Student Leaders Ask Hillary To Return 'Outrageous' $225,000 School Speaking Fee


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Now I realize this has been posted before but it chirps my butt when I see the Koch brothers being vilified for giving 25 million away yet this college pays Hillary such an outrageous sum to say what I am sure everyone has heard so many times before. Yeah Hillary, we know you came under sniper fire, heard it don't need to hear it again. Yeah Hillary we know you and Bill were dirt poor broke when you left the WH, heard it no use repeating it. Yeah Hillary we know you are not like other rich people that did something and produced something of value you got yours the old fashioned way, pork barrel, heard it don't need it repeated. Damn hypocrites.

Student Leaders Ask Hillary To Return 'Outrageous' $225,000 School Speaking Fee

Read more: Student Leaders Ask Hillary To Return Speaking Fee - Business Insider

"We really appreciate anybody who would come to raise money for the university. But anybody who's being paid $225,000 to come speak, we think that's a little bit outrageous. And we'd like Secretary Clinton — respectfully — to gracefully return the money to the university or the foundation," Waqar said on the Nevada political program "Ralston Reports."
never happen.., the bitch is too money hungry to even give it a thought.., you gotta remember, they were "dead broke" when they left the WH.., being "dead broke" to her means she has not accumulated a billion $$$$$$$$$$$ plus.

what is the reason for having billion$ of $$$$$$$$$$$ if you are not going to do some good with it, like the Koch Bros.

clicky here >>>>>-------------> Loopy liberals freak over Koch brother?s $100M hospital gift | New York Post

clicky here >>>>>-----------> Reid targets 'Evil' Koch Brothers despite their Philanthropy

this family has donated more $$$$$$ for good causes than the fucking Clitons, Ubama, Reid combined have "stolen" (some dipwad libertards will say "earned" haaaa ha ha !!) from the public.
The University just could not give Hillary that money outright so they call it a speaking fee.
I can't think of one thing Hillary could say that would be worth $225,000.
This is a great development. It puts the bogus cow in a real bind.

She risks getting shouted down when she tries to speak at that college...for a very good reason...that kind of money being paid by a college for a speech is simply outrageous.

And how does a valid charge of Greed affect her campaign?

She's in a bind. What will her husband tell her to do to weasel out of the situation?
The University just could not give Hillary that money outright so they call it a speaking fee.
I can't think of one thing Hillary could say that would be worth $225,000.

I can't believe that they are paying her to speak, I am willing to pay her to STFU.
never happen.., the bitch is too money hungry to even give it a thought.., you gotta remember, they were "dead broke" when they left the WH.., being "dead broke" to her means she has not accumulated a billion $$$$$$$$$$$ plus.

what is the reason for having billion$ of $$$$$$$$$$$ if you are not going to do some good with it, like the Koch Bros.

clicky here >>>>>-------------> Loopy liberals freak over Koch brother?s $100M hospital gift | New York Post

clicky here >>>>>-----------> Reid targets 'Evil' Koch Brothers despite their Philanthropy

this family has donated more $$$$$$ for good causes than the fucking Clitons, Ubama, Reid combined have "stolen" (some dipwad libertards will say "earned" haaaa ha ha !!) from the public.

Did the NAACP return the donation from the Kochs?
The University just could not give Hillary that money outright so they call it a speaking fee.
I can't think of one thing Hillary could say that would be worth $225,000.

It might be worth it if she came out of the closet and said she was stepping out of political life and would retire to being homemaker for Bill.
Now I realize this has been posted before but it chirps my butt when I see the Koch brothers being vilified for giving 25 million away yet this college pays Hillary such an outrageous sum to say what I am sure everyone has heard so many times before. Yeah Hillary, we know you came under sniper fire, heard it don't need to hear it again. Yeah Hillary we know you and Bill were dirt poor broke when you left the WH, heard it no use repeating it. Yeah Hillary we know you are not like other rich people that did something and produced something of value you got yours the old fashioned way, pork barrel, heard it don't need it repeated. Damn hypocrites.

Student Leaders Ask Hillary To Return 'Outrageous' $225,000 School Speaking Fee

Read more: Student Leaders Ask Hillary To Return Speaking Fee - Business Insider

"We really appreciate anybody who would come to raise money for the university. But anybody who's being paid $225,000 to come speak, we think that's a little bit outrageous. And we'd like Secretary Clinton — respectfully — to gracefully return the money to the university or the foundation," Waqar said on the Nevada political program "Ralston Reports."

NOW speaking fees are bad, eh?
The University just could not give Hillary that money outright so they call it a speaking fee.
I can't think of one thing Hillary could say that would be worth $225,000.

It might be worth it if she came out of the closet and said she was stepping out of political life and would retire to being homemaker for Bill.

Maybe they thought Hillary would come out and say she is queer, and ole Bill got sloppy seconds with Monica.
Now I realize this has been posted before but it chirps my butt when I see the Koch brothers being vilified for giving 25 million away yet this college pays Hillary such an outrageous sum to say what I am sure everyone has heard so many times before. Yeah Hillary, we know you came under sniper fire, heard it don't need to hear it again. Yeah Hillary we know you and Bill were dirt poor broke when you left the WH, heard it no use repeating it. Yeah Hillary we know you are not like other rich people that did something and produced something of value you got yours the old fashioned way, pork barrel, heard it don't need it repeated. Damn hypocrites.

Student Leaders Ask Hillary To Return 'Outrageous' $225,000 School Speaking Fee

Read more: Student Leaders Ask Hillary To Return Speaking Fee - Business Insider

"We really appreciate anybody who would come to raise money for the university. But anybody who's being paid $225,000 to come speak, we think that's a little bit outrageous. And we'd like Secretary Clinton — respectfully — to gracefully return the money to the university or the foundation," Waqar said on the Nevada political program "Ralston Reports."

NOW speaking fees are bad, eh?

It hasn't been paid(.) And "Business Insider" is anything but, I get daily spam from that site. No, I cannot block much email or I block Court communications.
Now I realize this has been posted before but it chirps my butt when I see the Koch brothers being vilified for giving 25 million away yet this college pays Hillary such an outrageous sum to say what I am sure everyone has heard so many times before. Yeah Hillary, we know you came under sniper fire, heard it don't need to hear it again. Yeah Hillary we know you and Bill were dirt poor broke when you left the WH, heard it no use repeating it. Yeah Hillary we know you are not like other rich people that did something and produced something of value you got yours the old fashioned way, pork barrel, heard it don't need it repeated. Damn hypocrites.

Student Leaders Ask Hillary To Return 'Outrageous' $225,000 School Speaking Fee

Read more: Student Leaders Ask Hillary To Return Speaking Fee - Business Insider

"We really appreciate anybody who would come to raise money for the university. But anybody who's being paid $225,000 to come speak, we think that's a little bit outrageous. And we'd like Secretary Clinton — respectfully — to gracefully return the money to the university or the foundation," Waqar said on the Nevada political program "Ralston Reports."
What people in their penchant to come down on the Clintons for any little thing lose sight of is the fact that they Donate quite a bit of money to charities and other good causes. And who's to know if this fee was going to be used for that purpose! Philanthropists first need to have good money in their coffers in order to donate to charities and other worthwhile causes! So their asking for that money back is wrong and they need to realize that.
Perhaps you should re-explain to each other the virtues of free-market un-fettered capitalism and the God-given right to take what you can get while you can get it.
Perhaps you should re-explain to each other the virtues of free-market un-fettered capitalism and the God-given right to take what you can get while you can get it.


I can concede the point of your post, but it conveniently ignores the other issues involved and which are really the topic of discussion here.

One, its hard to be a Money-Whore while you are running for President. Some people might exercise their God-Given right to not vote for the cow because of her greed.

Two, the students are exercising their God-Given right to complain about an unconscionable waste of money of the sort which affects their tuition fees....and if they keep pushing the issue, well...see No. 1 above.

Your defense of the free enterprise system is laudable, but the problem is knottier than you perceived, and Hillary is going to have to ask Bill what to do here. He's the only reason this bogus cow is in position to run for President. Without him, maybe she rises to Night Court Judge in some corrupt Chicago Borough.
Perhaps you should re-explain to each other the virtues of free-market un-fettered capitalism and the God-given right to take what you can get while you can get it.


I can concede the point of your post, but it conveniently ignores the other issues involved and which are really the topic of discussion here.

One, its hard to be a Money-Whore while you are running for President. Some people might exercise their God-Given right to not vote for the cow because of her greed.

Two, the students are exercising their God-Given right to complain about an unconscionable waste of money of the sort which affects their tuition fees....and if they keep pushing the issue, well...see No. 1 above.

Your defense of the free enterprise system is laudable, but the problem is knottier than you perceived, and Hillary is going to have to ask Bill what to do here. He's the only reason this bogus cow is in position to run for President. Without him, maybe she rises to Night Court Judge in some corrupt Chicago Borough.

One, don't expect me to defend Money-Whores in the public domain. At least she's not an elected official (yet). And if greed were sufficient reason to not vote for a person who the hell would we vote for? About now I should deflect a bit by mentioning Palin and her voracious money-hunger, but I won't.:evil:

Two, absolutely the students have the right (I would go farther and say the obligation) to raise objections. Although there may be mitigating circumstances. Often these speaking engagements are accompanied by Dinners that fat-cats pay $5000+/- to attend and the sponsoring Foundation ends up making a "profit".

Three, I would have preferred my defense of the feral free enterprise system be called laughable. And before you label me a Commie I define myself in the capitalist ballpark. Just not the wild un-regulated one where the game is played with one rule-"Greed is Good"
Perhaps you should re-explain to each other the virtues of free-market un-fettered capitalism and the God-given right to take what you can get while you can get it.


I can concede the point of your post, but it conveniently ignores the other issues involved and which are really the topic of discussion here.

One, its hard to be a Money-Whore while you are running for President. Some people might exercise their God-Given right to not vote for the cow because of her greed.

Two, the students are exercising their God-Given right to complain about an unconscionable waste of money of the sort which affects their tuition fees....and if they keep pushing the issue, well...see No. 1 above.

Your defense of the free enterprise system is laudable, but the problem is knottier than you perceived, and Hillary is going to have to ask Bill what to do here. He's the only reason this bogus cow is in position to run for President. Without him, maybe she rises to Night Court Judge in some corrupt Chicago Borough.

One, don't expect me to defend Money-Whores in the public domain. At least she's not an elected official (yet). And if greed were sufficient reason to not vote for a person who the hell would we vote for? About now I should deflect a bit by mentioning Palin and her voracious money-hunger, but I won't.:evil:

Two, absolutely the students have the right (I would go farther and say the obligation) to raise objections. Although there may be mitigating circumstances. Often these speaking engagements are accompanied by Dinners that fat-cats pay $5000+/- to attend and the sponsoring Foundation ends up making a "profit".

Three, I would have preferred my defense of the feral free enterprise system be called laughable. And before you label me a Commie I define myself in the capitalist ballpark. Just not the wild un-regulated one where the game is played with one rule-"Greed is Good"


Thank you for a respectful response.

Lets talk about the "Greed is Good Thing."

The fact that greed is a necessary negative factor in an otherwise wonderful system... one based on the profit incentive...which by the way has built the greatest society in no reason to abandon it like the Socialists and Loons (Obama) want to do.

The controlling of it has been a problem through our history. The abuses mostly come form the Northerners, like the Robber Barons of the late 1900s...and it comes from there now.

The threat comes from the city of New York...where greed is out of control. Possibly liberals and conservative can agree on that.

Whose job is it to control it?

How about Eric Holder and his boss. Where are the indictments?

There are none and there will be none because Wall Street owns both of these Democrat clowns. And I expect they own the Governor and Attorney General for the State of New York, too. They are Democrats also.

All the bitching and whining on this board about the richest 1% seems directed somehow at the Republicans...but it is up to the Democrats in the White House and in New York to do something about it......and any blame directed at Conservatives for the failure to police the one great flaw in our simply misplaced.

Holder ought to have a fistful of indictments out of the Recession these damn greedy Yankees in New York caused...and the fact that he doesn't is an indication that he himself ought to be indicted. If he'll get off the Wall Street payroll, and do something, Conservatives will support him.

In short, Democrats bitching about greed is unseemly.

I flew limousine liberals like the Hildabeast all over the world for 15 years. During those long flights, I got to observe them in their natural habitat. Adult children is the quickest way to describe them.

These millionaires and billionaires are all about spending middle class tax money to help the poor. They wouldn't get within a sniff of the unwashed masses if you put a gun to their pampered heads.

And if you for one second reached over to lift a penny from their pile of swag to help the poor...

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