Student Leaders Ask Hillary To Return 'Outrageous' $225,000 School Speaking Fee

That frothing **** bragged that she hadn't driven in 25 years. She has millions but pretends to be an Oligarch.
They should ask Hillary to donate her underwear...could form the cornerstone of the new library...humongous and very crusty.
Don't those greedy brats know she's destitute? I bet they're republicans, huh.
This is a great development. It puts the bogus cow in a real bind.

She risks getting shouted down when she tries to speak at that college...for a very good reason...that kind of money being paid by a college for a speech is simply outrageous.

And how does a valid charge of Greed affect her campaign?

She's in a bind. What will her husband tell her to do to weasel out of the situation?

No it's not! She put out the fee, they accepted it, now they want her give it back? Nothing but a GOP hack job.
never happen.., the bitch is too money hungry to even give it a thought.., you gotta remember, they were "dead broke" when they left the WH.., being "dead broke" to her means she has not accumulated a billion $$$$$$$$$$$ plus.

what is the reason for having billion$ of $$$$$$$$$$$ if you are not going to do some good with it, like the Koch Bros.

clicky here >>>>>-------------> Loopy liberals freak over Koch brother?s $100M hospital gift | New York Post

clicky here >>>>>-----------> Reid targets 'Evil' Koch Brothers despite their Philanthropy

this family has donated more $$$$$$ for good causes than the fucking Clitons, Ubama, Reid combined have "stolen" (some dipwad libertards will say "earned" haaaa ha ha !!) from the public.

Did the NAACP return the donation from the Kochs?

Deductible contribution vs. a speaking fee.....nice try.
That frothing **** bragged that she hadn't driven in 25 years. She has millions but pretends to be an Oligarch.

Like a monkey rattling his cage and screeching. Other than that your statements are meaningless. So she doesn't drive, what the fuck has that to do with anything? And Oligarchs are millionaires and billionaires, dufus.

I've noticed the drunker you get the greater your compulsion to fling feces at the wall. Carry on, you're not really harming anything except maybe your liver.
I flew limousine liberals like the Hildabeast all over the world for 15 years. During those long flights, I got to observe them in their natural habitat. Adult children is the quickest way to describe them.

These millionaires and billionaires are all about spending middle class tax money to help the poor. They wouldn't get within a sniff of the unwashed masses if you put a gun to their pampered heads.

And if you for one second reached over to lift a penny from their pile of swag to help the poor...


And yet you pocketed their tips.
I flew limousine liberals like the Hildabeast all over the world for 15 years. During those long flights, I got to observe them in their natural habitat. Adult children is the quickest way to describe them.

These millionaires and billionaires are all about spending middle class tax money to help the poor. They wouldn't get within a sniff of the unwashed masses if you put a gun to their pampered heads.

And if you for one second reached over to lift a penny from their pile of swag to help the poor...


And yet you pocketed their tips.

I got my A.B. at the university where the children of millionaires and billionaires litter the Houses. Some decent people, some not so nice. I will not generalize because of wealth; that noted, $225,000 does seem excessive for one speech.
And yet you pocketed their tips.

Weak deflection. Swing and a miss.

Funny you mention tips. The old money and NYC Libs never tipped. The new money usually sent a couple of C Bills up to the cockpit for dinner as a show of appreciation.

Anything else you want to tell me about my 15 year life on the road with the limousine liberals?

EDIT: I forgot to mention the old money Uber Libs from the Hamptons. They make NYC limousine Libs look like Mother Teresa.

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And yet you pocketed their tips.

Weak deflection. Swing and a miss.

Funny you mention tips. The old money and NYC Libs never tipped. The new money usually sent a couple of C Bills up to the cockpit for dinner as a show of appreciation.

Anything else you want to tell me about my 15 year life on the road with the limousine liberals?

Nope......Home run.

Funny, my NetJets gals and guys say it's the same across the board.
Congratulations. You've declared yourself a winner.

Trumps my 15 years of experience hands down.

You got me.
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Now I realize this has been posted before but it chirps my butt when I see the Koch brothers being vilified for giving 25 million away yet this college pays Hillary such an outrageous sum to say what I am sure everyone has heard so many times before. Yeah Hillary, we know you came under sniper fire, heard it don't need to hear it again. Yeah Hillary we know you and Bill were dirt poor broke when you left the WH, heard it no use repeating it. Yeah Hillary we know you are not like other rich people that did something and produced something of value you got yours the old fashioned way, pork barrel, heard it don't need it repeated. Damn hypocrites.

Student Leaders Ask Hillary To Return 'Outrageous' $225,000 School Speaking Fee

Read more: Student Leaders Ask Hillary To Return Speaking Fee - Business Insider

"We really appreciate anybody who would come to raise money for the university. But anybody who's being paid $225,000 to come speak, we think that's a little bit outrageous. And we'd like Secretary Clinton — respectfully — to gracefully return the money to the university or the foundation," Waqar said on the Nevada political program "Ralston Reports."

Its funny ABC NEWS ran a story about this same thing today above the fold. It's wondered if Bush had charged a quarter of a million to speak at a college, what would have been said and why is the media and the left giving her a pass?

Hillary Clinton?s $225K UNLV Speech Fee Sparks Uproar - ABC News
The Right just can't decide if they hate or love the rich.

You sure about that? Or could it possibly be the double standard of "right rich" bad, "left rich", good. Heck even Hillary wants to try and claim she and Bill are a different kind of rich. Adding to that look at the fiasco with Michael Moore's recent divorce. He is suing his wife for "embarrassing him "because his 10th mansion was made fun of by the press. Forget he has 9 others mansion, the 10th mansion which cost less than many of his others took the cake. :lol:

Michael Moore, Wife Tangle Over Divorce Dollars | The Smoking Gun
This is a great development. It puts the bogus cow in a real bind.

She risks getting shouted down when she tries to speak at that college...for a very good reason...that kind of money being paid by a college for a speech is simply outrageous.

And how does a valid charge of Greed affect her campaign?

She's in a bind. What will her husband tell her to do to weasel out of the situation?

No it's not! She put out the fee, they accepted it, now they want her give it back? Nothing but a GOP hack job.

Actually, GOP has nothing to do with it. Students and their parents who attend UNLV are pissed over the amount of the speaking fee because the UNLV board of Trustees is currently considering raising tuition rates 17%. That's the real story behind the story.
The Right just can't decide if they hate or love the rich.

Actually no, we love the rich. We love that them pay the majority of taxes. We love that they pay our paycheck.

But what I don't understand is the conflict that liberals seem to have. Do you believe that the right, Republican party, is the party of the rich, the rich not democrats, or are the party of slack jawed red state redneck hillbillies?
Well, she better keep that money, as her book sales are, shall we say, PALIN!!!!!


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