Students Celebrate "Anti-Gay Day"

Legal homo marriage is homo coercion.

WTF? Who is being coerced? No one. Both parties are willing, consenting adults. So it doesn't effect you at all.
Legal marriage involves coercion insofar as adoption, tax breaks and insurance subsidization. Unstructured families involve everyone as they contribute to social demise and community decay. That is more coercion. Homo marriage legally grants unstructured families.

Horseshit. A gay marriage contributes the same positives to our society that straight marriages do, with the possible exception of the birth of children.

According to Merriam Webster, the definition of "coerce" is:
verb co·erce \kō-ˈərs\
: to make (someone) do something by using force or threats
: to get (something) by using force or threats"

That does not apply to any marriage, including same-sex marriages.
Taxation is coercion. Subsidization is coercion. Legal marriage provides for both.
Homo marriage contrives alternatives to structured families which have been empirically determined to contribute to social demise.
Get out of the 80's and progress a little.

I would like to see any evidence you have that gay marriage has been determined to contribute to social demise, while a 50% divorce rate among straight marriages is a structured family.

Marriage provides tax breaks for those in that institution. That is one of the +/- 1,400 benefits that married couples enjoy (federal, state & local).
Tax benefits and subsidization are coercions. Granting coercion based on irrelevant sex behavior is unacceptable and infringement on liberty.
Citing the increase in divorce as an excuse is attempting to use a bad thing to justify another bad thing.
Post-1960's culture demonstrates uniquely that family structure is socially pertinent. Contributing to the decay of family structure contributes to social demise. This is a fairly recent phenomenon and is obfuscated by homo marriage and single mom agendas because it is inconvenient.
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Homosexuals already have equal rights.
In most states they do. I believe there are 13 more to go.
Only 15 of them voted for it. The rest is government tyranny.
How you miss your days in the Klan.
You are a stupid asshole. Nothing more.
We had no trouble putting your ilk in its place. That will only continue. You are far right reactionary white trash, and you will be continued taken out to the dumpster. Rosh is stupid if he believes that if taxation and subsidization are illegal or unconstitutional; they are neither.
I didn't say they are illegal. I said they are coercive. Speak for your own stupidity.
Taxation and subsidization are constitutional and ethical.

Government is coercive. It is given the right by We the People.

Trot along, Rosh.
WTF? Who is being coerced? No one. Both parties are willing, consenting adults. So it doesn't effect you at all.
Legal marriage involves coercion insofar as adoption, tax breaks and insurance subsidization. Unstructured families involve everyone as they contribute to social demise and community decay. That is more coercion. Homo marriage legally grants unstructured families.

Horseshit. A gay marriage contributes the same positives to our society that straight marriages do, with the possible exception of the birth of children.

According to Merriam Webster, the definition of "coerce" is:
verb co·erce \kō-ˈərs\
: to make (someone) do something by using force or threats
: to get (something) by using force or threats"

That does not apply to any marriage, including same-sex marriages.
Taxation is coercion. Subsidization is coercion. Legal marriage provides for both.
Homo marriage contrives alternatives to structured families which have been empirically determined to contribute to social demise.
Get out of the 80's and progress a little.

I would like to see any evidence you have that gay marriage has been determined to contribute to social demise, while a 50% divorce rate among straight marriages is a structured family.

Marriage provides tax breaks for those in that institution. That is one of the +/- 1,400 benefits that married couples enjoy (federal, state & local).
Tax benefits and subsidization a coercions. Granting coercion based on irrelevant sex behavior is unacceptable and infringement on liberty.
Citing the increase in divorce as an excuse is attempting to use a bad thing to justify another bad thing.
Post-1960's culture demonstrates uniquely that family structure is socially pertinent. Contributing to the decay of family structure contributes to social demise. This is a fairly recent phenomenon and is obfuscated by homo marriage and single mom agendas because it is inconvenient.

The marriages of gays is not about sexual behavior. They can have the same sex without being married.

They get married for the same reasons straight couples do. And that is the simple truth.

My marriages were not based on our sexual activities but on our love for one another and our desire to have a public, long-term, committed relationship. It is the same with gays. They are not gay based solely on what they do in bed, but also on who they love.
Legal marriage involves coercion insofar as adoption, tax breaks and insurance subsidization. Unstructured families involve everyone as they contribute to social demise and community decay. That is more coercion. Homo marriage legally grants unstructured families.

Horseshit. A gay marriage contributes the same positives to our society that straight marriages do, with the possible exception of the birth of children.

According to Merriam Webster, the definition of "coerce" is:
verb co·erce \kō-ˈərs\
: to make (someone) do something by using force or threats
: to get (something) by using force or threats"

That does not apply to any marriage, including same-sex marriages.
Taxation is coercion. Subsidization is coercion. Legal marriage provides for both.
Homo marriage contrives alternatives to structured families which have been empirically determined to contribute to social demise.
Get out of the 80's and progress a little.

I would like to see any evidence you have that gay marriage has been determined to contribute to social demise, while a 50% divorce rate among straight marriages is a structured family.

Marriage provides tax breaks for those in that institution. That is one of the +/- 1,400 benefits that married couples enjoy (federal, state & local).
Tax benefits and subsidization a coercions. Granting coercion based on irrelevant sex behavior is unacceptable and infringement on liberty.
Citing the increase in divorce as an excuse is attempting to use a bad thing to justify another bad thing.
Post-1960's culture demonstrates uniquely that family structure is socially pertinent. Contributing to the decay of family structure contributes to social demise. This is a fairly recent phenomenon and is obfuscated by homo marriage and single mom agendas because it is inconvenient.

The marriages of gays is not about sexual behavior. They can have the same sex without being married.

They get married for the same reasons straight couples do. And that is the simple truth.

My marriages were not based on our sexual activities but on our love for one another and our desire to have a public, long-term, committed relationship. It is the same with gays. They are not gay based solely on what they do in bed, but also on who they love.
No, marriage was created for solidification of family. It's just that that was such an obvious given they probably didn't expect it would need to be stipulated.
Now we get to endure the consequences of the semantic twisting of the original intent.
Thanks for the crime.
Horseshit. A gay marriage contributes the same positives to our society that straight marriages do, with the possible exception of the birth of children.

According to Merriam Webster, the definition of "coerce" is:
verb co·erce \kō-ˈərs\
: to make (someone) do something by using force or threats
: to get (something) by using force or threats"

That does not apply to any marriage, including same-sex marriages.
Taxation is coercion. Subsidization is coercion. Legal marriage provides for both.
Homo marriage contrives alternatives to structured families which have been empirically determined to contribute to social demise.
Get out of the 80's and progress a little.

I would like to see any evidence you have that gay marriage has been determined to contribute to social demise, while a 50% divorce rate among straight marriages is a structured family.

Marriage provides tax breaks for those in that institution. That is one of the +/- 1,400 benefits that married couples enjoy (federal, state & local).
Tax benefits and subsidization a coercions. Granting coercion based on irrelevant sex behavior is unacceptable and infringement on liberty.
Citing the increase in divorce as an excuse is attempting to use a bad thing to justify another bad thing.
Post-1960's culture demonstrates uniquely that family structure is socially pertinent. Contributing to the decay of family structure contributes to social demise. This is a fairly recent phenomenon and is obfuscated by homo marriage and single mom agendas because it is inconvenient.

The marriages of gays is not about sexual behavior. They can have the same sex without being married.

They get married for the same reasons straight couples do. And that is the simple truth.

My marriages were not based on our sexual activities but on our love for one another and our desire to have a public, long-term, committed relationship. It is the same with gays. They are not gay based solely on what they do in bed, but also on who they love.
No, marriage was created for solidification of family. It's just that that was such an obvious given they probably didn't expect it would need to be stipulated.
Now we get to endure the consequences of the semantic twisting of the original intent.
Thanks for the crime.

Crime? lmao Including same sex couples who wish to create a legal and long-term relationship is a crime? That is laughably insane. And it still solidifies the family. It makes it easier to adopt and gives both parents rights where the children (either adopted or artificially conceived) are concerned.

Marriage provides numerous benefits to our society. What benefits, other than natural conception of children, is not provided by a gay marriage?
Taxation and subsidization are constitutional and ethical.

Government is coercive. It is given the right by We the People.

Trot along, Rosh.
That is why we established a form of government that is supposed to be as minimal as possible, to reduce or eliminate coercion. You excuse communism. Way to go.
You and I did nothing of the sort. That was not the purpose of the creation of the government. Go read the Constitution. Legitimate government is coercion only to a broken mind who cannot accept that we live in and have commitments to creating a decent society.
Rosh wants to coerce those with whom he disagrees, which is what he supposedly opposes. He's a broken creature.
People fear what they do not understand.
How interesting you being the one to say this when you couldn't be a better example of it the way that you never hesitate to give certain people here all of the grief that you give them about what they choose to stand for and believe in.

God bless you always!!!

I'm glad people are realizing that gays are the bullies and standing up for themselves.
The American people realize that in fact you are the bullies and are willing to kick your asses about it.
Yeah I know. More and more people are seeing how the lesbos/trans people bully poor straight girls and the same way goes with gay men. Do you know how many men have been sexually assaulted by other men? It's going up because of the lefties acceptance of this behavior.
No one is 'forcing' anything on anyone – seeking one's comprehensive civil rights is not 'forcing.'

Of course you and other bigots on the right can't see that, blinded by your unwarranted hate.
Legal homo marriage is homo coercion.

WTF? Who is being coerced? No one. Both parties are willing, consenting adults. So it doesn't effect you at all.
Legal marriage involves coercion insofar as adoption, tax breaks and insurance subsidization. Unstructured families involve everyone as they contribute to social demise and community decay. That is more coercion. Homo marriage legally grants unstructured families.

Horseshit. A gay marriage contributes the same positives to our society that straight marriages do, with the possible exception of the birth of children.

According to Merriam Webster, the definition of "coerce" is:
verb co·erce \kō-ˈərs\
: to make (someone) do something by using force or threats
: to get (something) by using force or threats"

That does not apply to any marriage, including same-sex marriages.
Taxation is coercion. Subsidization is coercion. Legal marriage provides for both.
Homo marriage contrives alternatives to structured families which have been empirically determined to contribute to social demise.
Get out of the 80's and progress a little.
Countries with weak governments are subjugated. Something asswipes want for this country.
People fear what they do not understand.
How interesting you being the one to say this when you couldn't be a better example of it the way that you never hesitate to give certain people here all of the grief that you give them about what they choose to stand for and believe in.

God bless you always!!!


Oh I understand you just fine. You're overweight and fugly and look like an Ewok with mange. And you are obsessed with some guy named James Otto. You all sorts of pathetic

Taxation is coercion. Subsidization is coercion. Legal marriage provides for both.
Homo marriage contrives alternatives to structured families which have been empirically determined to contribute to social demise.
Get out of the 80's and progress a little.

I would like to see any evidence you have that gay marriage has been determined to contribute to social demise, while a 50% divorce rate among straight marriages is a structured family.

Marriage provides tax breaks for those in that institution. That is one of the +/- 1,400 benefits that married couples enjoy (federal, state & local).
Tax benefits and subsidization a coercions. Granting coercion based on irrelevant sex behavior is unacceptable and infringement on liberty.
Citing the increase in divorce as an excuse is attempting to use a bad thing to justify another bad thing.
Post-1960's culture demonstrates uniquely that family structure is socially pertinent. Contributing to the decay of family structure contributes to social demise. This is a fairly recent phenomenon and is obfuscated by homo marriage and single mom agendas because it is inconvenient.

The marriages of gays is not about sexual behavior. They can have the same sex without being married.

They get married for the same reasons straight couples do. And that is the simple truth.

My marriages were not based on our sexual activities but on our love for one another and our desire to have a public, long-term, committed relationship. It is the same with gays. They are not gay based solely on what they do in bed, but also on who they love.
No, marriage was created for solidification of family. It's just that that was such an obvious given they probably didn't expect it would need to be stipulated.
Now we get to endure the consequences of the semantic twisting of the original intent.
Thanks for the crime.

Crime? lmao Including same sex couples who wish to create a legal and long-term relationship is a crime? That is laughably insane. And it still solidifies the family. It makes it easier to adopt and gives both parents rights where the children (either adopted or artificially conceived) are concerned.

Marriage provides numerous benefits to our society. What benefits, other than natural conception of children, is not provided by a gay marriage?
Crime is the result of the depletion of structured families. Kids need a mother and a father, not either or two of either but both.
Taxation and subsidization are constitutional and ethical.

Government is coercive. It is given the right by We the People.

Trot along, Rosh.
That is why we established a form of government that is supposed to be as minimal as possible, to reduce or eliminate coercion. You excuse communism. Way to go.
You and I did nothing of the sort. That was not the purpose of the creation of the government. Go read the Constitution. Legitimate government is coercion only to a broken mind who cannot accept that we live in and have commitments to creating a decent society.
You endorse larger government.
Legal homo marriage is homo coercion.

WTF? Who is being coerced? No one. Both parties are willing, consenting adults. So it doesn't effect you at all.
Legal marriage involves coercion insofar as adoption, tax breaks and insurance subsidization. Unstructured families involve everyone as they contribute to social demise and community decay. That is more coercion. Homo marriage legally grants unstructured families.

Horseshit. A gay marriage contributes the same positives to our society that straight marriages do, with the possible exception of the birth of children.

According to Merriam Webster, the definition of "coerce" is:
verb co·erce \kō-ˈərs\
: to make (someone) do something by using force or threats
: to get (something) by using force or threats"

That does not apply to any marriage, including same-sex marriages.
Taxation is coercion. Subsidization is coercion. Legal marriage provides for both.
Homo marriage contrives alternatives to structured families which have been empirically determined to contribute to social demise.
Get out of the 80's and progress a little.
Countries with weak governments are subjugated. Something asswipes want for this country.
No one I know wants a weak government. We want limited, efficient government that doesn't stifle liberty or dictate choice.
I would like to see any evidence you have that gay marriage has been determined to contribute to social demise, while a 50% divorce rate among straight marriages is a structured family.

Marriage provides tax breaks for those in that institution. That is one of the +/- 1,400 benefits that married couples enjoy (federal, state & local).
Tax benefits and subsidization a coercions. Granting coercion based on irrelevant sex behavior is unacceptable and infringement on liberty.
Citing the increase in divorce as an excuse is attempting to use a bad thing to justify another bad thing.
Post-1960's culture demonstrates uniquely that family structure is socially pertinent. Contributing to the decay of family structure contributes to social demise. This is a fairly recent phenomenon and is obfuscated by homo marriage and single mom agendas because it is inconvenient.

The marriages of gays is not about sexual behavior. They can have the same sex without being married.

They get married for the same reasons straight couples do. And that is the simple truth.

My marriages were not based on our sexual activities but on our love for one another and our desire to have a public, long-term, committed relationship. It is the same with gays. They are not gay based solely on what they do in bed, but also on who they love.
No, marriage was created for solidification of family. It's just that that was such an obvious given they probably didn't expect it would need to be stipulated.
Now we get to endure the consequences of the semantic twisting of the original intent.
Thanks for the crime.

Crime? lmao Including same sex couples who wish to create a legal and long-term relationship is a crime? That is laughably insane. And it still solidifies the family. It makes it easier to adopt and gives both parents rights where the children (either adopted or artificially conceived) are concerned.

Marriage provides numerous benefits to our society. What benefits, other than natural conception of children, is not provided by a gay marriage?
Crime is the result of the depletion of structured families. Kids need a mother and a father, not either or two of either but both.

Kids need parents who love them and work to make sure they have what they need. Gender is not the issue.
WTF? Who is being coerced? No one. Both parties are willing, consenting adults. So it doesn't effect you at all.
Legal marriage involves coercion insofar as adoption, tax breaks and insurance subsidization. Unstructured families involve everyone as they contribute to social demise and community decay. That is more coercion. Homo marriage legally grants unstructured families.

Horseshit. A gay marriage contributes the same positives to our society that straight marriages do, with the possible exception of the birth of children.

According to Merriam Webster, the definition of "coerce" is:
verb co·erce \kō-ˈərs\
: to make (someone) do something by using force or threats
: to get (something) by using force or threats"

That does not apply to any marriage, including same-sex marriages.
Taxation is coercion. Subsidization is coercion. Legal marriage provides for both.
Homo marriage contrives alternatives to structured families which have been empirically determined to contribute to social demise.
Get out of the 80's and progress a little.
Countries with weak governments are subjugated. Something asswipes want for this country.
No one I know wants a weak government. We want limited, efficient government that doesn't stifle liberty or dictate choice.

So get the gov't out of marriage altogether. I am all for limited gov't.

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