Students Cheer As Homosexual Flag Is Cut Down

God's special way of controlling population growth.
Well then one would think the first people he would do this to would be his various cults.

Moonglow is butthurt right now
No I am not I have only pity for a creature like you who wants to be authoritarians and tell society what is right and what is wrong and abuse those you hate with denial of human rights and freedoms... You people do shit like make it hard for people to exist because your religion of love teaches you how to hate.

Irony alert considering these flags get waved in your face everywhere you go as some sort of mechanism to conform and respect it.

If folk want to be gay (or are born gay) then that's fine - let them. Makes no odds to me and shouldn't bother any rational minded person what 2 adults want to do with their life provided no-one's getting hurt but some of this crap goes way beyond basic tolerance and acceptance. We all know it - yourself included.
There are still some normal kids out there
I don't think we'll ever totally get back to normal, but we can hope.
Normal like 2018 when 80000 Americans died from the flu and no one cared you mean?
80,000 vs over 500,000......CRCs aren't very good at math.
LOL including the 100000 that democratic governors murdered in nursing homes.


PS Any good shootings on your street in Shitcago today?
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But now they are everywhere in positions that they can influence children

Lots of people are in positions where they can influence children. We had trump as president and pence as VP, didn't we? Kids were exposed to them.
He's your God he's not mine, mine doesn't care who you sleep with while ignoring people that are dying of starvation, disease or human abuses.
Commie atheists don't have a God.
Interesting that assume someone is a communist....or that they are an atheist...............just because they don't agree with you on your god myth. Good thing our Constitution and our secular laws are there to protect us from such taliban-like thoughts.
Shut up commie atheist.
Let's let daddy shower with son and show him how big his penis is.
In our modern, liberal, progressive, sex obsessed culture we are awash in pornographic sex images

before the lib sexual revolution men were able to share a bed without fucking each other in the butt

they just didnt have those thoughts in their mind

but today its not so

especially among liberals, but everyone with a television and or a smart phone, or who has ever been to a movie theater has been exposed to images of the homosexual lifestyle

so naturally you cannot imagine a father naked in front of his son without immediately jumping to conclusions that may apply to libs but not always to conservative Christians

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