Student Choir Stopped from Signing the National Anthem @ The Wall

Because they didn't have a permit!


What is happening to this country?

Story with video @ SHAMEFUL! What security did to these middle school students at the 9/11 memorial is beyond belief

What is this wall you are talking about in the thread title?
According to this, a marching band and/or a crowd at a high school football game would require a performance permit to sing the national anthem before a game at a public school.

Would this marching band be marching to New York to do it at the 911 Memorial?

That'd be kinda hard to hear back at the game, would it not?

All you are doing is showing what an ass you are.
Lord but I feel like an asshole!

This cast is driving me nuts.
According to this, a marching band and/or a crowd at a high school football game would require a performance permit to sing the national anthem before a game at a public school.

Would this marching band be marching to New York to do it at the 911 Memorial?

That'd be kinda hard to hear back at the game, would it not?

All you are doing is showing what an ass you are.

Actually what I'm doing is shooting down his point about a frickin' high school football game.

Howdja like it?
Try the one finger peck. You'll be amazed how quick you can get at it! I crushed my elbow and ripped more shoulder apart a couple of years ago in a fall. I became a pro!:2up:
Sorry to hear that. It sucks. Get better soon!

You can ask a mod to change it for you.
Well, that would be graffiti.
The topic has an error. Singing, not signing.

I fractured my left wrist, I'm left handed, and am in a huge cast
Too much typing.
They should have done it anyway. What the hell are they doing to do?
ol ... so now one of the psychoes is claiming singing the National Anthem, in Washington, at a national memorial, is 'jingoism' and 'in-your-face taunting???

Not related. That was an extension of the original question.

Which would have been clear if you had the balls to quote the post, and neither of which has been answered. Thanks for playin'.

Ignoring your mental disability is actually quite common around here. We know you don't come up with this ridiculous stuff on your own, so it's not you we would be quoting anyway.
Wow. How ridiculous. Common effing sense mean anything anymore???
The problem was that they had brought along Roseanne Barr with them.

I was at that game...everyone who was paying attention knew she would sing horribly. it ok for a choir to go to the Alamo and sing "Yellow Rose of Texas"?
I heard today they had been given a verbal ok by one guard, then another squashed them after they started singing. it ok for a choir to go to the Alamo and sing "Yellow Rose of Texas"?

Why wouldn't it be? Do you think all latinos are somehow sad that Mexico lost Texas or something? Hint: They aren't, far from it. They didn't have much use for Lincoln, either, for that matter, whether Texan or not.

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they didn't give a fig about 'The Slaves', either, nor did the native Americans in Oklahoma, or any other minority. They also aren't that fond of criminal illegal aliens, but Democrats ignore that and pretend otherwise.
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They need flash mobs to converge on the Memorial to sing the National Anthem. Singing the National Anthem there should be turned into a cultural tradition.

"They" do, do "they"?

Because there's no such thing as too much jingoism?
I thought that was garlic.
There is nothing extreme about a group of citizens wanting to express their patriotism at a Memorial through the use of their constitutional free speech.
The "they" in my comment referred to the security and managers at the Memorial. They need to be put in their places and taught that they are not bosses over free speech.

There is no "free speech" issue here. Unless you want to argue that the regulation requiring a performance permit is, but then it ain't their job to enforce selectively depending on whether you or they agree with what the performance is. It's their job to enforce, period.
Alright. I agree it's not a free speech issue. The selection of song and the constitution of the choir make it easy to make this an 'emotional' argument. You are right that regulations are regulations and it is security's job to enforce the regulations, else mayhem and chaos could ultimately reign. BUT
I, alas, would be the security guard who said "Sure, go ahead" and would no doubt be out of job this morning, because there is nothing this chorus wanted to do that seems inherently harmful or an invitation to others to do anything harmful or disturbing. The kids probably thought of it on the spur of the moment, maybe on the bus on the way there or maybe once they had begun touring the memorial. It was their gift, their offering, to the victims and the country. It was one song, not an advertised 'performance' and took no skin off anyone's nose. That's what I hate about bureaucratic rules sometimes. They hire people who can think and use good judgment in a pinch, but then they aren't allowed to use it.

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