Students Cheer As Homosexual Flag Is Cut Down

Normal? There have always been homersexuals in every society, that, is normal...
Putting them upon a pedestal is not normal.
"Putting them upon a pedestal"? :heehee:
The fact is gays are a very small percentage of the population who are already protected by the same laws that protect everyone. The ridiculous admiration for a lifestyle of relatively few and the lies that come with it is getting very old. They need to live their lives and STFU.

'Admiration'? That's your dumb fuck opinion, nobody else's.
They sound like "Focus on the Family" that advised in one of their newsletters that fathers should shower with their sons and show off their "family jewels" in order to keep them from becoming gay.
i think you will need to document that lib lie
James Dobson's Patented Cure for the Gay From back in 2005.
haven't you learned by now that third party rumors without actual direct documentation are not acceptable?

Dont tell me what someone else says that Dobson said.

Thats just a lib lie till proven otherwise
I saw the actual newsletter way back then.....Dobson got a lot of flack for it then....but you are free to not believe it. He really put that out there tho.
Here you go:

ok thanks

after reading it more in context that does not sound so bad.

Where exactly do you think you found a Gotcha?
Normal? There have always been homersexuals in every society, that, is normal...
Homosexuality may be "normal" but it isn't right. God calls it an abomination.
He's your God he's not mine, mine doesn't care who you sleep with while ignoring people that are dying of starvation, disease or human abuses.
He's God over all, you just don't believe.

Maybe they have absolutely no good reason to.
And once again, it won't be long that Democrats begin supporting the rights of kiddie diddlers and the NAMBLA crowd.
That ship has sailed...

Republicans voted for Dennis Hastert, your president trump was BFF with Epstein. You have a pedo enabler in Gym Jordan....pushed for another pedo in Roy Moore AND then there's lil'Matt Gaetz and his pool boy.

Lies, lies, and more lies! Is that all you know how to do? How do you earn a paycheck lying so much? Paid posted for the DNC?
Republicans didn't vote for Dennis Hastert for Speaker of the House? Your president wasn't BFF with Epstein? View attachment 485990 Gym Jordan, being a Mandatory Reporter, wasn't a pedo enabler? Roy Moore isn't a pedo but supported by trump? And....we are all watching the lil'Matt Gaetz story unfold as we speak.

No one knew Hastert was gay as he did it many years before. He was convicted of bank fraud.

Trump was not BFF with Epstein, Roy Moore's "victim" was not credible and Gaetz story is fake news.
There are still some normal kids out there

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Whon are these jerks? Where and when was this? You apparently did not get the memo: Homosexuality Has Been Normalized. Gay folks are part of the fabric of society. Same sex couples marry and have families and are contributing members of the community. They are just like everyone else. It is not about the sex...which the bigots focus on....which is maybe 1% of there life....just like with straight people. It's about relationships and everything else that they do. So again, what exactly is your problem?
You need to stay away from people...particularly children...because you cannot distinguish between what hurts others and what does not.
It's detrimental for any child to see homo's out in public.
It sends the wrong message that these perverts are normal people.
They should be rounded up, locked up, and given long term treatment to cure them of their sick lifestyle.... :cool:
Says who?
They sound like "Focus on the Family" that advised in one of their newsletters that fathers should shower with their sons and show off their "family jewels" in order to keep them from becoming gay.
i think you will need to document that lib lie
James Dobson's Patented Cure for the Gay From back in 2005.
haven't you learned by now that third party rumors without actual direct documentation are not acceptable?

Dont tell me what someone else says that Dobson said.

Thats just a lib lie till proven otherwise
I saw the actual newsletter way back then.....Dobson got a lot of flack for it then....but you are free to not believe it. He really put that out there tho.
Here you go:

ok thanks

after reading it more in context that does not sound so bad.

Where exactly do you think you found a Gotcha?
Of course you don't....:heehee:
There are still some normal kids out there

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Whon are these jerks? Where and when was this? You apparently did not get the memo: Homosexuality Has Been Normalized. Gay folks are part of the fabric of society. Same sex couples marry and have families and are contributing members of the community. They are just like everyone else. It is not about the sex...which the bigots focus on....which is maybe 1% of there life....just like with straight people. It's about relationships and everything else that they do. So again, what exactly is your problem?
The School had international flag day and some queers hung their rainbow aids flag up without School permission
You can be forgiven for sins? Had you not heard of that?

Heard it, never bought it. That gives one free reign to be a lowlife hypocritical piece of shit and never be held accountable for it here - on this mortal plane. So your mythical easy button theory doesn't hold water to me.
There are still some normal kids out there

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Whon are these jerks? Where and when was this? You apparently did not get the memo: Homosexuality Has Been Normalized. Gay folks are part of the fabric of society. Same sex couples marry and have families and are contributing members of the community. They are just like everyone else. It is not about the sex...which the bigots focus on....which is maybe 1% of there life....just like with straight people. It's about relationships and everything else that they do. So again, what exactly is your problem?
The School had international flag day and some queers hung their rainbow aids flag up without School permission
You are not dealing with the issues that I raised. What is your problem? It's not just the flag, is it? You have a problem with gay folks no matter what they do.n You have a problem with their very existence . Admiit it.
And once again, it won't be long that Democrats begin supporting the rights of kiddie diddlers and the NAMBLA crowd.
That ship has sailed...

Republicans voted for Dennis Hastert, your president trump was BFF with Epstein. You have a pedo enabler in Gym Jordan....pushed for another pedo in Roy Moore AND then there's lil'Matt Gaetz and his pool boy.

Lies, lies, and more lies! Is that all you know how to do? How do you earn a paycheck lying so much? Paid posted for the DNC?
Republicans didn't vote for Dennis Hastert for Speaker of the House? Your president wasn't BFF with Epstein? View attachment 485990 Gym Jordan, being a Mandatory Reporter, wasn't a pedo enabler? Roy Moore isn't a pedo but supported by trump? And....we are all watching the lil'Matt Gaetz story unfold as we speak.

No one knew Hastert was gay as he did it many years before. He was convicted of bank fraud.

Trump was not BFF with Epstein, Roy Moore's "victim" was not credible and Gaetz story is fake news.
Uh Huh.....;) Just like Lady G.....*wink *wink
Admiit it.
I will

homos give me the creeps

but I have never beat one up or went looking for trouble

if they were in the closet where they belong I would be ok knowing some were around

But now they are everywhere in positions that they can influence children

And I dont tolerate that
And once again, it won't be long that Democrats begin supporting the rights of kiddie diddlers and the NAMBLA crowd.
That ship has sailed...

Republicans voted for Dennis Hastert, your president trump was BFF with Epstein. You have a pedo enabler in Gym Jordan....pushed for another pedo in Roy Moore AND then there's lil'Matt Gaetz and his pool boy.

Lies, lies, and more lies! Is that all you know how to do? How do you earn a paycheck lying so much? Paid posted for the DNC?
Republicans didn't vote for Dennis Hastert for Speaker of the House? Your president wasn't BFF with Epstein? View attachment 485990 Gym Jordan, being a Mandatory Reporter, wasn't a pedo enabler? Roy Moore isn't a pedo but supported by trump? And....we are all watching the lil'Matt Gaetz story unfold as we speak.

No one knew Hastert was gay as he did it many years before. He was convicted of bank fraud.

Trump was not BFF with Epstein, Roy Moore's "victim" was not credible and Gaetz story is fake news.
Uh Huh.....;) Just like Lady G.....*wink *wink

WTF is that supposed to mean, dumbass?
Admiit it.
I will

homos give me the creeps

but I have never beat one up or went looking for trouble

if they were in the closet where they belong I would be ok knowing some were around

But now they are everywhere in positions that they can influence children

And I dont tolerate that
What the fuck are you talking about? They are just people going about there lives like you and I .For the most part, you don't even know who they are. You apparently have some outdated immage in your head of flamboyant gays acting out in a parade.

What do you mean by being in the closet? Having to hide their sexuality. Having to hide who their partner is ? Who they love? Do you have to hide and worry about people knowing who you love-if you love anybody? Aren't you "out" ? You are not special. You do not get special rights like bigots accuse gays of demanding.

And what is that bullshit about influencing children? You mean " recruiting don't you? That is just too fucking stupid for words and reflucts your piss poor understanding of the complexities of human sexuality. If they influence children it is to help them to develop into rational and compssionate adults who are able to accept and respect other for who they are , and to love themselves regardless of their sexuality or gender identity. You really need an education on this stuff and hopefully this is a begining
There are still some normal kids out there

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Whon are these jerks? Where and when was this? You apparently did not get the memo: Homosexuality Has Been Normalized. Gay folks are part of the fabric of society. Same sex couples marry and have families and are contributing members of the community. They are just like everyone else. It is not about the sex...which the bigots focus on....which is maybe 1% of there life....just like with straight people. It's about relationships and everything else that they do. So again, what exactly is your problem?
The School had international flag day and some queers hung their rainbow aids flag up without School permission
Hanging the flag was not appropriate since gay is not a nation.

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