Strange. Silence from the left on Afghan civilian deaths.

This one year memory that the right has....
Amazing that they remember their own birthdauy.
That was not our fault - that was the idiots in the UN but fact remains, had we dealt with Saddam properly the first time, we would not have had to go back.

Policing the earth is not the West's place, so kindly keep out of the affairs of the Islamic world. America had no legitimate reason to be in Iraq. If you recall, "threats" were fabricated to justify the US military's presence there.

Yeah, cause if we stay out of their world, they will stay out of ours? We werent in Iraq when 9/11 happened you fucking muslim shitbag. Your religion is poison and every last one of you would be stamped out if it was up to me. Go pray to your false god and leave the political discussions to intelligent westerners.
NOt all of them...and more importantly, who was president. WMD's is the rock you cant escape. Every single point you try to make against obama and this afgan war is countered with the useless deaths of all those soldiers and that tremedous waste of money on that Iraq war.


Doesn't matter. WHO PASSED THE LAWS LEGALIZING THE INVASION OF IRAQ!!!!????? Answer that question and I'll tell you who was President.

Ah so who passed the laws legalizing the invasion of Afghanistan? Remember, now its Obama's war, just like Iraq is Bush's.

You are making the mistake of assuming going into Iraq and Afghanastan were bad things. You are just a dumbas liberal, so i guess we shouldnt expect you to think with any sort of logic.
Oh for crying out loud, would you people shut the hell up? Seriously, all of you.

Whether or not we should have gone into Afghanistan and Iraq doesn't matter at this point. We did, and to do anything less than our best to finish the jobs started does a disservice to us, and a bigger disservice to the residents of those countries.

Fuck, you all argue this over and over again as if it will change the reality of the situation. Guess what? It won't. Deal with it. This is our reality. It happened, it can't be undone, it's our responsibility. There is plenty of blame to go around. Grow up.

As to the OP, here's a news flash: The people who called Bush a murderer after similar incidents hated Bush. Obama is their messiah, he can do no wrong even when he does wrong. The truth is, Obama is about as responsible for the errant missile strike as Bush was. Which is to say not at all. If you disagree, then be prepared to call Obama a murderer as well. He is the CinC now, he wanted the job, he knew what was involved, it's his responsibility now.

It's war, shit happens. It's tragic.
Oh for crying out loud, would you people shut the hell up? Seriously, all of you.

Whether or not we should have gone into Afghanistan and Iraq doesn't matter at this point. We did, and to do anything less than our best to finish the jobs started does a disservice to us, and a bigger disservice to the residents of those countries.

Fuck, you all argue this over and over again as if it will change the reality of the situation. Guess what? It won't. Deal with it. This is our reality. It happened, it can't be undone, it's our responsibility. There is plenty of blame to go around. Grow up.

As to the OP, here's a news flash: The people who called Bush a murderer after similar incidents hated Bush. Obama is their messiah, he can do no wrong even when he does wrong. The truth is, Obama is about as responsible for the errant missile strike as Bush was. Which is to say not at all. If you disagree, then be prepared to call Obama a murderer as well. He is the CinC now, he wanted the job, he knew what was involved, it's his responsibility now.

It's war, shit happens. It's tragic.

what does finishing our job include?
Ah so who passed the laws legalizing the invasion of Afghanistan? Remember, now its Obama's war, just like Iraq is Bush's.

Last time I checked we only had one President in office. Obama owns Iraq as well as Afghanistan. The thing is Iraq is now quite secure thanks to Bush's surge strategy. Obama doesn't have to worry about that place too much.
Ah, I thought is really really wasnt the president in charges fault, it was congress. lol You are a joke.

You actually believe there are wmd's there? You actually believe that war was justified. Are you one of those idiots who thought Sadaam had ANYTHING to do with 9/11?
You are the definition of Sheeple sir. Whether you were there or not, whether you want to feel like your life was put on the line for no reason or not. Whether yo believe everything Fox tells are a sheeple. A dumb sheep who believed Iraq was justified.


You are just too stupid for words in the english language to describe. You have failed to admit that Congress passes laws to authorize the President to use military force, you have failed to admit that Congress authorizes the money to be spent on said use of military force and you have failed to admit that to this day Congress continues to fund both wars.

To sum it are a failure not only with respect to basic Civics but in life as well. have quite a legacy there.
Name the legaslative body that passed the laws legalizing the war in Iraq.

Who was president? Who was president when we started the afgan war? Who said there was wmd's. Who went to war with Iraq after 9/11? Who lied to America? Who got approx. 4k Americans killed for nothing?


you really, really should not mention Iraq or afghanistan when trying to make a pro bush point or even a anti Obama point.

You lose sir, good day!

Who was in charge then mattered. Who's in charge now doesn't.

Bush was blamed for everything. Obama accepts blame for nothing.

Obama is currently turning Afghanistan into a goat-fuck but he doesn't want us to know this....and thanks to a cooperative press he's getting his wish. No more minute by minute update on the latest casualties. Just a random report about how we're doing according to the administration. None of the BS is being reported. I haven't seen an imbedded reporter reporting from the frontlines. We haven't heard in a year what the death totals are. We seem to be stuck on 4000. I know this is total bullshit.

Meanwhile, we have 12 of a biggie today. Your post looks a little silly, doncha think? I think so, you betcha .
Last time I checked we only had one President in office. Obama owns Iraq as well as Afghanistan. The thing is Iraq is now quite secure thanks to Bush's surge strategy. Obama doesn't have to worry about that place too much.
Ah, I thought is really really wasnt the president in charges fault, it was congress. lol You are a joke.

You actually believe there are wmd's there? You actually believe that war was justified. Are you one of those idiots who thought Sadaam had ANYTHING to do with 9/11?
You are the definition of Sheeple sir. Whether you were there or not, whether you want to feel like your life was put on the line for no reason or not. Whether yo believe everything Fox tells are a sheeple. A dumb sheep who believed Iraq was justified.


You are just too stupid for words in the english language to describe. You have failed to admit that Congress passes laws to authorize the President to use military force, you have failed to admit that Congress authorizes the money to be spent on said use of military force and you have failed to admit that to this day Congress continues to fund both wars.

To sum it are a failure not only with respect to basic Civics but in life as well. have quite a legacy there.

so who was president when the Afgan and Iraq war started?

Here is a hint, it was Bush. He started these fucking wars. He was the man in CHARGE. Retard.....I kid of course.
Ah, I thought is really really wasnt the president in charges fault, it was congress. lol You are a joke.

You actually believe there are wmd's there? You actually believe that war was justified. Are you one of those idiots who thought Sadaam had ANYTHING to do with 9/11?
You are the definition of Sheeple sir. Whether you were there or not, whether you want to feel like your life was put on the line for no reason or not. Whether yo believe everything Fox tells are a sheeple. A dumb sheep who believed Iraq was justified.


You are just too stupid for words in the english language to describe. You have failed to admit that Congress passes laws to authorize the President to use military force, you have failed to admit that Congress authorizes the money to be spent on said use of military force and you have failed to admit that to this day Congress continues to fund both wars.

To sum it are a failure not only with respect to basic Civics but in life as well. have quite a legacy there.

so who was president when the Afgan and Iraq war started?

Here is a hint, it was Bush. He started these fucking wars. He was the man in CHARGE. Retard.....I kid of course.

Look who's calling who a're too fucking stupid to understand the basic concept of the Congresses role in this whole mess. If it wasn't for Congress passing the laws LEGALIZING BOTH WARS Bush could have done NOTHING!!!!!!!!!

You got that RETARD????!!!!! Kidding of course.:lol:
Introduced in Congress on October 2, 2002 in conjunction with the Administration's proposals[2][7], H.J.Res. 114 passed the House of Representatives on Thursday afternoon at 3:05 p.m. EDT on October 10, 2002 by a vote of 296-133,[8] and passed the Senate after midnight early Friday morning at 12:50 a.m. EDT on October 11, 2002 by a vote of 77-23.[9] It was signed into law as Pub.L. 107-243 by President Bush on October 16, 2002.

United States House of Representatives

Party Ayes Nays PRES No Vote
Republican 215 6 0 2
Democratic 82 126 0 1
Independent 0 1 0 0
TOTALS 297 133 0 3

126 (61%) of 208 Democratic Representatives voted against the resolution.
6 of 223 Republican Representatives voted against the resolution: Reps. Duncan (R-TN), Hostettler (R-IN), Houghton (R-NY), Leach (R-IA), Morella (R-MD), Paul (R-TX).

Iraq Resolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The majority of dems voted against the Iraq war resoloution.

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