of dreams, I think it is only because the alarm goes off at a time when I must usually be in REM I wake up when I was dreaming.
And most dreams are all over the place. Details are not very good, and many times make little sense. By that I mean, there might be a bicycle in the living room, people popping in and out, and whole shifts in the place I am at. Of course this is the way it is for everyone. But not this dream. It is always the same three rooms, always the same things. I go through different things in the dream; meaning one dream I look through one bedroom - the next I am looking through another.
I have a recurring dream for decades that when I finished college there was one advanced Calculus course I didn't finish and I have to return to college decades later to finish it. Once I get to college I realize I can no longer do Calculus
I came up one hour short as finals were going out.

I had a class I had never been to, and never dropped, and was arguing with the registrar that I had dropped it, so as to not get an F.

I dream that I have forgotten I am in school and missed all my classes all semester. I show up on the day of finals unprepared.
I have a recurring dream for decades that when I finished college there was one advanced Calculus course I didn't finish and I have to return to college decades later to finish it. Once I get to college I realize I can no longer do Calculus
I have had similar recurring dreams of college for decades. I have signed up for a class that I haven't attended and it's weeks into the semester and I'm trying to figure out where it is but I can never find it.
I have the same dream every night. Well, not exactly the same..but the gist is. I am trying to get home. I'm in a car, trying to drive back home wherever home is. I presume where I am now. Last night, Mr Gracie left me and I didn't care but I cared when I couldn't find Karma. He took her. Where we were living, it was completely empty of everything. Just an empty hull of a house or apartment and I said "I hope he finds whatever it is he is looking for but I have Karma" and I looked everywhere. She was gone. I woke up pissed off and totally bummed.

Every night, I know I am going to dream of me trying to "get home". So to me, that means don't move...which I have been thinking about doing. Just selling everything and moving North, Mr Gracie and I and the furkids because I don't know when we have to leave here. The owner is going to kick eventually and whomever he leaves the house to will sell it. But I think we need to stay put until we are actually TOLD to leave with proper notice..even if we are 75 years old. Worry about it then.
Anyway..thats my interpretation of the dream. But I wonder why I keep dreaming it if I know what the cause is.
I have dreams of falling once in awhile too. I'm always scared because I am in space and I can see the earth and I am falling towards it....but then, just before I hit, I feel warmth. Like hands catching me. And I know it's God. I was falling off a very tall cliff once in a dream and as I went over the edge, I said "God will catch me"...and I woke up before I hit.

My fav dreams are flying. Strong wind, arms out...running, jumping up and swooping across the tops of trees until the wind dies and I land on my feet only to do it again with another gust. Haven't had that one in a long time though.
Most people have at least one..
I was reminded of one of mine in the "Photos of abandon places thread"... I have this dream where I live in a big old house that we bought (funny because I actually live in a big old house) and the whole upstairs has been left untouched since the 1960's. Literally like one day everyone went downstairs and no one ever went back up.
There is a coat rack with a Fedora on it, the bathroom has those old metal twist-open razors, a shelf with ladies hats on them...all very 60's looking.
I have had this dream dozens of times.
I keep having a dream where bears are coming around, and everyone but me is just fine and calm about it, then they only attack me.
OMG!! I have several recurring dreams. From old, decrepit houses, to tunnels that get progressively narrower, to climbing mountain trails, flying on wind currents, or riding horses through malls...I've been keeping a dream journal for years. What's interesting is, those that occur most commonly are lucid dreams. I control most of the action, and can even go back into the dream if I wake up before it's over.
Most people have at least one..
I was reminded of one of mine in the "Photos of abandon places thread"... I have this dream where I live in a big old house that we bought (funny because I actually live in a big old house) and the whole upstairs has been left untouched since the 1960's. Literally like one day everyone went downstairs and no one ever went back up.
There is a coat rack with a Fedora on it, the bathroom has those old metal twist-open razors, a shelf with ladies hats on them...all very 60's looking.
I have had this dream dozens of times.
I keep having a dream where bears are coming around, and everyone but me is just fine and calm about it, then they only attack me.
Bear is telling you something. Just for funzies...this is Bear Totem:

(Contrary Bear...i.e. bear attacking you in dreams)
Your internal dialogue may have confused your perception of your true goals. In seeking answers or advise from others, you may have placed your own feelings and knowing aside. The time has come to regain your authority, for no one knows better than yourself what is proper and timely for your evolution. Reclaim the power of knowing. Find joy in the silence and richness of the mother's womb. Allow the thoughts of confusion to be lain to rest as clarity emerges from the West, nuturing your dreams as the Earth Mother nourishes us all. Bear in the contrary position is teaching you that only through being your own advisor can you attain your true goals. Anything less than the doing of that which gives you the most joy is denial. To achieve happiness you must know yourself. To know yourself is to know your body, your mind, and your spirit. Use your strengths to overcome your weaknesses and know that both are necessary in your evolution.
OMG!! I have several recurring dreams. From old, decrepit houses, to tunnels that get progressively narrower, to climbing mountain trails, flying on wind currents, or riding horses through malls...I've been keeping a dream journal for years. What's interesting is, those that occur most commonly are lucid dreams. I control most of the action, and can even go back into the dream if I wake up before it's over.
Astral Projection maybe? Past and current and maybe even future?
Most people have at least one..
I was reminded of one of mine in the "Photos of abandon places thread"... I have this dream where I live in a big old house that we bought (funny because I actually live in a big old house) and the whole upstairs has been left untouched since the 1960's. Literally like one day everyone went downstairs and no one ever went back up.
There is a coat rack with a Fedora on it, the bathroom has those old metal twist-open razors, a shelf with ladies hats on them...all very 60's looking.
I have had this dream dozens of times.
I keep having a dream where bears are coming around, and everyone but me is just fine and calm about it, then they only attack me.
Bear is telling you something. Just for funzies...this is Bear Totem:

(Contrary Bear...i.e. bear attacking you in dreams)
Your internal dialogue may have confused your perception of your true goals. In seeking answers or advise from others, you may have placed your own feelings and knowing aside. The time has come to regain your authority, for no one knows better than yourself what is proper and timely for your evolution. Reclaim the power of knowing. Find joy in the silence and richness of the mother's womb. Allow the thoughts of confusion to be lain to rest as clarity emerges from the West, nuturing your dreams as the Earth Mother nourishes us all. Bear in the contrary position is teaching you that only through being your own advisor can you attain your true goals. Anything less than the doing of that which gives you the most joy is denial. To achieve happiness you must know yourself. To know yourself is to know your body, your mind, and your spirit. Use your strengths to overcome your weaknesses and know that both are necessary in your evolution.
Calls to mind you totem thread, Gracie. Did you abandon that?

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