Students Demand Divestment From Fossil Fuels, Professor Orders Heat Turned Off


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
“It is all too easy to request others to do things that carry no personal cost to yourself. The question is whether you and others are prepared to make personal sacrifices to achieve the goals of environmental improvement”

The student organizer’s response: “This is an inappropriate and flippant response by the bursar to what we were hoping would be a mature discussion. It’s January and it would be borderline dangerous to switch off the central heating.”

Students demanded divestment from fossil fuels, a professor offered to turn off the gas heating

Well played.
“It is all too easy to request others to do things that carry no personal cost to yourself. The question is whether you and others are prepared to make personal sacrifices to achieve the goals of environmental improvement”

The student organizer’s response: “This is an inappropriate and flippant response by the bursar to what we were hoping would be a mature discussion. It’s January and it would be borderline dangerous to switch off the central heating.”

Students demanded divestment from fossil fuels, a professor offered to turn off the gas heating

Well played.
It's so easy to demonstrate what dumbasses these snowflakes are.
Kinda why I think everyone should have to serve in the military...I don't think we would have >700 bases worldwide...and three wars going at once if we did.
Renewables will NEVER be sufficient to meet our energy needs. Never. And with the mindless rejection of Nuke, the snowflakes have worked themselves into a logical corner from which there is no escape.

But they should't feel badly. The Germans and the Japanese have done the same thing, and they are reputed to be "smart."
Shoulda taken up all their iphones, ipads etc since they use fossil fuels to be made.
“It is all too easy to request others to do things that carry no personal cost to yourself. The question is whether you and others are prepared to make personal sacrifices to achieve the goals of environmental improvement”

The student organizer’s response: “This is an inappropriate and flippant response by the bursar to what we were hoping would be a mature discussion. It’s January and it would be borderline dangerous to switch off the central heating.”

Students demanded divestment from fossil fuels, a professor offered to turn off the gas heating

Well played.

Well played indeed.
Problem is big oil is out to gouge us. Proven fact. But no politician will ever try to stick it to em.
“It is all too easy to request others to do things that carry no personal cost to yourself. The question is whether you and others are prepared to make personal sacrifices to achieve the goals of environmental improvement”

The student organizer’s response: “This is an inappropriate and flippant response by the bursar to what we were hoping would be a mature discussion. It’s January and it would be borderline dangerous to switch off the central heating.”

Students demanded divestment from fossil fuels, a professor offered to turn off the gas heating

Well played.

It's so easy to demonstrate what dumbasses these snowflakes are.

There's one, right now…

Problem is big oil is out to gouge us. Proven fact. But no politician will ever try to stick it to em.
Problem is big oil is out to gouge us. Proven fact. But no politician will ever try to stick it to em.
The term "gouge" is meaningless. the purchaser always believes he paid too much, and the seller always believes he received too little.

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