Stranger waiting in line behind Texas teacher pays for her school supplies

When my kids were in high school in the 70s and 80s we had to sign for sex education.

I refused to sing and told them my kids better not be anywhere near the sex ed class. So they were sent to library. Now parents don't have any control over what their kids are taught in school. As evidenced by the fathe being taken to jail for speaking out against his child being taught about islam.

It's funny how abstinence only school districts having higher rates of teen pregnancy and std rates among teens.

Schools have to teach sex Ed because many parents arent bothered to talk to their kids about sex and protection.
When my kids were in high school in the 70s and 80s we had to sign for sex education.

I refused to sing and told them my kids better not be anywhere near the sex ed class. So they were sent to library. Now parents don't have any control over what their kids are taught in school. As evidenced by the fathe being taken to jail for speaking out against his child being taught about islam.

It's funny how abstinence only school districts having higher rates of teen pregnancy and std rates among teens.

Schools have to teach sex Ed because many parents arent bothered to talk to their kids about sex and protection.

Gotta link?
Somehow I doubt schools in the ghetto have a lower instance of student pregnancies....unless of course they dont count the ones who dropped out in the eighth grade.
When my kids were in high school in the 70s and 80s we had to sign for sex education.

I refused to sing and told them my kids better not be anywhere near the sex ed class. So they were sent to library. Now parents don't have any control over what their kids are taught in school. As evidenced by the fathe being taken to jail for speaking out against his child being taught about islam.

It's funny how abstinence only school districts having higher rates of teen pregnancy and std rates among teens.

Schools have to teach sex Ed because many parents arent bothered to talk to their kids about sex and protection.

I had 3 teens 13 ,14 and 15 at once. 2 daughters and a son. None of mine got std. They were also not living in the age of today where most teens have at least one std. Young people no longer marry,they go from one to another in many cases. Most have kids out of wedlock.

All 7 of my grandkids are out of wedlock. And it really upsets me to the core. 2 of them are drug addicts and have hep C. The other 9 grown grands do ok under the circumstances of this society. I worry myself into an early grave over them.

I have been to 2 funerals for family members one my great nephew this yr. hung himself on a tree in public park. The kid was fine looking young man and could draw so well they hung his art work beside the casket. It was a lifesize portriot that was so well done it looked like a photohraph.

Another one was killed in accident being drugged up, my husbands neice.

2 of my great grandkids have lost a mother for a very long time. It hurts the whole family who did the right thign but peer pressure and society are strong influences. Yea I get mad and so do others who vent about the devastation of our youth.
6 mons in jail for asking a question about common core which is rotten to the core! It teaches islam and other sicial agenda promotions. And dumbs down our youth.

Common didn't dumb down the youth. . Common core math standards and methods are actually in line with what they are teaching in Asia and in Europe. We as Americans are just late to the game. Prior to common core our math methods were outdated. Which is why American children have been struggling with common core.

Also the implementation of it hasn't been the best because administrations haven't properly trained their teachers and many teachers are just stubborn to change.

And common core only talks about Islam from a historical point of view as they study about the Middle East. It's no different from studying about Christianity when learning about the crusades or discussing Buddhism when learning about China.
Also did yall know that most people with hep C and other stds don't even know they have it? And many serve you food in restaurants.
That man is a sucker,lol. Dept of education is not what it use to be. This teacher will teach those little kids ANYTHING she is told to keep her fat teachers union check coming with several weeks a year vacation and great benefits. Barnum and Bailey were right. But it was a nice gesture by the man.'re a teacher?

You could never pay me to teach the filth teachers are forced to teach today..

Do tell us what filth do teachers teach nowadays?
Like evolution. Old earth. Why, some are even teaching math using letters. Can you believe it?

Republican calls algebra "fuzzy math" for using letters with numbers.

Republicans are the reason why this country is not progressing in education like other countries have. We still use the outdated imperial measurement system for goodness sakes.
I thought when Democrats created the Education Department, it was going to magically solve all our education problems. Now it's nothing more than a political tool to coerce schools into teaching gender fluidity. Small wonder the Chinese outpace us with their rigid focus on reading, writing, and arithmetic, things that actually matter.
6 mons in jail for asking a question about common core which is rotten to the core! It teaches islam and other sicial agenda promotions. And dumbs down our youth.

Common didn't dumb down the youth. . Common core math standards and methods are actually in line with what they are teaching in Asia and in Europe. We as Americans are just late to the game. Prior to common core our math methods were outdated. Which is why American children have been struggling with common core.

Also the implementation of it hasn't been the best because administrations haven't properly trained their teachers and many teachers are just stubborn to change.

And common core only talks about Islam from a historical point of view as they study about the Middle East. It's no different from studying about Christianity when learning about the crusades or discussing Buddhism when learning about China.

All religion should be kept out of school. Want to learn religion do it at home. No christianity allowed in schools anymore except to condemn it maybe. Where islam is taught with praise and respect. FACT!
Gotta link?
Somehow I doubt schools in the ghetto have a lower instance of student pregnancies....unless of course they dont count the ones who dropped out in the eighth grade.

Abstinence-Only Education and Teen Pregnancy Rates: Why We Need Comprehensive Sex Education in the U.S

The States With the Highest Teenage Birth Rates Have One Thing in Common

Works so good millions of babaies are aborted every year and millions of unwed mothers have kids every year. Many born addicted to drugs that torture the family who cares for them. So guess the libs lied again, imagine that?
Gotta link?
Somehow I doubt schools in the ghetto have a lower instance of student pregnancies....unless of course they dont count the ones who dropped out in the eighth grade.

Abstinence-Only Education and Teen Pregnancy Rates: Why We Need Comprehensive Sex Education in the U.S

The States With the Highest Teenage Birth Rates Have One Thing in Common

I think it has more to with mexicans and poor black southerners.

Plus according to Matthew, blue states have now a program in their sex ed classes that promote...bros to bras campaign.
This "whosit" person is pushing the "full of shit" meter further with every post.
That man is a sucker,lol. Dept of education is not what it use to be. This teacher will teach those little kids ANYTHING she is told to keep her fat teachers union check coming with several weeks a year vacation and great benefits. Barnum and Bailey were right. But it was a nice gesture by the man.'re a teacher?

You could never pay me to teach the filth teachers are forced to teach today..

Do tell us what filth do teachers teach nowadays?
Like evolution. Old earth. Why, some are even teaching math using letters. Can you believe it?

Republican calls algebra "fuzzy math" for using letters with numbers.
All of the evidence shows that the stupidest people in America are blacks, who have an average IQ of 85. The evidence also proves that blacks overwhelmingly vote for the jackass party, not the Republican party.

How do you like them apples, jackass?
That man is a sucker,lol. Dept of education is not what it use to be. This teacher will teach those little kids ANYTHING she is told to keep her fat teachers union check coming with several weeks a year vacation and great benefits. Barnum and Bailey were right. But it was a nice gesture by the man.'re a teacher?

You could never pay me to teach the filth teachers are forced to teach today..

Do tell us what filth do teachers teach nowadays?
Like evolution. Old earth. Why, some are even teaching math using letters. Can you believe it?

Republican calls algebra "fuzzy math" for using letters with numbers.
All of the evidence shows that the stupidest people in America are blacks, who have an average IQ of 85. The evidence also proves that blacks overwhelmingly vote for the jackass party, not the Republican party.

How do you like them apples, jackass?

The Democratic Party has its faults but the Republican Party has nothing to offer to the black community nor do they give a crap about the black community.'re a teacher?

You could never pay me to teach the filth teachers are forced to teach today..

Do tell us what filth do teachers teach nowadays?
Like evolution. Old earth. Why, some are even teaching math using letters. Can you believe it?

Republican calls algebra "fuzzy math" for using letters with numbers.
All of the evidence shows that the stupidest people in America are blacks, who have an average IQ of 85. The evidence also proves that blacks overwhelmingly vote for the jackass party, not the Republican party.

How do you like them apples, jackass?

The Democratic Party has its faults but the Republican Party has nothing to offer to the black community nor do they give a crap about the black community.
Could you explain the reasoning that you used to come to that ridiculous conclusion?

The fact of the matter is that people who vote Republican are much more charitable than people who vote Democrat.'re a teacher?

You could never pay me to teach the filth teachers are forced to teach today..

Do tell us what filth do teachers teach nowadays?
Like evolution. Old earth. Why, some are even teaching math using letters. Can you believe it?

Republican calls algebra "fuzzy math" for using letters with numbers.
All of the evidence shows that the stupidest people in America are blacks, who have an average IQ of 85. The evidence also proves that blacks overwhelmingly vote for the jackass party, not the Republican party.

How do you like them apples, jackass?

The Democratic Party has its faults but the Republican Party has nothing to offer to the black community nor do they give a crap about the black community.

Why do you say that?

Again I was born in chicago and raised in that area , left when I was 38 to South carolina, 51 now.

Republicans offer more opportunities for jobs then democrats do

Republicans offer less taxes for the poor then democrats do.

Blacks and whites get along so much better down here in south carolina then up in chicago, I see it every day, people being civil to one another, holding doors open for each other..

I said it before I will say it again the democrat party is all about dividing blacks and whites.

The republican party wants us all to get along.

I swear to God that's the democrat mantra the more they divide us , it's the only way they can stay in power nationality
Like I said, the racism and segregation is predominantly in the blue states.

Stranger waiting in line behind Texas teacher pays for her school supplies

SAN ANTONIO -- Sabrina Drude was doing what many teachers do before the start of the school year -- shopping for supplies for her students -- when she noticed a man standing in line at Wal-Mart examining her items.

With a cart full of hundreds of notebooks, pencils and markers, the seventh grade teacher was anticipating an eye roll or two as she checked out.

Instead, she got a question, several actually. The man behind her, noticing she didn’t have any children with her, asked her why she needed the supplies.

The teacher at Francis Scobee Middle School in San Antonio, Texas, explained that she teaches in a very low socioeconomic area where kids can’t always afford what their peers can.

Touched by the woman’s kind gesture, the man offered to pay for everything in the woman’s cart. She thanked him, but said she couldn’t accept his money.

But when $97 flashed on the cash register, the man, later identified as Lester Brown, jumped between Drude and the cashier with a bill in his hand.

“He said, ‘Put your wallet away,’ and I just started crying,” Drude told CBS News. “That’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard.”


that's great. but maybeTexas (and other states) should make sure THEY pay for the supplies so teachers don't have to go into their own pockets.

but you are funny...... :cuckoo:

i can't even imagine what it's like to live in such a fact-free mindset.
You could never pay me to teach the filth teachers are forced to teach today..

Do tell us what filth do teachers teach nowadays?
Like evolution. Old earth. Why, some are even teaching math using letters. Can you believe it?

Republican calls algebra "fuzzy math" for using letters with numbers.
All of the evidence shows that the stupidest people in America are blacks, who have an average IQ of 85. The evidence also proves that blacks overwhelmingly vote for the jackass party, not the Republican party.

How do you like them apples, jackass?

The Democratic Party has its faults but the Republican Party has nothing to offer to the black community nor do they give a crap about the black community.
Could you explain the reasoning that you used to come to that ridiculous conclusion?

The fact of the matter is that people who vote Republican are much more charitable than people who vote Democrat.

there is evidence to support that. but it includes what people give to their churches..... that money is used to support others in the church and not society in general, imo. liberals believe in contributing through their taxes and through their governments so rather than giving hand-outs, maybe things get fixed.

so while right-wingers like harping on the charity thing, it isn't actually a measure of willingness to participate financially in making a better world.
Like I said, the racism and segregation is predominantly in the blue states.

Stranger waiting in line behind Texas teacher pays for her school supplies

SAN ANTONIO -- Sabrina Drude was doing what many teachers do before the start of the school year -- shopping for supplies for her students -- when she noticed a man standing in line at Wal-Mart examining her items.

With a cart full of hundreds of notebooks, pencils and markers, the seventh grade teacher was anticipating an eye roll or two as she checked out.

Instead, she got a question, several actually. The man behind her, noticing she didn’t have any children with her, asked her why she needed the supplies.

The teacher at Francis Scobee Middle School in San Antonio, Texas, explained that she teaches in a very low socioeconomic area where kids can’t always afford what their peers can.

Touched by the woman’s kind gesture, the man offered to pay for everything in the woman’s cart. She thanked him, but said she couldn’t accept his money.

But when $97 flashed on the cash register, the man, later identified as Lester Brown, jumped between Drude and the cashier with a bill in his hand.

“He said, ‘Put your wallet away,’ and I just started crying,” Drude told CBS News. “That’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard.”


that's great. but maybeTexas (and other states) should make sure THEY pay for the supplies so teachers don't have to go into their own pockets.

but you are funny...... :cuckoo:

i can't even imagine what it's like to live in such a fact-free mindset.

Fact free , this is coming from you betty boop a brain made of skittles?

So you skimmed over the facts in this thread that said 90% of teachers in this country bought some supplies for their students? Among other facts?

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