Strzok Arrogance Result of Criminal FBI & Obama Protection of Liberals From Indictment

The guy looks like a psychopath.

Why, he's an honorable patriotic American who can't tell a lie.
No one from the Alt Right is capable of doing that, Hoss, as you do know.
No one from the Alt Right is capable of doing that, Hoss, as you do know.
We ain't Alt Right (whatever that means) and you know it. If anyone couldn't see through that smarmy, smirking rat during the hearing, then they're in denial. I kept waiting for the prick to start high fiving the trash sitting behind him.
The 2nd independent counsel looking into the Clinton Foundation, the Steele Dossier (funded by dems), UraniumOne, and the Clinton Server, as well as the Obama Admin's transgressions should be way more interesting than the Trump Collusion bullsh!t. The IG report couldn't issue subpoenas and interview people properly. This investigation is just about to start...
The FBI IG cleared Strzok, and felt no need to clear it with Dale Barmy.
The 2nd independent counsel looking into the Clinton Foundation, the Steele Dossier (funded by dems), UraniumOne, and the Clinton Server, as well as the Obama Admin's transgressions should be way more interesting than the Trump Collusion bullsh!t. The IG report couldn't issue subpoenas and interview people properly. This investigation is just about to start...
No, it is not, and never will.
So...should FBI officers only be allowed to investigate people they like?
Not a chance, kyzr, but to make you feel better, Mueller is going to release a rolling boat load of indictments from the 15 Sept to 1 Oct.

Watching FBI agent Peter Strzok battle with Congress, my initial reaction was pure anger. His repeated, arrogant insistence that he had done nothing wrong despite tons of evidence to the contrary convinced me he deserved immediate firing — if not the firing squad.

Gradually, though, anger gave way to amazement as Strzok grew increasingly combative and condescending. Given his predicament, the sneering and smirking were stupid, and yet he persisted.

Strzok, whose voluminous texts with his office lover show him to be a king of partisan bias, rose to leadership positions under former FBI director Comey — and it shows. Comey’s self-righteousness was his ultimate undoing, but not before he led the agency into a double death grip of corruption and rank partisanship.

Blinded by his own ambition, Comey brushed aside superiors, rules and maybe laws while giving Hillary Clinton a free pass and turning the screws on Donald Trump. Comey defends himself by saying he sought to protect the FBI’s independence, as if it — and he — are a fourth branch of government that is beyond accountability from the other three."

Conmy & these criminals fancied themselves to be as 'Elliot NESS & the In-Touchables', confident in their faith Obama would protect them, as he did all of his criminals, and sure Hillary was going to win & none of this would come out.

Boy, were they WRONG!

Barry is gone.
Hillary lost.
And it has all come out.
...and Strzok still deserves to be fired ... or to get a firing squad for treason.

A right wing news source that had no credibility. The fact is that story is a pack of lies. There is not tons of evidence to the contrary. Strzok showed that he was able to function in his job with no bias. He participated in a investigation of the Trump campaign that no one knew about. He also recommended that the FBI re-open the investigation into Clinton's e-mails when new ones were discovered. Also both Strzok and the IG report made the point that the checks and balances in a FBI investigation prevent one person from derailing a investigation.

Comey did the right thing. He was concerned about a attempt by Trump to get the FBI to lay off of Flynn which Guliani seems to have agreed did happen. Comey did the right thing in holding a press conference to announce his recommendation and hold a press conference. Since Loretta Lynch had essentially recused herself, the people had a right to know why Comey made his recommendation. Also the IG did not criticize the decision Comey made on not charging Clinton which means it was defensible.

The FBI and DOJ work for the American people. They are not Trump's personal police force to protect him. Trump and his minions are jeopardizing the independence of federal law enforcement officials.

Who is committing treason. Donald Trump, Republicans and his supporters. If this was a banana republic, you would be lined up against the wall by a firing squad.
One, the IG report clearn Strzok of wrong doing.

Two, he followed FBI counsel to answer or not questions put to him.

He is in the clear.


He's not clear in the eyes of the majority of Americans. He's a lying, sleazy, dirty cop and he must pay the piper.

A majority of Americans support the investigation not Trump. Trump is the lying crook.
Not a chance, kyzr, but to make you feel better, Mueller is going to release a rolling boat load of indictments from the 15 Sept to 1 Oct.

Bullshit Snarkey. Your prognosticating ability is zero. I will rub your nose in this when it doesn't happen.
And I will be rolling you all back and forth in it as Mueller rolls out the indictments in that time period.

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