Streams of fish, a coop of chickens, foxes are some the animals reported sickened and dying after train derailment led to INTENTIONAL Chemical burn

This is an absolute environmental catastrophe. Holy fuck.

A million pounds of vinyl chloride seeping into the ground and also burning and going into the atmosphere??!!

The Biden admin May as well have set off a chemical nuke in East Palestine.

Read about Vinyl Chloride.


We can all thank Joey Xi's demented appointments like Buttigieg and Michael Regan for the predicament we are in today. That is why we have supply chain, transportation and railroad environmental problems affecting America today.


Stolen Elections have consequences.

FoxNews: "no reasonable viewer would take Tucker Carlson seriously"
Now prove to us what he reported was NOT TRUE, LIES.

If you cannot, and you know that you cannot, that means you're just whining.
Now prove to us what he reported was NOT TRUE, LIES.

If you cannot, and you know that you cannot, that means you're just whining.

I have no need to do such a thing. The people that pay his salary told us all we needed to know.

A reasonable person would believe them.
What is the chemical?

Is burning it the best and safest way of cleaning it up?

I hope my reply can be seen as a 'responsible' concern for the matter.

And I hope that can be contrasted with the utter nonsense being displayed on this thread that should be telling on politics being more important than the environment, animals, and people.
not to worry,, our government is on the job and theres nothing to fear,,
This is a massive disaster. It happened on February 03, 2023. Since then we have only heard about racism in construction workers from our Transportation Secretary, Pete Buttigieg.

Popular Mechanics

The Toxic Chemicals Released in the Ohio Train Derailment Are Horrifying

Tim Newcomb
Mon, February 13, 2023 at 3:17 PM EST·2 min read

Toxic Chemicals in Ohio Train Derailment ReleasedDUSTIN FRANZ - Getty Images
  • The February 3 derailment of a Norfolk Southern train in Ohio included 20 cars transporting toxic chemicals.
  • Some of those toxic chemicals were later purposefully spilled and burnt off to avoid the potential of a more devastating explosion.
  • The Environmental Protection Agency released the list of toxic chemicals.
In the immediate aftermath of a Norfolk Southern train derailment near East Palestine, Ohio on February 3, the strewn cars and ensuing fire weren’t the main concern. It was the fact that 20 of 50 cars that derailed—the entire train was 150 cars in length—carried toxic chemicals.

We know now what those toxic chemicals are.

Following the Ohio train wreck, officials evacuated the area under threat from the potential for air and water contamination, especially if the fire led to an even larger explosion. To help stave off the risk of explosion, chemicals in five of the cars were purposefully released into a trench and burnt off, reports Newsweek. That had the potential, though, of releasing toxic gases into the air. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been on the scene, monitoring air quality throughout the area.

According to the EPA, four main toxic chemicals from the Ohio train wreck have already contaminated either air, soil, or water at the crash site.

They include:
Vinyl chloride: A highly flammable colorless gas used when making plastic is a known carcinogenic.
Butyl acrylate: A flammable clear liquid used in making paints can cause irritation to the skin, eyes, and respiratory system.
• Ethylhexyl acrylate: A colorless liquid used in making paints and plastics can produce hazardous vapors under heat.
• Ethylene glycol monobutyl: A highly flammable colorless liquid used in making solvent is deemed as acutely toxic.

Does the EPA know for certain what chemicals really were on the 150-car train? Would they ever lie to us?

Mayor Pete HAS GOT TO GO.

Ohio was not notified that the train had toxic chemicals on it.

There will be blame to place. Everyone invloved is looking for parachutes right now.

Can you imagine if the entire town is unlivable? They evacuated a 2 miles radius around the wreck. That is a HUGE AREA. A 4 mile diameter circle?

I am listening to MAYOR PETE trying to talk down the disaster by saying the chemicals really are not that bad. He is definifng VOLITILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS. HE SAYS THEY ARE NOT SO BAD! HE IS SPEAKING LIKE HE IS TALKING TO 2ND GRADERS!

This is a horrific environmental disaster.

How long before we see TV ads for lawyers saying “Did you live within 200 miles of East Palestine when the train derailed? Call us, we will get you money for your cancer!”


Wow. This is huge. Insane levels of poison going into the atmosphere, poison plumes floating down the Ohio river. Dead animals everywhere.

What freaking maniac thought it was a good idea to turn vinyl chloride liquid into deadly phosgene gas by igniting the derailed cars? Oh yeah the republican Ohio governor said it was no big deal, just drink bottled water for the duration and try not to breathe. The FDA waited for a positive Biden news release and when it didn't happen they left the area. The weather channel doesn't have a clue about where the toxic phosgene plume will end up and neither Biden or Mayor Pete or the mainstream media seem interested.
It's a true tragedy what this Administration has done to Ohio! ............Chernobyl 02.:confused:

Everything is contaminated now.....why?? why do they hate America so much??

I hate to say it but the Russians did a better job in evacuating people from an environmental catastrophy. All we see from the U.S. government is propaganda designed to protect the inept incompetent Biden administration officials.
The government ordered this intentional controlled burn, so technically, the US government gassed its own people.

Maybe Assad should invade Ohio.
What freaking maniac thought it was a good idea to turn vinyl chloride liquid into deadly phosgene gas by igniting the derailed cars? Oh yeah the republican Ohio governor said it was no big deal, just drink bottled water for the duration and try not to breathe. The FDA waited for a positive Biden news release and when it didn't happen they left the area. The weather channel doesn't have a clue about where the toxic phosgene plume will end up and neither Biden or Mayor Pete or the mainstream media seem interested.
For those who do not know.

Phosgene is extremely poisonous and was used as a chemical weapon during World War I, where it was responsible for 85,000 deaths.

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