Students Celebrate "Anti-Gay Day"

I think the biggest thing you should adjust is how you think of gay couples. (when I use the term "gay couple" I mean either gay men or gay women)

If a gay couple wants to marry, it is not for sex. They can have that already, and probably have been having sex for a while.

Gays aren't just attracted to the same gender sexually, that is who they love as well. I don't have to completely understand it to respect it.
You saying this just made me remember the more real reason as to why I should vote against gay marriage. I don't think they should get tax breaks for getting married. The original reason for tax breaks was because the standard guy makes money and woman raises children therefore tax breaks for this kind of family help out but in today's marriages especially with 2 men why should they receive tax breaks? I'm really completely against tax breaks for straight couples as well. Pointless in today's society where both husband and wife work.
I think the biggest thing you should adjust is how you think of gay couples. (when I use the term "gay couple" I mean either gay men or gay women)

If a gay couple wants to marry, it is not for sex. They can have that already, and probably have been having sex for a while.

Gays aren't just attracted to the same gender sexually, that is who they love as well. I don't have to completely understand it to respect it.
You saying this just made me remember the more real reason as to why I should vote against gay marriage. I don't think they should get tax breaks for getting married. The original reason for tax breaks was because the standard guy makes money and woman raises children therefore tax breaks for this kind of family help out but in today's marriages especially with 2 men why should they receive tax breaks? I'm really completely against tax breaks for straight couples as well. Pointless in today's society where both husband and wife work.
That's a bit more normal, but I will point out one or two incomes is not a reason to deny tax breaks.
I guess you are now claiming that only fags can be well adjusted individual. More liberal propaganda making fags into saints.
That is YOU saying that, no one else.

I imagine homosexuals can be every bit as screwed up as heterosexuals.
It was more of the context saying that I'm not a well adjusted individual based on the fact that I don't believe in homosexuality and think it is unnatural. A way for liberals to attempt to prey on weak minds making them feel "guilty" or stupid for a completely natural feelings of wanting to cast out a perverse group of people. I will never act on these feeling and treat them well regardless because I don't like attacking individuals.
No, that is YOU saying that, no one else. Your opinions are yours, but they are not based in reality. You are feelings are from a socially directed upbringing, not from natural inborn feeling. You should never hurt any one except in defense. You have no moral or legal right to cast homosexual out because you disagree with them, any more than they have to cast you out as a heterosexual.
Butt sex is good. You can cast me out if you want. I'm never going to suddenly think homosexuality is a normal thing. It's unnatural and I don't know how anyone can pretend it is natural and normal.
I think the biggest thing you should adjust is how you think of gay couples. (when I use the term "gay couple" I mean either gay men or gay women)

If a gay couple wants to marry, it is not for sex. They can have that already, and probably have been having sex for a while.

Gays aren't just attracted to the same gender sexually, that is who they love as well. I don't have to completely understand it to respect it.
You saying this just made me remember the more real reason as to why I should vote against gay marriage. I don't think they should get tax breaks for getting married. The original reason for tax breaks was because the standard guy makes money and woman raises children therefore tax breaks for this kind of family help out but in today's marriages especially with 2 men why should they receive tax breaks? I'm really completely against tax breaks for straight couples as well. Pointless in today's society where both husband and wife work.
That's a bit more normal, but I will point out one or two incomes is not a reason to deny tax breaks.
I'm talking just marriage tax breaks. As an unmarried man I feel discriminated against by paying higher taxes for not being married. I do believe children are worthy of receiving tax breaks for but not purely based on marriage alone.
And fortunately we have a Constitution and its case law to protect gay Americans from your fear, ignorance, hate, and stupidity.
Haha. You act like I think we should stone them or something. In reality I don't even outcast them from social situations. I treat them well but if someone asks what I think about it I will tell them that it's not ok to me. It has nothing to do with fear, ignorance, or stupidity. I think people were designed to fit best with a penis going into a vagina or a woman's butt. If they choose to hate me for this aspect and treat me differently then good for them. They're the haters.

So a penis in a woman's butt is good, but a penis in a man's butt is repulsive? Hmmm
It's cause I like straight butt sex. Guy on guy is just so disgusting and perverse. I said I didn't care if gays get married. It worries me having these sexual perverts raising defenseless children.

A lot of people would call you a pervert for wanting anal sex with a woman.

No one should have sex with children. If they do they should be prosecuted. But just because they are gay does not mean they are pedophiles.
If butt sex is not normal, for me anyway, then I guess we toss superman out of the village with the gay guys.

To be fair, he has said he is not against gay marriage, just against them raising kids.

So he can stay in the village, but can't raise any kids.
Haha. You act like I think we should stone them or something. In reality I don't even outcast them from social situations. I treat them well but if someone asks what I think about it I will tell them that it's not ok to me. It has nothing to do with fear, ignorance, or stupidity. I think people were designed to fit best with a penis going into a vagina or a woman's butt. If they choose to hate me for this aspect and treat me differently then good for them. They're the haters.

So a penis in a woman's butt is good, but a penis in a man's butt is repulsive? Hmmm
It's cause I like straight butt sex. Guy on guy is just so disgusting and perverse. I said I didn't care if gays get married. It worries me having these sexual perverts raising defenseless children.

A lot of people would call you a pervert for wanting anal sex with a woman.

No one should have sex with children. If they do they should be prosecuted. But just because they are gay does not mean they are pedophiles.
If butt sex is not normal, for me anyway, then I guess we toss superman out of the village with the gay guys.

To be fair, he has said he is not against gay marriage, just against them raising kids.

So he can stay in the village, but can't raise any kids.
I'll produce my own child after having much butt sex then cumming in vagina. Something they can not do.
Superman is a troll, nothing more.
I made valid points about it being unnatural, not deserving tax breaks, and it's repulsive. If those points make me a troll then ya got me. If all else fails, call the people that don't agree with you trolls.
Superman is a troll, nothing more.
I made valid points about it being unnatural, not deserving tax breaks, and it's repulsive. If those points make me a troll then ya got me. If all else fails, call the people that don't agree with you trolls.
No, you did not. You told us how you feel about it, and that is somehow supposed to probative of what . . . how you feel?
Superman is a troll, nothing more.
I made valid points about it being unnatural, not deserving tax breaks, and it's repulsive. If those points make me a troll then ya got me. If all else fails, call the people that don't agree with you trolls.
No, you did not. You told us how you feel about it, and that is somehow supposed to probative of what . . . how you feel?
Everything is just a feeling. You just put them into logical thoughts after you've already made your decision based off your feeling. You can rationalize any point of view you want if that's how you feel.
So a penis in a woman's butt is good, but a penis in a man's butt is repulsive? Hmmm
It's cause I like straight butt sex. Guy on guy is just so disgusting and perverse. I said I didn't care if gays get married. It worries me having these sexual perverts raising defenseless children.

A lot of people would call you a pervert for wanting anal sex with a woman.

No one should have sex with children. If they do they should be prosecuted. But just because they are gay does not mean they are pedophiles.
If butt sex is not normal, for me anyway, then I guess we toss superman out of the village with the gay guys.

To be fair, he has said he is not against gay marriage, just against them raising kids.

So he can stay in the village, but can't raise any kids.
I'll produce my own child after having much butt sex then cumming in vagina. Something they can not do.

If you go straight from anal to vaginal sex your partner may not be delivering a baby once the infection takes hold.
Superman is a troll, nothing more.
I made valid points about it being unnatural, not deserving tax breaks, and it's repulsive. If those points make me a troll then ya got me. If all else fails, call the people that don't agree with you trolls.
No, you did not. You told us how you feel about it, and that is somehow supposed to probative of what . . . how you feel?
Everything is just a feeling. You just put them into logical thoughts after you've already made your decision based off your feeling. You can rationalize any point of view you want if that's how you feel.
Until the critical thinking and objective evidence cracks that feeling open like an egg over a hot frying pan. Your feeling is not evidence at all, just how you feel.
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Superman is a troll, nothing more.
I made valid points about it being unnatural, not deserving tax breaks, and it's repulsive. If those points make me a troll then ya got me. If all else fails, call the people that don't agree with you trolls.
No, you did not. You told us how you feel about it, and that is somehow supposed to probative of what . . . how you feel?
Everything is just a feeling. You just put them into logical thoughts after you've already made your decision based off your feeling. You can rationalize any point of view you want if that's how you feel.
Until the critical thinking and objective evidence cracks that feeling open like an egg over a hot frying pan. Your feeling is not evidence at all, just how you feel.
The evidence of it being unnatural is that partners reproduce. That's the point of couples. The other 2 lack any kind of evidence whatsoever. I think the desire for married people to not receive tax breaks now days is very justifiable to a rational mind.
Superman is a troll, nothing more.
I made valid points about it being unnatural, not deserving tax breaks, and it's repulsive. If those points make me a troll then ya got me. If all else fails, call the people that don't agree with you trolls.
No, you did not. You told us how you feel about it, and that is somehow supposed to probative of what . . . how you feel?
Everything is just a feeling. You just put them into logical thoughts after you've already made your decision based off your feeling. You can rationalize any point of view you want if that's how you feel.
Until the critical thinking and objective evidence cracks that feeling open like an egg over a hot frying pan. Your feeling is not evidence at all, just how you feel.
The evidence of it being unnatural is that partners reproduce. That's the point of couples. The other 2 lack any kind of evidence whatsoever. I think the desire for married people to not receive tax breaks now days is very justifiable to a rational mind.
Your evidence leads us to conclude that marriage is only for reproduction. It is not at all.
I made valid points about it being unnatural, not deserving tax breaks, and it's repulsive. If those points make me a troll then ya got me. If all else fails, call the people that don't agree with you trolls.
No, you did not. You told us how you feel about it, and that is somehow supposed to probative of what . . . how you feel?
Everything is just a feeling. You just put them into logical thoughts after you've already made your decision based off your feeling. You can rationalize any point of view you want if that's how you feel.
Until the critical thinking and objective evidence cracks that feeling open like an egg over a hot frying pan. Your feeling is not evidence at all, just how you feel.
The evidence of it being unnatural is that partners reproduce. That's the point of couples. The other 2 lack any kind of evidence whatsoever. I think the desire for married people to not receive tax breaks now days is very justifiable to a rational mind.
Your evidence leads us to conclude that marriage is only for reproduction. It is not at all.
The design is to reproduce and raise a child. Why else would you fall in love? There is no other logical explanation for it.
Same Sex marriages are as structured as hetero marriages, and both more so than single parent families. Hetero marriage at a 50% divorce rate contributes to the unstructured family problem.
Children need both a mother and father. Not one or two of just either. This is a recent phenomenon of the past 50 years or so. Get with it. Climb out the past.

And the number of single parent homes has increased since the mid-70s, but the crime rate has dropped steadily during that time. Your claims don't fit the facts.
No, the crime and school failings have increased coinciding with depletion of family structure. Especially where the unstructured families dominate, such as, every mostly black jurisdiction. Empirical.

Sorry, but the crime rates have been steadily falling for the last few decades. You may HEAR about more crimes, but the actual per capita crime rates are lower.

There' a perception
I raised 4 kids, and they never saw my genitals. What I taught them, as a father, can be taught by anyone of any gender.
You provided the necessary gender role model they needed in a father. Let's hope they got the same necessary thing from their mother.

My first wife and I divorced when the kids were 9, 10, and 12. I saw them every other weekend and for any special events. They lived with my ex-wife and her partner. By your standards they should have lacked something?

All 3 graduated from high school with honors (1 had a 4.28GPA). All 3 graduated from college (1 got a masters in Aerospace engineering). None of them were in any trouble with the law or in school. One is married and the other 2 are in long term relationships (my daughter is engaged). My kids had loving, supportive, solid parents. The fact that 2 of them were women had no effect on them. Well, except they got to see the despicable and biased hatred that some low-life members of society like to spew out.
You were involved in their lives as they needed it. Good for you and them. We've already discussed this. What homo marriage and single parenting by 'choice' does is deprive kids of that parent. I doubt your kids would all have done as well if you weren't in their lives at all. That's what the alternatives contrive. Imagine your kids never have even been given the chance to know you exist.
We have already discussed your anectodal opinion is not fact, Rosh.

Your opinion of marriage equality is immaterial to whether it works well.

What evidence of a critical material do have have for your opinions.
The empirical data is out there. You have to research because left wing media obfuscates.
Look at black out of wedlock rate and run that against crime disparity numbers.
Children need both a mother and father. Not one or two of just either. This is a recent phenomenon of the past 50 years or so. Get with it. Climb out the past.

And the number of single parent homes has increased since the mid-70s, but the crime rate has dropped steadily during that time. Your claims don't fit the facts.
No, the crime and school failings have increased coinciding with depletion of family structure. Especially where the unstructured families dominate, such as, every mostly black jurisdiction. Empirical.

Sorry, but the crime rates have been steadily falling for the last few decades. You may HEAR about more crimes, but the actual per capita crime rates are lower.

There' a perception
You provided the necessary gender role model they needed in a father. Let's hope they got the same necessary thing from their mother.

My first wife and I divorced when the kids were 9, 10, and 12. I saw them every other weekend and for any special events. They lived with my ex-wife and her partner. By your standards they should have lacked something?

All 3 graduated from high school with honors (1 had a 4.28GPA). All 3 graduated from college (1 got a masters in Aerospace engineering). None of them were in any trouble with the law or in school. One is married and the other 2 are in long term relationships (my daughter is engaged). My kids had loving, supportive, solid parents. The fact that 2 of them were women had no effect on them. Well, except they got to see the despicable and biased hatred that some low-life members of society like to spew out.
You were involved in their lives as they needed it. Good for you and them. We've already discussed this. What homo marriage and single parenting by 'choice' does is deprive kids of that parent. I doubt your kids would all have done as well if you weren't in their lives at all. That's what the alternatives contrive. Imagine your kids never have even been given the chance to know you exist.
We have already discussed your anectodal opinion is not fact, Rosh.

Your opinion of marriage equality is immaterial to whether it works well.

What evidence of a critical material do have have for your opinions.
The empirical data is out there. You have to research because left wing media obfuscates.
Look at black out of wedlock rate and run that against crime disparity numbers.

I am still waiting for what kids need to be taught that can only be taught by a man, or only be taught by a woman.
Good on these kids, there is hope in the future yet. The generation below me isn't quite as pozzed as I previously thought.
Yeah, organized bullying is something to be so proud of, isn't it?

I do think its funny that they all wore flannel. Nice for them to wear the unofficial uniform of lesbians everywhere.
Organized bullying, or organized articulation of their widely-held position that homosexuals are sexual deviants and perverts, to be publicly identified and shunned?

Perhaps a police-operated Homosexual Registry, requiring them to stay at least 1/2 mile from any school, to report their movements to police, ankle-transceivers, etc.?

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