Student groups planning anti Israel day of resistance .

Like them or hate, it's their right. Fortunately it's my right to say they're idiots.
No. I studied military history, but again being active means nothing unless you have control. How is that Libertarian Party doing in presidential elections recently?
If you studied military history as you claimed then you would understand how important the SA and later the SS recruitment in the 20’s was in helping the Nazis grow and slowly gain more power. Either you’re ignoring the history Or don’t know as much as you claim.
You would figure UVA learned it’s lesson about having controversial groups protesting unpopular ideas, maybe they just want more people run down
Student group calls for day of resistance to criticize Israel and support Palestine .. they are calling for this to happen oct 12th ..

No. I studied military history, but again being active means nothing unless you have control. How is that Libertarian Party doing in presidential elections recently?
It doesn't look like you took in very much, Captain Sandy Vagina.
You think the Nazi Party and political apparatus sprung suddenly into existence in 1933 and now you are babbling about the libertarian party as if that has any relevance whatsoever?

You are a funny boy.

The fact of the matter is that the rise of National socialism was a gradual process taking many years, and the time to have addressed the threat was BEFORE it completely consolidated power. If you have a cancer within you, do you wait until it has metastasized before you are willing to consider dealing with it?

Those (like you) who have not learned from history are doomed to repeat it.
You are absolutely correct. The Nazis started in the 20s trying to consolidate power as socialists.
If they come down my street, I'm goin' to Raiford, I'll sign everything over to a family member.

Don't care. The State may not take too kindly to what I'm a do. Somebody has to say "Enough is Enough" of this bullshit.
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Can't answer? Typical airhead!
I was making an observation, dipshit. It stands to reason the Nazi party didn't just magically materialize in 1933, dude.

Common sense says there was a series of events in chronological order that led up to that, but you do you. :itsok:

"Mr. History". :abgg2q.jpg:
I was making an observation, dipshit. It stands to reason the Nazi party didn't just magically materialize in 1933, dude.

Common sense says there was a series of events in chronological order that led up to that, but you do you. :itsok:

"Mr. History". :abgg2q.jpg:
Apparently, you have a reading disability as that was not the original assertion. Have a nice day, you fucking retard! :abgg2q.jpg:
Twenties? The Nazis did not take control in Germany until 1933.
Hitler's Nazis took over Germany in 1933. The Beer Hall Putsch got Hitler arrested. That was not exactly a successful move.

I have a degree. How about you?
Apparently, you have a reading disability as that was not the original assertion. Have a nice day, you fucking retard! :abgg2q.jpg:
It kinda was, dud.

Captain Crotchety.
why do you call somebody Nazi here?

Act like a Nazi. Espouse Nazi doctrine. Your biggest problem isn't being called a Nazi.

If someone calls you a horse, you call him a jerk. Another person calls you a horse, you punch him in the nose. A third person calls you a horse, you start shopping for a saddle.
Student group calls for day of resistance to criticize Israel and support Palestine .. they are calling for this to happen oct 12th ..

A growing list of CEOs have written Harvard demanding the student names of these organizations so that they can be sure never to hire any of them accidentally.

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