Strong Hold Or Sh#t Hole?

FYI - Crime knows no political party. Criminals do not care about political parties. Republicans commit crimes also. Independents commit crimes. Liberals commit crimes. Conservatives commit crimes. Moderates commit crimes. Criminals couldn't care less about political parties. Drug dealers and gangs don't care about party politics. Murderers and rapists do not care about party politics.

Do you have FBI, or any valid data, that shows the party affiliation of all convicted criminals? Do crimes happen in all areas of the country? What evidence do you have other than voter preferences, for any given area /state / city, that most crimes happen in Democratic regions? Does population have anything to do with it? Does social class have anything to do with it? Does nationality, race, or religion have anything to do with it? Does age, income, family history, or social environment have anything to do with it?

The point was the democrat utopia the one they point to as a social/economic/ and moral leader is in fact a TOTAL failure. If they can't get it right in an area they control how can they get it right ANYWHERE?
NO POLITICAL PARTY can control criminals, crime, nor any other human activity. Do you honestly believe that criminals would listen to Republicans any more than they would listen to Democrats? Do you think Republicans would tell criminals to behave, and they would listen? If an area was Republican, would drug dealers, prostitutes, robbers, rapists, and others leave and go to a Democrat area to operate? When Democrats are in control of an area, do Republicans pack up and move out? How many criminals do you think really care what party controls a city, town, community, or state? Do you know how many Republicans are in our prisons and jails? Do you know how many Democrats are in our prisons and jails?

Exactly what do you know? Where is your data to support political party domination of crime? Do you have the numbers for all major cities in all 50 states? In other words, what is the basis for your opinion?
Opine CAN be generated by the facts found in the link. They took a view and I posted a re-view. I see it worse then they do.
Just as I thought. So, to you, the link is gospel, written in blood, and has to be representative of fact? So, to you, just because an area is controlled by a certain political party, then criminals have freedom to do their dirty work, all approved of and condoned by local authorities and politicians....... surely you're not serious ........ I hope, the author of the article never cherry-picked an area, looked at every major city in the country, talked to criminals, talked to local officials, and then determined that a political party was working with criminals to allow them to practice their trade freely?

I assume that you swallowed the article hook, line, and sinker, and decided that it was correct in every aspect, and truly represented the criminal connection between a political party and criminals. Well, OK then ......
I'm going to do something I don't often do. i am going to be fair to democrats. I think you can judge a parties abilities, ethics and morals by looking at it's longest running and most pointed at success. So I would like you to take a few minutes to see Democrats strongest state for what it is.

Coming in at number 2 as the states most deadly city is...

Photo courtesy of

"It is a city known for one of the biggest dams in the world, the Oroville Dam. It’s got nearly 15,000 residents, yet with a 14.81 crime rate, you certainly don’t want to be another addition to the community. There are violent crimes occurring every year, with the highest being 218 incidents. That is quite scary, especially when you consider the incident to population ratio."
Certain aspects of a city make that city the example of political policy and practice. If you truly want to know what direction your country will take under democrat policy and practice then you need to look at it's geographic base.

Our next stop is here.....
1.) Oakland

Photo courtesy of

"There are a lot of things that this city is known for, such as its political atmosphere, various corporations and the sports establishments all over. It’s also no stranger to pop culture referencing, and that is due to the crime rate, which is undoubtedly the highest in the entire state of California. Rating 15.3 with 410,000 residents, you certainly can’t top that. You also don’t want to be a statistic, so best leave this city alone."
Now I lived for a summer in this human toilet and while there may be some good people there they are FAR out numbered by drug dealers/hookers and street trash.
The home that I stayed in on 45th and Telegraph ave had at night drug dealers selling their wares by shouting what they had. {white China & Black tar} And hookers, place was LOADED with hookers and not the kind you see on TV.

Flea bitten and sores on their inner arms from main lining. The best thing that could happen to this sh#t hole is to be burned down.
Now this next toilet may surprise you. But the rot of democrat based cities is NOT limited to just the inner city. It can be found here as well.
10.) Santa Cruz

Photo courtesy of Sequoia Hughes

"Among the many attractions to check out in Santa Cruz are the beaches. Yet, you should also be aware that it’s got a pretty high crime rate, 9.7 for every one thousand residents, specifically. In just one year, there were 550 incidents of crime that took place within the city. It’s not the most dangerous place, but it should give you some cause for concern."
This is an area that is failing under democrat control. How long before it's another Oakland? Maybe a decade but it WILL go from post card perfect to a human death camp like all the others.

Now one may argue those are major areas controlled by democrats and fair is fair. Show us a democrat controlled small town. Where everybody knows everybody.

Photo courtesy of Cesar_San1

"Arvin City may seem like just another small town, but don’t let that fool you. As a matter of fact, it’s got a pretty high crime rate. Located north of L.A., this city has witnessed about 187 crimes alone back in 2010. For a population of 15,000 people in the community, that is a rather alarming rate. If you like to live your life in danger, by all means, move in."
If you want to see the future of small town america under democrat control look to Arvin. Now how about we pop in on a tourist attraction? You know those places designed and built and kept for YOUR family to visit.
8.) Nevada City

"It’s got snow covered mountains, a population of 3,000 and is just 60 miles away from the city of Sacramento. Seems like a peaceful place, right? Wrong. In fact, 36 crimes were reported to have been committed in just a year. The crime rate is also pretty high, at a staggering 12.26, especially when the population is considered. Not the best place for tourists, that’s for sure."
3,000 residents and look at that crime rate! If a party ANY party wanted to save that small town it WOULD encourage residents to arm themselves. Small towns ARE God's country unless run by democrats. Next stop the bright lights of the city! How exciting.

"Emeryville is a pretty small town, with just 10,000 people comprising the entire population. However, its crime rate is at a high 12.54. 981 property crimes and 128 acts of violence were reported in 2010. If you are thinking of visiting this city for the quiet and peaceful atmosphere, you’d better think twice. Emeryville is anything but those two things."
What you see here folks is MASS democrat FAILURE on all levels to all incomes and ALL races. Nothing in the democrat controlled areas are safe. NOTHING.

"Before you decide to move in to Eureka, know the facts. There are 71.21 residents of 1,000 that have experienced property crimes. There are also 5.79 people out of the same number which have been victims to life threatening circumstances. Your chances of falling prey to these crimes are also a scary 1 out of 13. Still want to move in here, then?"
One in 13. Folks those odds SUCK and that is NOT a lifetime odd. That is a YEARLY odd. A home that LOOKS nice in what LOOKS like a nice area that in TRUTH covers a hidden hell for residents.

"Located in Northern California, it is one of the biggest cities in the state. That is also pretty proportionate to the number of crimes committed on an annual basis. The unfortunate thing is that there was a 20 percent cut of the police force back in 2008 due to a mortgage crisis. This means that crimes are occurring more and more each day. Yet, there may still be hope in the passing of a sales tax bill which would allow more police officers to be added to the department."
Over taxed and failing this beautiful city is the future Oakland.

"Compton has been made a reference to many gangster rap songs by notable artists such as Ice Cube, Dr. Dre, The Game and the N.W.A., among others. That is not without reason, though, for the city is indeed quite a dangerous place to live in. A 14.13 crime rate for 93,000 residents, it can get pretty scary. Think twice about visiting this place, even if you have a close friend within the area."
Just the WORD Compton lowers home values. Just the sight of a sign that says "Entering Compton" makes you check you car door locks and windows and check if you are ARMED. Compton IS a combat zone period. I would myself call Compton MORE deadly then Oakland. Now the RICH live somewhere right? Surely THEY live better right?
Desert Hot Springs

"It’s a pretty affluent area, which makes it unlikely for a dangerous place, but don’t let that fool you. With population slightly beyond 25,000 people, the crime rate is 14.78. Because of such an alarming number, there has been talk of the city contracting with the Sheriff’s Department in Riverside County for added safety and security. We’d feel bad for those police officers who are ever designated to this area."
Just ANOTHER sh#t hole with better views. This IS democrat utopia folks, the pride and heart of the democrats stronghold.

Democrat policy and practice in the very state they tout is a dismal and deadly failure for all people of all races and all economic back grounds.

From the small towns to the major cities it is loaded with death and drugs. Before you buy into the bullsh#t of democratic utopia MAYBE just MAYBE you should study the very state they see as a leader a future a goal.


10 of the Most Dangerous Cities in the State of California - Page 9 of 10 - Pop Shock Share

Do you even live in California?

Nevermind, I withdraw the question.

It's like this, California is huge, so it does have some bad parts......but we are #1 in the nation AT everything! god and bad.

Your little shit hole is probably 48th at everything.

Move on loser
Piss off C-fag.
Eat shit pissant red states dweller, nobody in Cali careif you're alive or dead.
THAT is Cali's problem right there. NOBODY cares and it shows.
It shows in crime and drugs and murders. It shows a people DEVOID of rationale thought or reasoning.

In short a VERY selfish and ignorant populace.
Yes but everything we do, we do better and bigger than your little impotent state

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