Student found guilty for outing Homosexual,who commited suicide.

The VICTIM is deceased, the DEFENDANT convicted of 15 counts, I have read. The CONVICT was unusually interested in the victim. Along with spying, he sent text messages/emails about THE VICTIM's sex life to fellow sickos. A potentially dangerous criminal; he could next become obsessed with a straight female; then perhaps the CRIMINAL will not be referred to as a "STUDENT" and the victim a faceless "Homosexual". If the CONVICT gets a few years at a state CI, perhaps his desire to commit crimes will lesson. 5 years+ picking up trash, scrubbing commodes in a medium security facility would be appropriate.

Sympathy for the Defendant is scary; the victim is brushed off while the concern is for the criminal. As for the school placing them in the same rooms, the victim could not a sociopath would placed in his living area. The convict may be deported, but the State should not allow him to return to INDIA until he has served his sentence.

These country cannot let dirt bags like the Defendant do as they please to decent Americans like the victim; Matthew Shepard (sp.) died because of scum like the convict.

Somebody is definitely dead, I won't argue with that. The thing is, what you have read is inaccurate. What they found him guilty of was invasion of privacy that, through circumstances totally outside the control, or intent, of the guy who supposedly committed hate crime. In other words, he committed a hate crime without hating anyone.

They also managed to conclude that Ravi both knew, and at the same time didn't know, that what he was doing would make his roommate feel intimidated.

• Invasion of Privacy with the purpose to intimidate Tyler Clementi because of sexual orientation: ACQUITTED
• Invasion of Privacy with the purpose to intimidate M.B. because of sexual orientation: ACQUITTED
• Invasion of Privacy, knowing that the conduct constituting invasion of privacy would cause Tyler Clementi to be intimidated because of sexual orientation: ACQUITTED
• Invasion of Privacy, knowing that the conduct constituting invasion of privacy would cause M.B. to be intimidated because of sexual orientation: ACQUITTED
• Invasion of Privacy, under circumstances that caused Tyler Clementi to be intimidated, and considering the manner in which the offense was committed, Clementi reasonably believed that he was selected to be the target of the offense because of sexual orientation: GUILTY
Live coverage: Dharun Ravi found guilty on most counts in webcam spying trial verdict |

There is no way most of this is going to hold up under scrutiny, which leaves the tampering with evidence and witness intimidation charges. I feel sympathy with Ravi because this is the perfect example of exactly what I have been saying is wrong with hate crime laws.

Do a little more research. They tried to give the guy a plea deal which I listed below. He turned it down. Hell, the prosecutors did everything they could to help the guy. But, no, he had to have his day in court. Now, he's had his day in court.

Do research for what? The guy exercising his constitutional rights?
We had a Rutgers University student convicted today for video taping a Homosexual roomate
engaging in a homosexual act with another male. The homosexual student eventually committed suicide by jumping off the George Washington Bridge.

Outing homosexuals is not a crime in countries were sodomy is a crime.
If you are engaging in an act , that would cause you to commit suicide, then
something has got to be wrong with that person, even before he was video taped, and
outed. This is my point.

What is the sense of destroying two lives, because of this sick persons sexual perversion.?

Wow-I really find your comments inhumane and cold. You seem to be expressing some not-so-subtle longing for a life in a country where people get put to death for sodomy. I urge you to move to Iran or Saudi Arabia ASAP. Please.

That guy didn't "out" his roommate! He HUMILIATED him in a way NO ONE should have to suffer. Which is why it is actually a crime. I don't give a crap about his personal sex life and frankly it isn't any of your business either. No one has the right to secretly videotape anyone during sex and then post it online. Do you REALLY not understand there is no such thing as retrieving it once you do that? That is why it is a crime to do it -it is THE single most massive invasion of privacy from which there is no recovery. The kid knew it, he knew that video would be available online from then on and follow him around and haunt him for the rest of his life and he would NEVER escape it. IT IS WHY HE JUMPED. Simply taking that video down again doesn't get rid of it -it exists in servers around the globe now and there is no telling how many copies now exist as downloads on top of it.

You have the right to believe homosexuality is a "sick perversion", you have the right to your own opinion about every single person you know, meet or don't know or just hear about. But you don't have the right to publicly destroy someone like that -and then use your opinion as justification for having committed the crime. You don't have the right to secretly tape anyone during a sexual encounter. Period -that is one crime. And you sure as hell have no right to put it online where it will exist forever -which is a totally different crime. You don't have the right to use your opinion of someone as justification for causing them mental anguish and emotional harm -which if this kid were alive, he would have grounds for a lawsuit where this guy could have owed him money for the rest of his lifer -after he got out of prison. In THIS country, we don't decide crimes are not crimes after all if you just pick someone with a sex life you haven't given your personal stamp of approval. Personally I find YOU to be disgusting for suggesting it was no big deal since the guy was gay -does that now give me the right to target you as my victim and commit a few crimes against you?

The roommate did not gain additional "rights" to abuse his roommate in the most humiliating way possible just because that guy was gay. What he did to his roommate is a CRIME no matter who he did it to. And he KNEW he was committing a crime. He just didn't care -and now I don't care that he is headed for prison and even possibly deportation. He CHOSE to destroy his own life because of his own bigotry. YOU GET THAT?

Now I have NO sympathy for him whatsoever -fuck him.
Syrenn, Shepard was TORTURED and BEATEN to death.( The new al Qaeda in America, heinous murders are part of their FAITH.)

Shepard was robbed, not tortured. It had nothing whatever to do with his sexuality. the prosecutor and all the police agree about that, but a few idiots made it into something it wasn't to score political points.

Her handle is 'Peach.' It's no wonder she is always a little fuzzy on the facts! :lol:

Someone is fuzzy on the facts -but Shepherd was chosen as their victim because he was gay which is how they planned to entice him into their car as well as the fact he was a small man and they figured easily stomped -and that is according to at least one of the co-defendants. His being gay is what brought him to their attention in the first place. And do you people forget that at their trial their defense was that bullshit crap claiming that Shepherd coming on to them induced "rage" and therefore Shepherd was actually responsible for his own murder?
We had a Rutgers University student convicted today for video taping a Homosexual roomate
engaging in a homosexual act with another male. The homosexual student eventually committed suicide by jumping off the George Washington Bridge.

Outing homosexuals is not a crime in countries were sodomy is a crime.
If you are engaging in an act , that would cause you to commit suicide, then
something has got to be wrong with that person, even before he was video taped, and
outed. This is my point.

What is the sense of destroying two lives, because of this sick persons sexual perversion.?

Wow-I really find your comments inhumane and cold. You seem to be expressing some not-so-subtle longing for a life in a country where people get put to death for sodomy. I urge you to move to Iran or Saudi Arabia ASAP. Please.

That guy didn't "out" his roommate! He HUMILIATED him in a way NO ONE should have to suffer. Which is why it is actually a crime. I don't give a crap about his personal sex life and frankly it isn't any of your business either. No one has the right to secretly videotape anyone during sex and then post it online. Do you REALLY not understand there is no such thing as retrieving it once you do that? That is why it is a crime to do it -it is THE single most massive invasion of privacy from which there is no recovery. The kid knew it, he knew that video would be available online from then on and follow him around and haunt him for the rest of his life and he would NEVER escape it. IT IS WHY HE JUMPED. Simply taking that video down again doesn't get rid of it -it exists in servers around the globe now and there is no telling how many copies now exist as downloads on top of it.

You have the right to believe homosexuality is a "sick perversion", you have the right to your own opinion about every single person you know, meet or don't know or just hear about. But you don't have the right to publicly destroy someone like that -and then use your opinion as justification for having committed the crime. You don't have the right to secretly tape anyone during a sexual encounter. Period -that is one crime. And you sure as hell have no right to put it online where it will exist forever -which is a totally different crime. You don't have the right to use your opinion of someone as justification for causing them mental anguish and emotional harm -which if this kid were alive, he would have grounds for a lawsuit where this guy could have owed him money for the rest of his lifer -after he got out of prison. In THIS country, we don't decide crimes are not crimes after all if you just pick someone with a sex life you haven't given your personal stamp of approval. Personally I find YOU to be disgusting for suggesting it was no big deal since the guy was gay -does that now give me the right to target you as my victim and commit a few crimes against you?

The roommate did not gain additional "rights" to abuse his roommate in the most humiliating way possible just because that guy was gay. What he did to his roommate is a CRIME no matter who he did it to. And he KNEW he was committing a crime. He just didn't care -and now I don't care that he is headed for prison and even possibly deportation. He CHOSE to destroy his own life because of his own bigotry. YOU GET THAT?

Now I have NO sympathy for him whatsoever -fuck him.

So looking through that peep hole into the girls bathroom makes you a criminal.
Shepard was robbed, not tortured. It had nothing whatever to do with his sexuality. the prosecutor and all the police agree about that, but a few idiots made it into something it wasn't to score political points.

Her handle is 'Peach.' It's no wonder she is always a little fuzzy on the facts! :lol:

Someone is fuzzy on the facts -but Shepherd was chosen as their victim because he was gay which is how they planned to entice him into their car as well as the fact he was a small man and they figured easily stomped -and that is according to at least one of the co-defendants. His being gay is what brought him to their attention in the first place. And do you people forget that at their trial their defense was that bullshit crap claiming that Shepherd coming on to them induced "rage" and therefore Shepherd was actually responsible for his own murder?

He was not chosen because he was gay, he was targeted because the idiot that attacked him thought he was a drug dealer.

McKinney told Vargas he set out the night of Oct. 6, 1998, to rob a drug dealer of $10,000 worth of methamphetamine. But after several attempts, McKinney was not able to carry out his plan.
Henderson said he thought if he could keep McKinney drinking, he'd forget the robbery plan.
But according to McKinney, when he encountered Shepard at the Fireside Lounge, he saw an easy mark.
McKinney told "20/20" Shepard was well-dressed and assumed he had a lot of cash.

Page 2: New Details Emerge in Matthew Shepard Murder - ABC News
We had a Rutgers University student convicted today for video taping a Homosexual roomate
engaging in a homosexual act with another male. The homosexual student eventually committed suicide by jumping off the George Washington Bridge.

Outing homosexuals is not a crime in countries were sodomy is a crime.
If you are engaging in an act , that would cause you to commit suicide, then
something has got to be wrong with that person, even before he was video taped, and
outed. This is my point.

What is the sense of destroying two lives, because of this sick persons sexual perversion.?

Wow-I really find your comments inhumane and cold. You seem to be expressing some not-so-subtle longing for a life in a country where people get put to death for sodomy. I urge you to move to Iran or Saudi Arabia ASAP. Please.

That guy didn't "out" his roommate! He HUMILIATED him in a way NO ONE should have to suffer. Which is why it is actually a crime. I don't give a crap about his personal sex life and frankly it isn't any of your business either. No one has the right to secretly videotape anyone during sex and then post it online. Do you REALLY not understand there is no such thing as retrieving it once you do that? That is why it is a crime to do it -it is THE single most massive invasion of privacy from which there is no recovery. The kid knew it, he knew that video would be available online from then on and follow him around and haunt him for the rest of his life and he would NEVER escape it. IT IS WHY HE JUMPED. Simply taking that video down again doesn't get rid of it -it exists in servers around the globe now and there is no telling how many copies now exist as downloads on top of it.

You have the right to believe homosexuality is a "sick perversion", you have the right to your own opinion about every single person you know, meet or don't know or just hear about. But you don't have the right to publicly destroy someone like that -and then use your opinion as justification for having committed the crime. You don't have the right to secretly tape anyone during a sexual encounter. Period -that is one crime. And you sure as hell have no right to put it online where it will exist forever -which is a totally different crime. You don't have the right to use your opinion of someone as justification for causing them mental anguish and emotional harm -which if this kid were alive, he would have grounds for a lawsuit where this guy could have owed him money for the rest of his lifer -after he got out of prison. In THIS country, we don't decide crimes are not crimes after all if you just pick someone with a sex life you haven't given your personal stamp of approval. Personally I find YOU to be disgusting for suggesting it was no big deal since the guy was gay -does that now give me the right to target you as my victim and commit a few crimes against you?

The roommate did not gain additional "rights" to abuse his roommate in the most humiliating way possible just because that guy was gay. What he did to his roommate is a CRIME no matter who he did it to. And he KNEW he was committing a crime. He just didn't care -and now I don't care that he is headed for prison and even possibly deportation. He CHOSE to destroy his own life because of his own bigotry. YOU GET THAT?

Now I have NO sympathy for him whatsoever -fuck him.

So looking through that peep hole into the girls bathroom makes you a criminal.

Sorry but I have no desire for a system of government that gives a flying fuck who I am fucking. It bothers me that others do. MY sex life is MY business -not yours. And your sex life is none of my business either. And neither of our sex lives is the business of government. You don't secretly videotape me while I'm having sex and put it online and I promise not to do the same to you. And if either of us did it anyway -it is still a crime for which we should expect some prison time. Just like what this guy did to his roommate is a crime and he is looking at prison time - and the fact his roommate was gay doesn't suddenly make it NOT a crime! Unlike some countries, we don't have a justice system where only the "right kind" of people can expect justice -and all other victims can expect to be victimized all over again. It is revolting that anyone would suggest that is what they want to see here. Our rights are not upheld based on public opinion. No matter who I am sleeping with, I still have the identical rights as the next person -and among those rights is the right to NOT be secretly videotaped having sex and a right to NOT have some ASSHOLE put it online for the PERVERTED pleasure of billions who like nothing better than humiliating a gay kid.

I said it before -this guy KNEW what he was doing was a crime and he did it anyway. So FUCK HIM. I'll save my sympathy for people who actually deserve it and it isn't this guy.

And if I were peeping through a hole in the girl's bathroom, why yes -it would be a crime.
Wow-I really find your comments inhumane and cold. You seem to be expressing some not-so-subtle longing for a life in a country where people get put to death for sodomy. I urge you to move to Iran or Saudi Arabia ASAP. Please.

That guy didn't "out" his roommate! He HUMILIATED him in a way NO ONE should have to suffer. Which is why it is actually a crime. I don't give a crap about his personal sex life and frankly it isn't any of your business either. No one has the right to secretly videotape anyone during sex and then post it online. Do you REALLY not understand there is no such thing as retrieving it once you do that? That is why it is a crime to do it -it is THE single most massive invasion of privacy from which there is no recovery. The kid knew it, he knew that video would be available online from then on and follow him around and haunt him for the rest of his life and he would NEVER escape it. IT IS WHY HE JUMPED. Simply taking that video down again doesn't get rid of it -it exists in servers around the globe now and there is no telling how many copies now exist as downloads on top of it.

You have the right to believe homosexuality is a "sick perversion", you have the right to your own opinion about every single person you know, meet or don't know or just hear about. But you don't have the right to publicly destroy someone like that -and then use your opinion as justification for having committed the crime. You don't have the right to secretly tape anyone during a sexual encounter. Period -that is one crime. And you sure as hell have no right to put it online where it will exist forever -which is a totally different crime. You don't have the right to use your opinion of someone as justification for causing them mental anguish and emotional harm -which if this kid were alive, he would have grounds for a lawsuit where this guy could have owed him money for the rest of his lifer -after he got out of prison. In THIS country, we don't decide crimes are not crimes after all if you just pick someone with a sex life you haven't given your personal stamp of approval. Personally I find YOU to be disgusting for suggesting it was no big deal since the guy was gay -does that now give me the right to target you as my victim and commit a few crimes against you?

The roommate did not gain additional "rights" to abuse his roommate in the most humiliating way possible just because that guy was gay. What he did to his roommate is a CRIME no matter who he did it to. And he KNEW he was committing a crime. He just didn't care -and now I don't care that he is headed for prison and even possibly deportation. He CHOSE to destroy his own life because of his own bigotry. YOU GET THAT?

Now I have NO sympathy for him whatsoever -fuck him.

So looking through that peep hole into the girls bathroom makes you a criminal.

Sorry but I have no desire for a system of government that gives a flying fuck who I am fucking. It bothers me that others do. MY sex life is MY business -not yours. And your sex life is none of my business either. And neither of our sex lives is the business of government. You don't secretly videotape me while I'm having sex and put it online and I promise not to do the same to you. And if either of us did it anyway -it is still a crime for which we should expect some prison time. Just like what this guy did to his roommate is a crime and he is looking at prison time - and the fact his roommate was gay doesn't suddenly make it NOT a crime! Unlike some countries, we don't have a justice system where only the "right kind" of people can expect justice -and all other victims can expect to be victimized all over again. It is revolting that anyone would suggest that is what they want to see here. Our rights are not upheld based on public opinion. No matter who I am sleeping with, I still have the identical rights as the next person -and among those rights is the right to NOT be secretly videotaped having sex and a right to NOT have some ASSHOLE put it online for the PERVERTED pleasure of billions who like nothing better than humiliating a gay kid.

I said it before -this guy KNEW what he was doing was a crime and he did it anyway. So FUCK HIM. I'll save my sympathy for people who actually deserve it and it isn't this guy.

And if I were peeping through a hole in the girl's bathroom, why yes -it would be a crime.

If you don't care for a government that cares who you have sex with why are you supporting a government who is going out of its way to find out who you have sex with?
This kid was used to send a strong message regarding bullying against gays.

Will he also be used to send a strong message regarding immigration?

Ravi was born in India, moved to the U.S. with his parents as a small child, grew up in New Jersey and graduated from West Windsor-Plainsboro North High School. His attorney, Steven Altman, said he is not a citizen, but has a green card. His parents are not U.S. citizens.

If Ravi were a naturalized citizen, or if his parents had become citizens before he turned 18 — conferring citizenship on him — experts said he would have no risk of deportation.

"A lot of people just don’t realize," said Nessel, of Seton Hall. "People, when they have their green card and lawful permanent residency, feel very much like a U.S. citizen ... (but) you’re very vulnerable."

Experts: Ravi faces 'very serious' risk of deportation to India following conviction in webcam trial |
These nasty little children thought it would be great fun to mock their gay roommate and to publically embarrass and expose him to their world of like-minded nasty children.

They didn't think that their igly little prank would have that effect -- not that they gave it any thought, I am sure.

I have trouble feeling much pity for those who have no pity.
10 years in jail for a "nasty little prank"? He was not charged in Clementi's death, but the result was the same.

Being "uncomfortable" with a gay roommate is not a hate crime. Invasion of privacy? Absolutely. Bias? BS
10 years in jail for a "nasty little prank"? He was not charged in Clementi's death, but the result was the same.

Being "uncomfortable" with a gay roommate is not a hate crime. Invasion of privacy? Absolutely. Bias? BS

Defendant GUILTY on 15 counts, including obstruction of justice, witness tampering, evidence destruction. Not guilty on some sub counts. The CONVICT also told the victim "I'LL DO IT AGAIN". Dharun Ravi was obsessed with the VICTIM's life. Five "friends" of the CONVICT watched the first webcam. D. Ravi was very interested in the victim's sex life, the comment about seeing men kiss is almost as sad as QW's cheering for the criminal. HE did all he could to find out what the teenager WAS doing in his personal life. And the victim is termed "the HOMOSEXUAL", the CRIMINAL, as the "STUDENT" in the thread title. It does not appear D. Ravi was "uncomfortable" with the victim's sex life, he reveled in it.

If this happens to you, or your children, other family, or friends, will you show the same sympathy for the pervert D. Ravi? Will the criminal be an object of sympathy? Feel free to seek his release to community control your home, please.

This is much more than an incident of random viewing by the Defendant, and the Defendant sought out every detail of the victim, Clementi's life, both verbally and on Twitter discussed it, and made plans for future crimes.. The pro felon faction can feel sorry for the criminal; I hope it is 5+ YEARS, then deportation. (As for the reference to "their", I am an individual.)
10 years in jail for a "nasty little prank"? He was not charged in Clementi's death, but the result was the same.

Being "uncomfortable" with a gay roommate is not a hate crime. Invasion of privacy? Absolutely. Bias? BS

Defendant GUILTY on 15 counts, including obstruction of justice, witness tampering, evidence destruction. Not guilty on some sub counts. The CONVICT also told the victim "I'LL DO IT AGAIN". Dharun Ravi was obsessed with the VICTIM's life. Five "friends" of the CONVICT watched the first webcam. D. Ravi was very interested in the victim's sex life, the comment about seeing men kiss is almost as sad as QW's cheering for the criminal. HE did all he could to find out what the teenager WAS doing in his personal life. And the victim is termed "the HOMOSEXUAL", the CRIMINAL, as the "STUDENT" in the thread title. It does not appear D. Ravi was "uncomfortable" with the victim's sex life, he reveled in it.

If this happens to you, or your children, other family, or friends, will you show the same sympathy for the pervert D. Ravi? Will the criminal be an object of sympathy? Feel free to seek his release to community control your home, please.

This is much more than an incident of random viewing by the Defendant, and the Defendant sought out every detail of the victim, Clementi's life, both verbally and on Twitter discussed it, and made plans for future crimes.. The pro felon faction can feel sorry for the criminal; I hope it is 5+ YEARS, then deportation. (As for the reference to "their", I am an individual.)

What we have now in America are people who want to make Sodomy as normal as heterosexuality. There is nothing normal about Sodomy/ Homosexuality.

If you out one of these sodomites, they want to make it a crime. This is a sad state of affairs for a country that 300 years ago was founded on Christian values, were a trial like
the one we just witnessed would not have even taken place.

It is kind of sick to live in a country that is promoting and protecting Sodomites/homosexuals, over normal heterosexuals , who are now being persecuted
from outing Sodomites.!?
Weird sense of morals if you ask me.Very. Backwards.!!
10 years in jail for a "nasty little prank"? He was not charged in Clementi's death, but the result was the same.

Being "uncomfortable" with a gay roommate is not a hate crime. Invasion of privacy? Absolutely. Bias? BS

Defendant GUILTY on 15 counts, including obstruction of justice, witness tampering, evidence destruction. Not guilty on some sub counts. The CONVICT also told the victim "I'LL DO IT AGAIN". Dharun Ravi was obsessed with the VICTIM's life. Five "friends" of the CONVICT watched the first webcam. D. Ravi was very interested in the victim's sex life, the comment about seeing men kiss is almost as sad as QW's cheering for the criminal. HE did all he could to find out what the teenager WAS doing in his personal life. And the victim is termed "the HOMOSEXUAL", the CRIMINAL, as the "STUDENT" in the thread title. It does not appear D. Ravi was "uncomfortable" with the victim's sex life, he reveled in it.

If this happens to you, or your children, other family, or friends, will you show the same sympathy for the pervert D. Ravi? Will the criminal be an object of sympathy? Feel free to seek his release to community control your home, please.

This is much more than an incident of random viewing by the Defendant, and the Defendant sought out every detail of the victim, Clementi's life, both verbally and on Twitter discussed it, and made plans for future crimes.. The pro felon faction can feel sorry for the criminal; I hope it is 5+ YEARS, then deportation. (As for the reference to "their", I am an individual.)

What we have now in America are people who want to make Sodomy as normal as heterosexuality. There is nothing normal about Sodomy/ Homosexuality.

If you out one of these sodomites, they want to make it a crime. This is a sad state of affairs for a country that 300 years ago was founded on Christian values, were a trial like
the one we just witnessed would not have even taken place.

It is kind of sick to live in a country that is promoting and protecting Sodomites/homosexuals, over normal heterosexuals , who are now being persecuted
from outing Sodomites.!?
Weird sense of morals if you ask me.Very. Backwards.!!
Thus, witness tampering, obstruction of prosecution, and destruction of evidence are all "normal" to you? Felons ARE felons I guess, not normal in THIS country.:doubt:

Defendant GUILTY on 15 counts, including obstruction of justice, witness tampering, evidence destruction. Not guilty on some sub counts. The CONVICT also told the victim "I'LL DO IT AGAIN". Dharun Ravi was obsessed with the VICTIM's life. Five "friends" of the CONVICT watched the first webcam. D. Ravi was very interested in the victim's sex life, the comment about seeing men kiss is almost as sad as QW's cheering for the criminal. HE did all he could to find out what the teenager WAS doing in his personal life. And the victim is termed "the HOMOSEXUAL", the CRIMINAL, as the "STUDENT" in the thread title. It does not appear D. Ravi was "uncomfortable" with the victim's sex life, he reveled in it.

If this happens to you, or your children, other family, or friends, will you show the same sympathy for the pervert D. Ravi? Will the criminal be an object of sympathy? Feel free to seek his release to community control your home, please.

This is much more than an incident of random viewing by the Defendant, and the Defendant sought out every detail of the victim, Clementi's life, both verbally and on Twitter discussed it, and made plans for future crimes.. The pro felon faction can feel sorry for the criminal; I hope it is 5+ YEARS, then deportation. (As for the reference to "their", I am an individual.)

What we have now in America are people who want to make Sodomy as normal as heterosexuality. There is nothing normal about Sodomy/ Homosexuality.

If you out one of these sodomites, they want to make it a crime. This is a sad state of affairs for a country that 300 years ago was founded on Christian values, were a trial like
the one we just witnessed would not have even taken place.

It is kind of sick to live in a country that is promoting and protecting Sodomites/homosexuals, over normal heterosexuals , who are now being persecuted
from outing Sodomites.!?
Weird sense of morals if you ask me.Very. Backwards.!!
Thus, witness tampering, obstruction of prosecution, and destruction of evidence are all "normal" to you? Felons ARE felons I guess, not normal in THIS country.:doubt:

"Witness tampering, obstruction of prpsecution, and destruction of evidence" are all fabricated charges to charge the defendant with " Bias intimidation of a Homosexual"
Which is still Sodomy. A crime in many countries throughout the rest of the world in and of itself.
The main crime committed by the plantiff was "Sodomy/ a homosexual act".
What kind of country are we living in!?,Sodmites are protected, and encouraged.?!
Last edited:
What we have now in America are people who want to make Sodomy as normal as heterosexuality. There is nothing normal about Sodomy/ Homosexuality.

If you out one of these sodomites, they want to make it a crime. This is a sad state of affairs for a country that 300 years ago was founded on Christian values, were a trial like
the one we just witnessed would not have even taken place.

It is kind of sick to live in a country that is promoting and protecting Sodomites/homosexuals, over normal heterosexuals , who are now being persecuted
from outing Sodomites.!?
Weird sense of morals if you ask me.Very. Backwards.!!
Thus, witness tampering, obstruction of prosecution, and destruction of evidence are all "normal" to you? Felons ARE felons I guess, not normal in THIS country.:doubt:

"Witness tampering, obstruction of prpsecution, and destruction of evidence" are all fabricated charges to charge the defendant with " Bias intimidation of a Homosexual"
Which is still Sodomy. A crime in many countries throughout the rest of the world in and of itself.
A Grand Jury indicted, a jury convicted. Ravi has appealed, when their decision comes down, we shall see. Ravi is still looking at 5 years if bias intimidation is tossed out. People may not be guilty of a primary offense and still be convicted of offenses occurring after the fact.
So looking through that peep hole into the girls bathroom makes you a criminal.

Sorry but I have no desire for a system of government that gives a flying fuck who I am fucking. It bothers me that others do. MY sex life is MY business -not yours. And your sex life is none of my business either. And neither of our sex lives is the business of government. You don't secretly videotape me while I'm having sex and put it online and I promise not to do the same to you. And if either of us did it anyway -it is still a crime for which we should expect some prison time. Just like what this guy did to his roommate is a crime and he is looking at prison time - and the fact his roommate was gay doesn't suddenly make it NOT a crime! Unlike some countries, we don't have a justice system where only the "right kind" of people can expect justice -and all other victims can expect to be victimized all over again. It is revolting that anyone would suggest that is what they want to see here. Our rights are not upheld based on public opinion. No matter who I am sleeping with, I still have the identical rights as the next person -and among those rights is the right to NOT be secretly videotaped having sex and a right to NOT have some ASSHOLE put it online for the PERVERTED pleasure of billions who like nothing better than humiliating a gay kid.

I said it before -this guy KNEW what he was doing was a crime and he did it anyway. So FUCK HIM. I'll save my sympathy for people who actually deserve it and it isn't this guy.

And if I were peeping through a hole in the girl's bathroom, why yes -it would be a crime.

If you don't care for a government that cares who you have sex with why are you supporting a government who is going out of its way to find out who you have sex with?

You are expected to give the county health department the list if you get a reportable STD.
Wow-I really find your comments inhumane and cold. You seem to be expressing some not-so-subtle longing for a life in a country where people get put to death for sodomy. I urge you to move to Iran or Saudi Arabia ASAP. Please.

That guy didn't "out" his roommate! He HUMILIATED him in a way NO ONE should have to suffer. Which is why it is actually a crime. I don't give a crap about his personal sex life and frankly it isn't any of your business either. No one has the right to secretly videotape anyone during sex and then post it online. Do you REALLY not understand there is no such thing as retrieving it once you do that? That is why it is a crime to do it -it is THE single most massive invasion of privacy from which there is no recovery. The kid knew it, he knew that video would be available online from then on and follow him around and haunt him for the rest of his life and he would NEVER escape it. IT IS WHY HE JUMPED. Simply taking that video down again doesn't get rid of it -it exists in servers around the globe now and there is no telling how many copies now exist as downloads on top of it.

You have the right to believe homosexuality is a "sick perversion", you have the right to your own opinion about every single person you know, meet or don't know or just hear about. But you don't have the right to publicly destroy someone like that -and then use your opinion as justification for having committed the crime. You don't have the right to secretly tape anyone during a sexual encounter. Period -that is one crime. And you sure as hell have no right to put it online where it will exist forever -which is a totally different crime. You don't have the right to use your opinion of someone as justification for causing them mental anguish and emotional harm -which if this kid were alive, he would have grounds for a lawsuit where this guy could have owed him money for the rest of his lifer -after he got out of prison. In THIS country, we don't decide crimes are not crimes after all if you just pick someone with a sex life you haven't given your personal stamp of approval. Personally I find YOU to be disgusting for suggesting it was no big deal since the guy was gay -does that now give me the right to target you as my victim and commit a few crimes against you?

The roommate did not gain additional "rights" to abuse his roommate in the most humiliating way possible just because that guy was gay. What he did to his roommate is a CRIME no matter who he did it to. And he KNEW he was committing a crime. He just didn't care -and now I don't care that he is headed for prison and even possibly deportation. He CHOSE to destroy his own life because of his own bigotry. YOU GET THAT?

Now I have NO sympathy for him whatsoever -fuck him.

So looking through that peep hole into the girls bathroom makes you a criminal.

Sorry but I have no desire for a system of government that gives a flying fuck who I am fucking. It bothers me that others do. MY sex life is MY business -not yours. And your sex life is none of my business either. And neither of our sex lives is the business of government. You don't secretly videotape me while I'm having sex and put it online and I promise not to do the same to you. And if either of us did it anyway -it is still a crime for which we should expect some prison time. Just like what this guy did to his roommate is a crime and he is looking at prison time - and the fact his roommate was gay doesn't suddenly make it NOT a crime! Unlike some countries, we don't have a justice system where only the "right kind" of people can expect justice -and all other victims can expect to be victimized all over again. It is revolting that anyone would suggest that is what they want to see here. Our rights are not upheld based on public opinion. No matter who I am sleeping with, I still have the identical rights as the next person -and among those rights is the right to NOT be secretly videotaped having sex and a right to NOT have some ASSHOLE put it online for the PERVERTED pleasure of billions who like nothing better than humiliating a gay kid.

I said it before -this guy KNEW what he was doing was a crime and he did it anyway. So FUCK HIM. I'll save my sympathy for people who actually deserve it and it isn't this guy.

And if I were peeping through a hole in the girl's bathroom, why yes -it would be a crime.

Well, I don't think you can say you have seen me offering him any sympathy. He turned down a sweet plea deal. Anyone who wants a 'trial by their peers' is a lunatic, IMO. Juries a unpredictable.
Slap on the wrist. 30 days.
The callous former Rutgers student who used a Web cam to spy on his gay roommate as he made out with a male pal was sentenced to just 30 days in prison yesterday — a tiny fraction of the maximum.

And Dharun Ravi, 20, got another major break when a New Jersey judge recommended to the feds that they not deport the Indian-born defendant, who had faced up to 10 years in the slammer for felony bias crimes.

Berman also sentenced Ravi to three years’ probation, 300 hours of community service, a $10,000 fine that will go to a program to help victims of bias crimes, and counseling on cyberbullying and alternative lifestyles.

Read more: Rutgers ‘cyber bully’ Dharun Ravi sentenced to 30 days for Web cam spying connected to suicide death of Rutgers roommate Tyler Clementi -

Fair sentence?
We had a Rutgers University student convicted today for video taping a Homosexual roomate
engaging in a homosexual act with another male. The homosexual student eventually committed suicide by jumping off the George Washington Bridge.

Outing homosexuals is not a crime in countries were sodomy is a crime.
If you are engaging in an act , that would cause you to commit suicide, then
something has got to be wrong with that person, even before he was video taped, and
outed. This is my point.

What is the sense of destroying two lives, because of this sick persons sexual perversion.?

Link so I can see what he was charged with?

Charged with invasion of privacy, and Bias intimidation, which carries a penalty of 10 years
in the State of New Jersey.
I am sorry that the Homosexual felt he had to commit suicide, but sodomy is a crime in many countries in and of itself.!
No one should have to commit suicide.

Well, videotaping two other people having sex in private without their consent and then spreading this is a pretty clear case of invasion of privacy. I can't see anything wrong with a conviction on that point.
Bias intimidation is of course something else altogether: another one of these stupid PC crime categories.

But somebody who invades another person's privacy in such a brutal way doesn't get any sympathy from me.

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