Students Celebrate "Anti-Gay Day"

Anti gay day probably a bad thing but someone has to do something to make the public realize gays are bad. If you only got brainwashed by the social media you'd think being gay was cool and the norm now. I say let gays get married and do their atrocities but don't let them have children!
Anti gay day probably a bad thing but someone has to do something to make the public realize gays are bad. If you only got brainwashed by the social media you'd think being gay was cool and the norm now. I say let gays get married and do their atrocities but don't let them have children!

Because all the research shows gay couples make bad parents!! Oh wait, it doesn't show that.

Because gay parents will raise gay children!! Oh wait, straight parents raise gay children.

Because you think its yucky!!!
Anti gay day probably a bad thing but someone has to do something to make the public realize gays are bad. If you only got brainwashed by the social media you'd think being gay was cool and the norm now. I say let gays get married and do their atrocities but don't let them have children!

Because all the research shows gay couples make bad parents!! Oh wait, it doesn't show that.

Because gay parents will raise gay children!! Oh wait, straight parents raise gay children.

Because you think its yucky!!!
Because fags conducted the research. Who else would study gays?
Anti gay day probably a bad thing but someone has to do something to make the public realize gays are bad. If you only got brainwashed by the social media you'd think being gay was cool and the norm now. I say let gays get married and do their atrocities but don't let them have children!

Because all the research shows gay couples make bad parents!! Oh wait, it doesn't show that.

Because gay parents will raise gay children!! Oh wait, straight parents raise gay children.

Because you think its yucky!!!
Because fags conducted the research. Who else would study gays?

Medical and scientific professionals interested in actual facts instead of bullshit.
The marriages of gays is not about sexual behavior. They can have the same sex without being married.

They get married for the same reasons straight couples do. And that is the simple truth.

My marriages were not based on our sexual activities but on our love for one another and our desire to have a public, long-term, committed relationship. It is the same with gays. They are not gay based solely on what they do in bed, but also on who they love.
No, marriage was created for solidification of family. It's just that that was such an obvious given they probably didn't expect it would need to be stipulated.
Now we get to endure the consequences of the semantic twisting of the original intent.
Thanks for the crime.

Crime? lmao Including same sex couples who wish to create a legal and long-term relationship is a crime? That is laughably insane. And it still solidifies the family. It makes it easier to adopt and gives both parents rights where the children (either adopted or artificially conceived) are concerned.

Marriage provides numerous benefits to our society. What benefits, other than natural conception of children, is not provided by a gay marriage?
Crime is the result of the depletion of structured families. Kids need a mother and a father, not either or two of either but both.
So gay people raise criminals? All criminals?
What do you have to back that up?



Thought so.
Criminals are often the product of families devoid of the necessary structure, that being a mother and a father. This is a recent concern. You lefties need to catch up.
All the criminals raised by gay parents.......wait......
SUPERMAN1929 believes his opinions are factual evidence.
I believe in the right to express my anti gay opinions but still think gays should have their rights as well. No harm in either unless you're a little bitch.

No, no harm at all. But when you make claim like "they shouldn't have children" and have no actual evidence to back it up, I will point out the error of your claim and make fun of you.
SUPERMAN1929 believes his opinions are factual evidence.
I believe in the right to express my anti gay opinions but still think gays should have their rights as well. No harm in either unless you're a little bitch.

No, no harm at all. But when you make claim like "they shouldn't have children" and have no actual evidence to back it up, I will point out the error of your claim and make fun of you.
They shouldn't have children. I'll keep my opinion and left up to vote I would vote that way. If people say yes I really don't care that much either way. I wouldn't lose a nights sleep if I knew every gay couple had there own child. Good for them they won. I won't say I think they should have children cause I don't think they should.
SUPERMAN1929 believes his opinions are factual evidence.
I believe in the right to express my anti gay opinions but still think gays should have their rights as well. No harm in either unless you're a little bitch.

No, no harm at all. But when you make claim like "they shouldn't have children" and have no actual evidence to back it up, I will point out the error of your claim and make fun of you.
They shouldn't have children. I'll keep my opinion and left up to vote I would vote that way. If people say yes I really don't care that much either way. I wouldn't lose a nights sleep if I knew every gay couple had there own child. Good for them they won. I won't say I think they should have children cause I don't think they should.

So you just think that way because you think that way? No real evidence at all, but you are still willing to vote based on your ignorance? *sigh* That sort of logic explains a lot about our world.
SUPERMAN1929 believes his opinions are factual evidence.
I believe in the right to express my anti gay opinions but still think gays should have their rights as well. No harm in either unless you're a little bitch.

No, no harm at all. But when you make claim like "they shouldn't have children" and have no actual evidence to back it up, I will point out the error of your claim and make fun of you.
They shouldn't have children. I'll keep my opinion and left up to vote I would vote that way. If people say yes I really don't care that much either way. I wouldn't lose a nights sleep if I knew every gay couple had there own child. Good for them they won. I won't say I think they should have children cause I don't think they should.

So you just think that way because you think that way? No real evidence at all, but you are still willing to vote based on your ignorance? *sigh* That sort of logic explains a lot about our world.
My belief is based on the fact that I find it repulsive and most gay people I've met have been druggies. Left wingers want to brainwash diversity of thinking from society and kill our culture.
SUPERMAN1929 believes his opinions are factual evidence.
I believe in the right to express my anti gay opinions but still think gays should have their rights as well. No harm in either unless you're a little bitch.
You have your opinion, which is not factual evidence of anything other than what you believe. But if you write that gays should not have children without any evidence of why they should not, then you are going to be laughed at, as you should be.

Then you give us another opinion based on your anecdotal evidence that does not make much sense. We have many gays and lesbians in our neighborhoods, and all we ever get is a drunken hissy fit out on the street after midnight every two months or so.
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SUPERMAN1929 believes his opinions are factual evidence.
I believe in the right to express my anti gay opinions but still think gays should have their rights as well. No harm in either unless you're a little bitch.

No, no harm at all. But when you make claim like "they shouldn't have children" and have no actual evidence to back it up, I will point out the error of your claim and make fun of you.
They shouldn't have children. I'll keep my opinion and left up to vote I would vote that way. If people say yes I really don't care that much either way. I wouldn't lose a nights sleep if I knew every gay couple had there own child. Good for them they won. I won't say I think they should have children cause I don't think they should.

So you just think that way because you think that way? No real evidence at all, but you are still willing to vote based on your ignorance? *sigh* That sort of logic explains a lot about our world.
My belief is based on the fact that I find it repulsive and most gay people I've met have been druggies. Left wingers want to brainwash diversity of thinking from society and kill our culture.
You know what you know. Adorable. You would not know a left winger if one kissed you on the tip of your dick or a rightwinger turned you around, bent you over, and made you sing soprano.
I believe in the right to express my anti gay opinions but still think gays should have their rights as well. No harm in either unless you're a little bitch.

No, no harm at all. But when you make claim like "they shouldn't have children" and have no actual evidence to back it up, I will point out the error of your claim and make fun of you.
They shouldn't have children. I'll keep my opinion and left up to vote I would vote that way. If people say yes I really don't care that much either way. I wouldn't lose a nights sleep if I knew every gay couple had there own child. Good for them they won. I won't say I think they should have children cause I don't think they should.

So you just think that way because you think that way? No real evidence at all, but you are still willing to vote based on your ignorance? *sigh* That sort of logic explains a lot about our world.
My belief is based on the fact that I find it repulsive and most gay people I've met have been druggies. Left wingers want to brainwash diversity of thinking from society and kill our culture.
You know what you know. Adorable. You would not know a left winger if one kissed you on the tip of your dick or a rightwinger turned you around, bent you over, and made you sing soprano.
If you give me a list of your beliefs I will know whether you are a left or right winger. Hating gays is the only thing that keeps me a little bit right. Otherwise I'm all for social freedom and I am fiscally conservative. Gays just rub me the wrong way. It's unnatural and similar to fucking animals. Also today's world is always pushing the fact that gays can do no wrong. Watch movies and listen to the media. Who's to say the statistics are at all accurate in this social climate?
No, no harm at all. But when you make claim like "they shouldn't have children" and have no actual evidence to back it up, I will point out the error of your claim and make fun of you.
They shouldn't have children. I'll keep my opinion and left up to vote I would vote that way. If people say yes I really don't care that much either way. I wouldn't lose a nights sleep if I knew every gay couple had there own child. Good for them they won. I won't say I think they should have children cause I don't think they should.

So you just think that way because you think that way? No real evidence at all, but you are still willing to vote based on your ignorance? *sigh* That sort of logic explains a lot about our world.
My belief is based on the fact that I find it repulsive and most gay people I've met have been druggies. Left wingers want to brainwash diversity of thinking from society and kill our culture.
You know what you know. Adorable. You would not know a left winger if one kissed you on the tip of your dick or a rightwinger turned you around, bent you over, and made you sing soprano.
If you give me a list of your beliefs I will know whether you are a left or right winger. Hating gays is the only thing that keeps me a little bit right. Otherwise I'm all for social freedom and I am fiscally conservative. Gays just rub me the wrong way. It's unnatural and similar to fucking animals. Also today's world is always pushing the fact that gays can do no wrong. Watch movies and listen to the media. Who's to say the statistics are at all accurate in this social climate?
And fortunately we have a Constitution and its case law to protect gay Americans from your fear, ignorance, hate, and stupidity.
They shouldn't have children. I'll keep my opinion and left up to vote I would vote that way. If people say yes I really don't care that much either way. I wouldn't lose a nights sleep if I knew every gay couple had there own child. Good for them they won. I won't say I think they should have children cause I don't think they should.

So you just think that way because you think that way? No real evidence at all, but you are still willing to vote based on your ignorance? *sigh* That sort of logic explains a lot about our world.
My belief is based on the fact that I find it repulsive and most gay people I've met have been druggies. Left wingers want to brainwash diversity of thinking from society and kill our culture.
You know what you know. Adorable. You would not know a left winger if one kissed you on the tip of your dick or a rightwinger turned you around, bent you over, and made you sing soprano.
If you give me a list of your beliefs I will know whether you are a left or right winger. Hating gays is the only thing that keeps me a little bit right. Otherwise I'm all for social freedom and I am fiscally conservative. Gays just rub me the wrong way. It's unnatural and similar to fucking animals. Also today's world is always pushing the fact that gays can do no wrong. Watch movies and listen to the media. Who's to say the statistics are at all accurate in this social climate?
And fortunately we have a Constitution and its case law to protect gay Americans from your fear, ignorance, hate, and stupidity.
Haha. You act like I think we should stone them or something. In reality I don't even outcast them from social situations. I treat them well but if someone asks what I think about it I will tell them that it's not ok to me. It has nothing to do with fear, ignorance, or stupidity. I think people were designed to fit best with a penis going into a vagina or a woman's butt. If they choose to hate me for this aspect and treat me differently then good for them. They're the haters.
No, that's old think. I used to believe that, too, until the reality of rampant unstructured families manifested itself in higher crime and failing schools. The more people encourage unstructured families the longer the problem will continue. Legal homo marriage contributes to the unstructured family problem.
Same Sex marriages are as structured as hetero marriages, and both more so than single parent families. Hetero marriage at a 50% divorce rate contributes to the unstructured family problem.
Children need both a mother and father. Not one or two of just either. This is a recent phenomenon of the past 50 years or so. Get with it. Climb out the past.

And the number of single parent homes has increased since the mid-70s, but the crime rate has dropped steadily during that time. Your claims don't fit the facts.
No, the crime and school failings have increased coinciding with depletion of family structure. Especially where the unstructured families dominate, such as, every mostly black jurisdiction. Empirical.

Sorry, but the crime rates have been steadily falling for the last few decades. You may HEAR about more crimes, but the actual per capita crime rates are lower.

There' a perception
No, it doesn't. It's missing a necessary gender.

I raised 4 kids, and they never saw my genitals. What I taught them, as a father, can be taught by anyone of any gender.
You provided the necessary gender role model they needed in a father. Let's hope they got the same necessary thing from their mother.

My first wife and I divorced when the kids were 9, 10, and 12. I saw them every other weekend and for any special events. They lived with my ex-wife and her partner. By your standards they should have lacked something?

All 3 graduated from high school with honors (1 had a 4.28GPA). All 3 graduated from college (1 got a masters in Aerospace engineering). None of them were in any trouble with the law or in school. One is married and the other 2 are in long term relationships (my daughter is engaged). My kids had loving, supportive, solid parents. The fact that 2 of them were women had no effect on them. Well, except they got to see the despicable and biased hatred that some low-life members of society like to spew out.
You were involved in their lives as they needed it. Good for you and them. We've already discussed this. What homo marriage and single parenting by 'choice' does is deprive kids of that parent. I doubt your kids would all have done as well if you weren't in their lives at all. That's what the alternatives contrive. Imagine your kids never have even been given the chance to know you exist.
We have already discussed your anectodal opinion is not fact, Rosh.

Your opinion of marriage equality is immaterial to whether it works well.

What evidence of a critical material do have have for your opinions.
So you just think that way because you think that way? No real evidence at all, but you are still willing to vote based on your ignorance? *sigh* That sort of logic explains a lot about our world.
My belief is based on the fact that I find it repulsive and most gay people I've met have been druggies. Left wingers want to brainwash diversity of thinking from society and kill our culture.
You know what you know. Adorable. You would not know a left winger if one kissed you on the tip of your dick or a rightwinger turned you around, bent you over, and made you sing soprano.
If you give me a list of your beliefs I will know whether you are a left or right winger. Hating gays is the only thing that keeps me a little bit right. Otherwise I'm all for social freedom and I am fiscally conservative. Gays just rub me the wrong way. It's unnatural and similar to fucking animals. Also today's world is always pushing the fact that gays can do no wrong. Watch movies and listen to the media. Who's to say the statistics are at all accurate in this social climate?
And fortunately we have a Constitution and its case law to protect gay Americans from your fear, ignorance, hate, and stupidity.
I think people were designed to fit best with a penis going into a vagina or a woman's butt.
But see if your woman is bisexual, than an opportunity may present itself to have two vaginas and two "woman's butts" for the penis to go into

My belief is based on the fact that I find it repulsive and most gay people I've met have been druggies. Left wingers want to brainwash diversity of thinking from society and kill our culture.
You know what you know. Adorable. You would not know a left winger if one kissed you on the tip of your dick or a rightwinger turned you around, bent you over, and made you sing soprano.
If you give me a list of your beliefs I will know whether you are a left or right winger. Hating gays is the only thing that keeps me a little bit right. Otherwise I'm all for social freedom and I am fiscally conservative. Gays just rub me the wrong way. It's unnatural and similar to fucking animals. Also today's world is always pushing the fact that gays can do no wrong. Watch movies and listen to the media. Who's to say the statistics are at all accurate in this social climate?
And fortunately we have a Constitution and its case law to protect gay Americans from your fear, ignorance, hate, and stupidity.
I think people were designed to fit best with a penis going into a vagina or a woman's butt.
But see if your woman is bisexual, than an opportunity may present itself to have two vaginas and two "woman's butts" for the penis to go into

I like that. I'm mostly talking about gay men. Normally lesbian couples sound hot but in reality it's a bunch of fat chicks that can't find men. Lesbians can't even have real sex so it's hard to get grossed out by them trying to scissor.

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